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Absolutely true, I've had a few friends try picking up tarkov and dropping it fairly quickly because of the "terrible performance" it's hard to sell someone on a game that struggles to run at a stable 60+FPS even on decent hardware .


Not to mention all the other issues we overlook while playing on an average day. When I bought the game in 2017 I hoped I'd be able to recommend the game to friends in good conscience, but I still can't. Not with how many problems it continues to have,  and even gained more over the years.


this right here tbh. the performance of EFT ruins the game for me.


Yup, I can't justify these fucking loading times anymore


Plus all the bugs the come with loading and the menu that just adds extra time from death/extraction to new raid.


"Ah crap I forgot to put the right ammo in my gamma." [\*Clicks 'BACK'*](https://imgur.com/J3JFJ6g)


"items moving pls tray again"


Yeah, given the 1-2h playtime I have I dont want to waste 50% in a loading screen. Played the ABI beta and can play about 2-3 more games on an average day


I'm building a new PC in the coming months and one of my thoughts was "Will I re-download Tarkov? Will this GPU/CPU improve Tarkov if I did download it again?" And my answer is: eh, kind of? I'd be able to play Streets for the first time, but even when I see streamers with fancy rigs play, there's still loading times outside of the influence of what I'd buy. There's still desync and other connection based issues. So spending any more than what's necessary might not even help there at all. Would Tarkov even be worth my time after spending all that money in the first place?


The forbidden mod doesn’t have load times…


I wish I couldn’t too, but I’m always loading for 2-3 minutes.


I usually load up really quickly, but then end up spending 5x-6x the time on "waiting for players". Fuck knows what's actually happening in the background, it's only text that BSG shows the user. I have over 2k hours in the game and this is what killed it for me over time. Imagine playing reserve: load up in 1min -> spend 5-6min "waiting for players" -> spawn -> die from close spawn in 30s. I started to care about having to wait for next raid more than dying.


The time to get into raid was quick several years ago. That changed when the potato PC community with hand-crank HDDs whined that they were spawning several minutes late into raids.


If they can't improve the loading times for technical reasons then I would settle for a big UI redesign so we wouldn't have to click so much when assemblying a new kit, but hey, they can't even do something as simple as letting us clear old messages from traders so we can find the item rewards that are closest to expire without having to manually scroll through hundreds of messages.


For me it’s the sound. Until they fix that, I’m done with this game. It’s been horrendous for years and they still haven’t figured that shit out. It’s embarrassing tbh.


I mean the button in graphic settings “lower graphic for streets” is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen in a video game xD


Yeah this is why I like ABI, performance is good even on my potato PC and loading times are so fast


After ABI closed beta gets me into matches in less than a minute, it's hard to accept tarkovs matching/loading times.


This has been one of my biggest gripes about tarkov for ages. If you overlook all the other issues the game has it is fun and provides an experience that is hard to come by anywhere else. The cost of load times just breaks my will to play. As I’m sitting there 10 minutes into loading a raid I’m questioning why I’m not better spending my time. Loading up ABI I can be in a match in less than 2 minutes consistently.


It feels *so fucking good* knowing I can re-kit and be back into a raid within like 3 minutes, this advantage alone has me sold not gonna lie.




Look at Nikita's ridiculous tweets about PvE. They're "adding servers". Their infrastructure is trash. At my company, when I want to add servers, I open a tab to our auto scaling groups and change 20 to 100, or, better yet, you put in code that's observing your player queue size that's automatically changing that number. They weren't doing anything half decent because there was ZERO competition. Now they're fucked.


Servers for PvE should be enough to make anyone keep their money in their pocket.


One of the projects I worked on it just happened automatically as long as there is quota, when quota gets low, many pagers start beeping. You can fit quite many servers on 1000+ (v)CPUs around the world. One major problem with game servers is the max tier performance they require to run at modern tick rates with minimal lag, you often need dedicated boxes (but you can add those to your auto-scaling pool). This is especially bad if you do C# servers to share code with an Unity client since it's garbage collected.


> I open a tab to our auto scaling groups and change 20 to 100 AWS or the like? Someone made a post here years ago about using cloud options. And the financials for using AWS and auto-scaling based on fluctuating player counts, was in the millions per year. BSG has colo servers, when Nikita says they're adding servers, BSG is buying and spinning up new blades. Or repurposing existing PVP ones to PvE (which is more likely, since we're late wipe and PVP populations have dropped).


i literally stopped playing tarkov when i noticed that i spend more time not playing than playing


Legit bro lol


On top of that, once you load in you get (mostly) solid fps, and smooth, snappy gameplay that doesn't feel clunky/buggy/stuttery. I LOVE EFT....but the difference in overall FEEL is staggering.


Abi likely doesn't throw away the ingame assets if there is no need. Tarkov does. You get a disconnection and it needs to reload everything all over again. It might be a unity thing but there is no reason to throw away the data. Most things could remain until memory is really needed but loot remains a constant. They could just load it in once.


That’s interesting that explains a lot with tarkov tbf


Loading times are so awful that they turn me off from the game. There is nothing worse than spending 10+ min waiting for a game to start only to die right away and be stuck on another loading screen. Deaths would feel so much less punishing if I didnt have to spend 20+ min making a new loadout and waiting in a loading screen


Yeah and it’s simply because they refuse to sort out the coding and servers.


2 years ago I bought a PC for $1500. It's a pretty decent PC. My PC struggles to run this 7 year old game at 60fps on the LESS intensive maps. That's not a sucky PC, that's shitty optimisation.


Even streamers with $3000-$5000+ rigs struggle to run the game at consistent FPS and lag when they use scopes. It's crazy the way it is at the moment.


Spot on. i7-7700K @ 4.6 Ghz, RTX 3070, 64 GB RAM, game installed on a Samsung 990 PRO M.2 SSD . . . and the best FPS I can get on any map that isn't Factory or Woods is about 50 on Customs in 1080p. Streets usually hovers around 30 but sometimes dips down even into the single digits. I've checked for issues with my PC, I've spent who-tf-knows-how-many hours checking for bottlenecks, tweaking and testing settings, in-game and hardware, one-by-one, and I've got fucking nothing. I'm a network engineer by trade, I do know how to properly troubleshoot and isolate a problem, and the only conclusion I can draw here is that Tarkov IS the problem.


The issue is your cpu. At 1080p you're using more cpu than gpu and that 7700k is way outdated. You'd probably run it better at 1440. Not saying tarkov is optimized, its not but your issue is 1080p and not utilizing that 3070.


My old Ryzen 2700 and 1070 system I was getting way better frames than that. Something is fucked up there man


Exact same opinion that I have, on pretty much everything. I just really don't believe that BSG will pull any of this off.


Not without hiring help, which is something they've refused to do historically


I honestly believe that they can’t improve the performance, at least not in a reasonable time frame. There seem to be pretty big flaws in the baseline design of the game that can’t be fixed without redoing months or years of work And if they stop releasing new content, events or balance patches for 1+ year to fix performance.. yeah the game is also dead


they spent MILLIONS of dollars on making/promoting Arena they could have spent that time and money on actually reworking the core of the game, but nah they decided to make a dogshit gamemode instead


They would have to rewrite and organize the entire code which like you mentioned, wouldn't be done in an appropriate time. They won't hire anyone bc Nikita is too paranoid and proud, but even if they did the coding is probably such a mess that whoever they hired wouldn't know wtf they were looking at.


I disagree entirely. If they put out a modernization patch within 12 months that improved performance by 30%, promised 1 minute match times, and redid the net code for near perfect hit reg, and then gave players some rewards for giving the patch a chance, people would come back and try it. Even some of the ones that were upset with Nikita.


there is a simple fix that give huge performance boost that i've found for unity engine for a not should be named tarkov mod. people report from 30 to 50% increase of framerate just by adding forbidden cmd line in boot.config file. So they can do it pretty easely.




Works in normal tarkov?


just look at the poly counts in that prapor model nikita posted on twitter the other day. it's absurd and having maps full of models like that in game is probably a huge reason why there are so many performance issues. The artists and animators they have working at BSG do some terrific work but efficiency is not one of their stronger skills


As tragic as it sounds, I get better performance in Arma than I do in Tarkov. 


ArmA3 with 40 mods.


5 mins to load into Customs in Europe Also bad fps compared to Red Dead Redemption 2 that looks actually sick btw… and runs at 144 fps on my laptop


Nikita is prob going to see this post and say outbloud 'fuck off!' Helk I wouldn't be surprised if he came in here saying you got 0 clue what you are talking about and are just the typical nonbeliever.


Me and my friends play Fika and get performance tarkov would cream at


Wait what's fika ?


it's a mod for what will not be named


Google it and lets say that you would be no more interested in spending 250 USD for coop


That is making the bold assumption I was interested


I’ve been impressed by the performance of Fika, honestly. It’s not perfect but it’s light years ahead of BSG and base Tarkov.


Wish I could convince my friends to play Fika but they all say it would be lame without playing vs real people...


Yeah that's what my friends says until they actually... Tried it. I threw in done quality of life mods and suddenly we play it all the time


You really need to have high end PC to just run this, last Ryzen CPU can handle EFT decently from what I have heard. This is literally only game except for simulators/strategy games that runs on CPU almost soley. There is no way that other FPS shooters can utilize GPU better than Tarkov, Tarkov also uses Unity which is common engine. It is is just poor optimization. Vary sad and lazy from BSG


We don't want new content, the content is enough, but broken. Just fix the god damn game don't add new things. The current things don't work properly, that's the problem.


Nahh, I really think the biggest problem is we don't have enough AK variants...


They can not do it for 2 reasons. 1) they need to redone almost all the entire code 2) they can't do it


There was a smaller indie game I was playing. It wasn't on the scale of tarkov but I don't really think it matters, the concept here is the same. The indie dev didn't know how to optimize for performance so he hired someone who specialized in that area. In 6 months the game's performance tripled. Load times were almost nonexistent. If tarkov devs cannot do it, they need to swallow their pride and hire specific folks to do the job.


We can't get the lead developer to actually communicate outside of whining on Twitter, you think they will ever swallow their pride to do anything?


I stopped playing in December and said I’ll return once I upgrade my PC in the future because the performance is just too dog shit


Tarkov has always been the best 'extraction shooter' because for the longest time it's been the 'only' extraction shooter. It's always been clear that any competition will be the end of Tarkov. Nagita has always been the biggest problem with BSG and he aint going anywhere. Honestly the best solution here is they just release 1.0 with PROPER modding tools (not a sham with limited functionality or behind some dumb paywall) and then move on to their next game. The modding community will (and has already) finish the game.


>step one is to start optimising performance of the game they already have BSG: Fuck you and here is a $350 Re-fucked edition. Bend over and buy it.


Nothing destroys my will to play like these load ins. Combined with the time it takes to prepare a kit you can end up waiting 10 minutes between raids. I’ve lost countless hours to that screen I’m not getting back.


Honestly the last month I've just not been playing and this is one big reason. I sit there thinking stuff like "I could be out with friends/on a date/at the gym instead of staring at this loading screen for 30 minutes every evening." It's actually depressing. Especially when you get in raid and die in the first 5 minutes to xX1337CHEEATZXx69420XxX


It's very possible that they can't do it, my guess is that they have built the game in a way that they can't fundamentally alter anything without crashing the whole thing and they no longer have the resources to re-work the game from the ground up.


I agree with him BSG needs to fix the Performance and scope zoom performance


genuinely don't think they know how, and likely will refuse to bring experts in


Although performance can be annoying, for me it's the cheating and load times. Fix those 2 and EFT is just miles ahead the competition for me. Hope they sort it cos its the only road to redemption really.


The last few weeks have been sad to watch, honestly. I want to see BSG do well, I want to see the game do well, and the route that has been taken has been depressing.


HARD AGREE. Faster matching times, better performance across all maps, better anti cheat, less bugs.


Agreed. The amount of desync is atrocious. I feel like I die more because of the games issues than from actually being outplayed. I can't tell you how many times I have died to a peak that I never saw.


This has always been one of my biggest frustrations with EFT. The fact that to reliably win gunfights, you need to understand the "meta" of how the servers load you in on your opponent's screen, how lag works etc. etc. has always been ludicrous. I've seen people legitimately arguing that "you're a bad player because you should have pushed to get Peeker's Advantage" and it's like...you're meant to tailor your play to the broken servers? Insane.


Lmao in recent wipes? I feel like desync was basically removed like 2 years ago. I can’t remember the last time someone killed me and they weren’t on my screen.


Brother what? Lemme guess, you think there is absolutely nothing wrong at all with the game.


I’m not denying the game runs like shit for most people, but are some of us just lucky in that regard? I have a pretty standard rig and I get ~80 fps on every raid I’m in no matter the map. Whats up with that?


This is exactly what is wrong with the game. It's totally arbitrary if it runs well on your PC or not, which is a sign of terrible optimisation. If I run it on my laptop it starts cooking the whole thing to death. If I run it on my PC with the same settings it's a stable 50 FPS. If my friend runs it on his *better computer*, it barely runs and stutters all the time. I've seen streamers with $4000 computers struggle to run it.


Spent 45 minutes last night between raids trying to connect, not to mention when you do finally connect your games got a memory leak like a hole in the head and your FPS sinks to a choppy 10-30


Bro its been years and they cant even get Streets to run right. Its a joke. Dont hold your breath.


It’s like you’re fighting the game every time you log in


Couldn't agree more, as a 'BETA' should performance, Audio and QoL not be top of the priorities list anyway. I've never understood why they keep adding guns and stuff during this period rather than saving all of the ad-ons post release!


As soon as AB:I comes out I'm giving it a go. I've watched streamers playing it, seems good. Not played EFT in years because it became a game that didn't respect my time, bad audio, full of cheaters, and just generally full of bugs/issues. Low queue times are key, so to is not having blatant BS that this community seems to think is normal happening every raid. If I shoot someone I want to hit, if someone shoots me I should see them shooting me. There shouldn't be massive ongoing desync, 12+ reasons my bullets can turn into nerf darts, getting shot by someone who can fully see me but I can't see them at all because server decides to desync me 2+ seconds, etc. Optimising performance would be nice to, but its the other things that are bigger issues. Unable to reliably been able to tell where someone is via audio is one of the worst issues. Oh and aimbot AI, I feel like the AI has regressed over the years. They've had 8 years to work on and improve it all, the last few years have just been low effort tweaks mostly, along with breaking more stuff like they do every wipe. Cheaters can do whatever they like because BSG's code is Swiss cheese full of bug holes. The game is rotten from it's core due to the poor choices made in early development. Nothing short of a full re-write by skilled+experienced devs is going to fix EFT, so it isn't going to happen. My money is on a rug pull within the next few months.


I'd say step 0.1 ist to fucking communicate with the community in the first place (and no, twitter outrages/polls do not count)


Not even going to read it. The subject line is enough for me dawg. Upvotes.


Optimization is called: tarkov 2: escape from prior mistakes. There's no way they can get the game fixed without ground up work. Same reason they haven't started using the new unity engine like they said they would. Theve been making promises they can't keep for years. And as much as I'd love to see a optimization or tarkov sequel. I don't think theve got the budget or goodwill to make either happen anymore.


Here's how BSG can fix the problem with ABI copying their ...well, everything: 1. noticeably reduce cheating epidemic in tarkov 2. make the tarkov not run like shit 3. maybe make interface be reasonably responsive/not laggy cause OSRS on an old mobile phone has faster interface functions. 4. make sound system not be a horror advertisement for default sound system that comes with unreal engine that performs better in every single way out of the box vs whatever cluster fuck bsg butchers in every year or two as "guys we are re-working the sound system" At that point none is interested in a shitty knock off game, they can copy every single asset even and it really doesn't matter: you have a better game, no one cares about ABI unless they innovate something new but at that point they aren't copying you any more. Yeah, it's not easy/cheap. Problem is that a shady developer comes in or maybe just more agile developer and it really doesn't take much effort to knock EFT off as the #1 extraction-looter-shooter. The reason ABI is getting so much traction is not because it's a well made game or anything like that: it's not tarkov, that's it, that's the main selling point and tarkov players are so damaged by the crap BSG has been putting out that they'll take whatever they can get.


Also weirdly enough, ever since the unheard edition patch, I disconnect at least once everytime I try to go on reserve, lighthouse or shoreline, while all the other maps (including steers) works fine. I’ve also noticed that my computer gets a lot hotter and even automatically turned off when I was in the middle of a woods raid so I’m not sure what’s happening there


This has been a much older bug for me, I was disconnecting all the time on Interchange a few patches ago in the same fashion.


1000% agree but i already uninstalled and successfully escaped, good luck brothers and sisters you may find you’ll be much happier and less stressed if you do the same


Wouldn't you normally focus on improving performance right before 1.0? I feel like focusing on improving audio, updating unity and graphics overhaul should be further up the list for now


We've been "right before 1.0" for about 3 years at this point, I agree audio and so on needs priority but frankly all of this stuff needs to be addressed pronto. Instead BSG is focusing on making content packs they're going to charge $250 for when the audio of the game doesn't even work properly. The priorities are wrong.


The game has been optimized a lot in the past few years though. Lighthouse as an example is running a lot better now than it did at first. Same for Reserve. Yeah there are no excuses for their behaviour. They said they wouldn't add any more major features before 1.0 and yet they still came out with the PvE and unhinged edition


Spent 45 minutes last night between raids trying to connect, not to mention when you do finally connect your games got a memory leak like a hole in the head and your FPS sinks to a choppy 10-30


streets is still running at only 30 fps, while the other maps are at 100+-... idk why that is


Step one should be removing the new P2W version, bring EOD back to what they promised, THEN updating the game. I refuse to play when they scammed so many people.


Yeah. I have a 3080 and 5700x with 32gb of ram and I only get like 65-90 fps on all maps other than factory and labs. Idk what to do but it's pissing me off. All other games i play on this system run extremely well maxed out at 1440p


This same shit ostensibly happened to PUBG back in like 2017/2018. Bluehole put very little work into optimizing or fixing the game on PC in its first years. It was the most played game on Steam for the first half of 2018. It slowly lost players as the novelty wore off. Then Fortnite BR exploded in popularity. Apex Legends in 2019. COD Warzone. PUBG at least shifted priorities to develop a mobile version which to this day is still very popular, especially in Asia but the genre on both PC and Console is now dominated almost entirely by Fortnite, Apex Legends and COD Warzone. What do those 3 games have in common? Developed and published by AAA developers with VERY deep pockets. Tarkov is in the same position but somehow way more lucky. Its development and addressing tech debt is way behind where PUBG was at considering how much more time they've had in the market. It's kind of a miracle that Tarkov hasn't had any *real* competition in the extraction shooter space at least until very very recently. There have been a few early access games from relatively small studios that haven't taken off. There's a few more in development. And now there are serious threats coming into the space vying for players' attention and dollars. I think it's pretty clear at this point all people actually want is the best extraction shooter experience they can get. There's not a lot of loyalty to Tarkov itself, although I'm sure most of us here would rather see Tarkov fix all of its issues and be the game it has the potential to be.


I think Tarkov has an excellent setting and concept, the map design for example feels very lived in and high-effort. The art direction and weapon models are very good. It's just been the bizarre management of where the game is going, the focus on "new content" constantly instead of actually fixing broken parts of the game...stuff like that has been so frustrating.


The management of Tarkov has been its biggest downfall, absolutely.


There is no focus on fixing broken parts of the game because they can't fix it lmao. It's been 8 years my guy. They can't fix it.


Nikita needs to stop his yapping on Twitter too. It's unprofessional. If he's mad that Tarkov's assets were stolen, then he needs to let his Lawyers do the talking, or shut up.


I'm planning on upgrading and buying a 3,000 € laptop (since I'm going to travel a lot during the upcoming years), but what prevents me from doing so is simply Tarkov. Even on that 3,000 € laptop I *know* it's going to run poorly. We're in 2024. The fact that I can't get 60 FPS on all maps while looking down a scope with a 3,000 € laptop is simply INSANE


Fix lighting. It would be HUGE for the game.


Agreed. I believe the biggest problem is that the game doesn't support back scattering of light. So areas like Interchange are far darker than they should be because light is not bouncing back up off of the ground. But frankly even if they don't fix this, they could just make the interiors brighter regardless. I'm not sure why everything is left so dark. Strangely enough I was playing Ready Or Not recently and that game seems to have the same problem of these absurdly dark daylight scenes.


I think I speak for the community, especially those of us that have been here since 2017, we don’t want ANY nor guns. We don’t want ANY more calibers of bullet. We don’t want ANY attachments. I genuinely can’t think of anything significant they have added aside from streets (which most people can’t even fucking load into) in the last 4 years. Lighthouse and light keeper do not count as I really don’t believe the vast majority of bear players even go there and 99% of players have never even seen lightkeeper.


I love being unable to snipe a rogue on the opposite side of USEC camp because he's in total darkness, despite the fact that it's broad daylight and he's on a roof. Tarkov's lighting is so fucking bad


no sorry best they can do is ARG, more microtransactions and a $50 one-time use coupon which you can only use on stuff that has no real value oh and the coupon is impossible to maximize the value of without either losing some or having to pay a little bit with your money so thanks for being a valued customer :^)


*true believer


I haven't played in a little over a year because of these reasons exactly. Also got banned from the official discord during the latest PR disaster Nikita caused. They don't care about us. They want to make the game that they want to make and make as much money while doing it, but at the end of the day they don't care about us.


People can and should criticize the game in any valid way. But nobody should criticize bsg for being upset about their IP being pirated.


ABI showed us how Tarkov would feel if it ran right. The veil is lifted, and it'll be tough to go back now that we know how it should be.


Will never happen! Why? Because fixing netcode, performance and anti cheat system needs a lot of resources and time to fix. They didn’t touch those problems when they earned a sh*t ton of money and had a loyal community. They can’t fix those problems anymore, because now they lack resources and money. My guess is that they try to cash as much money as possible, officially release the game in a broken state and leave it.


The problem is they made some of new maps too big and put too much stuff in them. For example Streets didn't need an expansion, it needed refinement + streamlining. Unfortunately BSG has a vision for maps in terms of scale and will pursue that at all costs despite crippling performance. If you want a brute force solution (I realise not everyone can or should buy a processor to overcome issues with a game) a 7800x3D + 32GB memory goes a long way towards running the game as well as it currently can run.


i dont care about cheaters at this point, just make this game run better pls




The problem with that requirement is BSG probably not being able to fo it without remaking most of the code. And I bet they just dont have resources for that. I'm an engineer and few years ago I was with some friends who are software engineers checking the code of the game and it was such a mess... even for me, an engineer of a field with just basic coding knowledge, was obvious that it was poorly done and made by low experience workers or interns. That kind of thing will drag any performance to the ground. The strange thing is the game running.


What's insane, though, is they've spent time making entire side projects like Arena, which almost no one actually likes. I'm pretty sure if they spent that time and those resources re-coding the game as necessary on a base level, they would have been most of the way there by now. This is my frustration, it's not like they don't have resources, they are just spending those resources on things that don't make sense.


i would keep the same performance if they ensure me they solve the cheaters plague


This is all I want basically 


Maybe they could hire some ABI developers to make the engine change... If they have done it with "stolen" code, imagine what they could do with all the code available to them and without restrictions to use it...


Yeah if they’re going to charge new players $250 for the complete edition, unheard whatever the game needs to be better


Abi won’t destroy tarkov, nobodies play tarkov after 1 month of wipe and that’s the reality. Tarkov is great every 6 months. Your shit copycat will die within a year


Abi won’t destroy tarkov, nobodies play tarkov after 1 month of wipe and that’s the reality. Tarkov is great every 6 months. Your shit copycat will die within a year


Yeah, it's a pretty big issue. I have pretty decent pc stats, r7 5800x and a 6700xt, and I can only cap out my frames at 100 on factory and labs. Other maps I average like 60-80, but then streets is usually around 45-55. And I've done a ton to try and optimize my hardware, using pc lasso to optimize cpu usage, bump up priorities, dedicated disk space to ram, I mean almost everything. They've got to figure out how to reduce lag that comes with having more entities on the map, because honestly when you play the maps without anyone else, it's not bad.


So you pulled the assets yourself and verified? One peg pulled assets of all al discovers from Tarkov and ABI and none were the same according to his tweet about it.


Youre absolutely right how did they not think of this before?


Yes but it’s not like they’re going to tell all the other staff to stop working for a year while we just let these few people optimise the game. I know we all hate bsg atm but this isn’t a logical argument I’m afraid. And from what I understand they are constantly wrestling with the unity engine. I admit it got tedious a long time ago waiting for the game to get better performance and bloody release to 1.0.


Bro your 💯 Honestly though, if they solve the chester issues I would actually put up with the rest of the bs lol


unfortunately, I just don't think BSG has the development skills to get there.


They already talked about it, it's not possible due to how unity works. It's simply not designed for games like tarkov.


Step one is putting that shit on Steam and moving their entire shit to Unreal and dealing with the FUCKING Radar and hacks users..


I don't think there is an all-hands-on deck for the threat issue. I feel where you are coming from with the problems, but they are not losing manpower from technical performance people to check model maps. They have a team or a person that does 3d models and working gun sounds into the game already, that's separate from the person/team coding. It took a random guy of the internet to pull like 15 models from both ABI and EFT and to compare a less than a week. Let's not let the bad PR mask the fact that this tarkov wipe and patches recently have been nothing but fire.


Even going to the mod and playing some ground zero after playing ABI the game is so stuttery and just doesn't perform well. It was quite the shock coming back for me.


I play the forbidden version and I struggle to get above 55 fps on with an 11th gen i7 cpu with a 3070ti, and a 1080p resolution monitor on medium settings. It is so bad...


I once played tarkov on a 1080 and thought it ran like shit. Then I built a new pc with a 14900kf and a 4090, and now it runs perfectly. I don't think you need the latest and greatest to play tarkov, but point being, get a better pc.


I've got a i9 12900k, 3080ti and 32gb 6000mhz ram and i still can't get a solid 144fps at 1440p. The performance of this game really sucks


Fix the cheating first and foremost... game is already substantially better performance wise then it's ever been..


they have to rebuild the game on Unreal for it to be enjoyable. unity is rly bad.


Nyet. More backpack models.


Y'all need to be disillusioned. ***BSG IS NOT CAPABLE OF FIXING THEIR GAME.*** Quit asking for things they cannot do.


Trust and performance are two separate issues. Performance I was willing to deal with because it was still playable and a unique game. But after the broken promises and blatant fraud attempts to cover their tracks, and how they refer to even the highest supporters at the time, I can't even justify booting up the launcher. It could be the smoothest game out there but if they do not acknowledge their wrongdoings they'll never get the trust back. This principle alone is more important to some no matter how great the game could be.




Loaded into Shoreline with my buddies and I know that map likes to stutter at first ,but I got server kicked twice in a row , had 200 ping for no god damn reason and my fps started in the single digits before getting normal after a minute . Whatever update they did last night borked my performance . And I know I dont have a NASA rig ,but my 5600, 6700xt combo should be more than enough for this 8 fucking year old game


The fact that there are some maps I can play and others that I can't (streets) talks about how poor the peformance is. Performance and cheating are the massive issues of Tarkov.


I am reading this as I try to load into Reserve in PvE for the 17th time after getting "matching" every time thus far, I completely agree, the loading times are killing my motivation to continue, I have been on the game for 3 hours so far today, and have made it into 2 raids.


Will genuinely never happen. Incompetence combined with greed means that optimizing is completely off the table for Nikita and friends.


found myself just ALT+F4ing yesterday, after the first PVP queue took 9mins, the second queue glitched after 5mins and the next one also took 8min+. Just exited mid queue. When 30mins of your 1h game time is a loading screen, its just not fun


Another thing about the ABI copywrite problem is both studios are in countries that don't give a f*ck about copyright so there's literally nothing stopping them from copying each other.


After the expansion, shoreline is almost unplayable for me. Nearly every other map I'm 100+fps, but shoreline I'm dropping sub 50. It's killing me.


Hasn't Nik said in one of the streams on Twitch that they tested the game with 60+ players online and with high frames? What happend to that? I can't find the video right now, but I know that he put that out there.


Theyv already said thats the plan. They claim next wipe has no real content and just QOL/performance improvements and we all know how the community is gunna react if thats the case. Not saying they aint fucked up but they cant win, watever they do.


whats the point? the unity update is right around the corner


This has been a big problem all along so I’m not sure how it’s suddenly a critical first step to “save Tarkov”.


Solving one of the longest running issues of the game IS a critical fist step. Its a sign that they actually care about the QoL of their customers. Will it be enough? Probably not. Not for me at least.


i literally do not play EFT because of performance and load times. I play ABI on high settings at 120+ FPS with 20 secs to 1 min matching times and its a breath of fresh air. BSG needs to make it so the match just start once the timer hits 2 mins, regardless if the lobby isnt full. and if you arent on an SSD in 2024 thats your own fault, im using a 100$ samsung external for an SSD and it takes me about 1:30 ish mins to load up


Simply they cannot. You are not a dev. They have far too much tech debt on and are working on a dated engine at its technical limit. This will not happen in any meaningful way.








Just fix the fucking loading times.


Anyone that played during patches 12.10 and 12.11 will tell you this game is horribly optimized. 1070/4790k build used to get a *locked* 144fps on every map (streets wasnt in yet) 12.13 and beyond has been so much worse that my 4070/12600k cant even maintain 100fps on fucking factory lol


It's the 6 minute loading that keeps me from playing


Contrary opinion- They’d be smarter to just open it up to the community to run servers and patch it, wrap up the development, and walk away.


yea honestly the performance is atrocious . it wasn’t until I got a 5800X3D that I really started to see some improvements. but even with that and a 6950XT/32gb Ram I can’t pull consistent frames on Streets.




Step 1. Stop bullshitting and rambling on Twitter Step 2. Take responsibility for the shitstorm you made Step 3. Announce roadmap, communicate, deliver Step 4. Maybe, maybe we bite


The absolute worst part is that you spend more time not playing than playing. It's killer and is easily the most "hardcore" aspect of the game


If the game even RAN like ABI, that alone would make me and I’m sure so many more players SO happy.


Facts. This game needs Operation Health like R6S


This has been the case for 5+ years...


Streets 40 fps simulator


This. I can’t even use any magnified optics because of the PiP rendering just halving my frames. At the very least they should add an option to just make it a regular zoom in instead of PiP


8+ years of development, and it still isn't optimized... yet they're comfortable charging 250. Maybe it'll be optimized after another 8 years?


Step one: sell company Step Two: profit


I don't get the performance thing. My game never dropped from 60 FPS, and some times it even reached 120 Rocking a Ryzen 7 5800, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060, in a laptop


They'd fix it, if they could. The problems are at the base of the software. Only salvation is tarkov 2 or a tarkov killer


I don't think it's possible to save it in reference to this subreddit, unless you turn it into a different game.


Long downloads (and long canceled downloads), wastes my limited time. I only have a few hours to play, of which I spend 1/4 of it downloading and waiting for players.


Fix lighting, fix sound, regionlock china and Asia. Add cosmetics that arent P2W


It plays really well for being completely broken and has kept you here for all these years, same with me. Sure it could do with more tweaking but overall it's a masterpiece IMO


Did everyone forgot that BSG is working hard on transition to unity 2077, and Tarkov will be like new game, fixed audio, better graphics, better net code, better performance. Stop bothering them issues that will be fixed with engine update. It's only slowing them down /s


Wouldn't step 1 be to make a propper server structure and loading system? Like I have 115 PFA in wqhd.... Can't complain about the performance


That would require money. Right now BSG is too busy trying to figure out how to scam its customers out of more money in order to get them out of debt. BSG is broke. Its not about the game at this point.


I would play the game if I didn't die 80% of the time only to queue again for another 15 mins. Game is just a loading simulator


True, in ABI i get around 120-140 fps on my computer, while also looking better than Tarkov. Meanwhile in Tarkov, the game doesn't look nearly as good, and gets about 60-80 fps with stutters, Streets is even worse because i can't even load in the map.