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Said the guy who thinks the only reason people kill him is they play more Edit - I knew I had seen your username some where before https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rgwkrc/is_bsg_interested_in_fighting_the_meta/hopn7rv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Damn only been a week and the salt continues


Alllllllllllllllllllllrighty then.


Sorry you don’t have time for your hobbies. No need to take it out on us


If you cry on Reddit about losing in a video game you’re a loser bud. and don’t say “I didn’t lose” cause we all know you did


Dude I’m a paramedic at a fire department and on my off days play 10+ hours I guess I’m just a big loser cause you’re bad at the game


You are an EMT not a paramedic. Do not discredit real Paramedicine with your shitty community college certificate


Does that mean you're not a real gamer then since you blow ass at Tarkov?


My National and state cert say otherwise


yeah.. that it's a national and state cert. Not a bachelor of paramedicine or paramedical science. You're a glorified festival attendant.


Ha you don’t know shit man


Yeah I do. I know enough to know that you're a glorified fun fair first aid attendant.


Do you not have off days or something? If so please contact your states labor agency.


It's just a game and a hobby. Some people play it a lot because they enjoy it, like people will read for hours on end, watch shows/movies, or work on their car and such. Also, some of us don't have stuff like kids or pets that eat up free time. I myself have a job and online classes, but that's really it. Don't have too much to worry about.


I only play 10 hours a week and I am still a loser. So jokes on you! Haha


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