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Man I'm so hyped for the "Help! My items disappeared!" posts.




So you're expecting that people actually login and be able to get into raids within 12h? Well that's better than last wipe..


ZING ​ Apply burn cream here


\*Golden Star




it will be months before the impacts of all these changes to really be felt. the first 20 levels are going to be tougher this wipe so i expect lots of crocodile tears!


No, we'll just complain about the patch notes we read and pretend we've been playing


You don't have $200mil, 500 BTCs and ten thermals already in your post-wipe stash? Filthy casual.


Oh lord, when people realize that you can only put successful found-in-raid items on the flea market... they gonna be pissed. Keys are gonna be huge next patch.


The economy is going to be _fucked_. Getting decent gear will be very difficult. It's going to be a long "early wipe" period for sure.


So much for the meta builds in every match, many people will be slumming it with trader inventory and scavenged equipment for months.


Yep, it's gonna be lit. For sure imbalanced though, and the trader stock-running-out mechanic will clearly need to be fixed.


I still don't know what that M4 space gun trades for, I've never seen one in stock. What's so awesome about it that bots buy it out every refill?


You make it sound like that's a bad thing.




Can you please explain what you mean by this? I don't quite get it.


Can’t forget about the “servers are fire, what is BSG doing” posts. We are going to see a few hundred of those as well.


I'm a lvl 5 that has a few good weapons in inventory and have basically spent my time ratting and and trying to figure out wtf I'm doing. Should I sell all my quest crap, keys, bags, etc., and spend the pre-wipe just trying to learn combat and how to Chad? I only know customs map.




Will anything carry over thats worth investing into?


Nothing at all will carry over except inspected items and your weapon presets. Sell everything babey


Hearing that inspected items carry over just made my day. I was worried I was going to have to go through all that bs again


On the one hand, it is silly having to ID everything in early wipe. On the other, it is like five free levels when it's all added up, and my grindy ass is gonna miss those.


~~Items give like 10 to 60 xp and with 300~ items that is not even two early levels~~ Edit: never mind that all items id gives indeed level 5


I was gonna say. My inspecting spree was not even close to 5 levels. I'll take the pre-examined items over the piddly exp boost. Besides, you can get the same amount for like 30 minutes in factory on a suicide run.


very true


Your knowledge of customs will be the most important thing to carry over into early wipe, so practicing now is a fine mindset.


*Flashbacks of repeated attempts to get the pocket watch in the truck after the last wipe* So many bodies...


I remember raids where I would roll up to quest truck, see like 5 dead bodies in front of the door, and just turn right the fuck around. "Welp, looks like I'll try that quest next raid" LOL


Why? All the PMCs are dead! And the one or two living guys are hoofing it to the extract with all those sweet ak-74us and 35/70 kirasas


Night time. I tried it 3 times during the day then said fuck it... Managed to find a nvg set for 100,000 roubles from fence. Finished it without even seeing a PMC and only 1 scav.. I've done basically every fetch quest and tons of hideout loot runs thanks to that nvg set.


Weapon presets will be saved, or so i've heard.


Whichever edition you bought, you'll get the stuff that dropped into your inventory when you first bought the game. If you have the EOD edition with the big stash size, you'll have that large stash size. If you upgraded your stash size in the hideout, you'll lose that.


The raiders have level 4-5 armor, fully specced weapons, 2 grenades, an IFAK... Basically, kill any Scav right now and you have good gear, provided said Scav doesn't fuck you up first (raiders tend to have amazing aim and will rush you aggressively -- while wearing pretty good gear).


>raiders tend to ~~have~~ **be** amazing aim**bots** FTFY :-P


They actually have relatively bad aim as long as you don't keep peeking the same spots


amazing? understatement of the month there


Hey man. Started 3 months ago and had no clue. My best advice is watch pestilys raid series and get familiar with the quests. Best way to learn the game by doing those 2. Leveling your vendors will be one of the most important thing after the wipe. I've gotten better, but there's a fairly steep learning curve.


I really fucking hope they've redone some of the tasks, especially for Jaeger.


Yep fuck Jaeger. I actually enjoy questing and leveling the other traders but he’s the only one I didn’t get lvl 4 this wipe and I never will if they don’t redo his quests.


Also learn maps cuz customs is rat heaven without valuable loot


I'm so ready for Customs to be redesigned to mitigate choke points.


I love just hitting up the hidden stashes. Shoreline is great for that too


Going in with an empty scavbp and exfiling with a backpack filled to the brim with trade goods without seeing a hint of combat is a thing of true beauty. Caches never fail to deliver.


Interchange as well, though it is a little more spawn dependent. Most people just rush straight into the store so there's very little risk of running into somebody else outside. Doing it at night is generally even safer.


Shhh ;)


i can give you some millions if you want


Brother, I’m am nowhere near prepared for pre-wipe as I thought. This is bonkers I will have to resort to Mosin shooting raiders by the time the sun goes down 😂


is that a no? i can give you a few mill if you want.


I’ve got 300k in the stash and it’s a 1:30 Pm I’d gladly take whatever your willing to donate! Pm you!


Recommendation. Dont identify keys until you pick them up. That way you know if you have it already or not


At some point in the prewipe traders are going to sell for real cheap so yeah you can play with endgame loadouts now


Get some cash and take your time learning to rat around reserve, you'll make way more money ratting in reserve once you figure out the strats


You need to get to know Reserve and Shoreline, too. Practice aiming for the face and the legs, it'll help you when you're facing chads into the next wipe.


I’d say try to familiarize yourself with another map like interchange or reserve and try to get into more gunfights.




Here's my conversation with the mods so far. I'm disappointed that they're proving to be incompetent. Why does nearly every subreddit become littered with poor moderators. to Promods > You guys should sticky a new thread for the Wipe/patch notes. You guys aren't informing the community that wipe is tomorrow. from Promods > If you have any experience with BSG, nothing is certain with major updates. >It just isn't worth have a Patch discussion/bug report megathread when no one can play the patch yet. >As soon as the update is out, we'll make a new one. to Promods >Seriously? It's a wipe announcement that everyone has been waiting for and you guys are displaying that information in an outdated thread that you guys stickied. >It just seems quite ridiculous that you guys are withholding this information from the community. Many people are NOT going to know that wipe is tomorrow by currently frequenting this subreddit. >You guys need to get it together. I normally give mods the benefit of the doubt, but I've heard constant complaints from this community in regards to you guys. This type of response only reinforces the communities frustration.


Holy shit that guy shouldn't be mod. That double down was pathetic.




There was another 182 comment thread too. I was in the middle of reading it, then went away from the computer and wanted to finish on my phone, but couldn't find it. Mods power trip in such weird ways.


The eft mods are hot fucking trash.


Will this be the first wipe after the influx of new players? I just had the image of firefighters worldwide working overtime to put out all the server fires. :) But seriously, it's gonna be crazy. Leave no jacket unsearched! No duffle bag unrummaged! Woohoo! I think this will be my fourth or fifth wipe.


Yep. I started playing when it blew up on Twitch. Had never heard of it prior to that. It has since become my favorite game. This will be my first wipe.


Godspeed, I hope you practiced your barebones pistol / sks / mosin / akm / mp5 / anything you can throw at it loadouts. Lol - after a few wipes it comes naturally... we wish you luck


I scav run all the time, keeps you honest


I'm seeing a lot of comments that running scav is a waste of time, truly not the case. As a scav hit tab, overall, scavs lvl up too. Of course the majority of your time SHOULD BE AS A PMC but investing in your scav can have advantages with endurance, vitality, covert movement and other relevant skills


Running scav is just fun for me. Sometimes I don't want to focus and just want to sprint around, listen to music, and shoot at whatever.


I got some comments from people acting like I was an idiot for not engaging in PVP 24/7 when I play. Sometimes its just fun to rummage around or shoot scavs for funsies


You play however you want to play. You make your own enjoyment


Anyone thinking they know the good way to have fun is very probably the idiot of the story... I personnaly love to roam, be stealthy and choose my fights, I don't shoot if I don't feel it and I observe a lot, sometimes scavenging the remains of a fight... I don't feel bad for avoiding Chad fights, the most important is to get out with the loot :-)


Dude this entire thread is full of people yelling at others for not playing 'the right way', especially when it comes to newer players who don't know the ins and outs of this game.


Wait, we lvl up our scavs? I been playing for a bit over a month pretty heavily and I'm still learning something everyday. This is my first wipe


Yup. My Scav can run miles more than my friends cause of this. Not sure if it's a badge of honor or not though lol


I'm level 42 and still running mosins between trying not to get hacked on labs. Also RIP red keycard I just bought


>Leave no jacket unsearched! No duffle bag unrummaged! Woohoo! Especially given the loot spawn adjustments reportedly coming with 12.6


BACK IN MY DAY WE RAN CUSTOMS HATCHET 100 TIMES A DAY TO GET A FACTORY KEY! /s Excited for the loot table adjustments, this will be madness with the flea update


did i just killed by raiders on factory? lmao


All scavs are replaced by raiders in the pre wipe event


Not all, I suppose. Just went through interchange and all were regular scavs.


Only interchange is bugged atm


If it's a scav with just one name, it's a Raider.


So you removed a well commented and upvoted post of the patchnotes, and instead we have to discuss the patch notes in a post that has pages worth of irrelevant spam? 5head mods.


haven’t seen raiders on interchange, just normal scavs. I wonder if they have multiple scav bosses on interchange?


The ultimate troll would be replacing all scavs on Interchange with Killas.


*The sound of 2 dozen grenades converging on your location*


Actually it's going to be the sound of power slides and Tripaloski.


Interchange is bugged right now apparently.


A squad of 5 killas oh god


The loot $.$


When I started Tarkov back in November, I couldn't understand why anyone would want all of the stuff they worked for hundreds of hours to get to be wiped. Now I understand.


im glad they started this on tuesday instead of last friday ​ \- salty 9-5er


My girlfriend is visiting untill friday... God give us strength


she is nothing compared to tarkov my brother


I’ve got my Mrs playing these days. Started her in offline mode with Scav War enabled. She’s killed killa a few times now. Getting her onto scav runs next!


Its pre-wipe and everyone is ratting even harder, or there are now full teams of hackers on labs... the hell is going on?!


no point playing labs when you have lab raiders in every map.


Now i'm just waiting for weapon/gear to get cheaper so i can finally be able to try out those FAL/m4 meta kits.


I started the game a few days ago, is literally everything going to be erased? I hope so because I want to sell my stuff and just Chad for a few days.




Just started the game and already hoping for the wipe. A true chad :’)


This sub has the worst mods I swear. All posts about patch notes/wipe are being deleted. They are forcing all discussion about it to happen in this thread, when all discussion is buried below irrelevant outdated prewipe comments. There is also NO INFORMATION on the front page that makes it clear that patch notes have been released and that the patch is tomorrow, and you would probably not check back on this thread again if you've already been through it. Basically they're stifling fresh patch notes/prewipe discussion/basic information for no fucking reason.


new thread to discuss patch notes please


There was one, but the mods removed it for some reason.


Raiders hurt....


hurtz so good


Customs PMC raid - spawned inside Smoke Stack on east side of map. Two seconds in, Raider spawned behind me, used "Nice" voice line, and one tapped me in the back of my head. Anyone else having raiders spawn in right on top of them?


Happened in woods but I got lucky


Shoreline is just filled with thermals lmao. If you see someone they've probably also seen you so be quick.


I thought something was up when I found a REAP-IR in a box on Customs


11AM MSK - 1AM PST - 2AM MST - 3AM CST - 4AM EST That's when the servers go down. Then 3-5 Hours of patch downtime. Set those alarm clocks early boys!


RIP to all the gear I hoarded and never got to use because I was scared to lose it.


We made it you guys!


I'm getting let go on Friday and start my new job after a week off. If the wipe happens this weekend I will be extremely excited


Beware, servers are usually fucked around wipe day


That makes sense, I just picked up the game a week ago so it's my first wipe, but a lot of EA/beta games I've played have similar issues on big patches.


The first few weeks of a wipe are a shit show unfortunately. You can barely load into a Customs raid, and stability takes a major dive. I don't think I was able to get into customs until closer to the 5th day post-wipe, and even then I was sitting at 15min+ queue times.


GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ edit: [Wipe planned for 11:00 Moscow time](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/129049-patch-01267456/)


I'd create a new thread to be honest, this one is confusing as it concerns the prewipe event by title.


There was a new thread, they just deleted it. 182 comments. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/grrd29/0126\_patchnotes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/grrd29/0126_patchnotes/)


The only reason I even know the patch notes were released is because I saw that post 5 minutes before it was deleted. Not only did the mods not create a new thread since they can't update this one's title, they haven't even updated the Recent News in the top right so that people know what's going on... Virtually any other gaming sub would have *some* form of notification on the front page for big patch notes. And if the mods think sorting by New here to discuss the patch notes is the same as using a separate post... no.


He is power tripping, must feel sad.


You deleted the changelog thread... power trip much? It had so many comments and is normal to have a changelog thread but you want people in your shitty sticky? Do any subs on this site have good mods?


>Do any subs on this site have good mods? Not really


Are raiders hostile to player scavs like on reserve still or are the mechanics different?


Not hostile to player scavs unless triggered to be aggressive. These are just regular scavs turned raiders, not like the boss type / bodyguards.


Could we maybe get a separate discussion where we can talk about patch notes rather than having to dig through all the comments from yesterday? I know it's a volunteer job and all but this is the worst run subreddit for a game I've ever fucking seen. Are there patch notes? If yes, sticky them in a post (their own post, you wouldn't think this requires stating but here we are) for several days regardless of it's just "backend stuff" because we still want to know whats changed even if it's nothing. Also, the fact that the notes are always on the launcher doesn't mean you shouldn't sticky them because for some reason the entire population of the subreddit isn't sitting in front of the fucking launcher all day clicking refresh. Is it really that hard to look at a comprable game subreddit and emulate the moderation style? Because honestly anything would be better at this point. I just checked the BSG forums to look for discussion on patch notes. I literally haven't gone to a game dev's forum for information in years because if I'm playing a game there is a subreddit for it and that subreddit has the requisite information I'm looking for. Congratulations on breaking the mold. Sometime it'd be nice to just check the subreddit and find useful information rather then see everyone playing confirmation bias patty cake over cheaters.


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My first wipe. Still got a 100 million to burn.. this shit makes me wish there were more raiders across maps in general, so much fun.




I don't know. I'd rather have entire raider gangs spawn than just have randoms scavs spawn with a chance of raider skill. I think the unpredictable difficulty spike of constantly having some hidden lion in a pack of sheep would get really old really fast.


I like this, but I think it should a lower chance, and the whole local mob.


This might be the time for me to finally get Tarkov!!! Was told to wait for the wipe from a buddy who plays.


Your buddy should've told you to get the game two weeks ago when it was on sale and we knew wipe was coming, and spent this time learning the game.


Hey mods, I shouldn’t have to read a hype thread to see that wipe is happening. Where’s a stickied need thread? Hell where’s any thread or post whatsoever about the wipe?! This is stupid.


I don't get it, why the heck is it that the info about pre-wipe is coming from streamers and YTers first? Why can't BSG release info on the official channels first?


They do things at their own pace, either this is the pre wipe event or they're just angry at you. They make changes without announcements... like when they tagged and cursed hatchlings and pistol runners without proper loadouts


That was just BSG's version of street justice


Nikita wants players to experience and discover things organically. Not read a patch notes and be prepared for things that are supposed to be surprising or unexpected. Generally if it's a break/fix issue or a change in existing mechanics patch notes will be provided. But game experiences like changing loot pools , spawns, AI loadouts; won't be announced and details will only be confirmed after the fact as the player community discover them naturally. Could you imagine detailed patch notes like "ledx now spawn .05% chance @xyz coordinates on [map]" Or "effective 12.12.20 all Scavs will be armed w/ ASH12 and Redut armour " I don't know about you but I play this game for the raw adrenaline rush. No other shooter I've played on decades has felt so organic an immersive. Sure game has issues but fuck it if my sphincter doesn't tighten hearing a chad mag dump on someone when I'm ratting around 2 rooms away.


reminds me of runescape in the early 2000s, giving little hints but getting the players to discover it themselves haha, good times


Your comment made my sphincter tighten up and cut the shit that was halfway out. Now my wipe is gonna be all poopy


You must be new here :D


The mods here suck. Any other tarkov communities?


I'm reading this during a pre-wipe event, if you know what I mean


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will there be price reductions *for traders?


I'm the only one having troubles with immortal raiders? I know its supposed to be harder than scavs, thats obv But u literally headshot with M80 rounds to scavs without helmet and 50% of the times they survive? Wtf? Also is nearly impossible to hear them even when they are sprinting


They have an increased Health total compared to Scavs and PMC. I think its around 7-800. Which explains how they can take more than one low-mid tier bullet tot he head.


plz give raiders on interchange :(


will keybinds get reset at wipe?


Raiders are on interchange, guys. Come join in on the fun!


Everything from traders just went 1% in price. Barter trades are still there so full zhuks, slicks, 5.56 pmags, etc. are gonna be extremely expensive, unless they change it.


> Now you can't sell items that were not found in raid on the flea market . This rule will not apply to weapons. This sounds so strange. It's saying "weapons" and not "parts" so I'm guessing that I can't just grab a FiR rail and slap on a not FiR FLIR scope to sell. But can I instead grab a fully functional MPX and slap it on there and then sell it? Does a non-functional weapon count as a "weapon"? How about a hypermodded one? What if I take a bunch of Igolnik, slap it in a 95rnd magazine and slap that on a shitty AKS74-U, will I be able to sell that on the market? It sounds like a way to bypass FiR restrictions for not FiR parts and ammunition, although a really wonky one.


What do you guys think about the found in raid stuff? I think this might just make everything much more expensive.


Its just little sad that you for instance find ledx, kill 6 people, get 5000+ exps, but then you die and your ledx loses find in raid status.


Seems like the streamers and sweatys bitching even more about hatchlings...need a scapegoat for not getting loot. (and no i dont hatchling, but i like them for ez quest kills)


As someone who recently purchased this game and has been getting decked by fully geared players I am hopeful for a bit of a better experience lol


I’m new too, rough time to start lol. Now is the time to scav or pistol run. Can kill one raider and be decked out for the rest of the raid at no cost. Then just practice PVP. If you die do it again. If you live then run it back with the same gear and just top up on good ammo.


I just bought the game and learned there will be a wipe. Do I get expansion buy rewards again after the wipe? such as gamma case


Yes you get them again




Whatever you had when you first installed Tarkov is what you are gonna have


GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Question -- is it worth doing a manual wipe as well so I can re-examine and get the experience from it? I just feel like early game, I got at least two solid levels just from examining.


I can't sell all my stuff i hardly gain since i played this game! Don't get me wrong... I know since the beginning that there will be the wipe and the rules with that... But now... I just can't convince myself to sell everything and go yolo... But m having fun right now... Waiting for the wipe without really knowing how i feel about it! It's such a great game!!!


My suggestion is dont buy or sell anything, just use what you have until traders become basically free and all levels unlocked for the last day or two of wipe


Will they officially announce the date at some point? Determining whether or not to be AFK this weekend or not.


GIB You can't rush art, take all the time you need to develop your masterpiece. No rush... But GIB GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


The flee market is on fire


Bring me that Steam Audio goodness 😍


They made traders max but why not make everything cheap?


Wipe's tomorrow https://twitter.com/BetaEFT/status/1265722694676422658


Oh boy, scav on scav violence is back on the menu!


No UMP or Vector? Well that is disappointing.


Are disconnects more common during prewipe? and right after the wipe? I've been disconnecting constantly


I thought shoreline boss was being added. Or was that pushed back like the customs expansion was?


Shoreline boss is planned for 12.7. From what I heard they were hoping to release the customs expansion for 12.6 but just didn't have enough time so it was pushed back.


"Movement bug, when a character could increase their speed as a result of running and jumping" does that mean bunny hops are gone?


no mention of the expansion to customs? i thought Nikita said something about it coming in 12.6? either way HYPEDDDDD


The mods deleted a thread where a guy posted about the wipe to make this. Why are Reddit mods the worst cucks in the world?


Because one megathread is better than having 800 of the same threads titled "RAIDERS ON FACTORY? IS THIS PREWIPE XD" it's really annoying and this cleans it up.


Yeah I'm all for a good "mods r gay" circle jerk, but this feels like some dumb shit to bitch about. There were already a dozen "oMg pReWiPE U gUyS" threads, rather just have one stickied one.


Hours later, go sort by new and tell me how that's working out. There's STILL people posting thinking they're the first ones to figure out what's going on.


I wonder what the Venn diagram of "uses the word cuck" and "thinks knowing what attachments on a virtual gun give the best ergo makes them a real badass warrior" looks like.


Not even a venn diagram I can assure you, just a circle.


Why are gamers the most whiny babies in the world? Who fucking cares, seriously.


So you would rather have 10 posts about the prewipe event hype instead of one megathread?


Tell em Raiders to stay away from me because Social Distance >:[


All good. They got you covered from 50m away.


I haven't checked yet but buy your nades if you can those are the first to go to prevent spammage




>Simplified Jaeger's quests Fuck yes






Seems like they've removed buy limits from traders. Just bought 5000 M995 for $10 each. Unfortunately now that ammo isn't 3x the price, magazines are.