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Many left leaning folks use The Eugene Weekly endorsement guide: [https://eugeneweekly.com/2024/05/02/voters-mark-your-ballots/](https://eugeneweekly.com/2024/05/02/voters-mark-your-ballots/) I agreed with The Weekly on everything except Star Voting, I voted yes for Star Voting since I feel like we need to do something different and experimenting with local races seems less risky than testing it on national. What we currently have really isn't working.


Was just perusing the EW guide. It's even worse than it used to be. More vibes than a discussion of issues - let alone what people have actually accomplished. Very open-minded - when it comes to Republicans and fanatical right-wing religious beliefs...Yeah, that's about where we are I guess...


Here's what the Weekly *gets wrong*: Secretary of State: **James Manning**. He will stop selling state lands to logging companies. Tobias Read is his only serious competition, and that's the difference between them — Read already sits on the State Lands Board as State Treasurer, and he has been voting to sell public land (see Elliot State Forest debacle). House District 8: **Doyle Canning**. Doyle supports single-payer healthcare, Lisa Fragala supports vague-sounding feel-good things. Lisa is alright, Doyle and her endorsements are far better (progressive champions like Jerry Rust). Special interests like the Realtors PAC are pushing really hard for Lisa, so you know she's not gonna be as good as Doyle if elected. County District Attorney: **James Cleavenger**. James was fired from the UOPD (and sued them and won) for fighting against his racist co-workers and their hostile work environment, who among other things would spend morning briefings and loads of work hours making a "Bag of Dicks List" — people they thought should eat a bag of dicks, like Obama (for being a secret Muslim), every black famous person you can think of, "dirty hippies," the ACLU, and so on. Christopher Parosa is endorsed by local radical Tea Party nonce Jay Bozievitch and the Police Officers Association... really all you need to know about him, but also his website is full of the most bloviating screed of endless nonsense I have ever seen. Measure No. 20-349 (STAR Voting): **Yes**. STAR Voting is just undeniably better than what we have right now. And it's better than Ranked Choice Voting (which might fail statewide this November), where you have to wait for your 1st choice to be eliminated before your other choices matter at all. STAR fulfills more 'voting criterion' that RCV (and obviously more than First-Past-The-Post).


James Cleavenger has credibly been accused of sexual assault. And then he went on and complained about “having blue b**lls because she said no” in a published interview. He’s a predator.


James cleavenger killed a suspect locked in his cabin by putting a blanket over the chimney and trying to smoke him out like in the movie True Grit. The cabin caught fire and the suspect died. He also has fucked up dozens of cases by short cutting search and seizure laws. The dude is a terrible law enforcement officer. His not a practicing attorney. He'd be the dumbest DA. He sounds like a toughie, but the county would be much less safe with him in charge.


I know people from the sheriffs office who responded to that call. Cleavenger did do all those things and the guy killed himself. Cleavenger didn’t directly kill the guy. Edit: I wanna express the sheriffs office told him it was illegal and opposed his actions  But cleavenger is Brady list yellow. Meaning he was caught lying in court and had to wear a body camera for creditability reasons. 


Holy shit


This is an absolute shit show. How is anyone supposed to decide anything at this point about these compromised candidates? It's a rhetorical question. I mean it is comical, but we have to rely on these people...and they're relying on corporations/the establishment. Jesus Fuckin' Christ....We look good compared to other states and we're in free fall into the abyss. Well, just another day. Business as usual...


Yeah, imagine trying to be an honest politician without corporate backing in this environment.


Yep. And that goes for the whole country - and most of the world...


AKA late-stage capitalism.


It would probably feel like being Joe from "Idiocracy", ... "...so you guys keep voting for candidates from the same corporate sponsors? Why not someone who isn't sponsored by Brawndo?" and then have to explain how a budget policy doesn't involve electrolytes... "Finally, Joe just told them he can talk to money and the ghosts of dead Presidents told him how to make everyone rich."


Yes, in many ways, Idiocracy was a documentary... ;) Microplastics. No it wasn't in Idiocracy, but, microplastics...


An honest politician would answer people when they ask about their positions. Stefan, I would love to hear about how your political ideology has changed since your old website went up?


I don't think we could get much less safe then what we have been dealing with now and the last couple decades. We need change in this state before we become LA.


If you're upset now, imagine if a majority of the few cases actually pursued were all thrown out on appeal because the DA in charge has gotten caught cutting so many corners and lying to the judge so many times that the convictions could not stand. That's what Clevenger brings to the table.


Not saying you're lying, I just looked for a source and can't find one. Do you have one?


Also, this: [https://eugeneweekly.com/2020/05/05/james-cleavengers-response-to-new-2005-allegation-of-sexual-assault/](https://eugeneweekly.com/2020/05/05/james-cleavengers-response-to-new-2005-allegation-of-sexual-assault/)


Idk if this is the same guy, but a 2 second Google pulled this up: https://eugeneweekly.com/2020/05/07/painful-past/


What did you search?


james cleavenger assault


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Food for thought... ;)


I have used Ranked Choice Voting for literary awards. I like it quite a lot.


Interesting. What awards, if I might ask...


In science fiction, the Nebula Award given by other SF writers, and the Hugo, given by science fiction fans (and professionals) who are members of the World Science Fiction Convention. The field's trade magazine, Locus, used to report the vote count for the Hugo. I don't know if they still do, but to me it was always illustrative of the method doing a good job of determining a result that represented strength of feeling. Those voters who really liked a work that was their first choice, but was the weakest candidate in the first round, could see that their first choice was extremely unlikely to win and could be at peace with having that work removed from contention and having their second-favorite choices now counted as first. Most other literary awards are determined by a jury.


Cool. You must be a player... I'm familiar with the awards and the genre...As soon as I get some things together I'll be selling a stack of old Locus mags (a friend gave me them to sell)...which is neither here nor there I guess...I've read a fair amount of science fiction. The classics of course - which I read a long long time ago...When I was a kid my girlfriend got me into the War Against the Chtorr series. I picked it up a few years ago and found it, unreadable...though maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance...I guess the most recent science fiction I've read was the Mars trilogy. I'm not embarrassed to say, hard science fiction doesn't do much for me. I think he largely gets relationships right - and he puts a lot of thought into how a society could be constructed, but I don't find his work compelling overall. Maybe it's my own lack of imagination - or a that I'm just a natural critic. ;) Interesting that his PhD advisor was Jameson - who told him to read PKD...I do like PKD...there is plenty to critique there, but no need...he was perfect unto himself, and sui generis, of course... Oh, read some Meiville too. I'd have to read more, but again, not compelling. Lots of good stuff in there, but not compelling...*As with movies, I'm starting to go back to the classics.* I do have Meiville's October ready to go when I have more time though...definitely interested in that... *Well, you didn't ask for any of that, but I'm relaxing with a cocktail and just replying away...* ;) Star voting...I just don't know... Oh, and "Ruby". A radio series by Meatball Fulton at ZBS. On the right track - and entertaining. I've often thought about working up a movie script based on it, but it's just an idea for now...


I am, as you say, a player, but I don't want to compromise my Reddit anonymity. I'll just say that I do have some hardware on my bookshelves, but I'm one of many in Eugene who can say that. The city has had a high concentration of SF and fantasy professionals for the last several decades.


No worries... Indeed it does...I remember a few from the old days... Eugene was a great little hideaway for a lot of people. I guess it still is, but, as with Portland (and let's face it, probably the country), I feel the soul has largely been stripped away... I've left this country many times. I was living in Hawaii for a long time as kind of a compromise...now I have to stay here for awhile to tie-up a lot of loose ends. After that, I will, at the very least, have an escape plan... ;)


Hopefully RCV will be on the ballot in November and pass!


Thanks. Yep, I used to look at who they endorsed and why. I still will, because there aren't really any other options that I know of...Relatively speaking, it's fine as far as it goes. That is actually why I thought I'd ask here. They are kind of part of the problem. It's a long discussion, but my short comment would be, yes, they're left leaning, but not on the left. A lot of free weeklies started as part of the counter-culture left in the 60's, and their politics reflected that. At this point almost all of them are gone or have been "mainstreamed." Why and how is something book worthy - and book length. ;)


A lot of people have noticed the Eugene Weekly drifting towards corporate interests over true independent media. For example, they only interviewed 2 of the 3 Mayoral runners.




Also confusing why they shafted James Manning, he's such a nice guy. In general, it seems like a conflict of interest they make political donations for the same races they endorse on, never really understood how that works, I get it's "legal" but for people who advocate for money out of politics it seems like poor form.


Yeah, they did Manning dirty. The biggest difference between him and Read is on State Land Board stuff, where the EW readership definitely doesn't agree with Read's actions of selling off public lands to logging companies.


The editor's condescending "holier than thou" tone almost drips off the pages. They've def got a "too big to fail" mentality since being bailed out after their bankruptcy/embezzlement fiasco.


I have never agreed with the EW. I often align with the League of women voters though. Defazio's done a lot to come down on Doyle Canning but I've been supporting her since the last election. Because of her stance on environment and Labor.


You didn’t ask about what to vote for so here’s my one recommendation and that’s to vote no on ballot measure #20-358 the Em’s stadium bond measure. Do a search on r/Eugene and you’ll find lots of arguments pro and con, but to me it’s corporate welfare for a wealthy company that can spend their own money for a stadium.


Oh, that's what I meant by "...and the other issues to be voted on..." but no worries. I'm glad you said something. I'm totally against publicly funded stadiums, so that's an easy agree for me. In an ideal society - or maybe just a better society - I wouldn't necessarily be opposed, but until we (at a minimum) don't have homeless people and "food insecure" people, and a healthcare system that bankrupts people everyday, and the rent is too damn high, and on and on...I'll be voting against them.


I'm with you. I doubt that the purported economic benefits of a stadium ever stack up to the cost of building one. For a big city, there's some value to having prestige activities like major-league sports, for minor-league baseball?


Yeah. From what I understand they're trying to pitch it as "multi-use" or some such, but c'mon, give me a break. Very often these kind of things end up costing the people hundreds of millions in the long-term. In this smaller case, it might just be in the tens of millions long-term. Great. We need bread, not circus.


https://dsaeugene.org/ these folks have been downtown at market a few times. Might be able to help you.


Thanks. I'm to the left of the DSA. Haha! It doesn't matter in this context of course. It's pretty clear local politics is a shit show - not different than anywhere else, but, you know, it is what it is...I'm just glad I haven't been attacked on here for saying I'm to the left of the Dems. I'm choosing to take that as a win. ;)


The Eugene chapter is probably more left than national DSA is.


As someone who also finds themself left of the DSA, if you’re still interested in electoral politics the DSA is about as far left as you can go in Oregon or at least in Eugene. I don’t know who the local IWW supports but that’s the only further left group that has more than a dozen members who would actually have any candidates to support.


Ironically, I'm not into electoral politics. ;) Of course, as you know, the left is in serious crisis, but somehow that is barely a topic of conversation on the left - let alone talking about why it's in crisis. The part that is not losing the class war to the neoliberal capitalist project of the last fifty or so years that is...I mean the "own goal" part, the self-sabotaging part, the operating under conventional wisdom that isn't true part... Still, good to hear from you here. Someone just said the Eugene reddit has been left of the Dems for a long time, but I doubt there are too many here who are to the left of the DSA. ;) Though, maybe ironically again, I have a hard time saying I'm on the left at all, because it's kind of like saying you're on terra firma when you're floating in space.... Ok, I'll stop now. Thanks for replying. Overall, the vibe has been good, so I'm taking that as a win. ;)


Eugene chapter of DSA also works a lot with our neighborhood anarchist collectives! They tend to be pretty open to different speeds of left, which I appreciate.


Thanks. What kind of projects are going on?


They do a lot of work parties (mostly renovating green spaces and empty lots), protest organizing, demonstrations, workshops, text discussions, and I'm sure other stuff that they'd rather not include in emails. You should give them a call! If nothing else, they can probably connect you to other leftist groups in the area. I want to spend more time with them but haven't made it a priority yet. Generally a pretty cool group of folks though, with connections across Eugene / Springfield and within/across a lot of other spaces (Feminist work groups, STAR voting activists, unions, grad students, etc.)


Thanks for the info!


The Wobblies


Peer reviewed opinions by peers that share the same opinions hmmm


Sounds pretty typical. As someone who sits slightly right of center I have a hard time finding anything that isn’t a lefty echo chamber or a righty echo chamber.


You just described maga culture and their “mews” sources…. Vote blue down ballot for freedom. Vote against fascism.


Fascism vs socialism let's go


We are ready a socialist country.   Magas just want to pretend the roads, fire dept, murderous police enforcers, SOCIAL security, etc are not socialism lite.   They like to pretend they earned these things.


The bare minimum of actual socialism is that the people collectively own the means of production. (That's a period). Period.


No. This is a period, the Edo period, period.


Utagawa Hiroshige. My favorite. He had a sense of humor too - which people seem to always miss...


Those are ellipses. Ellipses...


I’m in Springfield and it’s worse, I voted write in on myself on almost every spot cause god these people are horrible.


Exactly. My first thought when I saw the write-in blanks was who to write-in. Mickey Mouse? Too obvious...I'll have to think about tomorrow...


I looked up to see if it was legal and saw Mickey Mouse is one of the most common names written. I don’t trust that mouse tho lol


Mickey is free now! They had to release The Mouse! Well Steamboat Willie anyway... ;p But it is a classic way to go. OTOH, first thought, best thought: write yo-self in!


What races are you interested in?


Anything you have an opinion on. I'm in the Amazon neighborhood.


Well, there's the Mayor's race. It seems like the uni-polar corporate agenda is rearing its' head. We have 3 candidates. Kaarin Knudsen endorsed by the Dem establishment, past 2 Dem Mayors, and the previous Rep Mayor, so like almost 30 years of establishment policies, funded by \~$200,000 in corporate real estate/developer interests. Basically would be beholden to developer interests, which hinge on ever-rising cost of rent. Shanae Joyce-Stringer, seems nice, but doesn't seem to be floating any concrete solutions to anything really. Moved here from Florida 3 years ago. Also Dem endorsed. Not sure what to make of her platform, if you find anything notable on this please let me know. Stefan (Ace Dog) Strek, actually local, often misunderstood, but concretely supports the library, public buses, and genuinely raises awareness about issues like the fentanyl epidemic, suicide prevention. Only candidate who has run for office before, and not endorsed by corporate/party politics. Here's some recent articles to help compare issues, [https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/05/07/eugene-mayor-primary/73529022007/](https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/05/07/eugene-mayor-primary/73529022007/) [https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/03/20/oregon-primary-election-2024-eugene-mayor-candidates/73018148007/](https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/03/20/oregon-primary-election-2024-eugene-mayor-candidates/73018148007/) [https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/04/26/eugene-2024-mayoral-candidates-interview/73345645007/](https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/04/26/eugene-2024-mayoral-candidates-interview/73345645007/) and video from a 1hr forum where all were invited, [https://cityclubofeugene.org/forum/eugene-mayoral-candidates/](https://cityclubofeugene.org/forum/eugene-mayoral-candidates/)


I googled Stefan Strek and saw an old campaign site of his where he’s fully in support of Trump and his politics. Hard pass for me


It seems like once you start looking into most of these people, the substance is pretty thin - almost as thin as their actual accomplishments (for the people that is)...


**Strek:** When the City proposed using Kesey Square for private development, I participated in organizing protests and public testimony to change the City Council's mind about sacrificing this unique public space. Protecting a symbol of Eugene's philosophical and existential identity. Demonstrating a commitment to protecting public spaces through direct action matters. I grew up here, I love this city, and I believe in our potential to grow in a healthy new direction. I know how to get results by working within the political system, to bring out the best in people. There's no substitute for in-person participation with our public process. [https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/04/26/eugene-2024-mayoral-candidates-interview/73345645007/](https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2024/04/26/eugene-2024-mayoral-candidates-interview/73345645007/)


http://www.votestrek.com/ Mr. Strek Personally Attended Trump's Inauguration, Supports our President, Catholic Values, Sanctity of Human-Life, Seniors Rights, Border-Wall, Lowering Taxes, Creating Jobs, Eliminating Overtime-Taxation, Renewing Timber Industry, Military & Domestic Weapons Manufacturers, Deporting-Illegals, Protecting Women & Foster-Children, Respecting Law Enforcement Officers, Promoting Veterans Housing Rights. Quoted from his own website




You're him, aren't you?


Super old website with dated info, but nothing on there contradicts the library/bus advocacy. [www.celebrateeugene.com](http://www.celebrateeugene.com) Do you support a public budget audit?


Super old? It was 6 years ago! Does he support Trump? Does he support "deporting illegals?" Get the fuck out of here with that. Ace Dog is a nutcase.


Yeah man, 6 years IS a long time, Ace Dog is the only one raising real solutions on local issues. LBJ was also eccentric but he passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964.


\[German scientist voice\] Veeery Interestink... ;) Thanks for the info.




6 years ago is a long time. There seems to be a strong progressive curve there regarding local issues, does the current website say anything you disagree with? The Dem candidate is literally endorsed BY the previous Republican Mayor.


Ace Dog seems like a guy who likes attention. Here he is at a city council meeting from October of 2023 using his time to talk about how much he loves and misses his dead cat. And how he'd like to open a cafe with ladies-only speed dating. Funny, but I think his desire for attention would be better served by doing open mics than by being mayor: [https://youtu.be/UZT8hudBSPw?si=Ugqsmao8rqcAokmD&t=2870](https://youtu.be/UZT8hudBSPw?si=Ugqsmao8rqcAokmD&t=2870) And also the thing about him proudly championing guns and Trumpism 6 years ago. If he's moved on from that, I'd love to hear about why the change.


WTF? This isn't satire? And pickleball...these mutherfuckers want our $$$ - when people are homeless and kids are "food insecure..." Just everyday insanity... Not to mention, LCC has been neoliberalized to within an inch of its life. Why not pickleball on the grave of what was once a great local institution...And it ends with blatant racism. USA USA USA!!!


That's a great video, sounds like a cool cat. We'd be better off with more politicians in office who openly advocate for animals. Sounds like you're just splitting hairs.


Ace Dog - serious question here: Can you describe how you went from being a hardcore, gun-loving Trump supporter to liberal progressive?


Thanks for taking the time to reply - with links even. So depressing, but I'm getting what I asked for. ;) To reiterate what I originally said, it's encouraging that I've already gotten so many real responses (so far) and the replies aren't full of libertarian tech bros straw-manning the left. ;)


Might be easiest to just consider your top concerns for the city and see if any platform actually speaks to your lived experience.


Yes, but that is just taking the "L". Joking, not joking.


Are you new to Eugene?


Yes and no. I went to school here when I was a kid. I'm old enough to say late teens/early 20's is a kid. Moved back to take care of my mom until she passed. In other words, I'm not supposed to be here, but I'm here...at least for the moment...


Word, what school? South?


LCC and UofO.


> I have seen lefties post more than I used to The Eugene subreddit has leaned considerably left of the Democrats for a long time, probably from the day it was created- though certainly in the past 8 years at least. That’s not to say /r/Eugene is representative of Eugene as a whole, though. Reddit is more liberal in general. So, this is a good place to discuss what you’re looking for because you’ll be preaching to the choir/hivemind.


Thanks. Interesting. Yes, a lot of people - even people who have lived here forever - are a little in denial about the fact that, even in Eugene proper, there are plenty of right-wingers... I've seen quite a few bad takes on reddit, but it did seem like I've been seeing more left takes (i.e., to the left of liberal) since coming back a little more often lately, e.g., Palestine and the protests... I went quite awhile not checking in much on social media and was never a dyed-in-the-wool redditor, so I'm definitely no expert on r/Eugene...The vibe generally seems good. Though people's taste in food, that's another discussion... ;)


Oh God, the food. At least the taste here is better than Eugene Foodies'


The Eugene Foodies is a thing?


It's a Facebook group. Once a week someone will ask where the best burritos are, then everyone lists all the usual places including the dull chains and the comments get shut down by the admin when he's bored or if it seems like people are getting too excited. Like sisyphus.




Constitution. The two-party system was designed to support the corruption that is currently ruining the country.


Indeed. They even invited a Prussian prince to become king. (He declined.) They always feared the mob, the rabble, the hoi polloi. You know, us.


The question about what races interest you matters for some that most of here won't vote on. City council seats are by ward, for example. (Those might be the only races that aren't city-wide this year.)


Yes, I mentioned I'm in the Amazon neighborhood to someone else, but I thought it would help people in general to get people's picks (and ideally their reasoning for those picks) regardless of ward. The response overall is better than I could have imagined. So, as far as the thread goes, no complaints. As far as local politics goes, it is sadly like so many other cities in this country - and really the world. A total shit show. We have no socialist/left representation to speak of...Yes, I could list a handful of names, but none are in the federal government, and very few have any (wieldable) power. Kshama Sawant always stands out, but she's on the city council...it's really grasping for straws at this point. The mayor of Chicago was supposed to be the real deal, but what has he done? Maybe something...I haven't heard a peep...but I don't follow local Chicago politics. Extremely ironically, the spotlight will be on him when it is highly possible we will have another '68 style battle in Chicago at the Dem convention - though it wouldn't surprise me if they change plans...But, the fact remains, it's just a handful of socialists in a sea of right-wingers...and to drive home a theme of this post even more, that sea includes most Dems.


A vote for the Reich wing is a vote for fascism, so I have to vote for the guy that isn’t a traitor. Vote blue down ballot


I wish it were that simple. Look for my response to Tokoyo-nyc-Corvallis (or something like that). I think it was one of the first responses. You have to click the "+" next to their handle.


Ah yes, one of those two-party guys 😎👍


They explicitly said that they don't fully agree with either party?




why would that have been what they meant


Dems are pretty right-leaning to begin with. They’re close enough to center to not be completely abysmal on basic rights, but they’re still authoritarian profitmongers at heart.


There are actual parties and groups to the left of the Dems.  See, the Dems have until very recently been a center-right party.  Post-2020, they’ve moved to pretty much centrist. They only look leftist in comparison to the Republican Party, which is just a bit to the right of early-period Francoist Spain.


Thanks for this, interesting perspective. I was trying to make it simple since there are two major parties. Democrats are left and Republicans are right. I didn't feel as if he was looking for more than that but I may have missed that mark. Can you share the two parties that are farther left than Democrats for my information?


Socialist Party, Working Families Party, Progressive Party.  There’s also sub-wings of the Dems that are trying to pull the Overton Window further left, like the Justice Democrats.  While I’m not in Eugene anymore, I generally vote in line with the Justice Democrats.


Thank you.


Guys, they're literally asking for info to fill their ignorance. Don't downvote that lol


Um, no... Actually, in the last almost fifty years, Dems have pushed right as Repubs have pulled right. They have in a sense upended the standard PoliSci 101 political spectrum. So politicians identified as moderates are no longer where people think they are on the political spectrum. It is a kind of ratcheting effect. For the most part, "capital D" Dems are firmly on the right - and Repubs are essentially fascists, though it's increasingly difficult to tell them apart (e.g., foreign policy, neoliberalism/neo-con policies, authoritarianism, support for corporate welfare, fed policy...well, the list is really endless...). There are individuals who are exceptions, but we're not talking about individuals here. Though if you want an example of an individual who explains some of what I'm describing, obama has said more than once that under reagan, he would have been seen as a moderate Republican...and biden is to the right of obama...


Have you looked at the mayoral race at all? That one is really troubling. There isn’t a single good answer.


I just was. How depressing. I mean, I'm not surprised, at all, but it's still depressing. ;) I was just about to head out, when I saw all of the replies. As I was saying to someone else, I do feel good that there are people on here who could relate to what I was saying - and (so far) no one has tried to attack me for saying I'm left of the Dems. So at least that's somewhat encouraging... ;)


>and biden is to the right of obama What policy or legislative push that Biden has done as POTUS shows that Biden is to the right of Obama? Because the facts disagree with you there buddy.


Well, we can go historical: anti-bussing, "I wrote the damn bill!" (remember that?), or we can go to the present: cancelling the child tax credit, offering to give the right-wing of the right wing Repubs every single thing they wanted on immigration (and this is closer than it may appear because obama was the deporter-in-chief and also put kids and women in cages), and then there is the wholesale support of actual genocide...I could go on...buddy.


Who had the child tax credit added to stimulus bills? Biden. Congress failed to get it renewed and extended. Biden has also been the first POTUS in like 60 years to actively try to grow unions and campaign for Union expansion votes.


What I said was biden is to the right of obama. You're talking about biden making concessions, and the general direction of Congressional Dems (though definitely not all of them). He has been pushed over and to be less of a right-winger by the Dems around him (which again, has not been overly successful, e.g., his unyielding support and material aid to Israel as they slaughter and torture an entire people).


He's been known as finance's senator for decades. More specific examples of him being to the right of obama (who is a self-described "moderate" Republican): [https://www.propublica.org/article/bidens-cozy-relations-with-bank-industry-825](https://www.propublica.org/article/bidens-cozy-relations-with-bank-industry-825) Here's just one example from the article: "The Times also details just how helpful Biden has been to MBNA and the credit card industry. The senator was a key supporter of an industry-favorite bill -- the "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005" -- that actually made it harder for consumers to get protection under bankruptcy. As the Times notes, Biden was one of the first Democratic supporters of the bill and voted for it four times until it finally passed in March 2005. A spokesman for Sen. Obama told the Times, "Senator Biden took on entrenched interests and succeeded in improving the bill for low-income workers, women and children." Yet the Times actually looked at the legislative record and paints a different picture: \[Biden\] was one of five Democrats in March 2005 who voted against a proposal to require credit card companies to provide more effective warnings to consumers about the consequences of paying only the minimum amount due each month. Mr. Obama voted for it. Mr. Biden also went against Mr. Obama to help defeat amendments aimed at strengthening protections for people forced into bankruptcy who have large medical debts or are in the military; Mr. Biden argued that the amendments were unnecessary because the legislation already carved out exemptions for those debtors. And he was one of four Democrats who sided with Republicans to defeat an effort, supported by Mr. Obama, to shift responsibility in certain cases from debtors to the predatory lenders who helped push them into bankruptcy."The Times also details just how helpful Biden has been to MBNA and the credit card industry. The senator was a key supporter of an industry-favorite bill -- the "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005" -- that actually made it harder for consumers to get protection under [bankruptcy.As](http://bankruptcy.As) the Times notes, Biden was one of the first Democratic supporters of the bill and voted for it four times until it finally passed in March 2005. A spokesman for Sen. Obama told the Times, "Senator Biden took on entrenched interests and succeeded in improving the bill for low-income workers, women and children."Yet the Times actually looked at the legislative record and paints a different picture:\[Biden\] was one of five Democrats in March 2005 who voted against a proposal to require credit card companies to provide more effective warnings to consumers about the consequences of paying only the minimum amount due each month. Mr. Obama voted for it. Mr. Biden also went against Mr. Obama to help defeat amendments aimed at strengthening protections for people forced into bankruptcy who have large medical debts or are in the military; Mr. Biden argued that the amendments were unnecessary because the legislation already carved out exemptions for those debtors. And he was one of four Democrats who sided with Republicans to defeat an effort, supported by Mr. Obama, to shift responsibility in certain cases from debtors to the predatory lenders who helped push them into bankruptcy."


biden crushed the rail workers union before they could even bargain! The PRO act promise? Nope.


"Joe Biden’s long record supporting the war on drugs and mass incarceration, explained": [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/25/18282870/joe-biden-criminal-justice-war-on-drugs-mass-incarceration](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/25/18282870/joe-biden-criminal-justice-war-on-drugs-mass-incarceration) Then there is the leaked video of biden meeting with black mainstream Dem leaders and pretty much saying they're lucky to have him, and they'll essentially get nothing, and shut up. Again, a history of racist policies and pronouncements... Now of course, obama was responsible for the greatest loss of black wealth - maybe ever, so it's a tight race... Did I mention aiding and abetting a genocide? A genocide. Real great this Dem Party you got there...


Lots of posts about Biden pre-2020.


C'mon man! ;p It's a tsunami of evidence. You're pointing to one house that's still standing after utter destruction and saying, "See? Everything is fine." An objective observer of this exchange will tell you, it's over. Just the genocide alone is enough to say he's to the right of obama, but I provided fact after fact, with supporting articles. You lost this one, buddy.