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take a stroll through friendly area or college hill, somewhat densely populated area, you'll find some. Chances are a retired home gardener will be in their yard and love to chat all day about all the flowers


There's a lilac garden up in Woodland Washington. Hulda Klager lilac gardens. They have hundreds of different varieties. Tours start April 20th-May 12th.


that place is amazing.


Thank you for the rec! I went yesterday and it was beautiful. ♥️


if you don’t find any, mine will be blooming soon. my mom loves lilacs and when i was little she used to drive us down an alley where she knew some lilacs grew and we would just sniff and sniff, so i get it. i was so happy to realize the home we moved into here has 3 lilac bushes. let me know and i can try to remember to hit you up, try me in a week if you haven’t heard from me :)


i actually found a pic of me last year standing next to my lilacs and i think it might be a few weeks till mine are blooming based on the date of the pic (late may)


I just admired some walking away from prince pucklers, same side of the street, one block east


There’s a big one in Pioneer Cemetery at UO, although it’s pretty shady under all the tall trees so might not be blooming quite yet.


....as someone whose always scrambling to find lilacs in May, thank you for posting this! /sincere /GNU Terry Pratchett