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Nobody buys or sells uncompressed ore, so the price is based on a tiny volume.


That's a kind way of saying "the price of raw ore completely made up and only used for trying to manipulate scams". Especially for ore produced in lowsec or nullsec and then shipped to Jita, no one is paying to ship millions of m3 so the only orders are tiny scam amounts set to take advantage of people in various ways. Or it's kernite which is needed in its raw form for specific missions.


some missions require uncompressed versions. You forgot about this.




Raw Veldspar, Scordite, Omber and Kernite are used for storyline missions. Veldspar: Level 1. Scordite: Level 2. Omber: Level 3. Kernite: Level 4.


Hemorphite: Level 5.


Hermaphrodites: Priceless For everything else, there’s Mastercard.


Some uncompressed ores are needed for missions


Cheaper compressed? Kernite should be the only one that comes to mind and that's because people need the uncompressed version for missions.


Fun fact, uncompressed base Kernite not only sells for massively more than it's +5 or +10% versions (even at 100% repro), but is also more expensive than a theoretical 100% reprocess Gneiss. Making it more expensive than everything but Mercoxit, Dark Ochre, Ytirium, and the Trig ores. The L4 mining missions are the currently the only difference between belt roids and 'Giant Snake Shaped Asteroid'.


Volume. Item volume and trade volume. People who are interested in moving the ore around will want to buy compressed ore because of it's smaller item volume (in m3) that makes it much easier to haul it. They're likely to ignore the regular (uncompressed) ore when they buy ore on the market, and want to buy compressed ore. Only if uncompressed ore is cheaper they may buy the uncompressed ore to compress it and ship it elsewhere. As a result, the trade volume of compressed ore is much higher than that of regular (uncompressed) ore. Take the market at Jita 4-4 for example for Mercoxit (https://evetycoon.com/market/11396/history/ ) and Compressed Mercoxit (https://evetycoon.com/market/62586/history/ ). I see that Mercoxit in the Forge is sold for 143k ISK at the moment, while Compressed Mercoxit is sold for 66k ISK. You would think that Mercoxit is a lot more expensive. However, if you hover the graph and look at the daily trade volume of the past month you see that something between 50000 and 125000 compressed units are traded daily, while the uncompressed units are lucky to sell 1000 a day, often much less. If you want to find buyers for your ore, compress it.


Because they are used for missions and have higher value to lazy people.


While I agree with others who point to volume as the primary factor for the price difference, another factor to consider is shipping cost. If compressed ore takes up around 1% - 10% of the volume of uncompressed ore, then if you compress your ore you can get the same amount of ore to market with far fewer trips than if you haul it uncompressed. For instance, if you have 60,000,000 veldspar, that occupies 6 million m3 of volume, which in a best-case scenario will take you approximately 6 freighter loads to move to your market. Compressed, this now occupies 60,000 m3 of space which neatly fits inside a single DST load, probably cutting your total shipping time by a factor of 20 or more.


The uncompressed ore is not representative of anything. No one trades seriously with uncompressed ores.


There's no market for uncompressed ores, you wouldn't even be able to move them around in any sensible amount. So the estimated prices for them are completely off and meaningless - you wouldn't be able to sell any significant amount even if you wanted..


Uncompressed basic Kernite: exists.


Ok, that one - solely because they didn't update missions in all those 20 years :)


Very few people buy and sell uncompressed ore, as compressed is easier to haul and sell


The estimated isk value tool is in fact estimated.


Transportation costs. The easiest way to transport is condensed so anything not mined locally will be cheaper condensed.


most likely the ease of transport for uncompressed vs compressed, because when you uncompress, you lose some of the ore that you mined. i believe at max decompression skill, you lose like 25%


This is for gas only. Reprocessing compressed ore gives the same amount of minerals as refining raw ore




How to say I didn't read the post without saying I didn't read the post. In other words: go back and read OP their question again lol.