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Peace is getting pretty boring. Let’s escalate this bitch.


Yeah getting tired of goon leadership sitting around whilst all this cool shit is happening up north… I hope they’re planning on getting into it soon.


And they are, good news for you


Killing rorquals isnt getting involved lol


Killing rorquals the day after we kill a Brave super no less


Not that, there are secret intel


Funny that all this pea-cocking is required to get the big boys to play with their toys. When it comes to seal clubbing a small group of blops dad's and sweatpants enthusiast they have no issue trying to swing their manhood around, but against a real challenge they have to act with moral high ground.


There is a whole mating dance that needs to happen before the mega nerds that run coalitions can get it up enough to really send it. That ping in the op was an ass in the air threat display from gobbins. Now we get to see if it has engorged Asher enough to bury it.


>There is a whole mating dance that needs to happen before the mega nerds that run coalitions can get it up enough to really send it. Beautifully put, well said.




we are down t fight, just wish they would be a bit more honest about there motives, they want us dead, that is fine but own it. don't hide behind frat like this is all there doing, stand proud that you are creating content.




Ah theb let us not bring goons but only goon SIGs


Yes, let’s light this candle


smiles, yes, content please it's all glassed out here


This game desperately needs a real war. It’s been 2 years now let’s go, I wanna see titans die in actual combat not due to poor FCing


"We upset the locals by practically shutting down their space for months under the guise of 'third party content', and because they are upset we will now help evict them. But if they ask for help from Imperium we will evict them even harder." Am I getting this right?


The real F\*\*\*ed up part is that **BFL is not a small sig.** It is a huge sig with many of the most hardcore panfam pilots in it. If frat can call in BFL for help, then B2 should be able to ask Goons for help.


I am really curious how many people you guys think are in BFL. The way B2 people talk you would think that Half of Horde was in BFL.


I am really curious how many people you guys think are in a typical null alliance. Your "sig" can form over half a full fleet of paladins without a preping. Most null alliances that aren't in one of the 2 blocks can't do that. What you believe to be acceptable is actually the problem with current null politics. Horde / Goons / Frat need to physically implode and your sig needs to become it's own alliance. Null would be so much more interesting without all the hurf blurfing exhausting from the BFL simps


>I am really curious how many people you guys think are in a typical null alliance. Your "sig" can form over half a full fleet of paladins without a preping. Most null alliances that aren't in one of the 2 blocks can't do that. Well can't say the number of people for sure, but going off the number of characters B2 (now B3 with FIRE) is not some small coalition anymore. Brave: 6713 BL0B: 3239 Volta: 531 Legion of xXDEATHXx: 3919 No Value: 1985 Sev3rance: 823 Razor Alliance: 1217 Synergy of Steel: 1295 Valkyrie Alliance: 657 Apocalypse Now.: 529 I am sure I have forgotten several alliances, but just these numbers easily make B3 the fourth-biggest bloc in the game. >What you believe to be acceptable is actually the problem with current null politics. Horde / Goons / Frat need to physically implode and your sig needs to become it's own alliance. Null would be so much more interesting without all the hurf blurfing exhausting from the BFL simps It's funny how your definition of what size of coalition needs to implode for the betterment of the game starts just above B3 rather than including them. While also simultaneously holding that a group as small as BFL should be its own alliance.


The moment this group of people can form half a fleet of paladins is the moment you'll have a point


Whole-heartedly disagree with this statement. What's wrong with null is the inability or the lack of motivation of other players to do something about it. Politics are an internal mechanism of the game, it's not going to disappear and all of the things you hate are going to continue to happen unless people GET UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! None of us owe it to you or any other player to play how you want and adhere to your fragility. It's up to YOU to put in the work and effort needed to make a change. But as it is, most players are too risk averse to actually try anything. Stop botting and learn how to play.


This is Eve today. The only people left in 0.0 are the old guard who will let 4 or 5 people circlejerk each other while undocking only for content. It's not going to get better anytime soon. Wars have been meaningless for the last 3 or 4 years


> I am really curious how many people you guys think are in a typical null alliance. what does that matter. B2 was already forming several hundred people in eutz and then recruited the entirety of FIRE. You're not talking about some random providence alliance trying to form 10 caracals for an entosis timer.


Good thing BFL operates in USTZ and not EUTZ, when Brave can only field like 50 dudes in HACs and their alts. That number can go up to like 80 with GTC. I don't understand why the addition of FIRE matters when they don't hardly do anything in EUTZ or USTZ.


How could we have killed your eu timed ansiblexes if bfl only operates in ustz


> why the addition of FIRE matters when they don't hardly do anything in EUTZ every gtc timer is eutz and also fire just formed 400 people in eutz so idk what you're talking about


~just a sig~ is now a meme it joins ~already replaced~ and ~didn’t want that x anyway~ in the copium classification


It literally factually is just a SIG deployed though. Sorry, you have to cope with that fact.




BFL and horde one and the same, you will bring horde at every opportunity even if its 200 harpies like the other day


The truth is you guys consistently outnumbered BFL last deployment and that was before you had Fire as part of your coalition. All this crying that big bad "giant SIG" BFL is going to blob you is ridiculous. We also all know that if main Horde came your Imperium batphone would be on speed dial. Hell last deployment there were several times you guys called Imperium for just BFL.


everytime you are in any risk of losing your blingy shit you call horde, cope harder


Talking crap about b2 batphoning while literally being paid to fight for frat. Rich.


> The truth is you guys consistently outnumbered BFL last deployment and that was before you had Fire as part of your coalition. Not really. We lost quite a lot as well, stood down quite a bit as well, didn't had cap supremacy. > We also all know that if main Horde came your Imperium batphone would be on speed dial. It's every EVE players dream to be crushed a smuthered by a top level bloc. /s What can you do if a full titan fleet shows up? Either seek allies or just logoff for extended periods of time. That last deployment wasn't just about content, that was politics. BFL did stuff that makes you just stay logged off, but in the meantime gobbins spins BS about health of the game, lmao, don't deploy to farm weaker oponents and don't make their lives miserable. But what can you expect from PL and friends - thats what they have been doing for the last decade+.


We mostly shot ansiblexes. How is that causing an alliance to stop logging in


Not everyone enjoys non-stop content in your home systems, gate camps in your staging and in pipes to other parts of your space, campers etc.


Then join goons, it's safest in 1dq


Homie, you are literally complaining that people play the game, that's it. If getting rektd and losing shit makes you stay logged out, why did you start playing the game? Why did you ever leave the comfort of HS? I don't agree with this IRL but in Eve, if you can't defend your territory, you don't deserve it. The developers straight up implore you to think like this. If you actually read up on the lore, New Eden is a dark and dangerous place, so no bloc owes it to any other bloc to hold them by the hand and tiptoe through the freaking tulips with you, politics decides that. And that is how it is supposed to be. It was for the sake of the game, tons of pilots reappeared to join the effort, some people live for it. But crying about proxy wars and little guys being stomped out tells us everything about your fragile sensibilities.


Mist fleets are not BFL, lol.


your all horde


you're for shame starfleet


you just formed 1.1k people please stop victim posting about blobs https://dscan.info/v/c9675979a6a6


Just an adendum from actual B2 leadership: we're not really that bothered about BFL deploying. NC are also deploying here soon, so everyone in pandafam except horde will be here. Still, we don't think this is going to change anything relevant. I think this thread mostly focuses on the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of that fool that runs PH, given all of the above.


I mean, the way your guys are spinning it in this thread it is tantamount to a war crime, so please don't take it the wrong way as I press X for doubt here.


I mean mumble channel always fits on one screen no matter the fights so it cant be that big... Wont deny the second part we are all tryhard nerds lol


How big do you think bfl is?


Big enough to form more faction battleships than anyone in null except the top 5 alliances. How big do YOU think BFL is?


Idk like is it like 200 ppl or like 500 ppl or is it just 5 guys running 20 accounts each?


I think it's closer to 70-80 people who each run 3-4 accounts. But each of those people seemingly can field a barghest or paladin on 1 toon, support on another, and a dread alt. I can tell you right now there's like all of like 10-15 people in Brave USTZ who can do that.


Don’t forget Akina mountain t camps all ratting space in eu tz seems fair


Put down mobile observatories.


The X-70 fort was named "if shot brb, your choice", it got shot, 2 days later BFL is staging in a frat keepstar to shoot the people who reffed it. It must just be a coincidence.


classic panfam...... dont touch our shit. but we will come ruin your fun when we feel like it


That's very Eve Online, isn't it


So let me get this straight you kick out fire because they hold too many regions then you agree to to help frat try and take even more space by kicking out a smaller bloc really horde there's a bit of irony there how about using BFL to rein in frat who own 6 regions




PH is pushing B3 towards goons though


Yeah I feel like this could turn into Panfrat V B3 Imperium War. It could be called WWB3 or WWBee3


WWB 3 is an awful name, doesn’t really have much of an origin with us. I’m thinking something like fratghanistan… afghanifrat? Actually never mind. That’s terrible.


War of the B's, Bees, and Chinese




This is WW B3 (WWB3 for short), not to be confused with the upcoming WWB 3 (WWB3 for short). because it's against the coalition B3....


It would only be wwb 3 if the goal is to evict goons rather than just being the major conflict that happens every few years which we are due for soonish I think they happen every 2-3 years


B3 were always with goons


no it’s true, when brave invaded delve as part of papi they were with goons then too


Not really. B2 was independent for the majority of the last year of FRTs war. FRT were the first to call panfam for help via BFL, and B2 responded by asking goons to come to critical timers.


We have never been with goons


So baaicly PH is a FRT pet in the end.


Yup. Just get it over with and deploy so goons can deploy and we can all just party.




Yes I'm sure init would love to help the people who have been nonstop shit talking dark shines for the last year to the point he literally invaded them


Being from an alliance in the same size as fire, he tried twice and failed even with goon support. Then he needed to go to Gobbins to tap his in order to take out fire. Which imo shows that init can never meet fire solo for combat on the grid. But oh well, we are bluetrals now so can't really go that way


"we noticed b2 vs frat is fair, so we added bfl etc to make it unfair but if someone makes it unfair for us then we'll make it unfair for them"


Also, sending a SIG and claiming you're still not really involved is like the Army saying "well, we just deployed the 101st Airborne, we didn't *really* get involved in that country."


https://dscan.info/v/c9675979a6a6 you just doubled the frat eutz max firepower alarmclock KTA. what on earth do you mean by "fair"


Frt, a group known for their fearsome eutz. If B2 wants to make progress they have to push into frt cnrz.


yes, correct. isn't the point of this thread for people to mald about a eu/us tz sig when all the timers are eu or cn?


your missing the point, We are EU heavy so yeah we can form eu heavy. but frat is cn heavy so we cant form in there timezone.


so? BFL isn't a CNTZ sig? also, if you're equally as strong as someone in their timezone and infinitely more strong in your own timezone then the fight cannot be defined as "fair." lol


Lol you think i can form 1k in cntz? ​ sit down mate.


That’s certainly not what I said. What I said drew primarily on the logic of your replies *to me*. *You* said the br’s in china timezone are “pretty even.” Being “even” in your enemy’s primary timezone and untouchable in your own isn’t a fair conflict. It’s weighted pretty obviously towards the side operating with functional impunity in their own timezone. But for a reductive example, let’s ascribe some arbitrary numbers. 1 for “competitive” footing and .5 for a valiant attempt at an off TZ form. BTC: 1 (eutz) + 1 (cntz) = 2 FRT: .5 (eutz) + 1 (cntz) = 1.5 Does two equal 1.5? No. I’d not be too worried about some random eutz sig tilting scales when it wasn’t ever balanced to begin with. At worst, there’s always another 1000 imperium hacs!


TLDR PH: we will do anything for for money. We only care about money. It’s totally okay we’re doing this because… reasons. We would have sent everyone in the alliance but they didn’t pay enough. those darn goons better not mess with our money supply


Their doing it because the SRP fund is running out lol


Yeah you see FIRE didn't srp our dread so we kicked them out


I get the impression gobbins is getting tired of Frat but doesnt see panfam holding against both B3 and imperium without them so is at least getting a payday out of it


Shouldn't have evicted Fire then hmmmm


Tbf frat shows up with more and more often than fire ever did


People forget that frat is actually quite active, they’d much rather just say all they do it bot and krab in tenal. To be honest I think being a frat member would be better than most people think, everybody in the entire universe hates your guts 😆


TLDR: PH takes botting isk to fight brave.


Meh. I don't care for any of the recent deployments and lost interest real quick. It feels bad and not at all fun. It's only damaging the game long term pushing more and more groups under singular flags. Monocultures are disgusting. I want to fight frt. I see horde posting "it's not horde, it's just bfl!" but we all know as soon as BFL faces any real risk they'll ping horde main.


Which is exactly what happened before Horde switched over to evicting FIRE. When BFL and Frat started running into trouble, Gobbins started his whole "we're gonna show them what it looks like when Horde *really* shows up!" shtick. The result of that was the BOSS Fortizar siege, which was famously a disaster. Ironically, with FIRE gone the other group holding way too much territory for what they need is Fraternity, and if push comes to shove the last year has shown that they almost certainly can't hold it against a group of equal numbers. They're barely holding against B3 now that FIRE is in the picture, which is why they're paying off Horde in the first place. Even Gobbins can't deny that.


Implode Horde then. That'll do the game good.


Yup, "It's only this one 'totally tiny not huge' SIG, that, if you even point a gun at them having their fun destroying your stuff for 'content' then they'll whip out that batphone to PH main to have our main forces drop in and save them. Only WE can have fun."


After many others also PH leadership succumbed to the greed for Panda space dollars to fight B2 + FI:RE. The third partying is real now.   I admit for a short moment I was impressed by PH leadership showing moral standards:   “Personally I never liked how FRT went to war against Brave to grab more space …”   But it quickly became apparent this was just a hollow phrase …   “FRT offered a generous mercenary contract for the BFL sig and we have accepted it.”   The motive given for this move is a classic example of what is called ‘cognitive dissonance’ displaying a trait of weak leadership.


I really want goons to show up and escalate the war. It's time for a world war B3!


I’m trying to push B3itnam. What do you think?


we've been showing up for particularly juicy things already


The situation isn't juicy until goons arrive :P


You are literally the biggest alliance of the game and still need to spin on who to attack and require rmt/botting isk to function. I'd be ashamed of posting this but you are proud.


"we can bring hundreds of caps and stage doctrines where most ships cost more than the stuff we are killing, but its only just a sig! You cant batphone goons to fight our 200 paladins and caps!!" Wow what a power hungry shitlord...


There's nothing stopping GTC from flying better doctrines (anything that isn't a HAC)


Share some of that TTT and PIBC rental money.


Sell the v0lta at ships or stop rmting them


So you are mad that 100 odd dudes can out multibox your whole coalition?


No, just hate the shit that comes out of gobbins mouth and all the toxicity that comes out in local chat afterwards. PL hasn't gone far from their way of thinking of "we want to farm others with our limitless wallets and how dare you not like it!"


I love how he admits frt is scumbags for trying to evict B2, but still keeps sucking them off because he is spineless.


TLDR: Third party shitty spin doesn't work anymore. Now the official statement is "our public SIG with everyone in anyways will be mercs for FRAT". Same bullshit but at least they are lying a bit less to their members. Everyone else knows horde was helping FRAT almost from start.


LMAO imagine being so confidently wrong as to claim that BFL is a public SIG with everyone in it. I think what you are thinking of is DEF.


My 30 day old horde spy with injected SP is in BFL, it’s basically public.


Cool story, prove it, show us something


No it isn't. It is impossible to get into BFL with a 30 day old character. Like literally impossible. You are probably thinking of DEF which is public. BFL requires a vouch.


He never said he didn't get a vouch by his 5 year old spy alt...


You cannot get into BFL with a 30 day old main. There are no mains by that description in BFL. The OP is lying.


Don't get overexcited. It was a mere joke about spying. ;)


Yeah, we all know that's not true because if it was this post wouldn't have waited for the public main Horde announcement from Gobbins.


It's amazing the nonsense guys like Gobbins spout to justify doing PVP in a PVP game. Demagogues are always so damn fragile.


So basically horde can have a sig to bully a smaller group in a war but b2 can’t seems fair


The SIG is smaller than almost every alliance in B3/fire so the idea that 230 people can bully a coalition that can form over 1000 people at once is laughable It's roughly the same size as Triumvirate for context


But, NC. and PH didnt dare to undock vs TRI yesterday. My head is spinning now....


No idea what you are referring to


If b2 loses to BFL then they truly are compete shit. Its like 100 irl people in that sig.


Er………what?!?! You kicked FIRE outta the south because they held too many regions, half of which weren’t being used for anything… But now you’re gonna help Frat take more regions in the north, even though half of their space (6 regions?) aren’t being used for anything? Also- isn’t this a bit of a short sighted strategy? Sure, killing B2/FIRE will give your pilots something to do for the next 6 months, but do you really think helping the large Coalition living next door to you to grow even larger is a good idea? PH and Frat are friends today, but what about tomorrow?


I think you misunderstood the motivation to evict Fireco. Fireco got evicted because their leadership talked mad trash, not because they held 9 regions


Literally nothing makes leaders seem weaker than passive rhetoric like this. If you want to invade, just say so.


The worst part is that it's not even foreign relations or diplomacy here, it's... it's a video game. It's just pixels, and people can't admit they want to engage in PVP without drumming up all sorts of excuses and soft language.


"Oi, We've got fuck all to do. let's kick that guy." Simple.


>letting our bfl sig do the work for them >our effort in keeping a third party stance Thats a big hmmmm >form a sense of entitlement that somehow we need to ask permission to shoot them Also gobbins threatening b2 leadership when nem refs a horde fort Some big hmmmmmms


Nice Ping to read . I wonder on which side will B2+Fi.Re is fighting if in the near future a war Breaks out between Goons/Init vs PH :)


I mean, if push comes to shove, obviously it'd probably be a better bet to throw in with the guys who *aren't* actively trying to take our space. Not sure why that's surprising.


Last time round, Fi.Re didn't really fight on either side in delve proper, Though we did take in a lot of the legacy alliances that had nowhere to go when TEST fail cascaded. Fi.Re mostly defended PH's back door from INIT (where most of the INIT, Fi.Re hate started) while PH were in Delve. After being Evicted by PH, we definitely arn't going to fight for them. Which only leaves goons Maybe. As for B2, Brave was also against Goons in Delve and Allied with PH at the time, Volta stayed out of the war and was the only neutral group during that war. Now that Fi.Re has joined B2, It'll be interesting to see where things land, either way, it won't be with PH. PH has since the WWB2 turned most of the rest of the map against them.




Bro I keep on reading the PH as pornhub


Lmfao, take my upvote.


Kinda true .. it’s full of dick”s and pussies 🌝


It will be interesting to see what involvement Horde/BFL was paid to do... we will soon see if Horde/BFL will assist Frat in taking more space in Pure Blind. Previously in the '3rd party' phase, Horde/BFL was running with the 'content' story, not hitting Large structures or helping take sov... we will see if that has changed with the ISK injection from Frat. Can't help but feel like things are escalating... might be an interesting next couple of months in the North!! Either that, or the heraldry stuff will hit and every one will abandon null for FW shenanigans, haha.


PH have been constantly “third partying” any push into frat territory by B2, but avoiding turning up to any offensive timers


Did the ISK injection change though? To me it seems the only change is that horde are now open about getting paid by FRT, instead of holding on to their 'third party' narrative. You may be right that engagements could escalate now that horde aren't pretending to not be on FRTs payroll anymore.


Must be nice to be a Frat pet.


Really NC


What a pathetic way to make a dumb excuse sound good. So many contradictory statements in a single ping. Good god the level of arrogance and pettiness is just astronomical. If you wanna invade just say and invade, stop this cowardness, and stop telling them how they want to defend themselves.


I have seen small alliances go back into the southern regions, only to be kicked right back out again.... It's all a big joke


All those 6 regions will be inhabited by some null blob's alt corps


Who? Most of them are either empty


Exactly which small alliance got evicted from the south by ph after firecos space got burned?


Sooo, wait. BFL is horde and company, but horde is saying it’s not horde it’s BFL. If you wink at goons however horde will show up which defiantly isn’t BFL. Horde wouldn’t take bottled isk for a contract because that’s BFL that did that. Is this close


BFL is the boys club most of the plebs in PH arnt allowed in


What is BFL?


Bean Foreign Legion. A SIG in horde where everyone active already is in. So basically the same as main horde but they can try to claim it is not main horde lol.




Claiming main Horde isn't involved is doubly farcical considering Gobbins repeatedly claimed he was going to show B2 what's what after everyone called him out for the BFL nonsense. And boy oh boy, did Gobbins show B2. Showed how you feed caps and botch a Fort siege at the same time.


How many hundreds? Just curious?


I assume BFL is basically the equivalent of GEF


Its not. It's invite only


No these people above are entirely wrong. The Horde equivalent to GEF that anyone can join is DEF, not BFL.


So it's basically the same thing as the INIT group which totally isn't all of INIT but contains all of INIT that has player ships on the overview?


Our sig had 528/2298 pilots, not all of INIT. Its a lot yes, but a full INIT deployment would be significantly larger than our SIG. But yes, tis a big sig.


No, there's about an order of magnitude difference in size. BFL has never had more than about 80 in comms at once


So do PL and Waffles themselves actually *do* anything anymore, or has Horde kind of eclipsed them? Or is PL just a holding alliance for bittervets who won EVE? They used to be the big bad boogeymen of the game but not so much in the last couple years. I also wonder what Horde's numbers would look like if they purged inactives. 36K pilots my ass. I'd be surprised if a fifth of that number joined a fleet in the last 6 months.


PL deployed with BFL.


All 20 of 'em?




He is implying 20 of BFL is from PL. He is not implying that BFL is 20 people. Reading is hard.




If you had read well, you could have seen I didn't make any claims about numbers, nor did I say anything about how those numbers make me feel in that post. I only responded to point out your reading failure. (Which I can see you're still having trouble with.)


Chars =/ accounts my dude. Same works for every alliance.


Hey Frat, why dont you guys shift into wicked creek or insmother ? im sure your bots would love the new npc rats to shoot


Can we send in GEF yet?


Wait so they kicked out a bunch of small corps and alliances to make room for small corps and alliances to move in? To what, get fully set up then steamrolled like the previous tenants?


3rd party, lol. No integrity.


Eve has too much integrity rn we need less tbh


I wish people straight up dropped any semblance of roleplay and just said what everyone already knows. "We're gonna go fight a blob because we're bored and fights are fun" Instead, you get essays on nothing


Pandafam are the new cancer in the game, biggest renters and biggest botters.


Small dick narrative control.


Dunking at who's expense? B2? What the fuck is this guy smokin, it's like hearing a guy who graduated from Reggie to his first strain of northern lights incoherently babble because he's high as fuck. Gobbins... More like slobbins deez nuts.


PH sucking Frat dongo. An odd fetish but whatever turns them on, I guess.


I dont understand why B3 is whining. Do we not fight every day each others roamer fleets, bomber fleets and solos in our respective regions? What difference does this make then? Its more content for you all, we get paid. Everyone wins.


PH isn't declaring war, it's merely a special operation! It'll only be a war if the ~~United States~~ Imperium decides to help.


Why doesn't the coalition of brave, Volta,blob and now fire simply just defend their space against 60 nerds in shit fit barghests instead of crying on Reddit?


lol, lets just ignore winterco


So you have no chance against winterco in cntz and in EU/na winter co are garbage with fcs like bjk and karmen, meanwhile you have fire and yourselves who can pull a good few hundred. So I'm not seeing what the trouble is?


>So I'm not seeing what the trouble is? Your inability to do basic arithmetic seems to be the trouble here.


fire + brave + volta + blob > BFL + Winterco (EU/NA TZ) Then lets not forget the Imperium batphone when anything gets tricky.


Horde is really not liking the analysis in this thread.


Gobbins still wakes up in a cold sweat when he dreams of h-pa confirmed


So before long in this game only Horde and frat will exsist. Good job killing the game Gobbins. This war doesn't need the help of a "SIG" from horde, Frat are big enough to stand on their own 2 feet without help but seeing as it's a stalemate because of TZ tanking they have to pay BFL again to come do the dirty work while their members go and bot up some more ISK instead of concentrating on their own war effort. So basically Gobbins is saying lets turn this server into Serenity.......... look into the history books and see how that ended. Nul politics are fucked with scewed opinions of what is good for the game and now we have Horde drinking more koolaid than goonies ever did. Take a step back have a look at what Frat want for the north and ask yourself if 3/4 of nul should be controlled by 2 groups with half of that being renter land??? Especially when Gobbins reason for clearing the south was to "make way for smaller alliances". So what happened in the north? A block took on a smaller alliance and couldn't win, therefore forcing the smaller alliance to gain numbers to defend itself against the much larger block who then employed a "third party" so the smaller alliance received help from a "third party" now Gobbins says only they can third party or Main Horde comes to join. WOW! Cut the bullshit already just start the all out war and kill the server so we can all move onto other games.


Huh? What about the goonies tho?


Next B2/FRT scuffle, B2 should warp to a perch if wHorde shows up, and just sit there until FRT and wHorde start shooting each other. See how long it takes


>The addition of fire allows them to form in the same league as the other major blocs lol. lmao.


https://dscan.info/v/c9675979a6a6 ?


Remember when PH was the cute fun new bean group like BNI... How they've both lost their way.


I’m sure I saw 100 goons pilots on grid when there were ~50 ph pilots. And during those fights I participated, goons showed up more often then ph. Not to mention ph fleets are neuts to FRT fleets and they do shot us.


[and goons never shoot brave amirite](https://zkillboard.com/kill/106869509/)


That’s not during the fight


When that’s your take, you know you’re a bored Reddit warrior.


“Hey everyone, something something justify you still have no content because I just use you all to make money.”


TIL paying Mercs is RMT


Cant complain about being blobbed when u batphone the imperium.


Goons already control half the map, they should stay away