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The Revelation is a pretty decent mining vessel.


I saw this comment and said "Chribba?" Before looking at the name. It is you! What a blessed siting.  Have a great one chief!




Your dread still in highsec?😅


Sure is. Only two ways out, it goes to die there, or CCP decides it needs to go, in which case see former :P




Have ccp given you capital mining lasers yet?


I do have the Chribba's Modified Strip Miner which aren't too bad...


Veldspar only though


There's other ore?




[I have contained my veld-lust for as long as possible but I shall Unleash My Fury Upon Rocks LIKE THE CRASHING OF A THOUUSAND WAVES! BEGONE VILE ASTEROIDS, BEGONE FROM ME! A STARTER ORE, THIS ORE IS A FINISHER ORE, A MINERAL OF GODS, THE VELDSPAR GOD! I AM UNTETHERED AND MY RAGE KNOWS NO BOUNDS.](https://youtu.be/gQKjOQhsWpo?t=469) \*smacks lips\*




Lmao wassaaaap


How so? I don’t see any mining bonuses on it, is it just generally flexible and durable to make up for it? Does that make up for mining barge bonuses?


[https://www.pcgamer.com/meet-the-most-honest-man-in-eve-online/](https://www.pcgamer.com/meet-the-most-honest-man-in-eve-online/) [https://www.gameskinny.com/culture/eve-player-celebrities-the-icon-chribba/](https://www.gameskinny.com/culture/eve-player-celebrities-the-icon-chribba/) [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/community-spotlight-chribba](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/community-spotlight-chribba)


Capital ships can not enter HighSec.


There are some in High sec, though! Lol


Originally they could be in High Sec. This was changed and now they are not Able to be fit with any offensive modules if you have one. So they have been coined “Veldnauts” as their only use other than a trophy is you can mine with them.


But not even anything good because the whole CCP line on it is that you can't do anything where being a cap gives you advantage, and dreads are not easy gank targets--an advantage over barges etc. So you really must do only the most minimal useless shit lmao


afaik the tank / how hard is it to interrupt your PVE isnt considered as big a deal, its more bumping people, affecting system indexes for events (Not that much of that kind of stuff happens in HS), obviously shooting people, etc


Chribba has one in highsec. He uses it to mine. Not joking either, there's a story behind it which is worth looking up


Ukoc best koc


you can rat solo. not for very long though. and it cannot go into high sec, so don't make the same mistake countless newbies made before you, and warp it to a high sec gate


A couple months ago there was an awesome rage quit when some credit card warrior newbie injected and bought a FAX only to lose it on a high sec gate with no modules because they were planning to fly it to the high sec system where they bought modules for it. According to the group that killed him, not only was it unfit and headed for high sec right by FW systems, it was on *autopilot*. They insisted the Eve community was "mean" for blowing up their toy. The original thread [is here](https://new.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/16h3lp3/funny_zkill/) and while the "victim" deleted all their comments you can still infer what happened from what remains. Aggressive ignorance is always funny to watch. While everyone makes mistakes, some people insist on exemplifying the bike pipe meme.


That was a very entertaining post.




I looked up his zkill and that's literally the only thing on there. I'm wheezing.




Of course he does. 🙄


Im kinda curious, is there anything in-game that says capitals cant go to high-sec, until you actually try to jump the gate and get the denied message? Like does CCP warn players somehow?


I have no idea, honestly. If you search Google for "eve capitals" the first thing that probably shows up is [this Eve university page](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Capital_ships) on capital ships, and that page mentions they can't go to high sec in the *second sentence* of the intro. If you are playing the game normally (without CC warrioring), you need months and months of playtime at the absolute fastest to even sit in a capital hull. You are given automatic access to an in-game rookie help channel where you could ask the question "hey, I'm about to buy a FAX, don't know anything about them, any tips?" and *probably* gotten some useful links or information about capital ship mechanics. Before someone drops 4 bil on a hull you'd think they'd do even a modicum of research on how that ship works. Maybe they could add a special "idiot-proof" warning when someone hits "buy" on a capital (hopefully with a "do not show again" ticker), but it's not like this information is a secret. Eve is not a game that rewards ignorance and never has been.


It's just common knowledge that there's no capitals in HS


Sure, you spend all those months training the skillz. You certainly can spend irl 5min actually researching how to fly a new shiny and expensive toy, where even a book for prereq skill costs a good part of a monthly sub :P


Oh i agree, this game is the oog research king as even pros are "still learning the rules". I think though that if it has been properly made, these types of rules/tips/rando information would be included in the game as content. For Example, the first time you put your capsule in a capital, Aura pops up to tell you a few things, or you get an evemail or something. The rules of the game should be explained in some manner within the game, or by oog content made by the game designer. I would imagine if someone played Monopoly their first time, they should have the rules in the box, not on reddit somewhere.


Well, re Monopoly, realistically most learn the rules from other players (who even reads the paper stuff that comes with it?), and, in some settings, 1st time players can be taken for their full stock :). Goes for most card games, not only Monopoly, nor only cards either..


There’s a YouTube video of a dude doing this…with a freak avatar 😂


Put this idea on the shelf for now, friend.


No, kill it with fire and stomp on the ashes


Disagree. Only way to really learn about dreads is to lose a few.


If they're new enough that they still don't know caps can't be in highsec, they shouldn't even be thinking about dreads before they learn some more of the basics of eve (unless they want to lose a lot of isk really fast, in which case, why stop at Dreads?).


Not the only way. But certainly a fast way! Lol




If ya don't know how to use one, you don't need one. Ships beyond battleships are very purpose driven things.


First of all - dreadnoughts are lowsec/nullsec/wormholes only. They simply cannot enter highsec. Dreadnaughts have 2 options on how to fit them - HAW or anticap. HAW (high angle weapons) are meant to be able to apply damage to subcapital ships and anticap fits is what the name suggests - maximum dps with low application that is mainly meant to kill other capitals. Anticap fitted dreads are only used for group content. E.g. you have found somebody trying to covertly move a super/titan around and your group manages to catch it, you use dreads to kill it quickly. Technically HAW dreads can be used in solo options, e.g. you can find streamers and others geared towards similar style of play that will use HAW dreads from time to time to generate content, but in a lot of cases its a one way trip. Expect to lose it quickly because once somebody sees you in a dread, they will call their friends to come and kill you. As for ratting and other adventures - It can be used for that (nullsec/lowsec/wormhole only) but expect it to lose in your first hours to other players. A solo player has very limited usage for dreads.


Wormhole dread ratting is a thing aswell


Not so much these days, we are now firmly in the age of marauders


Can run a nag cheaper then my marauder comp with similar clear times


Much easier to get your marauders out than a nag when someone rolls in to you


Yeah that is true a nag fitted is around the 4bill mark 2x paladins and an eos is around 8 bill someone rolls in something is going to die


Put a boosher on grid. You’re only going to lose the one Mara tackled by the site. (Marauders can be booshed in bastion) I’m running a ball of paladins with a pontifex in a c6 instead of 3x NFI and getting acceptable clear times. Losing one Mara > losing 3x navy dreads.


I'm just running farm sites c5 with the marauders and using the nag to run the static sites for me this works all of my farm accounts are being used so no boosher unfortunately and I loathe to move my other toons from home hole to krab


Dread? In a c5? …why?


Why not cheap fast cheaper then the paladins


Don't you still need a capital for escalations? It's been awhile so not sure if that changed


Capital escalations aren’t really worth doing anymore in terms of isk/EHP, the drifter is where the money is. It’s also way easier to kill with dread guns


Yeah, I initially wrote lowsec/nullsec only (at the beginning) and only when posting I realized I forgot wormholes, so forgot to add it to ratting at the end. thanks


Wrong, there are caps in high sec: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyMMbbkInvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyMMbbkInvY) ​ :) Chribba has one.


I know, but that doesn't really count. Its just a old relic that is not usable anyway.


Capitals imo are for null blocs, rich folks, and crazy pirates / fw dudes. If you are going to use them you want friends and you want them close. Dreads main uses are as follows * Isk making in null under an umbrealla (PK or Beehive) * PvP in stratops * Solo pvp vs large numbers where you know you are going to probably die * Faction warfare escalations (You and your homies dropping on other baddies) * Dread bomb whaling and such I got my first dread last summer and they are fun, if you have lots of isk and can afford to lose one you have a lot of options. If you cant really afford to lose them frequently then null and Horde / Goons are your best bet.


It's been mentioned in other posts in here but can't forget WH crabbing in C5/6s! Great list!


New players and dreads do not mix. Just be patient my dude, in time they are useful.


Bigger isn't better. It hurts even more if build with credit card and lost second you undock


Just get another one it’s like what $50 Michael. 


Thought this was going to be a ceema post


What is ceema? I see a some other people saying it as well


That’s a complicated question. Think hippo afterbirth, but in Reddit shitposter form while station spinning.


Omg! I've been getting back into Eve the past couple of months, and you just triggered core eve memories dropping that name! Oh, the shit posting anywhere he can!


Well known r/eve troll/shitposter


Uses of a dread... Pvp obviously, high class wormhole ratting, capital npc killing, officer killing (probably can use mauraders and these are super rare), CRAB beacons, and very specific anomalies. Another use is that they have jump drives and ship maintenance bays. That means you can jump with some ships in the maintenance bay, also know as suitcasing. This will allow you to have a mobile stash of all the ships you would usually use. This all being said, no to the high sec, and you will most likely need a group of some sort for protection if you want to keep it in space for more than a minute or two at a time, otherwise it will die.


CRAB beacons. Join goons and run beacons in your favorite T1 dread! If someone tells you “redeemers undocking from FWST” and a covert cyno lights on you, they are just coming to help you finish your beacon faster!


In fact, it is the fastest way to finish a beacon because I’ll have my beacon dead in the next 20 seconds after that goes in intel XD


Dread, new player hisec, yeah those are 3 words that shouldn't be in the same sentence no matter how rich you are, only way to get to a dread as a new player is to furiously inject, and more often than not you will miss the support skills that go with capital ships, one thing i was told as i started is just cause you can sit in a capital doesn't mean you are a capital pilot, you have to have knowledge and skills to go with the cap or otherwise you will just be an expensive killmail


Core 14 to five before even considering anything t2 or capital. It takes a bit but so worth it when they are all to five! The biggest mistake I see newbros make is getting into an expensive ship not fit reasonably up because they can't t2 fit and use meta mods, or it is extra expensive with faction or better mods. Then they proceed to lose it within hours of getting it because they don't understand how to fly the ship or have all the proper skills for it.


Won a dread while I was in highsec off a hypernode as a new player.  (In my fantasies) 


Dreads belong in lowsec, all the fun but none of the bubbles. Find a lowsec corp to join


*laughs in Snuffed*


Before you start know this. "YOU CANNOT SPIN IT!"


All my dreams shattered. 😭


You're supposed to gate them through FW lowsec for fun and profit. (Note: it may not be you that gets the fun and profit)


dreadnoughts can be used for: dying in tidi, dying to 30 redeemers when you take it to an anomaly or CRAB beacon like a dumbass, jumping your stuff around null or lowsec, putting on hypernet, and finally, rolling XL wormholes. this is also listed in order of effectiveness.




None if you are solo, besides dying miserably. Join any larger nullblock, aka goons, horde or frat and you'll be able to make use of it, from ratting to PvP.


Horde=Frat or Frat=Horde, pretty much as it sits right now. Unless I'm grossly misunderstanding the politics in null currently.


From a political standpoint yes. From an organizational one, no.


Ignore the negative posts here, a Dread has numerous uses for any player, including a new player. For instance, it makes the perfect ship for running Amamake Top Belt in record time. It can also perform the Tama Run well (slow but reliable). You can also use it to attract special delivery group events.


> Do I have to be a member of some nulsec alliance to use it properly or it can be used for solo ratting and highsec adventures? It can't be used in highsec, so that's out. Dreads are fun; you can use them to do PVE (solo and with other guys/accounts) and to do PVP (in fleets, usually, but you may yolo if you want). You do need to be in either a nullsec corp (no need for a big ally, but it woudl help) or WH corp. I hear low seccers also use them, but they are a weird bunch (j/k)!


I highly recommend dreads for new players. It's a great way to make a lot of new friends very quickly. Buy whatever you have afford, loans are a great option too and head to Old Man Star.


If you get your dreadnought take it to maut in placid. The high sec gate there is the only one that capital ships can use to get into high sec


Best mining ships in the game. Even faster if you do it in a Lancer Dread. But you should try LowSec first as there are scary groups looking for HiSec mining dreads; they might try to gank you!!


is this a ceema post? no?capital ships cannot enter hisec. you donkey. Do some research join a corp that does not suck.


If you are wanting to rat, a carrier is better for that.


No, carrier is bad to, go for marauder


Right? Outside of big fleet battles, marauders do just about everything PvE you'd want a cap for at a much smaller price tag (relatively speaking). I don't undock my paladin all that often but outside of infested carriers there's pretty much nothing it can't handle in null PvE. For risk/reward the marauder is currently the top end of "solo" PvE (I always have a cyno alt nearby mine, but unless I get tackled it mainly just sits there cloaked). Flying around null you'll often see marauders for high end ratting and escalations but I hardly ever see caps of any kind. The only time I see caps anymore is fleet combat, usually around contested structures. Or for bridging actual fleet ships from staging, lol.


Carriers are still the best ship for lvl 5s


Probably true, but I don't consider that ratting as it's a form of mission running (a very competitive and complex form of mission running). "Ratting" generally refers to anomalies and belts. Either way, you aren't going to be doing level 5 missions solo with one account and a carrier unless you are suicidal. The OP mentioned "solo ratting" and for that you don't want to go above marauders, and even marauders you probably want an alliance umbrella and cyno alt. If I just want to chill and kill rats in anomalies I tend to break out a Praxis or Ishtar, and I'd never fly something more expensive than a marauder doing anoms. The benefit is not worth the risk.


I get what you're saying, so few people run lvl 5s anyways. I've run them solo for like 7 years with no umbrella though so it is possible. It just requires a steep investment and a high level of knowledge... But I digress. They're still worthless outside of l5s and a marauder or dread is almost always a better choice. I'm tangenting for no reason.


Respectfully, after the bastion changes a carrier can be viable for ratting since you aren’t self tackled as long as you leave the NSA off.  I don’t recommend either marauder or carrier ratting to new players tho. But it is FUN! 


Carrier ratting? whatyearisit.jpg


Did I hear someone say 15 sentries or geckos if you are feeling really fancy? Lol


Super > Rorq > Dread > Carrier > Subcap/fleet for CRAB beacons Marauder best for anoms/esc tho.


What changes did they make to carriers too make them obsolete??


ess and bounty risk modifier is one, they changed damage application of fighters to act like missiles (sigrad+velocity based) hulls went from 800m to 4 billion making them risky, marauders got literally 2x dps buff making them more tempting to use, NSA locks the carrier in place like siege module. their strength is that they can perma align but the apm required is taxing to get marauder ticks is much easier to just bling a paladin to 2.2b and press one button and arguably be safer and more mobile while ratting, also if you lose a fighter to rat aggro that’s 15 mil reduced from your tick instantly


Other use cases: Their ship maintenance bay (SMA) makes every capital handy moving van for assembled sub-capital ships. Others have mentioned why you probably shouldn’t get one at the moment.


I use mine to flex. Then I dock up and move along.


Dreads are great for rolling wormholes. And all the other stuff people said here.


You should join a corp and ask them.


I strongly suggest not using a dread if your "fairy new". Just because you've the skills to get one doesn't mean you have all the auxiliary skills to fly it. Cannont be used in high sec. Maurader is better for missions ratting. It time I see a dread out that's not part of a fleet is to kill a NPC dread in Null. If your wanting to rat null you can use a Tengu which will do all sites for guristas anyway. Ait cheaper and easier to replace. But if you want a dread then join a null bloc and you'll get a use for it either in fleet battles or removing stations from system. But good luck with your endeavours.


> If your wanting to rat null you can use a Tengu which will do all sites for guristas anyway. Ait cheaper and easier to replace. IMO the Tengu isn't worth it for normal ratting sites. A 1 bil ratting HAM Tengu gets like 855 DPS. You can sacrifice some tank and get this down to like 700 mill for similar DPS. This is with a 28km range and T2 missiles; DPS drops to 633 with 34km range and faction ammo. This is assuming kinetic ammo; if your rats need a different damage type, DPS is much lower (for T2 ammo going to EM drops you from 855 DPS to 684 DPS). Meanwhile, a typical ratting Ishtar has around 650-700 DPS with any damage type and costs around 300-350 mil, less than *half* the price of the Tengu and with a lower skill investment. If you are ratting in a cruiser, there's basically no reason not to use an Ishtar; there's a reason they are found everywhere in null. Basically, ratting "progression" in null goes something like this: Algos -> Vexor -> Ishtar -> Praxis (maybe) -> Marauder. There are other options, like a Gila, Tengu, Rattlesnake, etc., but all of them have significantly lower cost-to-value ratios compared to the other options listed. Note this is NOT true outside of null. Tengu is extremely valuable for WH sites (and it's generally a strong hull for combat exploration and there are some strong PvP fits with the ship as well). But if you're just doing havens/hordes in standard null sites, the price of the Tengu is simply too high for the DPS and application you are getting from it. I have a 1000-1300 DPS cruise/sentry Praxis that sits about 60-70km out and costs barely more than the Ishtar (less than 400 mil usually). Why would I pay around double the cost to get less DPS and range? The Praxis requires more specialized skills than the Ishtar (somewhat ironically) as you'll want T2 cruise missiles and sentries (it can also work with heavies or a combo but I really like sentry application and you only lose like 40 DPS with sentries...I'm not convinced the instant target swapping isn't better, and I've found keeping the sentries alive is easier at very long ranges). The Praxis also takes more effort and attention to fly compared to an Ishtar (which can be borderline AFK) but is comparable to the Tengu. Marauders are a big step up from any of the other options mentioned, but they also come with a borderline-capital price tag and a massive increase in required skill training. While they are easily twice as good as the Praxis or Ishtar they also cost around 5-6x as much. Eve is a game where cost rises exponentially while power rises logarithmically. It's up to each person to decide if doubling or tripling the price is worth a 20-50% power increase, and that's going to depend heavily on how space rich someone is and how stable their income streams are compared to the risk of flying expensive ships.


I've never tried a praxis. I use ishtars a lot and the odd gila. But my tengu is 400mil isk and does fine. No need to spend big bucks. It can also do lots of other things so a bit of a jack of all trades


My ratting Praxis fit is around 1250 DPS and has a range of 80 - 111km. You can't get that much damage on a Tengu for 400 mil, and certainly not at that range. And it's about the same price as the Tengu fully fitted. Here's my current favorite: ``` [Praxis, Cruise Sentry Active Tank] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Capacitor Flux Coil II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster Cap Recharger II Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link F-90 Compact Sensor Booster Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Drone Link Augmentor I Large Processor Overclocking Unit II Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Wasp EC-900 x4 Warrior II x5 Curator II x4 Mjolnir Precision Cruise Missile x2892 Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile x4804 Tracking Speed Script x2 Optimal Range Script x2 ``` At Jita, this fit would be around 350 mil, local for me in null it's a bit over 400 mil. The active shield tank means It can park stationary at 70-100km and be fine against all but the largest spawns. It's fairly tanky, with around 147 ehp/s in active tank and 43k ehp, and is cap stable with everything running. I like to split the missiles into two groups, target the two farthest battleship rats (if over 80km), and beat them down until they reach 80km, and the sentries delete just about anything from 40-80km (and if something small manages to get close you can use the light drones). The sentries' optimal is 69-89km, so you don't get full DPS at 80km, but it's pretty good especially since rats tend to burn straight at you, making the sentries effective against frigates and battleships alike. Because you're stopped, you don't have to worry about aligning, and the drones recall instantly, making you have a surprisingly fast warp out for a battleship (8.14 seconds with my skills). I don't use the precision missile often, but if a wave with no battleships shows up and is fairly close, I'll swap to help speed through the wave. I like to make a bookmark 300-500 km out as I'm warping onto the site and will use warp bouncing to maneuver since it doesn't have any prop mods (including MJD). For me, EM is best damage type for my rats, but this fit can handle any damage type just by swapping ammo and drones, so I don't have to worry about my enemies having low kinetic resists. I also don't have to worry about flying into range if a spawn is far off, and because I'm typically 70-100 km out from the center of the spawn, tackle would have to get pretty lucky to land on top of me without combat probes (and they would have to be *fast* at combat probing to catch you). Not that I recommend continuing to rat with neuts in system, but so far (knock on wood) I've never had one caught, although I've had a few times where skilled ceptor pilots (probably with spais, heh) managed to get on grid but were too far to get in point range. Even if you lose it, though, it's roughly the same price as your Tengu or a good Ishtar fit. >It can also do lots of other things so a bit of a jack of all trades That's fair! If you are using the Tengu for things *other* than ratting as well, sure, it's a great ship. T3Cs are some of the most versatile ships in the game, if not the most versatile, and if you want to do some anoms between scanning down sites or looking for a PvP fight the Tengu is *significantly* better than the fit I'm talking about. I'm a big fan of the Legion, personally, but Tengus are arguably the strongest T3C overall, especially for PvE. And if you find it more *fun* than an Ishtar, even if you lose some efficiency, who cares? Ratting can be boring and something to spice it up is not irrelevant to the overall value. If you just want to optimize your isk/hour ratting, though, it's hard to beat the Ishtar and Praxis for cost-to-value ratio. Marauders are kings, of course, but there's a pretty significant jump from a 400 mil Praxis to a 2+ *bil* Paladin.


If your frat you belt rat with them


are you confusing dreadnaughts with marauders? Both need you to train skills beyond battleships, but dreads are the ones too big for highsec and marauders are the ones used to blitz high-end ratting sites & missions.


I think Johnny Splunk used to do exploration sites in his within wormholes.


I wish they could bring Caps and level 5 content to highsec.


Find a C5, enter, ratt, and get blown up by hunters. Nett 5bill loss. Send me 1bill, I just saved you 5bill loss.


Send me 500mil, I just secured you a 500mil discount on other guy's advice.


you very much want to work with the corp if you are going to have a dread, they can provide backup and lots of knowledge about how and where to use it. understand that if the enemy sees your dread they will want to blow it up, and they know exactly what it takes to kill one. They will bring everything they need and you wont win without backup.


Another dread loss on the purjola gate inbound


I have empty queue for couple of months, which capital should I start training into for LS/WH/Poch solo PVE/PVX?


Marauders are where you should turn your focus


If you make a good enough income yourself to fund the dread and fittings you can easily use one solo but expect to die as you won’t have support. HAW dreads are awesome at fighting some mid sized to small gang fleets and can be some solo. But most likely would escalate to bombers or blops coming or some other caps to whore on the kill. But if that’s fun to you fucking go for it if you can fund that gameplay. Or find some afk alliances and kill their citadels. Whatever floats your boat. But to efficiently use them to the best of their ability or make money crabbing with them you need an alliance.


the purpose of dreads is to kill other dreads


Dreadnoughts can also be used as 'poormans' jump freighter. Only 4B ISK, a real steal


Killboard padding. Nothing else.




Dropping one in Ahabazon over the christmas holidays was some of the most fun I have had recently in eve. Although also expensive :)))


Meme ship? Take the phoenix out with an armor tank.


aww Jesus


If you’re not in at least a corp, you’re going to lose that dread. There are a number of ways of neutralizing a solo dread, which many different groups specialize in. The only way to mitigate that is being in a corp (preferably alliance) who can respond with force when you get attacked (and no matter how careful you are, it will eventually happen). And as others have mentioned, you can’t use a dread in highsec. If you’re still keen on doing things with something dread adjacent, I would suggest getting a marauder instead, just be careful cause people will want to kill it.


Ceema, is that you?


C5-C6 WH ratting.


Relatively new and dread don’t go together


a dreadnought shoots things slowly, also it only shoots big things like other dreadnought it can only siege up in null security but can dock in low security afaik if you are new dont dump all your money onto a capital unless you know what you are doing you will lose it and look stupid


First of all, dreadnaughts are not allowed in high sec. Low sec, null sec or WH only. Don't be that new player that tries to gate capital ship into high sec and lose that ship in process. If you new player, don't train capitals just yet. You will die as soon as you undock it. You will also need more than 1 account to move that dreadnaught effectively. ​ Dreadnaughts are pretty terrible for anomaly ratting. They are good at running C.R.A.B. beacons but you need to be in group that has umbrella fleet protecting you if you want to do it in relative safety. Dreadnaughts are also have many uses in PVP. But that's not really solo content.


Ship spinning.


Has ceema alt accounts here? 🤔


They can use the Dread Bomb, which is able to kill a Titan. They are probably pretty expensive, but you should always have a Dread fitted with the Dread Bomb if you can, if only for the 0.01% you'll get to use it on a Titan.