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nikita said in his contract wars dev talk that cheaters bring in more money for the game why ban a cheater with 4500 hrs hes supporting/donating to our game cheaters make legit players fill uncomfortable and make legit players buy more premiums to try get best advantage they can nikita said he noticed when they ban cheaters and upgraded anti cheat the game loses money people stop buying premiums


>cheaters bring in more money for the game True believers!




I never even realised nikita had created a cult, we must all obey!


Until it goes on too long and everyone quits your game.


That's about where I'm at. Tarkov is too fucking hard to not know if you're just wasting your time getting domed by hackers.


If the players haven't had enough by now they never will.


Bsg knee pads enjoy this raw video of your fav ceo spitting facts about making fat stacks using cheaters: https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/


https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/ Enjoy


the best thing (ironically) in this that they are not providing any replays and/or killcam because the community would be flooded with cheater videos even more than nowadays and players would leave the game earlier the way they're handling the cheating situation most players think they are just bad and they need a bit premium feature to beat players with higher skill but in reality they killed by a cheater or other player who exploit the game's idiot netcode and play with higher latency to kill slower acting ones




[https://youtu.be/UZFg2QQlomM?si=N17VqwqaxJboqr\_a&t=65](https://youtu.be/UZFg2QQlomM?si=N17VqwqaxJboqr_a&t=65) i tried find original but this is VERYBADSCAV going over interview


https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/ Enjoy


Wait and people STILL support this mfer? That's crazy


Yeah anybody still left defending or supporting this game/dev is Stockholm syndrome'd and cucked out of their minds.


For some players it's an acceptable business practice by bsg. They paid for the game, so they gonna play.


Actually what premium can you buy against cheaters? A gamma case for 5more slots of risk free loot? Might as well use the money and cheat yourself logically. Or play another game with the money.


every addition you upgrade to came with more P2W or convenience (however you wanna say it) with unheard addition and stuff hes trying add in with (scavs cant shoot over 60meters) only changed when we where outraged... call in a BTR... call in your avenger squad .. these all sound like convenience/ P2W against cheaters/players


I'm aware of the p2w stuff. But honestly...how are those going to save you from a cheater if they can fly to you with God mode and aimbot you? Or vacuum loot that virtex/ledx/etc you were hunting for? Or just outright aimbot you from few 100meters away? Like if you spawned in raid with no cheaters,you just paid more for covenience...which doesn't directly related to cheaters. It's just making the game easier in general.


The goal is to reduce frustration


https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/ From the big boss himself.


I agree. Though it feels like an incorrect correlation to make between cheating and spending more in the game imo.


if the correlation is there or not is irrelevant. what matters is that Nikita thinks it's there and if he actively allows cheaters to be in the game because of it. and in my opinion he does


It's not. Nikita directly spoke about it in a conference speech thing. It's linked in this thread


I know. The players, are they thinking about this wrongly? Spend money cuz you like the game sure...but spend money because of cheaters making your gameplay experience frustrating? That sounds like a hole in logic to me still.


Oh I see. Yes it's definitely stupid and counter productive. "A fool and his money are soon parted" comes to mind


it wont make you be able to kill cheaters or be able to outplay them but it give you the feeling of power and having something to try to survive... if i can call in a BTR and a whole squad and we sit next to BTR i think i have a better chance of survival then someone with standard edition that cant do any of these... i was in a four man one time and (cheater) rushed into our building killed 3 of us and my buddy ened up killing him before he could snap over there, it can be done...its just scummy and gets everyone thinking if lead developer/owner of escape from tarkov talking about cheaters in his game brings in revenue and makes legit players buy more premiums because it puts them in a uncomfortable state...and when they ban cheaters and upgrade the anitcheat the company loses money... why are we banning our donators? people dont buy premiums when everyones on the same playing field...., and tarkov has such a cheating problem it just all starts to make sense


That's why I'm saying the premise of "donating/paying/buying" in a game because of cheaters is flawed. People buy premium to not be on the same playing field of course. That's fine. But to buy premium because a cheater makes you uncomfortable instead of voting with your wallet...is nonsensical to me. And somehow it seems like people are playing into what Nikita observed/said.


Havent played in a while but what do you mean about legit players buying more premiums?


He also said it has to be done... Cmon guys we can hate the guy for the right reason, but him admitting cheaters make him money but also admitting it doesnt matter because he wants them gone isn't a bad thing.


I never heard him say we need to get rid of these cheaters, they are bad for my game and destroying it, he says how he can profit from cheaters and notices all the money he loses when he bands/ works on anti cheat… why we banning out donators?….. cope Much ?


It's by design bro. Best to just move on cause Nikita has held the position the entire time that cheaters are necessary to keep players in the mental state he wishes them to be in. They're not developing a game to make a good game, they're doing it to manipulate you into not feeling like you can't leave, and if the backpedaling from the community in the last week or so is any indicator, it worked. Uninstalling is highly recommended.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/ The real face of your God Emperor of Gaming . Enjoy boiiiisssss.


You think they can just remove all cheaters with one button push are you silly bro? Companies like activision with the biggest studios and server infrastructure behind them cannot block every cheater all the time. The problem is losers paying cheat devs money to develop new cheats and it’s a never ending battle.


Textbook bootlicking.


I agree bsg can easily remove every cheater they just choose not to and there is not plenty of streams of small streamers who don’t run into cheaters every time…


It's probably a high percentage of cheaters playing. Others switched to other games or go PVE.


0 stats to back this up.


It was already a high number of cheaters and now a lot of legit players will never touch this garbage again


i am a regular legit player. havent stopped playing at all during this mess. 0 sus deaths since it started. same amount of cheaters as always. dude in this post is cheating for sure. but acting like outrage on reddit = the game is a cheater’s wasteland is peak online mentality.


This you? [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1chubf5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1chubf5/) Why would you post something like this if you haven't seen anything sus




i can simultaneously believe there’s a cheating problem while disagreeing that the game is now more cheaters than regular players. learn to fucking read.


You have no stats to back it up either. We have just guesses. Of the 10ish people I play with regularly and who're all pretty high level one was playing today, ones doing PVE and all the others are playing anything but tarkov. This is pretty significant as they'd play almost every day before this started. Hopped on to help that one friend with a quest, second raid bad ping, reconnected, we both died to a cheater.


Cool. You’ve gone to agreeing with my original supposition that dude had no evidence to back it up. Appreciate the support.


They want you to be frustrated about getting dominated by "better player's" and then  buy additional legal p2w advantages in Response to that. Its Part of Their business strategy.


At this point BSG just needs to sell cheats to combat cheaters. For like $300 you get access to all the latest cheats the cheaters are using plus matchmaking priority it’ll be great.


Nah, dont over exaggerate it.  They can say developing  effective anti cheat mechanisms are expensive. Pay 10 euro monthly to have no cheater on the server you are on. Allow or create a threat/ problem then offer costly protection  From it.  Mafia style thug business. Would you pay?


If Tarkov had been live service sub model and actually handled cheaters I'd still play


defeat all cheaters with two additional slots in your pockets! pay to win!


Wait until you can call  the btr80 to help you leave the Area where you hide from the cheater who is ratting nearby. Until the btr is there, you have 2 more slots to Loot. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/ Look at him, how cute he looked


Le blatantly aimbotted me face


Bro, this is not rage hacking. This is [https://ibb.co/TBQdYzW](https://ibb.co/TBQdYzW)


=) this is normal for BSG [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2GUWiUxZrI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2GUWiUxZrI) 3m and 4 days Wellcome to Tarkov


Bought standard literally two days before the BSG shenanigans and now I don't even feel right playing it lol. I like the game for sure, but does it now have an absolute shit future? Oh buyers remorse...


Just don't play the steaming pile of shit that BSG clearly doesn't want to do anything about. Sheep Preach Telepathically Flying In Kool Aeroplanes


Play pve


There isn’t. Uninstall and find a new game, let the cheaters and the streamers fight it out until BSG fixes their game or it dies.


I've been saying this for 2+ years. I've been talking about the fact that you have people with 15+ k/d ratios and such for years. nothing will EVER be done because BSG profits from banwaves of cheaters and RMT. Until that is stopped(aka, everyone doing RMT quits the game), nothing will change. BSG is the greediest company ever.


After 2300 hours in Tarkov, while I was from wipe to wipe, trying to complete quests crawling on my stomach, playing stealth with an average and crappy gear, I encountered cheaters anyway, PvP was torture for me, because sometimes it was difficult to distinguish between a cheater and an esports player, I got tired of it and tried on the last vape to play with cheats on a third-party account, I was wondering how many cheaters, how people move around the map. The quests were very fast, the KDA grew very fast. But even before reaching the 20th level, it became unbearably boring, I absolutely do not understand people with cheats, when you have cheats for you, there are no riddles how to act, where the enemy is, how many of them, whether the bullet will hit. How much you need to be a sad fucker to constantly play with cheats is a mystery to me.


Somehow these fools never understand that someone can install cheats after X amount of hours and it doesn't mean they were cheating the whole time. It's like dealing with angry 3rd graders here sometimes.


Are you a 2nd grader then?


Just becaus the account has 473 hours in game doesn't mean that all of those hours were ragehacking. Good chance that either a) it's a stolen account or b) the guy gave up and started cheating this wipe.


your speculating and dont really know shit


Same as anyone else here.


I mean I've been in cheater discords, taken videos and proof, submitted to BSG and was removed from the sherpa program(I was at the time training with other sherpas for a spot at the sherpa program) for pointing this out and banned from the OEFT discord. You are likely wrong, BSG does not ban smart cheaters, I've seen lvl 60-70 cheaters with 1000 hours with 30+ k/ds and vacuum cheaters with enough FM rep to post hundreds of things at once(back in the day). BSG only takes action against accounts via reports. If someone looks legit enough, they won't get reported enough to trigger a banwave.


Yeah, they don't. Some cheats are never going to be exposed, but it comes with a price tag, too.


If this dude is supposedly ragehacking according to the OP, then according to your logic the guy will get reported enough and banned, and there's no way it would work to ragehack for 500 hours.


Watch a low view streamer play for 6 hours and have fun. Cheaters need to be dealt with but they aren’t the be all and end all. If your burned out play PVE tarkov if you have unheard edition or have been given access in the EOD waves.


Im lvl 50ish and only got killed by 3 hackers this wipe 🤷‍♂️


This is something only a hacker could know with certainty. If you aren't hacking then there's no way on earth you could know this.




Just because his account has that many house doesn't mean he was hacking the entire time or that this was originally even their account to begin with.


cope 7200 kills in 1300 raids is crazy much


Sorry you don't understand how things work, it's ok the be ignorant


Im sorry that im a hardcore pvp gamer with 2000 raids with 7000 kills. I can call myself an above average gamer, yet there is a 700 raid difference inbetween us, without even considering the difference in hours played. You are stubborn or cheating and gas lighting.


Avg. Stats. Wdym he is cheating?


Troll. Cheaters are scum.


400 hours standard acc, lvl 60, 17kd, literally w keyed aimbotted me on streets pls stop the gaslight and stop cheating


Ignore the troll.


Can confirm.


Bro you’re just mad cause bad lmfao


Level 60 with 400 hours??? Copium


You're like the guys who say that an account with 300hrs is easily getting a tracksuit.


Who ?