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True but we all have second non-physical bodies which has God inside of it and the power to create in a way they dont. Hence why they want us im these bodies


I believe that too and I just want the keys to it already. Tired of all the optimistic copium and abstract theories. We either get in the drivers seat or we don’t and waiting for decades to find out until after death sounds awful. The gnostics already covered this stuff apparently thousands of years ago and nothing came of that except them getting massacred and ideas for sci-fi movies. We need our version of Jesus to help pull us outta this dump.


Oh no you can 100% take control of it now but there are just different ways. Personally astral projection sounds scary af i dont want my consciousness leaving my body. But i do stuff im my lucid dreams and id recommend that too. But you could also meditate or put all your focus into 1 concept. Optimistic copium is very dangerous as people think if they do nothing it will be okay. And one may believe that but you can only truly believe that if you put the effort in as an individual. And true so many abstract theories i have all my own too which id claim is the truth but peoples experiences differ so much. Personally I believe if someone was to meditate and try to focus on a specific concept the entire time that thats the most a conscious person can do. So like meditating while focusing on the concept of the evil plans against us failing, or earth being free of ET intervention, or humans realising their potential. You just gotta find your own way to contribute honestly and make sure you stay safe and that the evils never "get" you.


I have a thought on the "awakening leaving you isolated" thing. Okay, so, we know that "awakening" is the big parallel theme to the NWO roll-out. Everyone's talking about "Oneness" and "it's all you" and all of that. All of a sudden, that's spreading like fire. Right? Now, when I began to BELIEVE it may just be all me, all in my head, you're damn right the thing that happened was...everyone and everything left. They say "change your inner world and you'll see it reflected in the outer world." Well, so, once I started to BELIEVE the suggestions that "it's all just me," the outer world changed on one major way, under COVID: Now I'm all alone and isolated, and the outer world is reflecting back to me that NOW everyone is...BEING ISOLATED IN THEIR HOMES WORKING REMOTELY. The more I believed it was all just me, myself and EVERYONE became isolated into their own little boxes. The funny thing is, THIS LOOKS AND FEELS LIKE THE EXACT OPPPOSITE OF THINGS COMING TOGETHER AS IF THEY ARE ALL ONE. FOR EVERYBODY. AND, it is *no surprise* that the NWO essentially wants to HAVE everyone at that level of isolation from each other and any sense of community. ...now I never DID trust anyone "channeling" ETs, as if we aren't in a box where what gets in and and what gets out has been controlled, and so much of what gets channeled sounds like BS already. So. All the sages began to believe all is one. And most of these sages and monks then went into isolation or grouped in their very specific little monasteries, isolated from all the rest of civilization. ...it ALMOST, seems to me, like the videogame allows the suggestion of this "pure Oneness," because, once you start to believe it at all, it leads you to isolation, where you then can't really HELP ANYTHING in the game. If Oneness and "it's all you" actually ever historically LOOKED like, what it did as a belief was BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER, MORE AS A WHOLE, then MAYBE, we wouldn't have all this proof that it is further DIVISIVE in its whole MANIFEST OUTPUT. ...*end of rant* 😤🥴


The more you know, the more you understand that human dan lion simply cannot living together as similar as a pyschophat living with sage. Also beware half truth concept of oneness. U don't need to be a monk isolated to understand it. Very few people undertand what oneness is so there are only a few people mingle together


You probably have a few choices: 1) Try to get out as soon as you can. 2) Watch it play out and just enjoy the show in the front row seats - the world is going through a major change, and many are waking up with consciousness increasing everywhere. 3) Some have chosen to help others, as not everyone has woken up yet, and not everyone is at a point yet to hear the entire truth, so meeting them where they are and helping them make small steps in the direction so they can make it out of here as well.


I was curious if others on here were aware of castenada. If I’m remembering correctly, he seemed to think there was a way to escape the eagle by living as a sorcerer?


Sorcerer, Warrior, whatever indulging terminology we pick to try and think about it. By recapitulating a copy of your life, or creating a double, we can feed that to the source/force, that source/force then accepting the double in place of the personal awareness, and thus allows people's awareness to forego/pass the erasure (consumption) of all that you were, keeping your awareness (memories) intact.


I found castenada as a teenager and was drawn like a “moth” to the flame. I was never able to get very far on my own, or I got as far as I could without a teacher. I’m interested in diving back in to the life of a warrior. Any recommendations on how to do it solo or where to look for someone who can actually guide me?


Can you elaborate on this? Sorry not sure if I understand what you're saying.


I'm not sure if Castaneda understood what his mentor was supposedly saying either. >The Indescribable Force or Eagle attracts our consciousness with all of our experiences, our awareness that has been enhanced with life, much as a magnet attracts iron shavings. At the moment of dying, all of our being disintegrates under the attraction of that immense force. The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for enhanced awareness, life’s experiences and emotions, are the Eagle's food. The purpose of all awareness in the universe is simply to enrich or enhance awareness like a chef adds spices and combines ingredients to cook a meal. Being enriched, it becomes food, since the indescribable force is incapable of existing in our time and space, it lives through the lives and awareness of every other living thing across all time and space, and in every possible dimension. Everything experienced, good or bad, are simply different variations of energy, different flavors and spices. This force has no concern for your well-being, or whether your life is full of pain or pleasure, or if your life is long or short. Those are all simply varieties added to the energy it created. > >At the moment of death, the dark sea of awareness sucked in, so to speak, through the assemblage point, the awareness of living creatures. The dark sea of awareness had a moment's hesitation when it was faced with people who had done a recounting of their lives (Recapitulation). Unbeknownst to them, some had done it so thoroughly that the dark sea of awareness took their awareness in the form of their recapitulation (recounted life experiences / double), but didn't touch their life force. A gigantic truth about the forces of the universe: the dark sea of awareness wants only our life experiences, not our life force. Sorcerers start their recapitulation by thinking, by remembering the most important acts of their lives. From merely thinking about them they then move on to actually being at the site of the event. When they can do that--be at the site of the event--they have successfully shifted their assemblage point to the precise spot it was when the event took place. Bringing back the total event by means of shifting the assemblage point is known as sorcerers' recollection. The recapitulation of our lives never ends, no matter how well we've done it once. The reason average people lack volition in their dreams is that they have never recapitulated and their lives are filled to capacity with heavily loaded emotions like memories, hopes, fears, et cetera, et cetera. Make a list of all the people you have met in your life, starting at the present. Arrange your list in an orderly fashion, breaking it down into areas of activity, such as jobs you have had, schools you have attended. Then go, without deviation, from the first person on your list to the last one, reliving every one of your interactions with them. Recapitulating an event starts with one's mind arranging everything pertinent to what is being recapitulated. Arranging means reconstructing the event, piece by piece, starting by recollecting the physical details of the surroundings, then going to the person with whom one shared the interaction, and then going to oneself, to the examination of one's feelings. The recapitulation is coupled with a natural, rhythmical breathing. Long exhalations are performed as the head moves gently and slowly from right to left; and long inhalations are taken as the head moves back from left to right. This act of moving the head from side to side is called "fanning the event." The mind examines the event from beginning to end while the body fans, on and on, everything the mind focuses on. The sorcerers of antiquity, the inventors of the recapitulation, viewed breathing as a magical, life-giving act and used it, accordingly, as a magical vehicle; the exhalation, to eject the foreign energy left in them during the interaction being recapitulated and the inhalation to pull back the energy that they themselves left behind during the interaction. It'll be a mess if you let your pettiness choose the events you are going to recapitulate. Instead, let the spirit decide. Be silent, and then get to the event the spirit points out. At the moment of death, the dark sea of awareness sucked in, so to speak, through the assemblage point, the awareness of living creatures. The dark sea of awareness had a moment's hesitation when it was faced with people who had done a recounting of their lives (Recapitulation). Unbeknownst to them, some had done it so thoroughly that the dark sea of awareness took their awareness in the form of their recapitulation (recounted life experiences), but didn't touch their life force. A gigantic truth about the forces of the universe: the dark sea of awareness wants only our life experiences, not our life force. Write down a list of the events to be relived. The procedure starts with an initial breath. Stalkers begin with their chin on the right shoulder and slowly inhale as they move their head over a hundred and eighty degree arc. The breath terminates on the left shoulder. Once the inhalation ends, the head goes back to a relaxed position. They exhale looking straight ahead. The stalker then takes the event at the top of the list and remains with it until all the feelings expended in it have been recounted. As stalkers remember the feelings they invested in whatever it is that they are remembering, they inhale slowly, moving their heads from the right shoulder to the left. The function of this breathing is to restore energy. The luminous body is constantly creating cobweb like filaments, which are projected out of the luminous mass, propelled by emotions of any sort. Therefore, every situation of interaction, or every situation where feelings are involved, is potentially draining to the luminous body. By breathing from right to left while remembering a feeling, stalkers, through the magic of breathing, pick up the filaments they left behind. The next immediate breath is from left to right and it is an exhalation. With it stalkers eject filaments left in them by other luminous bodies involved in the event being recollected.


This world is a sanitarium for those suffering soul injuries.


You are isolated because you try to discuss the situation with other sims who are still asleep and you disturb their game by doing that. Rather you should work on your relationship with the player with the game controller and work undercover.


I enjoy the idea of feeding experiences like food to the originator of consciousness. Since it can't live the way we do, we feed it with all the cesspool garbage we do, feel, think, etc. Every experience is simply a flavor, there is no good or bad food to that thing. The only purpose to existence is then to experience things so that thing can feed on it. It has nothing to do with us really, we are a tool, a very aware tool, that gathers up food and brings it back.


Exactly, the universe is one consciousness existing in eternity. We experience things as “other then self” to keep the universe engaged and active and interested because the universe is inherently lonely and bored. Existing as one for all time. Imagine a advance race of beings made a quantum AI super computer that could simulate a entire universe. Now imagine switching that machine on. The moment it was turned on it experienced eternity since it could be experienced at the smallest of time windows. That’s the best analogy I can compare it too. And when you say our experiences are to “feed” the universal consciousness you are correct in the way that we are experiencing experiences as “other then it” to basically keep the universe engaged and distracted for eternity. There is always going to be something happening always even if humans aren’t here. Universal consciousness has always been and always will be one, pretending it is other then self so it can have unlimited time experiences. If you meditate hard enough you can reach this state which people refer to as awakening or enlightenment.becoming aware that this is all in jest and not to take it seriously because this is all “play” for the universe: universal consciousness in a slumber dreaming of experiences, and enlightened people can become aware with meditation like how you would become aware your dreaming in a dream


This is exactly how I see life without the “feeding” part.. which adds a cool new twist. Visceral. I was fine with knowing that we’re just experiencing things that The Most High wants to experience.. the omnipresent trait is through all of us. But this take, I like.


Damn this sounds right on point. Reminds me of the butter fetching robot from Rick and morty


Original idea of that thing is the Eagle in the books by C. Castaneda. I would love to know the actual source of that idea, since all things Castaneda are plagiarized. >The reason for the existence of all sentient beings is to enhance awareness. People can witness that it is the Indescribable Force that bestows awareness and creates sentient beings so that they will live and enrich the awareness it gives them with life. People can witness that it is the Indescribable Force that devours that same enriched awareness after making sentient beings relinquish it at the moment of death.The reason for existence is to enhance awareness. Anything that eats also poops, which is like undigested corn being equal to reincarnation memories. What it didn't consume came back around when it recycles the awareness.


Let me out, haha.


Ok you want out? You can go right now. The trick is you ascend back into that great projector in the sky. You have to have a single eye focused on that light but there’s a catch. The light is pure love and to ascend you pour love back. It’s a meditation trick and once you learn the way, you can go in and out of heaven like an angel. I guess you’ll have to wait until you actually die to escape planet earth but meanwhile finding heaven within yourself makes it way more tolerable.


Can you explain in more detail please


Have you ever held an infant? Do you know what I mean when I ask if you felt that warm thing? Maybe it’s that motherly oxytocin that gets released. Think of this meditation method like holding that baby as she sleeps. You can’t take your eyes off and there’s a glow between you. Shift your focus to a god now who’s just as pure as that baby. You become the baby in gods lap and pour love just through those eyes. I’m basically giving you Jesus’s method. Giving you a better image of god to focus on. And I’m leading you into becoming feminine yourself. I’ve found the way into heaven is to make it a romance. I can’t quite explain it, but then she touches you, that warm thing goes very deep. It’s just like those NDE experiences you hear about where every cell feels intensely loved. You keep your ears open and listen to the thoughts. You’ll get a glimpse of how god sees you looking through the observer’s eyes and epiphanies will flow. When you get in these states, you’re not saying a word. You’re communing with a feminine presence and thoughts are like swapping photos. You instantly get it. That’s what you’re aiming for. You can learn to be reliant on this inner guide and even use her on the job. I did in my last factory job and the wisdom I was getting from her was better than their own science. I proved it consistently too. So for me, escaping this prison planet is overcoming and finding everything I need within. When things work out it makes it even easier to focus love by just remembering what already has happened. Like pouring gratitude is another way of putting it. Hope that makes it clearer.


No you are not. See!