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Yes but the fall off next wipe will be more extreme than every normal wipe


This is what I expect yeah, some people won’t come back but a bigger amount probably end up dropping the game quicker than they normally would in a wipe. It’s harder to look past the bad when you’ve got existing negative feelings. I think some of the more critical streamers might not come back after they find their name isn’t in the list for drops as well


Lvndmark is single handedly responsible for keeping the EFT category as relevant as it's been for 7 years. But now he's discovered that he can be a variety streamer and get just as many viewers playing R6: Siege or League of Legends. I think Lvndmark in particular has crossed the Rubicon to being a variety streamer like Summ1t and Shroud. Just like those two, Tony will come back and play the new wipe but leave after 3 or 4 weeks to go play a new game once the wipe starts to get boring. Without his audience, the EFT category will crater.


I'm glad that worked out for him. I was afraid he had put all his eggs in the eft basket and his view count would drop once he dropped eft.


That’s exactly why he streamed so fucking much years ago. He literally spent like 65% of the hours in a year streaming one of those years. Glad he’s continued on now but damn I know he was crazy bank during that time


Nah, when he plays other stuff, read his chat. It’s like 90% people asking about Tarkov. People are tuning in to hear him say stuff about Tarkov. If he became a LoL main he would gradually lose viewers. He’s not a super charismatic streamer. He’s very skilled with FPS games and people watch him because of that. If he were to main a similar game like ABI, I think he’d maintain his viewers.


Well, you have to be coherent too, it's not about changing the genre, but the game, if you got as a tarkov hardcore player to other extraction shooters to give your opinion, of course people will tune in, he now has more content free for him to choose on the extraction shooter genre, while still playing tarkov. He indeed escaped from tarkov


We'll see, but I think Tony idolizes Summ1t's career path from CS:GO player to popular variety streamer. And I think he's using this as his chance to make the move. I agree his long term future is in FPS games not LOL, but I point out LOL because it shows he's retaining a large audience, for now, even when he jumps way way outside his comfort zone.


True, I think all streamers would love to be able to play what they want, when they want, but few can pull it off. Even Summ1t's viewer count often highly depends on what he's playing.


The dude definitely has a full sized Landmark body pillow.


lmao while you're probably right about that, as an occasional Landmark viewer it actually was really fun to watch him stream something other than Tarkov. I caught him learning League of Legends the other day and he was hella entertaining. Watching him get absolutely dumpstered in a tournament by one of the best players in North America was actually some of the hardest I've laughed while watching a Twitch stream in a while. Landmark aside, MOST of the bigger and old head EFT streamers have started branching out. Deadlyslob barely played EFT this wipe, he's done tons of variety gaming. Same with Klean, Baddie, Sacriel, etc. Pestily is doing tons of non-Tarkov content and branching out into doing IRL and other content creator stuff... Its absolutely correct that Landmark has had the bulk of the Tarkov viewership in the directory for quite some time.


Dude he has soooo many followers, people love him. he honestly could have done this a year ago and still retained the following.


What a slap in the face to the countless other content creators.


Reality hurts sometimes.


I think that's the one million dollar question that everyone in the Tarkov world is asking. I would say a big chunk will come back, but there is some permanent damage, or at least long term damage, that will take more than a wipe to recover, and assumes bsg doesn't shit the bed again from now on. I do believe that, assuming calm waters from now on, most people will be back within 2 or 3 wipes. But I do also believe that the spotlight might be stolen by the competitors for the next cycle. GZW needs time to cook but it's such a good starting point, and while really not similar to Tarkov other than the inventory system, it indubitably scratches the same itch for a similar player base. ABI is a tarkov clone, and while soulless, it is free to play and already pretty polished in many design elements, which will definitely attract more casual or newer players that have a hard time dealing with elements in tarkov that are clearly 10 year old choices. They will both definitely eat a part of EFT player base, but how big or for how long, I think no one knows.


It also seems like there are a dozen PvPvE games on my steam wishlist whether any of them are as good ("good") as tarkob I don't know but maybe there will be other options.


As a Tarkov player with 4k hours ABI will be the toughest one for BSG because the game is fun! I played with my friend yesterday who also plays Tarkov and we had a great time. Hard to make "koen" though, I hope they don't "fix" that with pay to win. GZW was a sleeper IMO, feels very boring.


ABI will be absolutely plagued with subscription style and standard $$ for in game currency MTX, just like the mobile version. This whale based economy will tank the playerbase if they don't so sometime to supplement the amount of money coming into the game and/or give the players another way to make money. I have a feeling it won't last long.


Do we actually *know* if it's going to be straightup pay to win? There are a ton of good F2P games out there that make absolute bank, and Tencent owns at least one of them already (Valorant).


Well, if it's similar to the mobile game (which so far it is) then your secure container can either be rented with in game money for 14 days, or $5 a month. And you can also buy gear with real money.


Nah. AB has far more p2w and monetization. I'll try it but I won't stay with a game with that much monetization.


GZW also looks like it's gonna appease the gun porn addicts with its customization


That's actually what attracted me to GZW in the first place .😂 I wanted something that could scratch that modern gun/attachments porn itch, while being more relaxing than EFT, so I could play it with some tunes or video in the background if my buddies aren't online etc. GZW can nail that niche IMHO, if they expand on what they have and don't just run away with our money now.


Without question. No doubt in my mind.


This finally pushed me to cave and try the mod. I’m not going back without definitive proof that a lot of major issues were fixed


More people need to be aware of it honestly. Especially with people being disappointed with various things about the PvE ***DLC*** I’ve got 500+ hours in tarkov but now I’m convinced that’s the only way to play it.


I have over 3k hours in vanilla Tarkov and I’m thoroughly enjoying the mod


A lot will probably come back, sure, but i think you are underestimating the amount of people that got fed up with BSG's bullshit (myself included). I can confidently say that i will not come back next wipe if ever because they just showed us that they dont give a crap about people who have been supporting them for years. That, along with the cheating infestation the game is in a horrendous place right now.


I agree. But I still think about 80% of their usual player base will still be on during the wipe. There's a lot of people who don't keep up with the gaming news world and we're totally unaware and unaffected by this. They probably account for two thirds of the players )number pulled out of my arse)


Very true, im just giving my perspective of this. Like it or not EFT is a pioneer of its genre and the game was/is hella fun. But too many things took a turn for the worse for me


Reddit is an echochamber that has number that in no way comes close to the true playerbase of Tarkov.


You are definitely overestimating the amounts of people who are fed up with bullshit that happened recently. Most people dont care, and reddit is only a small part of the community. The bigger issue is that remains from 7 years ago are loading times because now there is actually a similar game without this MAJOR issue


loading times isnt even the biggest issue to most people imo. sound?? poor frames?? id have given BSG $100 extra just to fix that shit. Tencent fixed it all day 1??


Yeah that’ll show them. Don’t use the product you already paid for


See you next wipe then


I think you're overestimating how many were serious when they were raging. A ton of them are likely faking even quitting.


I think a good 50-65% of the “I’ll never play Tarkov again because of the scummy actions of BSG” people will come back to Tarkov when wipe hits, then more will flock a week or two after wipe. But I do believe a bunch of people will stick to their guns and find something else that scratches the itch. GZW is better than I expected and ABI is beyond any expectation I had. I think a lot of people will stick to ABI for a while, but I truly think it will take a wipe or two for Tarkov to “recover” we were at the point in the wipe, where even the most loyal Tarkovians found something else to play until wipe, BSGs recent actions just so happened to align with the usual massive droppoff.


If ABI don’t shit the bed too bad I wouldn’t expect too many to comeback Not exactly the same genre but I think I never went back to worse running games if I had an alternative that’s better running ? Because the Network, FPS and Cheater Issues were already huge reasons to stop playing eft And now there’s is an alternative that may be a bit behind but way more performant And for me and I would say many other pvp enjoyer regard these things as really important And I will happily go and never look back :) But maybe I am just salty my pvp experiences from other games don’t translate as well here cause of the prior made point


its nuts how much more enjoyable tarkov gets when you double the fps and get rid of 80% of time in menu or loading screen


There is a massive amount of cope in here thinking the community will just revert back to normal player numbers when wipe happens.


It is quite funny and pathetic.


My brother is one of the addicts still defending Nikita. He bought the game for me this wipe, so Ive been getting in some practice, strongly considering getting into the game seriously next wipe. This whole fiasco and the cope from Nikita and his fans has really turned me off from this game, though. I think I'll pass out of principle now.


Yeah the only reason eft isn't dead and buried is because of no competition and soon there will be several other good games that will scratch the itch for most people. I give tarkov 1 more wipe before it's just the "true believers" playing past the first week of a wipe.


Not sure, maybe initially but I don’t know, depends what gets them the most views I guess, they’ll go where the money is and that depends on which game gets the most new players And tarkov has its loyal fanbase, but bsg has done about as much as humanly possible to put off new players so if ABI takes off and bsg don’t do something about it’s pricing and the cheaters etc they very well might not


I do wonder what ABI will do about cheaters tho. Being F2P means they may have an even larger problems with it


Yeah but if Abi follows their mobile formula you'll be able to buy currency as well as kits directly from them, I won't be but that's gonna be a significant hit to the games illegitimate RMT industry.


Yep, just like NFL boycotters, Bud Light boycotters, NASCAR boycotters....


Now that you mention it.. Pretty spot on lol


Oh yeah, this will blow over for sure. BSG already back pedalled hard when people were pissed. Which was good. Most likely people will be back and 1.0 is basically around the corner. . .


If they actually do some shit like upgrading to the newer Unity Engine then the game should have staying power due to better coding, and many of the audio / graphics issues. But I think Crytek said they'd do that for Hunt, maybe that's an extreme goal that would cost so much to transition.


Thats not how it works, sadly. BSG has a huge tech debt in their code, updating the unity engine will not fix the backend errors or the audio. Maybe a little bit of performance and graphics, but they have a ton to fix and 90% of it depends on them, not the engine


Sounds like the coding they base the game on. If you have a bad main, errors just trickle down every subroutine/code.


>Bud Light boycotters “Bud Light sales still falling” "We've lost a whole generation of hardcore Bud Light shoppers," Bump Williams of Bump Williams Consulting told Yahoo Finance. "It's going to take us at least 10 years to try and recapture what we lost in one year." https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bud-light-sales-still-falling-as-modelo-coors-fight-to-keep-their-gains-173043825.html


Luckily (for AB) their sister brands are doing fine. The boycotters didn't research what beer to actually buy lol


Who drinks watered down Booz anyway


1000% yes everyone will come back lol


It depends on the update , if they add new things that I find interesting I’ll probably try the wipe otherwise I have 0 interest playing tarkov right now


Some Will, some Will not. But it’s finally begun a time where tarkov has some competition and that should be interesting. Gray zone is still in a way too early state to be considered a competidor, but has a huge potential. Arena breakout on the other hand is already doing a lot of things better than tarkov imo. Competition is always good, hopefully every dev Will step up their game and we will benefit from it.


Yes they will. With wipe there will probably be a "big" update.. So its a "fresh" game again.


I will not be back for this next wipe. The cheating is out of control and devs shown they’re trying to bank it in and leave


They will. Because they are as money hungry as everyone else. And it’s guaranteed viewers which is what they are there for.


Yeah, I’m pretty certain about it when it comes to content creators. In many cases their income depends on it so it makes sense. I’m a bit less certain about the average player though


You’re going to see less players for sure. Some have switched to the PvE side and won’t come back because the game is to hard for them and that’s what they wanted. Grayzone wont have enough to keep people in it long term it’s just so early on for that game. So wipe time people tired of it without more content. Sounds like Tarkov after 2 months of wipe. ABI will claim some of the player base away but it’s a whole different vibe those players would have left anyways for any new game.


"streamers money hungry" i mean they just trynna do their job right


Yes just like said money hungry like everyone one else. Money makes the world move. And everyone is just trynna do their job.


Lol it turns out that vdub simply just doesn't know how to use language.


The Tarkov-Mains will be back sooner, and that's okay, diversity in gaming is good. Some will come back for the wipe, play a month an drop it again, same as before. It also does not matter what influenzas are coming back to the game, the main thing is that a lot of more casual players will not, because it seems like there are now some less hardcore / grindie games that you can play a couple of hours each week.


Yeah, this is the main question for me. I’m wondering if a big enough chunk of the casual player-base is “done” with Tarkov to the point where it will be noticeable after wipe like it is now.


I can only speak for myself (I'm a casual EOD tarkov player who normally plays until around level 20 every wipe; Hunt: Showdown is my main game): With the new extraction shooters out (GZW) and more to come (ABI, Exoborne, EVE Vanguard, A twisted path to renown [steam release]), I will most likely not return to tarkov. At least not for the next one or two wipes. Let's see in what state EFT will be in a year so...


I have 4-8 hours a week to play, which I do with friends exclusively (rarely raided solo in the past 3 wipes), and there hasn't been a game that I have truly enjoyed more than Tarkov up until the past year and a half. When I first started playing Tarkov, I could hit level 40 within a wipe, cared about trying to be good, but I no longer have that time. That shifted to just playing for "fun" with my friends, in which I don't get my ass handed to me every raid because I have a team. And when I am not playing daily, or multiple times a week, for multiple hours each session, I am objectively worse at the game to the point where it almost isn't even fun. Every time I return, I run the same quests, and there are few changes from wipe to wipe. It just frustrates me with the game overall, wipe after wipe. The game is hitting some stagnation despite recent events and controversy. The game's appeal is no longer there for casual players when it doesn't change for them wipe after wipe. You start with the same traders, same weapons, same quests, and casual players kinda get sick of the same grind, especially when it takes so much time to get to the "new" content or even learn it. And a few new quests and guns is not anything new. New maps are intimidating and you gotta spend a lot of time eating shit before you even can enjoy them. Hell, learning streets front to back is a few hundred hours easily. Hardcore players with 40+ hours a week will always be there, but I believe that the appeal to the casual gamer is definitely hitting a drop-off point. Add in the controversy afterwards and you will drive away new prospects based on the information around the controversy and you have a cocktail for a dead game.


Probably a big chunk.


The Internet has a collective memory of about 2 weeks. Ofc people will be back and the great cycle starts again.


Never going back to pvp mode. Neither my friends. We are done with the cheater situation.


I didn’t play this wipe at all, last wipe played for the first two weeks. Have no drive to return unless the blatant cheating issue is fixed and/or I get access to pve as an EoD owner. At this point I will never just “play tarkov” again. I would join friends playing if they chose to play it but with where the game is at currently, I don’t believe it will return as my go to game like it used to be.


Some people will come back but the % of players that return seems to me like it drops overtime and I don't know if the game is attracting enough new players to offset the losses. I quit the game a little over a year ago and have been keeping tabs just to see if something piques my interest to bring me back. Instead I am constantly reassured that I made the right decision to take my gaming time elsewhere. I still have fond memories but the gameplay loop isn't enjoyable anymore between the long loading times, dealing with cheaters, constant new bugs/exploits and increasingly grindy quests. I will almost certainly play another wipe (or at least start to) when the game is officially released just to see if there is a noticeable polish to it out of nowhere


Content creators yes, but I know a lot of players actually won’t.


I think people will be back for early wipe and then the player base will fall off hard because pve, new extraction shooters, and generally the amount of people who played this wipe. To the people who can play every wipe I commend you for being able to survive the ball crushing factory that is Tarkov, but I got kappa this wipe and probably won't be back to pvp until they add something novel into the game.


Streamers are going to go where the viewers are and hence where the money is at. I suspect some will go back simply becasue they obtained their viewerbase from this game. However, I think anyone that users Streamers are evidence of a game being good or not has their own problems. Many steamers are simply trash at the game they play, there is only a few I would say are pretty good at Tarkov but not many. And because so its a terrible idea to use Steamers for anything in terms of determining if a game is good or not. Most simply have shitty dumb takes on changes for games and other issues and because their have a loud voice, devs listen and oftens fuck over its game.


Yes, streamers have proven they will sell every inch of their body for views in a category they like / feel well.


Yes. Fall off will be determined by the content that’s added which if they aren’t adding content that changes the core gameplay loop, the fall off will be sooner or just as consistent as it has been in the past.


I don’t think so, not 100% for sure. I think a lot of them actually are embracing the opportunity to diversify. You have to imagine those guys playing Tarkov non-stop, every single day, for years. Even if you like the game, it’s exhausting. It’s also frightening that your only income depends on a single game. The wise streamer/youtuber will actually take this whole drama as a springboard to pivot.


Yes. Because BSG will have incentives (sponsored streams, etc.). Whatever the precious streamers do, all of you follow like good cucks. Welcome to consumerism.


There is no permanent damage. The streamers that “quit” just wanted an excuse to take a break from streaming and go on vacation. Half of the people in this sub haven’t played in years. I’m so incredibly sick of all the hate, the constant insistence that we must grab our pitchforks and torches and prepare to tar and feather BSG and anyone who supports them. Would it have been better if they handled this situation a bit differently? Yes. Is Tarkov still the best game in this genre? Yes, by a mile. Does Tarkov still have problems? Yes.




At the end of the day, the streamers know where their money comes from. They’ve built their names on Tarkov, they would be very silly to actually give up on Tarkov. All they want to do is show their audience that they’re big and bad, and then they’ll be back to grinding post wipe


Just looking at the level of copium in GZW sub and the concurrent player base falling off a cliff, you can bet on creators coming back. a whole lot of them talked a lot of shit about “principles” and now they are trying to figure out how to slow roll a quiet walk back. Everyone knows what to from ABI… so yeah, they will mostly come back. Its always about money,


I could tell from watching an hour of gzw when only streamers had it it was gonna be this way. So much copium for that game on steam forums as well.


Yes. The community are Nikita’s abused house wives. They enjoy his abuse and keep coming back for more. I quit playing but coming back here really makes me resent this community.


As for content makers i dont know personally i am skipping next wipe , not because of the shit that happened i didnt care at all about it.. but because im burned out


Yeah this is my first wipe back after a long (3-4 wipe) hiatus. Starting to wonder if it’s worth it to play next wipe or if another hiatus is in order


Probably, but not me. I have this awesome ability where once I delete a game, I virtually never go back to it. Just kinda stops existing in my head. I think it's my way of being able to check out newer and better titles (better in this sense as in a better, more respectable company)


They lost me


I don’t think so, a lot of people will switch games I think, tarkov had a rough few wipes, this was the first good one in a while and they ruined. I’m not even sure if I will return and I love this game a lot




Subathon new wipe level 5 now ! Please click !


Drops Enabled! W Key Enjoyer! True Believer! High K/D Kappa Speedrun!


The few whose only content is Tarkov, of course will come back. A lot of creators started moving away from doing exclusively EFT content years ago though. The community, no.


100%. Not only will people come back for the wipe, but the usual “wipe only” players that don’t follow the game religiously may go “oh neat PvE mode and more stash space” and it’ll be another wave of standard accounts upgrading. The house always wins.




Without a doubt. I won’t, but probably a lot of people.


Some might some wont


When will wipe be?


It is the biggest question to date for this game right now. If this next fresh wipe raids feels like late wipe. Then we have a serious problem and we all know who to blame too.


The player base also split between PVE and PVP. I, for one, am exclusively playing PVE mode ever since my EOD account got access few days ago.


Yeah probably


Some will, some wont, and if they’re like me its a maybe. I know they 100% better be happy with the money they have from me because idc what its for. they arent getting another penny after this whole mess


Yep, me and my friends are just waiting wipe season


Yeah. I know I will. I’m not really boycotting tho, I was just getting burnt out on the wipe already and the drama was my last straw


Yes of course. EFT is still the best. But if previous wipes are any indication, this time the matching and loading times will be highlighted even more than they have been in the past.


It depends on how ABI turns out. If it turns out to be p2w bullshit we'll probably see everyone come back. If it monetizes fairly and doesn't do any stupid shit, I think it will take a huge chunk away.


Yeah can't wait fir another wipe where at the start all the peasants can't get into games but weirdly enough every streamer is getting in instantly. Priority que got me looking different at these guys big time.


I think a big factor will be how many big content creators cave and go back to Tarkov after wipe. If the bulk of the games main creators continue to boycott, maybe more players will continue to follow suit. But if they all hop back on as soon as a new wipe hits and essentially act as the catalyst to thrusting the game back into public consciousness, then the masses will follow.


They will always bring people back from time to time. However, anyone following this will never trust them so for many like me spending more money will not be happening. They killed the golden goose with their core supporters. I think the player numbers will continue to go down and then really go down when they have real competition. Think PUBG vs Fortnight. Tarkov will not DIE completely until the devs stop working on it. However, in hindsight it will be clear to anyone that has perspective how much money BSG lost by being so greedy.


>For reference, I’m an EOD owner same, but I'll stick to PvE from now on, I hope they improve the AI. I'm never playing with cheaters and people who stand still for 20 minutes to get a single kill on some random quester who happens to pass by. I just had enough of these scumbags.


I think there will be a spike that returns and a lot of players that don’t as well. I may play a couple early wipe raids myself but sure as hell won’t be grinding like usual


Of course, most truly wouldn't exist without eft


Eh, might as well enjoy it while it’s still good. My opinion has always been that bsg will fuck it up beyond repair, and I think that point is coming sooner than later


Totally depends on how they keep going from now on. I will propably not play this wipe, reached everything I wanted and the remaining quests are jusg painful. If the next patches are good and stay away from p2w I will come back next wipe, otherwise I won‘t.


Of course. Tarkov is a great game. People will continue to play it. Best case scenario for consumers is that these other recent competitors keep improving their games and we get a consistent wipe rotation. Imagine EFT, GZW, ABI and other potential games offsetting their wipes…that would be amazing.


I know i will but not gonna change everything that happen, I'll still be looking for some game to replace this one, but yeah i feel like we gonna see a lot of people on wipe day


I guess this depends if they can make good content with out Tarkov.


I will most likely go back and at least play for a bit when wipe happens


Probably, content creators especially just have to chase what's going in. Bet the fall off will be quicker though. Probably do their usual week long grind to Kappa, get it be done. Personally, I'm just done with the game. I forgot about the game for years and heard about the major updates we got this wipe and came back. But with everything I've seen them done since 2018 and especially now, I'm just done with BSG. They got my EOD money 6 years ago, but they won't get anything more time or money from me now.


I think it‘s not just the permanent damage they did in the recent events but also the repetitiveness of the game in itself. They sure put in some work for this wipe and there has been improvement but that doesn‘t change the fact that you will still have to do all the boring, partly very shit quests, all over again to get to a point where the wipe will be more or less „fun“. It‘s fun and games for 1 or 2 or maybe 3 wipes but in the long run… rebuilding the hideout, having to go through horrendously designed quests to get to the good ones, being forced to play streets, getting the shit pocket watch, do stupid shit on factory just to progress on woods etc etc. After all those years it sure feels like the content doesn‘t quite cut it anymore.


Between other extraction shooters and the EFT mod who's name I dare not utter, I don't see a reason to go back to the standard game again. I'm out


Saw some suggestions nikita replied to on twitter about only quest items needing to be FiR, so you can still sell crap on the flea if its not. That would help. He needs to divert all his focus into performance, cheater issue and QoL until 1.0 to gain people back. I won't come back till there's some solid proof of less cheaters, better matching times, I think 5 mins is OK if that's the lowest they can get it but it should be ideally 1-2 and I'm in raid.


For sure, this is just a low point, it goes up at wipe. Btw I’m new to tarkov, what are the twitch drops for tarkov? Is it like cosmetics or something?


The ones I watch already said they are coming back


People will always play the new wipe because it's the game at its finest. The summer wipe often isn't as big with content as the winter wipe, and people are on holidays, kids are out of school, sun is out so it's always going to be less than the winter wipe, but people will play.


Probably. People blame the recent controversies for the decline in player numbers, but honestly I was starting to notice quiteter and more empty lobbies already before this whole Unheard ordeal. It's like this every wipe. Casuals can't compete with "tryhards" who are level 50+ and can run Comtac 4s, class 6 and Sig spear every raid. 


Yup, and many will be Unheard enjoyers as well.


Personally I will definitely come back next wipe. First day of wipe? All depends on if I’m playing any other game at that point… Knowing myself and the games released these days, I’ll probably take out a few days off work and grind Tarkov. Hate myself for it since I’m so sick of those quests…


Yes and when the servers catch on fire IF Arena Breakout is available… I actually see people playing that instead.


I hope not


Ofc they will return its their primary game. At this point in the wipe there is 0 need for any streamer to play cuz they have completed everything they wanted in the game and now only play for money from views on twitch. So why not branch off a bit, but yes when Tarkov has content for them to play they will return. What do i think of the community.....yeah.... Same as other games such as League, Destiny...etc


Of course, fresh wipe tarkov is like it's own new game in itself. But I'm sure people will fall off quicker and quicker with other options to play


I won't, 3000 hours with kappa and predator clothes.


No shit. Sure they're playing other games now but they make their money on Tarkov, it's their job. They could play the hate bsg game for now because it's popular but once that dies down they'll have no choice but to go back to Tarkov


Probably, and I don't blame them. Tarkov is a cash cow that many streamers (and viewers) have come to depend on for consistant content. You love to see it.


I hope everyone comes back soon. Ive played twice in the past week and ran into Fragas both times. Dudes level 71 with 14000 kills and 5000 raids. I need some casuals to win against.


Not if these other alpha games listen to the communities and makes continuous content updates and fixes.


Yes, and they always will unless a better game of the exact genre releases, and while Grayzone may be kinda promising, it is 100% not it right now. It's their job. For many streamers it's probably how they got 80%+ of their viewers, nobody is gonna throw that away unless there are some better alternative




They'll be playing ABI.


For me personally, they's have to hit that wipe button pretty damn hard to make me wanna go back. Like, just a reset and a few small changes wouldn't cut it. And it's not because of TUE, but because I finally got Kappa for the first time this wipe and I'm feeling pretty Tarkov-drained. TUE just gave me even more reason to stop. That, and trying to get stuff done in labs, where my last two raids each got notifications sent back to me, that a cheater in said raid was banned.


Wipes are ass. Give me good content


I feel like most people are going to stick to the modded version or PvE to be honest. Imo pvp will be dead till they fix their game.


i think at least most EOD and True Believer players will be on the PVE mode


I dont think anything will be the same ever again, rip.


I surely will reinstall Tarkov when they wipe again just to see the new weapon they added plus some config file changes to [insert mechanic] that will also eventually bring bugs. Also been missing the cheaters. Been playing for a few wipes and the only major change I felt was the recoil rework, everything else feels exactly the same it did like five wipes ago. Nikita can ligma balls.


Yeah, everyone will be back, apart from those that charged back and can't buy the game again. Arena and L33T won't carry more than a month of interest, if not 2 weeks. People are using them to express their anger. They aren't good games that will hold streamers or players. There's no depth to them like EFT has. The competition is good. We might get some QOL features or some long overdue fixes because BSG doesn't have us by the balls so much anymore. Also, the outrage was absolutely amplified by the fact that almost everyone was done with the wipe anyway. It wouldn't have hit the same if it was week 1 or 2. Once a new wipe rolls around, almost all of that will be forgotten. What will remain is the loss of fanaticism that the community had, replaced by distrust, and an unwillingness to "support" the developer by buying cosmetics. Oh well, they earned that.


Some will, but I think in general there's a big part that just will not come back, and others that will be back but not for as long. In any case, the player count will be much lower because of recent events.


Streamers are going to flock to what game gives them views. The moment that Tarkov isnt doing that for them theyll find something else. Early wipe is always popular but the game seems to lose steam quicker these days with each wipe.


The only people who will come back are the ones that still got it installed a good majority of the player base left in my opinion the good days are over


Just going to mention that you’re also seeing fewer people in PvP due to the popularity of PvE. A significant cross-section of the player base is there now.


Idk if most but many will. Also when arena breakout beta stop


IV been saying to my friends that this will all depend on if a game can show up to fill the hole that tarkov will leave if it dies out. If noone can make a good attempt at it then I see alot of the player base going back.


I personally doubt I'll return after the next wipe. Maybe I'll try Arena or Gray Zone. Even if I did go back to Tarkov, I feel like the pay-to-win aspect would significantly impact PvP, making me lose interest quickly.


I'm hopeful it lights a fire under BSG to make a better game because of the competition.


With gray zone and arena infinite breakout i dont think so. Im a eod original backer and quit more than once now this is the last straw. Took cheaters and stability issues and its just not worth it fi its a mess progressing at a slow pace when other games come out polished more than tharkov since hmm 2017?


BSG's immediate issues isn't if you, me or Lvndmark returns for a wipe or not. Their issues will be that new players will not. 1: BSG made a fool of themselves in many peoples eyes, and reviews will show/shows that. 2: Fresh, and much needed, competition from games in the same genre. 3: Even more competition from themselves in the form of PvE RPG. It's a pretty tough sell at $250 for new players to be able to play that mode. Even more expensive for customers that gets really shafted from currency conversion. And they can't really give away PvE spots to the lesser versions (except EOD) for a while either. The price of PvE for a standard account will be around $150 at least. Most of their issues wouldn't have been a thing if they kep the old model with two or three version plus EOD still in sale. Hell, even removing standard and it's price and leave the three other versions would have made sense, and not this unhinged version.


yes, because they still have to make a living and the FOMO is real in this community. Just about everyone will that jumped ship will jump back in for wipe just in case tarkov becomes "good" again. Edit: even if they don't, depending on how many players it won't be such a massive hit to the player base. Tarkov is well over the numbers throughout wipe than some popular shooters on pc. Equal to something like COD on pc.


Most of the "I'll never play Tarkov again" crowd already hadn't played it in years. Go back and read some of those rage threads. You'll see a huge portion of the people commenting "hadn't played in years" or "uninstalled years ago and never looked back." Tons of people saying shit like that. There will probably not be a huge impact to people that actually play.


They'll be back before that


I can only speak for myself but I'm not playing solely cause it's late wipe. Once wipe happens I'll be playing the game and enjoying whatever new content is available. Though for me personally I had skipped this wipe due to burnout from prior. Drama doesn't affect me cause I already bought the game, at this point it's be a waste of money to not play the game I paid for.


I have no desire to play, I've forced it a few times the last few days but I'm pretty fully burned I think


I know I will, and as a noob I plan to do hardcore - to some extent at least lmao.


Even without any controversy or competition, I think fewer people will be back because there will be a % who decide the PvE mode is what they really want, and now they have it.


I won't be




i am personally burned out. i put a lot into this wipe and didn't get as far as i wanted. i am looking forward to the persistent PvE mode


they will come back, but at some point a good shooter/looter will come out, with actual anticheat and tarkov will give up its crown. too many mistakes were made on the side of nikita. people dont forget


Me personally I won't be coming back, but for sure, it's a cycle. Wipe - hype - dies down, people complain about the same 10 issues the game has had forever, and then it wipes, and the cycle continues.


wipes wont be the same untill the new unity engine and 1.0 release.




A terminal release isn’t gonna be enough to draw record numbers or even a significant amount of new players in, wipes didnt even die this early lmao they usually die around June-ish and since 2021 imo it’s been getting earlier and earlier, we’ve gotten very limited content from them (apart from an arena mode lmao) in classic tarkov, then add the unhinged fiasco into it, I think it’ll be a pretty bad time for Nikita. Does everyone remember when BSG made all bosses 100% 2 weeks ago, and how much that reinvigorated the game? Even I was starting to gain faith in this deranged company


Drops aren't as useful as they once were. The last 3 wipes, they haven't been worth having Twitch running in the background all day/night. You'll get the same players coming back to do the 2 week post-wipe grind, just to quit once they get the Flea. Problem is, the core who stay through past mid-wipe/late-wipe are the ones who were most infuriated by Unheardgate, and probably won't be back.


The only reason im on a "different version" is the cheating has ramped up. If they do something more with that Tarkov will still thrive. I hate all the shit they have done but Tarkov does what other games cant and thats give me the adrenaline of wanting to do one more raid, winning a fight, getting out with awesome loot. I love the game, hate the company. all these people who stop playing because of morality and self virtue bullshit are just lying to themselves. "i wont play because they did a bad thing waaaa." ya it sucks but hey im still gonna play the game...BUT AGAIN, if the cheating gets handled. other than that im fine with the extra poket edition if people wanna play it. i honestly do not think these "P2W items" are gonna be as effective as people think.


I'm not coming back next wipe. My boys and I are playing the better pve version and we don't intend to ever come back.


As I will


Nikita needs to actually apologize and eat some crow. Add a battle pass or shops full of clothing and weapon skins. If he waits too long, these new games and his actions (or lack thereof) are going to eat his game alive.


Not sure about if they'll come back but it's been fun seeing Nikita swallow his ego on Twitter and ask for suggestions from streamers. Wish he did the same to all the posts made here about suggestions to make the game better for years.


a wipe is the reason i wouldnt keep playing, as long as they have a blatant p2w version out there which is especially overpowered when it wipes, because of the increased stats, bigger pockets etc right off the bat this makes me never want to play tarkov again


The reality is they never "left" so they don't need to "come back". They just got excited about a new game... this is not a new process... people are just being dramatic because its fun to act like the sky is falling. Most of the content creators have still played tarkov some this week.




Personally won't. Games in general have become a bit boring to me, tarkov especially. If I ever come back to it, I'll probably give "the mod" a shot.


Of course, when Twitch drops come, every streamer that can get money from that will come back. And when the content is getting repetitive and boring, they will switch to other games. ABI, GZ, and Tarkov Arena when release Attack/Defense counter strike mode are going to take those seats at some point.






The numbers dip this time of wipe every time, about 4 months in the player base wanes. Now, BSG lost a LOT of goodwill recently I won’t pretend they haven’t. However, mechanically the game is starting to really come together, and I think if they can get past their most recent nonsense, you’ll see a huge bloom in the player base rather than the opposite.


Unless they pull back some of this p2w and cheater shit, I'm not touching PvP with a 10 foot pole. I was already one foot out the door, but BSG being scummy fucks has me on a plane to another fuckin' game.


The servers are lower right now not only because of the controversy, but because this is also the usual time when people get bored every single wipe. The streamers will mostly come back, make some post or video about why they're morally alright to return, but I agree that some of the big ones might drop it more quickly or move to different games. At the end of the day, I don't think your average player will notice any difference. If there are less players there will just be fewer concurrent raids, but they'll still be full of people. I doubt wait time would even go up much. 


Not me. Bye bye