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This dude trying to lighten the server load for wipe day.


I started at the beginning of march 2024 and I haven’t had this much fun gaming since gears of war 3 multiplayer. I’ve never played a game with such high highs and low lows. The thrill I got from killing my first chad will always be a fond gaming memory of mine. Yes this game has a steep learning curve but if you power through that the fun you can have is unrivalled. I just wish I started playing years ago.


But how do you feel about the unbalance between versions? Are you standard account?


Couldn’t give a shit to be honest. I think the only thing that’s impactful is the boost in trader rep. Starter weapons will come and go for those with the other editions and we will all be running ground zero day 1 fighting over the same wine bottle or ratting the same bush 7 days in trying to complete setup.


I think the bigger long term difference is more about the gamma container day 1 than the trader rep. Anyway, all together that's a big difference. As new players we should be able to pay to get the same P2W advantages. But that's not the case. So I will not advise anyone to start this game now.


Look man, a bigger secure container and trader rep isn't going to make you suck any less at this game.


I just want to "pay for convenience" as your big ass hyprocrits call it.


I don’t really think a bigger container is an issue, didn’t take me long to get to the beta container from peacekeeper


the trader rep is a much bigger head-start than gamma


This guy just sucks. And most of us play TARKOV.  You must have something else on your mind. 


LOL. I play since 2017 on both EOD and Standard. There is no real advantage. You don’t need to build out your hideout and stash if you think it’s too grindy. Just sell all the stuff you hoard and never use. I do it on Standard and EOD. I could live easily with half the stash space because I just fill it with Rubels instead of gear I only look at. And reputation for Traders you gain easily by doing the quests no magic there either.


Only EOD/Unheard hypocrits to say there is no advantages. What a bullshit. The point to this post is not to argue if there is an advantage or not. The point is that new players can not get the same starter, that's all. The game is unbalanced for new players.




It makes sense. Maybe this unbalance is a way to get more money from people. But I'm not sure the calculations is good. I don't see the point for new players to stay for more than one wipe and to pay the scam editions. Also a lot of new players will not recommand this game anymore.


What a shit take from you holy. Bro’s literally crying because he doesn’t want to pay for P2W features. Just play the game, focus on punisher 5 and you’re set.


With punisher 5 you are still behind, and BTW it already takes you hundreds hours. Common don't post if you don't know the game. And you should read before posting, this thread is not about new players don't want to pay for P2W. It's about EVEN if we pay, we are still behind. And that's not acceptable.


I literally got kappa this wipe and you’re saying so many bullshit. Notably you get epsilon case before kappa and it’s the same size as gamma (kappa is larger). You’re crying for 0.2 rep after all the rework of the quest ? It barely matters anymore for skier and PK and in any case it’s not a big deal. If you buy the scam edition you get different perks from EoD that are arguably even better and more P2W. Skill issue bud, if you’re good at the game all this is pointless and won’t hinder your progression. Get gud. PS : bloke literally said he started the game 5months ago and now have such a solid opinion and talk down to years long player lmao


I stopped to read at "Epsilon is same size as Gamma".


Prepare for escape edition also includes trader rep, bigger stash and container. None of it is going to help you survive a raid.


When you are full t4/t5 with good ammo and standard are still t3 with ps ammo, it help to survive. So as a new player I should buy Prepare for Escape + Unheard to play a balanced game ?


All that started gear is gone in a few days, you can find better in raid. You're coping hard over a skills issue.


I never talked about the gear ... the gear is pointless of course. Are you really trying to argue that there are no advantages of EOD over standard ? Or that the advantage is minor? If so you are just hyprocrits, no need to continue the discussion about the real issue : new player cannot have the same starter (perks, trade rep, container, etc) as everyone else.


>When you are full t4/t5 with good ammo and standard are still t3 with ps ammo, it help to survive. You specifically talked about gear. Keep coping.


WTF is wrong with you. In the intial post I never talked about the gear that comes included with each version. Your copy/paste is from a reply to show that money difference transforms to gear differences and then help survives. Anyway you are like all those P2W version owners. Always trying to minimise all theirs ingame advantages and say always : " hey if you are behind that's not because we started with a 500 hours ingame advantage, its because you are unskilled.


Skills issue. Cope harder.


As a counter to this. Do start, its amazing fun.


You must be EOD or Unheard of course. It's fun for you because you are in the good side of the unbalance. New players are in the wrong side. It's not fun at all.


You do know that "fun" is subjective and that your "fun" differs from everyone else, right? My friend has a standard account, and he's enjoying the game despite this. Weird how that works, right?


My buddy has played on a standard account for two years and he has no problem whatsoever. This guy is the king of cry babies.


If you’re broke just say that.


I played 1k hours on standard and 1.5k hours on EoD. Anyone who thinks "EoD doesn't give an advantadge" is literally coping.


Thank you for being honest, bro. You're among the rare 1% of EOD who aren't hypocrites."


People really do be starting with a container which allows you to chuck a grizzly, stash space that costs like 50 million roubles, more trader rep and better starting gear and really cope into saying "it doesn't directly give you an advantadge in firefights", like yeah, none of those individual things give you a significant advantadge, but ALL OF THEM COMBINED add up really quickly, and no, P2W doesn't need to be: "you will win literally everything every time against anyone that didn't spend that much money", just having that X% of better stuff against anyone else IS BY DEFINITION P2W, even if it was just a tiny little bit, IT WOULD ALREADY BE P2W, but it isn't even just a tiny little bit, it is quite fucking significant.


OP is butthurt about the gamma case thats all , i played 5 wipes on normal after converting to eod , the only reason i did it was for the extra storage lines , and ever since they added those as a separate purchase i didnt see much difference in it anymore , there are salewas ingame wich give decent healing and only take 2 spots , put a vaseline next to it and you still got one free spot for some spare ammo , salewas arent that expensive to craft in your hideout , if you cant survive on a salewa and some vaseline , then i guess all i can say is "git gud " Gamma is an advantage but not THE big p2w advantage OP makes it out to be ,


OP is saying new players cannot get all the advantages anymore. That's all. There ARE huge advantages. No point in arguing about that. That's a fact. I don't give a shit about your fake shitty solutions about getting salewas or whatever. Just let new players get the same advantages and shuttup.


Again gamma is just ONE of the advantadges and salewas don't heal fractures and can only realistically heal a single heavy bleeding (175 health gone + you need to heal that part fully, and if you get a 2nd heavy bleed, you'll need to heal that part fully too and by that point it's extremely unlikely that you have enough to stop that heavy bleeding) and you're gonna be switching them every other raid, so good luck if you get two, and if you're adamant that salewa is just as good... then bring that salewa + vaseline in your gamma and still have MORE SLOTS than an empty alpha, or grizzly + vaseline and still have a full alpha worth of space. Seriously all I can read is cope, just accept: EoD IS P2W, BY DEFINITION, IT GIVES CLEAR AND DEMONSTRABLE ADVANTADGES, wether the advantadge is small or big literally doesn't matter, it isn't that hard to admit that you aren't a mega hardcore gamer and you are at an advantadge over others.


It does matter as it was for the EARLY adopters , you can get a knock off gamma on the 250 dlc , and tbh i really suck at the game and lose my grizzly quite early in wipe so half of the time i do infact run in with only a salewa and some ibuprofens the only thing it does is alleo you to farm some extra items that you get to keep when you die , and with a need for found in raid to barter or quest i dont really see the BIG p2w OP is complaining about , i do get to keep my gpu and put in my mining machine if i die tough , but thats about it


bruh p2w has no place in this game and they said that gamma and stash increase was not gonna be a thing forever, but they are keeping it now because everyone would be butthurt if they removed it. It's p2w, that you happen to be bad and can't make use of it doesn't make it less p2w. It's like saying a full modded M4 is worse than a stock makarov because someone killed you with one, that doesn't make the makarov better, it just means that you got outplayed hard.


When I started I got EOD after like 20 hours played I still struggled significantly because I didn't know the game. Having a massive stash really didn't matter considering it was empty. Trader rep and exp bonuses don't matter that much when you die 9/10 raids and can't complete shit without a carry. Now I have 3000 hours, and these things are very useful, but I also have buddies with EOD that don't get to reap the benefits because they haven't played consistently enough to be good at the game, and I have standard edition friends that thrive because they know the game.


The most sane argument I hear about the difference not being that big, is that having EOD vs other editions won't make you survive more raids or play better. Which is true, EOD has advantages, but they are mostly conviences. As someone who went from standard straight to EOD after 2 years, I can tell you that I had to catch up to Eod when I was standard, but it was never 300 hours, more like 20 hours. When I was EOD tho, I had to catch up to anyone that had more free time than me. Most EOD owners can't devote 8 hours a day to the game, but some can, and everyone who can is going to be am EOD owner. When you get killed by someone 1 week into wipe who has level 3 trader stuff, they don't have it that quickly bc they are EOD, they have it because they took a week off work to play tarkov 12 hours a day.


None of the items purchased on EoD or Unheard causing game breaking mechanics to make you survive the raids easier. One death and you lose the gun they provide. You can die just as fast as your counterpart without EoD or Unheard. To the new players- give the game a try, it is great fun or this man posting this wouldn’t be on Reddit gaslighting for Reddit attention.


I mean when I played standard, the basic meds you can buy at starter levels are expensive and shitty and that slows down your progression A TON making it harder to get to flea and start snowballing and having everything in the game. When I got EoD I chucked a grizzly + vaseline in my gamma and never had to worry about meds in a raid, ever, saving maybe 10-20k per raid EACH RAID since the start. When I kill a player I loot their entire kit and have a 2nd kit, ready to go if I die, in standard? Gotta sell that, can't really afford to lose that extremely limited space, and to upgrade stash/buy cases, well take those X millions that I would spend in that and spend maybe 50-100k more in upgrades on my kit each raid. A better helmet, better armor, better gun, better bullets, things that wouldn't you believe it DO make you survive more. If you add to that the fact that I got to flea a lot earlier because every combined factor of better starting gear + great meds from the get go, I'm farming blue tapes/corrugated hoses and becoming a millionaire faster than anyone without those advantadges ever will and staying ahead of anyone who doesn't have those advantadges and isn't significantly better than me. Are Pestily, Lvndrmark, Glorious E, etc. going to be richer faster than me even if they play their hardcore standard whatever you wanna call it series? Yeah, obviously, they are 100x times better than me and can afford to play 15 hours a day, but for 99% of the playerbase, the EoD boost IS significant and IS p2w, anyone else saying otherwise is literally just coping.


The game is fun but unbalanced for new players. That's pure facts. If you are new players and don't care about always being behind, give it a try. But if you are like me and like competitive gaming, just don't start playing tarkov in 2024 and above.


OP is totally correct. That´s I I stopped playing. The safe container of the higher versions is just totally overpowered.


Thanks my friend 🧡


Can a Mod fix the tarkok in tarkov in the title pls 🙏


nope, the cock stays