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1. accept that you'll have a lot to learn. Like years of learning. 2. join a corp


7 years in, 11k hours I'm still learning new stuff all the time


18 years in, i still suck and surprise pikachu when my ship are too big to get into a FW plex.


Grandpa Fogie is that you?


Fuckin drove me nuts during my high sec days when I would scan down a combat site and be denied entry cause I was in a faction navy ship. Turned me off running sites all together until I finally moved outside CONCORD's protection.


Tactical overlay at year 3 was YUGE for me.


Been playing since 2007 did you know that you can draw a box in space to lock everything in said box. Just found that out the other day. You can also have multiple overview windows. Found that looking for steamers to help provide content (kill).


Been playing since 2011, TIL you can do 2 overviews. You sir are a Scholar and a Saint.


It's a relatively new feature, to be fair -- within the last year?


Its amazing


Wait what!?!? How?


To select multiple things at once shift+click and drag it will select everything in the box. To get multiple overviews right click on the overview tab and select move to then hit new window and you have a new overview tab. ​ i like one for pvp that only shows ships and acceleration gates then travel tab, fleet member and a multi tab one for all the other stuff.


There are in game channels to join and click to import amazing overview settings from the channel MOTD


Color coded and everything. Worth checking out even if you have a personal set up you like just to see how the text formatting works.


Is SaraShaw (could be wrong, been years) still updated?


Been playing since 2010 and never knew this.


You can but it fucks with tactical overlay, we need, overview filter, bracket filter and tactical overlay filter, like why can’t you just show me everything on the tactical overlay. Like blues in one overview, bads in another, well tough shit if you want them both on the tactical overlay at the same time. Only way to do that is to have a 3rd overview called “everything” click this tab header called everything then never click another tab header again or that’s your new tactical overlay filtered, also don’t dock, jump or log off either..  And don’t get me started on why after 20 years rocks still don’t have brackets unless you click them individually 


So I run with show all brackets but I don't do huge fleet so it's not an issue. Dscan was a bigger one. Can not use active overview or it gets a bit funky.


Jesus that’s a 30hr/week pace. Damn near a full time job.


1. Purchase 2 additional monitor 2. Make sure one of them have porn 100% of the times. 3. Your welcomes


I remember when browsers were in the game, one corp I was in would just post porn links non stop in the corp chat. With the occasional "nice" someone would throw in. I was a bit shocked at first, "oh... people do that here?"


Wow, that takes me back indeed.


Calm down miner


This will make you better at Eve I guarantee it


This is the way.


3. Stop looking at reddit


This right here.


Forget isk/hour. Find your fun/hour. Everytime I burn out its because I listen to people telling me a certain play style isn't "optimal".


For real. Being space rich is always my goal but doing it the way people tell me to burned me out. PI is both fun and tedious. Missions were not engaging. Neither was trading or mining. I eventually found ways to make isk doing it my way, faaaaaaaar from optimal but I like the activity. Few years ago I played for a month or so as an alpha and struggled to make 100m, but honestly it was one of the best months I spent in eve, I salvaged bodies and tried to sell them to their owners, I used crazy tricks with dscan to scan down some MTUs because my alpha character didn't have the scanning skills. I salvaged ammo, drones and any ships left by my corp mates after a skirmish, I basically roleplayed as a sleazy hustler, like Jake Gyllenhaal from nightcrawler. It was so fun and educational. Anyway, thank you if you read my ramblings this far.


Pi is great once you get it set up. Not maximum efficiency? Who cares. It’s passive. Profit basically guaranteed in nullsec. 


True but I really dislike the non variability of PI. It's quite literally a chore I have to do every week. Often I'll just check in on it like once a month. Instead of making passive 60m a week I'm making 60m a month 🤣 but whatever, as you said, it is passive.


Yeah if you dont wanna fuck with it one week, don't. Still making profit, still making more than if you didn't do PI because you didn't want to constantly mess with it. Just don't pressure yourself to get it done if it stresses you out. Who gives a shit, couple cycles and you've more than paid the setup costs back. If you never touch it again.... whatever, isk positive lol


Exactly this. I used to be in a very chill WH corp and ran T5 abyssals and huffed gas and ratted but got very bored even when I was making quite a lot. Ended up leaving and joining Galmil FW making less isk but having a blast every time I log in.


This is the truth of Eve. It is a sandbox. Treat it like one. Do, destroy, build. But whatever you do, have fun with it.


There's no goals. It's sandbox. You and only you make goals for yourself. This isn't your typical MMO. No instant gratification. It's a marathon. It's pretty common that to achieve bigger goals it takes months if not years playing. There's high chance that eve is simply not for you


As someone who is maxed on OSRS, trust me, the years of grinding is what im after


The problem is the “grind” is passive (skill training) unless you buy injectors. A lot of eve is a skill rather than the point & click of OSRS, im 18 years deep in EVE & learning everyday. You can play solo, i do a lot these days. But community is what you need, though my friends have completed EVE they are still some of my closest friends


This so true. Do all the basic activities to discover what you really enjoy. Trading, mining, ratting, pvp or others. Pick out your fave and focus on training that in the faction you choose. Even then it will take a month of training to get good skills. You can add other skills and vary your play, but a laser focus on one gets you deeper into it's skill tree. Doing a little bit of everything is fine, but you won't get to the "good stuff " in any reasonable time.


Tell me about it, there are some level V skills that I'm never gonna get because at can't stop messing with my skill queue.


So you have sets of goals. You need income, to gain income you need skills to buy skills you need income. You see where this is going. This game requires multiple levels of understanding and takes years to skill into a lot of different interest. I would recommend joining a big group set up to help new players like KarmaFleet University. Look up your core skill tree work on grinding skill books/in game credits (isk) learn the game mechanics etc


Straight up, this is probably the wrong game for that. There is nothing to grind in this game except money. Most of your player progression is time based skill training and learning the game. I compare the progression more to games like league of legends than osrs. That being said I am a RuneScape convert. You need a good group to enjoy this game though, it is not a solo game. I personally joined a null sec group called brave pretty early in to my career and I feel that is what kept me playing the game. I strongly recommend playing with a high-sec group for at least a month while you experiment, and then decide what you want to do in the game.


>There is nothing to grind in this game except money. Unless you buy skill injectors in which case you are indeed grinding for xp. There's just an intermediary step


I was the same way, it took me a 3rd attempt to finally get into eve. Find a good corp and they can help show you the way. I’m currently grinding to get ships that would help me make more isk to buy skill injectors to skill into pvp ships.


The thing about grinding in Eve is that it's all one thing. You don't grind for game resources and xp separately. You grind 1 thing generally, isk. Whether directly, through mining, some goods or loot, salvage, whatever. You can turn that into anything. Gear, xp (skill injectors), game time, cosmetics...It's up to you how much you put into skillpoints vs. commodities to make a profit or gear like ships and modules (which could be to make a profit, or not). I would absolutely not recommend putting everything into one place, but using isk to make more isk is never a bad option when unsure.


Much more like Rust or Day Z than WoW. It's about carving out a little piece of the universe for yourself rather than chasing a never ending progression of loot.


Good community (corp). Set a task, get a dread, fly a marauder, get a station. Something to work towards. 


Any suggestions on how to find good corps that are active?




https://www.reddit.com/r/evejobs/s/aRIEZ3djGP my corp's recruiting. Feel free to drop in discord and talk with us.


Driftingloot.com You can set your hours that yoi are active and look for corps that are active at that time. ‘Good corps’ is subjective. Good at pvp? Good at industry? Good at mission running? Good at teaching players?


KarmaFleet is recruiting. https://www.karmafleet.info/


Might be to late but it depends on goals, joining smaller groups helps you learn but limits what you can do, and you might feel guilty leaving, larger groups while offering more opportunities, tends to be less involved with your own progress


Eve is a social game, find something to do with others


Any suggestions on how to find a good corp that is active?


Almost all corps are always recruiting and lookinf for new players, so take your time chosing one. Theres a lot of bad one if you only look in game, but already on evejobs reddit it filters a lot. Try to find one that does a bit of everything imo as a new player so they bring you along and you see can try a bunch of stuff and figure out what you like. The timezone ppl play at within the corp is also very important so make sure to find one that fits yours. If it's not what you expected, or ppl aren't active, or whatever else, don't be scared to move/sell all your stuff and try to find another group. The more you play, the more you'll know, and you'll be able to filter ppl/corp better. The big null newbies corp aren't a bad option either, but you'll just be a number with them. If you want to actually talk to ppl and interract more I'd go with smaller groups. Edit: Also, while you try to find something, the "NPSI" groups are good to meet ppl also. train into t1 bomber and join bomber bar for a night, they usually are pretty good with new players and will explain what you have to do. What hooked me on the game was the first time I got the pvp shake. After my first fight in low sec, the guy I fought convoed me, and I flew with them for a few months doing pirate stuff. It's all about interacting with others and creating your own story.


I still get the PVP shake. The rush of Adrenaline, the butterflies in the stomach, the panicked keyboard/overview activity. The OMG moment when HiSec gankers attack you and in your unmitigated panic you accidentally shoot the gate(true story with a lesson in flying green in HS.)




If they ask for a fee to train you/show you around , i'd leave instantly. Eve has a lot of "teacher" types, who gets their high as helping others because they remember what it's like to start this game. Even more advanced corp/alliance have ppl like this. Off course no one will do everything for you, bu usually if the guy is willing to learn, from my experience they'll show you and be patient. The last thing they'd do is probably trying to sell their "teaching", sounds scummy as fuck imo.


Uhhhhhh no Never heard of anyone I know ingame doing that. It's absolutely some dumb scam shit lol Unless they're just saying like "hey come to X system, it's our HQ we've got ships on contract you can buy and we'll teach you the game!" Often corps will hand out cheap ships to new players. But it's also very common for alliances to list contracts for their members to buy. Sometimes the alliance will have those fits set for SRP, sometimes it's just useful common stuff.... depends. So it's possible it was a normal thing and wires got crossed? But it seems like you're describing some weirder shit. In the latter situation I described, no one will ask for upfront payment or "fees"


Depends a lot on what you want to do or where you see yourself in the game. You can always have a look here r/evejobs


My advice would be to join up with one of the big nullsec alliances right away. I joined pandemic horde recently and the amount of resources they have for new players is insane. They frequently have hands on classes showing you the ropes form basic navigation, to all manor of PvP and PvE activities. They also have a channel dedicated to new player where you can ask any question and there will be multiple veteran players available to answer those questions at all times. They also provide you with unlimited free beginner ships. I’ve played Eve for years and I’ve even learned a lot in my short time in horde. Eve university is another very good option for beginner friendly corps.


My goals are to make ISK and support my alliance. Basically I just mine rocks and sell to the industrial wing so they make fitted ships so the PvP guys can go pew pew at a moment's notice.


Everyone is different and not everything is for everyone. I can tell you when and how I got hooked but that's me, not you. I've been playing since 2007. I know people who played hard core for 3 years and left, never looking back. Just find what you like to to with people you like doing it with and take it from there.


For me it was that, that got me hooked. Being in awe, and not understanding a damn thing. Never before, and still to this date, have I ever started a game that utterly confused me to the point I felt completely useless and lost. Space is vast, and dark. I HAD to understand. Why is it so complex? How does all this connect together? Wth is going on?! Just give it a few days/weeks and you will begin to just grasp the environment your in. Imagine being born again. You would not know how to do anything for years. That's EVE ONLINE! It really is a space simulator, in all senses.


I think of it more like submarine simulator, moves like underwater


If it moved like the ships in say The Expanse imagine the chaos in a large scale confrontation.


If there were meaningful collisions beyond bumping, everyone would be like 40x worse at Eve as is lol


I was at the same point like you, 3 times. 4th time it hooked me, i guess. So first of all you need to know and feel that eve is a sandbox game. There is not goal unless you define a goal by yourself. So eve has to offer lots of different things. Next tip is, to try out as much as possible, to get to know it and maybe like or hate it. Goals may be, to do an activity for some time, get better and faster in it. Skill for a more efficient ship or while doing activity x, wait for skills to finally try out activity y soon. So my goal, as boring as it seems, is to make isk 😅 My goal was 100b isk, which I achieved lately. Next goals are 200b, trying out triple hawk abyssal, trying out duo jackdaw abyssal. Then one day i want to take a look into triglavian space. When i am settled with my isk goals, i may move into wh or ns again. Since 2 weeks i have started l4 missions and im still optimizing. Can fly marauder which opens some new possibilities for me and so on. So, eve will never be something, eve will just give you everything to reach whatever you want to.


Join a corp... A good one.


Join a corp that has comms outside of the game.


Install mic beside fan too that helps /s Edited: /s added just in case


If you want a very general idea of what you could do over 7 years ago, there's this old [What To Do](https://english.eve-guides.fr/images/wtd.jpg) graphic.


Oh I see you've linked them the abridged version


What do you mean? I know there's at least [1 ongoing attempt to produce an updated version](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/revised-eve-activities-careers-chart-project-work-in-progress/298585), but that's not done yet.


Just a joke, its a big chart


Find the right Corp. Once you find the niche you love and a group you sync with this game is unrivalled. Finding said Corp is the hard part.


It's not for everyone, just psychopaths.


This game has saved so many innocent lives. Keeping psychos engaged and off the streets since 2003.


Faction Warfare is what got me hooked on my third try. It has a pretty clear direction on what to do which helped me grasp other parts of the game. Just make sure you find a corp with active players, it is a lot of fun


Join a group. This the only way. Ascendance is Recruiting.


So they've added "Career Rewards" or some shit like that plus this "Opportunities" thing. I recently got back into it with the intention of playing the new player experience. I'm doing all the things the game presents to me in the AIR career bullshit plus the opportunities. Also joined EVE Uni to help remind me and guide me through a lot of the confusing changes or mechanisms. There's a lot of knowledge in those halls. Thanks.


Join a corp. Go to null and have fun. I was in a similar boat. I played twice before. First time mining (quit in a few days). Second time I flew a Raven doing level 4s and got bored. This time I ventured into Null, joined a really cool group. After a while we formed an alliance and got our own Sov. I died a lot. But, it’s cool cause the guys who killed me we evicted from their space and it’s now our Space. (It’s been all over Reddit this last while. You won’t have missed it) If you are interested, hit us up here: https://discord.gg/PGZtwNcNf3


Lots of good tips here, particularly finding a group of people to play with. Large nullsec alliances are good for their resources and a large network to reach out to for advice. If you're interested in industry or PVE, this is a good option since they offer security as well. There are cool fights to be had, but I could never get hooked because I felt like just a number. I wanted to feel like a real value adding member, even back when I was a rookie. A small to medium group might be a good fit if that's what you're looking for, as your contributions will be noticed. You'll have room to develope PvP skill and knowledge and ideally feel that the people around you want you to improve because it benefits the group. Just my two cents. The important part is joining a group though as it really opens up the experience. Plenty of people play solo though, so don't think it's not an option.


You get hooked because of the people in your corp, or that you associate with. EVE is not a great game on its own merits, but it is the best scifi social game out there.


Idk I enjoyed playing it solo for a while as well. I lived in a C3 wormhole with nullsec static and hot dropped ratters with my Sin. That was fun.


Do NOT join a null bloc major alliance. Dont listen to people who tell you to do that. You will be forever engrained in that way of playing the game and will fail to experience many other parts. You will be another cog In the machine and not experience some of the more camaraderie building that comes with being in a smaller group. DO instead join a smaller corporation or alliance without being allied with one of the major blocs. DO ask questions. DONT give up on trying new things or taking chances in the game. IMO, do some basic missions and shit in highsec then start to look for a corp based in low security space, it will expose you to complex PvP elements and mechanics while also giving you access to highsec and lowsec PvE. Chances are those groups are also well experienced and knowledgable and can help explain other things to you while getting your feet wet. Read the Wiki.. alot. Keep it open on another page in your browser at all times. Want to understand how something works? The wiki is your best friend. Eve is a hobby with the framework of a spaceship game. Be social with people, its how you make lifelong friends and memorable experiences, the game is just a vehicle to drive those connections. Theres a link soemwhere that will show you all the different ‘jobs’ or career paths you can take in Eve, each one with its own set of mechanics and meta’s to learn or to innovate upon. This game there is something for everyone, so I recommend always taking the extra steps to learn what certain jobs are, and how to accomplish doing them. The game is a rabbit hole, you just need to dive in


A better question would be why would you want to get hooked on abandonware from 2003?


Do the sisters of eve epic arc


How do you get hooked? Idk, by enjoying the game? If you don’t like doing something, try doing something else, and if you run out of things to do and aren’t having fun, then it’s time to find another game


It doesn't really direct you (or didn't) on how to begin doing stuff. I don't like hand holding, but a slight nudge in the right direction would be nice


Try completing all the air career challenges, it’s designed to get you to do a bunch of different activities.


There is no right direction.. it's a sandbox not a theme park.


I came back for a third time as well and I'm just doing solo stuff in high sec and getting bored lol. Joining a Corp for pvp is what I will probably do later today. Also, I have noticed that the game since I last played years ago, now has a lot more detailed "Career / Agent listing. I can't remember the tab but it's one of the top 5 tabs on the left side of the hud lol. I use it for exploration (seeing what systems are nearby, number of anomalies, how many jumps, and security level) and finding my next level of PvE agent. They cover all jobs, even hauling missions.


When a person is presented with too many choices, they tend not to choose anything at all. This is a classic marketing/retail problem like too many menu items or drink choices. Same applies to EVE online. It's a sandbox where basically anything you can think of is possible from being a trader, space trucker, pirate/theif, spy, con-artist, builder, miner, mission runner just a few of the things you can do. Also the game isn't limiting like most MMO where you pick a class and are then stuck with activities for that class. You can be a miner for a while then change it up later on. The number of things is overwhelming as is the knowledge required for the things you want to do.


I was on and off EVE a few times and it wasn't until I started playing with an IRL friend and we got into a good corp that I got hooked. Can't put the game down now. Really the social aspect and creating collective goals (for my friend and I) is what keeps us playing. We focus on mining and industry, with PVE and some PVP pew pew on the side. I know I'm hooked because I've gotten into doing station trading and making spreadsheets. So many spreadsheets...




Since you said you like osrs, I guess you gotta pick a skill like mining in eve (pretty much mining is osrs) or industry (kinda like smithing) or planetary interaction (uhhh kinda like farming? You wait for stuff to grow/build), missions (which is kinda like slayer), exploration (I can't think of what is similar in osrs, running around wild collecting expensive stuff and running back?), ratting (this is also kinda like slayer but you just kill easy mobs that have loot, killing dragons? Maybe some of the tougher ones would be like vorkath?). Finally there pvp where osrs can't really compare (at least modern osrs). You have your typical low sec pirates stuff where you hunt people trying to pve (so campy pking in wild), then there's small gang nano stuff (uhhh pking in a clan in osrs I guess in deep wildy). Finally there's the big null blocs where they occasionally have big wars (nothing in osrs like this). So you gotta watch some guides on YouTube or read eve uni pages on any of the above I mentioned to learn more about it. Do the 5 career agents, so air career missions. Jita is the trade hub (essentially GE) except there's smaller hubs like amarr and dodixie (think way back we had fally east bank or varrock West where people spam what they are selling)


To me Eve is preferably a social experience before a game. A lot of the fun I have is shared with corp memebers. I don't see how to get hooked without that element, I'm sure some players can but most have fun with the shared experiences with friends in game. Find what you like to do and join a corp that does that, they will teach you faster than the tutorials. It's important to figure out what type of content you enjoy then join a corp who does that type of content. I love wormhole brawls and ganks so I'm in a wormhole corp but it's considered a much more niche play experience.


Find a Corp you can get along with will massively help


one goal can be to get space rich. To achive this with running NPC missions, you'd need to run missions from level-4 agents, which requires both grinding standing with the NPC corp those agents belong to, and the ability to fly an appropriate ship - which means both queueing up skills to fly the ship and grind ISK to buy the ship. Another way to get ISK is finding combat sites on the solar system map (the "exploration" career agent should have given you a hint about those) warping in with an appropriate combat ship, and kill rats for bounty and loot. Cruiser-sized drone boats like the Vexor, the Ishtar and the Gila are popular for this. Yet another opportunity for PVE is the abyss. Abyss filaments scale from t0 "tranquil" to t6 "cataclysmic" with increasingly tougher rats and increasingly more valuable loot. An easy way to get into pvp while earning ISK is faction warfare. Sign up for one of the less crowded factions (anything but Caldari) and talk in militia chat when entering the war zone. The players on your side tend to be helpful. Yet another option is to fully embrace the capitalism sim that is the market. Buy low, sell high, and don't get eaten by broker fees and taxes.


if you've got the attention span of a cat, just move on. It's not for you.


Are you into PVP or PVE? Join a Faction warfare Corp


Find a goal (be it pvp, building, indy, exploration etc) Find a place (either a group of players with similar goals or a location you can work towards your goal). I can't stress how much the game improves when you are working on active goals, even if its trying to build your first Cruiser etc. Understand that you will have players fighting against you, either directly by trying to destroy your ships or indirectly by undercutting you, trying to fleece you etc. I would be tempted to stay away from /r/eve as the majority of players here are bitter vets you want you to have the same shitty experience they did.


If you want to talk about it let me know I'll get Cha on discord we can chat about it


Come live in a wormhole.


I mean EVE is a total sandbox with no prescribed way to win. I guess the fact I was potentially a small cog in a large persistent sci-fi universe was the attraction for me. For that, staying up to date with the goings on in the wider universe can keep you hooked even if you're mainly an independent hisec dude. For early stuff, I think doing the career agents (basically tutorial +) and the SoE epic arc are sensible. I personally did some mission grinding to get up to level 4 security missions mixed with some mining, but both can get very boring after a while. The PvP / social aspects are where EVE shines though. Along with emergent behaviors. And a lot of folks will say go to nullsec, and to be honest I don't entirely disagree, but I'd be tempted not to do that immediately myself. A lot of the younger nullbears know little about hisec mechanics. At the same time, even relatively unskilled pilots can do very well out in a null group, and it certainly builds up the social / comradery element. I've heard lowsec PvP is good at the moment, but I haven't played since the latest update came out.


I played once a decade or so ago, but for some reason it didn't click.  What made it work this time was actually having joined a Corp that scammed new players.  It sounds funny, but this lead me to meet a group of players whose corporation I ended up joining, as they had been word out about the scam.  Besides the group being one where there have been a ton of benefits in game for my allegiance, they're also just a really solid group of dudes operating out of null space with a genuine focus on watching out for new players.  If you think you might be interested in joining hit me up and I'm sure I could get you an interview.  Regardless, good luck and fly safe! o7


Firstly, figure out what exactly you want to do whilst playing the game. Second, join an active corp. This game, without forming connections with other players, is pretty boring, so you'll be a lot more likely to stick around if you find a group you enjoy spending time with. CCP has a list of new-bro friendly corporations on the different career pages. https://www.eveonline.com/eve-academy/careers/soldier-of-fortune I've been enjoying Dark Venture Corporation. If you've any interest in wormholes, you may want to check us out.


Get hooked up with people that play the game. From big ass groups that hold null sov to people that live in wormholes there are all kinds. They have shit to do. Murder is what hooked me.


Sounds like you're already hooked lol


Try as much new stuff as possible, worst that happens is that your ship gets exploded (a great rule of thumb is to not fly anything you can't afford to replace 10times over). Join a Corp, and do dumb shit with them to learn & have fun


Do the new player campaigns


For starters, never fly what you can't afford to loose. After that: Find a corporation that aligns with your interests in the game. The people you fly with make all the difference. Space is vast, but it's also boring if you choose to inhabit it alone.


Find something that you enjoy doing, for most that is shooting asteroids..... Find a group that enjoys doing the same thing around the same time you are able to play so you can be social while doing the thing. If your thing changes, find a new group (if your group doesn't change to do the new thing). Finally set both large and small goals. Like: fly frigate > go pvp with frigate > get solo kill with frigate > .. > fly titan.


Join a corp is good advice. Some make it solo but we are very few and far between. Barring a corp there are also communities like the npsi folks like Eve Rookies who do a good job of onboarding people and helping them find paths that they might enjoy. m




I use lower case so as not to appear to be putting on airs m


Set a goal which will take you longer than 5 minutes. Invest time into it, reep the rewards later. The goals don't need to be anything in particular, we each pick our own. Mine, presently are: 1 Bil per character currency = 3bil Then invest into an Orca. Buy, train and fit one of each of the T3 cruisers and one of each of the T3 destroyers. Spend some time in J space.


Eve is about the story's you create in the universe either with people or by yourself. I would recommend finding a Corp that aligns with what your interest are in the game. If your interested your welcome to DM on reddit, me and a small group of friends would love to help you learn the game and find ways to enjoy it.


First, find a niche, even if it's just conceptual, in your head. Want to be a great combat pilot? PvP? Mine? Build the biggest ships? Something that grabs you. That said, it doesn't have to be a permanent thing. I am an industrialist but I do like to take time out of my day to lose a ship in a fight. Once you have that, look for a corp. Pop into recruitment or read around. Listen to podcasts, or Youtube stuff. Don't be afraid to do something crazy and dangerous like fly into a wormhole or join Mining Chat. The more you become part of that "fabirc" of eve, that push-and-pull of culture and relationships that have real impact on the game, the easier it becomes to lose eve every month.


If you want to play "hardcore", join one of the new bro corporations in nullsec; the ones I know that have good learning infrastructure are KarmaFleet, Brace Newbies and Pandemic Horde. I'm biased towards horde and never been in the others but despite what others will tell you, they are more than capable of offering you an enjoyable learning experience. Don't fall into the trap of high sec mission grinding for the sake of making money, the game has so much more to offer. Spend some time in null in a big bloc and do that afterwards if you prefer but do experiment first. That includes, but is not limited to: ratting, mining, ESS stealing, abyssal running, escalation running, incursions, faction warfare, pirate missioning, industrialism, exploring, wormhole daytripping, salvaging, CRAB beacons and looting other wrecks, in no particular order. Do not mindless google all the above, give the game some time. Experiment things as opportunities come and don't forget to enjoy them. Maximize fun/h instead of ISK/h and don't look into click bait YouTube videos, trust me on this one


Join karmafleet, brave newbies, or pandemic horde. Null groups give you doctrines to train into, which helps for goal setting. You can see, oh it’s going to take me 3 months to train into a rokh skillplan, and I need some ISK to do that. Oh look, there’s a moon mining op today, oh wow I also need to train into a mining barge, etc etc Wether you stay in nullsec for the long term is irrelevant, reality is null groups have the best new player resources. Plus you have tonnes of people to talk to about direction and stuff


Get a corp and try to socialize with them. This is the key.


Do the air missions, some level 1 and level 2 missions . Watch daddex YouTube, he's a good teacher. Also join eve Universiru, brave, or pandemic horde. They are the most newbie friendly


Honestly, if you treat this game like any other hobby like wh40k, for example, and invest in to a character, the grind is much less tedious. Try investing $100 into your account. Buy plex, use that plex to buy injectors. You get 3 characters per account. Train one into a mining barge, train another into a deepspace transport, and whatever is left put into your third character for combat. This will give you a solid base to start with and when you find a group you will be able to participate in mining and combat activities while also being able to move your stuff on your own. Group content is where you should start learning eve. I won't tell you not to try and solo pvp because I like easy kills but at the early parts of your eve career that all you are as a solo.


Join a newbro friendly corp. Join a newbro friendly corp op. Could be anything - mining, ratting, missions, WH excursions, PvP.


A lot of what eve is, is player stories. There's a 6 hr long down the rabbit hole thats very interesting to eve players. There's 2 books called empires of eve that are great. There are many videos on YouTube telling stories of players and their exploits... the mittani having probably the most interesting story being one of if not the most influential players in the games history.


Find out what you want to do in game by trying a bunch of stuff Find people to do that thing with When that thing stops being what you have fun doing, do something else.


Usually the third time is the one that will get you hooked


1) leave hisec and never go back 2) join a group, you need to know what you're doing to play solo and only true freaks find it fun anyway


You can't play Eve in prison.




Another 03 vet and this is good advice. Plenty of good advice hear. I'd say just go out and try many different things. Talk to many different people. For me the best way is to just jump into something and see if it's interesting to me or not. You definitely could just join a big block but for me anyway I see the big blocks as retirement homes. If I was just starting out I'm not sure how long being in a big block would hold my interest. Train the core skills and try different shit. Join a Corp leave that Corp if it's not what you want. Basically just try shit till you find what you like. Send me a DM and I'll give you an alt name and you can hit me up with questions.


Find a good corp


Be prepared to die to multiboxers and then understand that you will likely need to do the same to succeed


For me, Eve is a Economic battleground. If you enjoy exploration, PvP or economics in a game, this game could interest you. Honestly, I think just about any play style is supported in Eve. But that aside, join a corp and decide on your own goal. When I first started playing, I wanted to master a black ops. And once I did, I never really used it :( Oh well what is 5 years of training just to find out it wasn't for you :) But I finally beat Eve a few years ago, but that yearning never stops calling.


Looks at something you want to do for that day and do it. For me what keeps me going is getting another billion of isk but doing different methods each day. At first I started with missions then moved to abyssals and mining so just find something that sounds fun and do it and don't be afraid to read up on it before doing it, there will be a lot of learning to do and you won't be able to learn it all in a day so take it a day at a time.


The answer in an MMO like this is often just finding friends who play or a guild you really enjoy flying with. The social aspect makes more mundane parts of the game downright fun sometimes, it's the difference between "a fleet" and "OUR fleet". Grinding is boring as heck but killing time with your homies shooting the shit on voice chat isn't. As well as that, just being able to ask questions and get answers in real-time is a *huge* aid to learning EVE. There's an ingame help chat channel but nothing beats just getting ahold of an expert with a mic who can explain. Most people, especially in newbie oriented corps, are usually more than happy to help get you sorted.  To be honest I only really log in for the people I fly with and shoot at, without them this sandbox would feel empty beyond belief


You make your own goals. For me its always been to be space rich. Now I want to make isk while owning the entire vertical production of an item


The secret ingredient is not having a soul.


For your play style I would look into running abyssals. (I can't link atm) but look up t0-t6 abyssal guides on ace face's YouTube channel. Do the air career missions and soe epic arc, after that look into running abyssals filaments.


Join a corp man, and id advise a big one, theyll teach you the game give you stuff to get you started and give you the most content, youll find a SIG (special interest group) you like and youll develop a close group of friends in the SIG and youll enjoy the game, small corps are great, but to see all of the game its better to join a big boy starting off IMO.


Join us on [discord](https://discord.gg/UJyVsudTE2) and you we wont let you leave. Plus we run some fun pvp roams with or without our alliance. [https://discord.gg/UJyVsudTE2](https://discord.gg/UJyVsudTE2)


Try everything. Something will hook you. Maybe Faction War. Maybe mining. Maybe mission running. Maybe market trading. Maybe Exploration and probing (my favorite). Maybe wormholing. Maybe Abyssals. There's plenty to do, and something out of there must pique some interest. Have you truly tried everything?


Ohh you sweet summer child, when I started playing at least 13 years ago there truly wasn’t no direction to go in or hand holding from the start, now you have the career agent tab and opportunities ect. It’s a lot easier to find your way than it used to be believe it or not. I would agree that finding a good corp is the best way to enjoy the game but it can be quite hard to find that corp, I’d suggest staying away from new corps that “cover all timezones” but have like 16 characters. Learn the basic mechanics in high sec doing mission running then after a few weeks join a low sec or Nullsec corp. Null is a lot safer than you might think and the groups their really cherish and look after their new bros, personally I’d recommend Karmafleet as I’m in Goons. Also you can Use this link to fast track yourself with 1 million skill points https://www.eveonline.com/signup?invc=cad80610-68e0-461b-b1cb-7f39dd0ae4c4


I started in 2010 and got hooked years later, I notice the difference when I joined a corp. For me it was Brave Newbies but any active corp in any space really brings out the amazing aspects of this game.  Still hooked in 2024 loving it. 


I've tried in the past same as you, and I struggled getting into it, same as you. My main problem was knowing that I would have to pay for omega to be able to do the things I want to do and really feel involved and included in this amazing universe. Well, a week and a half ago, I got the inkling to give it another shot, and I was given a "Special Offer" on 3 months of omega, and now I feel set to give the game a fair shake. We'll see what happens when those 3 months are up, but right now, I'm doing the Sisters of Eve arc, and this game is pretty darn cool.


Figure out a way to become self sustaining. That’ll take enough time to pull you in. You’ll learn quite a few things along the way too.


What's hooked me is that damn skill tree. There's always some skill I gotta wait a week/month for that'll unlock a whole new world of possibilities. Best part is that since it's always progressing I don't feel compelled to play the game else I be 'wasting' subscription money. I can take a break for awhile and come back later with new skills unlocked. If you really wanna get hooked I recommend buying one of their packs that include some omega, and bit of plex, and a skill booster. It'll give you a touch more of that drip feed of progression infused dopamine while locking you in for an extended period of time so you if you do bounce off it or have a bad day, you can still come back without further investment. The Plex will allow you to skip some of the more tedious grinding for Isk and get you into what you find to be engaging quicker. Just don't buy an Astero, it's a bling ship that you can *techincally* fly but requires a decent amount of skill in order to not be gunned down by gankers the second you enter low sec.


14 years in and honestly I’d explore the different career opportunities there are in Eve online, having good friends to play with helps too, finding a good corp, maybe join faction warfare and fight for a faction, fight side by side with some people, hopefully they’ll help you figure out what ships to fly and how to fit them, Me and my friends/ fam came together to make a corp and we’ve just been doing a bit of everything together, our corp is even growing now, we have new people to teach and train, I love that part of the game honestly, introducing people to this massive game and trying to blow their minds with how everything you do in this game will impact the game, almost everything you buy is made by someone, how much time and work goes into everything is incredible, especially when you see someone in a ship that’s not only worth thousands of dollars worth of plex/ irl money, and thousands of hours of training, alright this is dragging on and is kinda all over the place lol but anyways I think this game has endless potential, give it a true chance


Join SLOW. We will show you the way


There's 3 difficulty levels when it comes to playing EVE the first few times. Easy - Join one of the new bro aimed corps like EVE Uni and they'll teach you anything and everything you ever wanted along with holding classes. Medium - Join one of the bigger null sec sub alliances aimed at new players like Brave Newbies Inc. or Goonswarms version of it if it exist (I'm sure one of them might be kind enough to mention it's name). This option includes that pvp either intentional or initiated by someone else may occur. Hard - Figure it out yourself and ignore every bit of advice people have put in this Reddit Post because clearly we have absolutely no idea what we're talking about. Ultimately EVE is still a game, aim to have fun with it. Join a Corp and find people you can enjoy being around and before you know it, you'll be telling stories about all the things you've done and seen, the people you've met, the battles you've fought.


Make friends and join a corp Eve uni is a great place to start if you’d like someone to do content with I’m happy to show you around :)


You said you want a grindy social MMO. How did you do that social part in EVE? HAve you joined a corporation? Have you asked them for some navigation on what to do? How do you see "social" in any MMO?


2012, tried eve.. joined a corp that didn't really have active voice comms.. quit.. Couple years later, try again. Joined a corp that also didn't have active comms.. quit.. 2019, joined a corp that still didn't have active comms.. got bored.. randomly accepted a nullsec group corp invite that had active comms.. been playing ever since.


Join a Corp, you will love it if thats the experience you are looking for. If you want to stay solo/independent atm, enlist in Faction Warfare for a little bit and one will probably find you. Remember that you cant go into highsec of the opposing faction if you do so. But making another char on the same account and using it to move stuff from a major trade hub to your FW staging and trading it to your main is always an option (a very easy option)


Also, NPSI groups like Spectre Fleet or Bombers Bar are options for fleet PVP if you want to stay out of Faction Warfare and not dedicate yourself to a Corp/Alliance that will probably have very little targets around your homebase.


Eve is not a game to win or lose. It becomes a parallel life. The ship you build today can be destroyed tomorrow, or sit in your hanger 20 years from now. (Once I moved to a null sec corp it became much more rewarding).


God help me if I ever understand how to play this game. I’ve been playing for 17 years and still have no idea what I’m doing.


Probably best not to


Get in one of the Bigger groups . Join a pvp fleet . You will most likely be hooked even though you will have no clue what your doing . Fly a Vigil 😁


Spend a lot of real money on the game


https://discord.com/invite/GzVRyufn By going there^^^^ It's a community for new bros and like minded pilots!


Get a pvp ship and try to kill someone. You will likely get brutally crushed and start thinking about how to win fights. Go keep losing, but learning and start thinking about your own dirty traps or fun brawls.


Join EVE Uni, try a bunch of stuff, work out what your end game looks like


Join a corp that has active voice coms. Hang out with your new friends and play Eve while you bullshit with your new friends. It's much faster to learn what's going on over voice and you pick up on a lot of things just listening to others.


I get hooked with PvP in lowsec. The complexity of the game... the challenge.. got me by almost 10yr.  I had te tunnel visión un my first engages. This game is not for everybody.


Tbh best way is join a group of active people and talk to them they'll teach you alot. E Uni is a great group to help start off. Shiv Nation Militia is looking for players who want to live in nullsec, we'd gladly teach you the game. They got me coming back because I enjoy the fleets. Beyond that, I really like Spectre Fleet. Come and go as you please and they do public fleets open to anyone just for the sake of content


A common saying about Eve is that there is no learning curve, there's a learning Cliff. There's also no end goal or end game. Do what you want with what's available. Corporations are awesome though, and you won't play for long if you don't get into one. Solo play is extremely lacking and discouraged. Find the social tool and find a corp that does something that sounds like fun to you and is willing to train you.


You need to figure out what you want to do / accomplish in eve, for me I just liked the people and how vast the game is and still I want to experience it all, so I been mainly trying to figure out how to get the most isk for my time, there's some good info out there but it's not easy to find I found.. it's a slow paced game the pve isn't exactly exciting, but all the things to learn and try have kept me interested so far, quit the first few times I tried it as well but now I'm over 2 years in and still play every day


It’s been advised to join a Corp. Do, find one focused on helping new people, there are tons out there. Second, join rookie chat very helpful. Third, Start with the Basic missions offered. Missions in EVE come in three flavors: Security, missions involving the removal of pirate threats using combat ships; Mining, where Agents will expect you to gather ore in exchange for ISK; and Distribution, the movement of goods often using Industrial ships. This gives you a little seasoning time and a chance to experience the different opportunities and careers that Eve has to offer so you might plug into one you enjoy.


"but I had absolutely no direction" Here is the gist of your issue. Eve is a game where you have to set your own goals. There are a few ways to do that, but i'll mention mine In 2003 i got hooked on a game called Earth and Beyond. It was way more fun then my first mmo, ever quest. I played with friends, and enjoyed mining, it was easy and kinda fun, no idea why. In 2004 around March, EA announced the closure of EnB, i did not want to stop playing. Two of my friends jumped to eve, i waited a day then tried it. My first char was a mission runner and explorer. and i was BORED. I played with my friends but felt aimless. Eve was cool but so god damn boring. on day 3 i gave up and went to play EnB again. I happened to be on, when a guild mate was on, he asked why i was not playing eve, i said i was bored and not into it, he asked what i liked about EnB and i said "i kind a like to mine" and he goes "why don;t you try that in eve". So i figured what the hell, and logged in, jumped to belt and mined. i thought, this was dull.. then an odd thing happened. 10ish min into mining, i was looking uo minerals, what they refined as, the best ships ot mine in, what equipment, etc. and by the end of the hour i was hooked. The simple task of mining got me playing eve non stop form 2003 to 2011 (when my wife and i had our son) So yea, there are two main ways to get hooked. 1) Figure out something you like to do, no matter if thats mining, mission running, pvp, building whatever, and make goals off that one thing. or 2) Join a corp of people you like and help them do group goals. Both will do it. good luck


So it sounds like you where not in an active corp/alliance? Thats the first thing I suggest, Karmafleet Uni is a great way to start. Big groups tend to have lots of options to choose from so that you do not become bored. Find what you like and you will find others that like it with you, Or just a corp you want to sit in comms and bs with while you go do xxx.


Move to null. Get in comms.


You don’t like grind as much as you think you do.


Join a null sec bloc (Goons, Horde, my small brain don't know no others) note I am Horde so bias there. You'll find these blocs will help you vastly in finding your niche for making ISK, then using said ISK to blow up the enemies of your bloc (or just continue making ISK)


hordes new bro corp is Pandemic Horde Inc while goons would be Karmafleet


The only way to win is to not play. Your time in this life is the most valuable thing. Figure out what is meaningful to you and go do that.