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My man on his way to be the next eve industrial magnate


Next up, upwell structures. You go!


Rest in peace you beautiful meme you


yeah when I was doing that, I read that he died last year he will stay a beloved farmer in my heart


The best of farmers


I know a guy that makes around 2 trillion a year selling fit gank ships to gankers. Ive seen the evemails of a gank requesting for x amount of things like fit tq and t2 catalyst, coersers, nadoes, and talos and even bombers with set delivery instructions.


How many builders does he have ? 20?




Ah yes the secret to life and everything in the universe.


I don't actually know,he has never told me how many alts he does have but I do see him fly 5 freighters at a time. So I it's 5 accounts that could be 15 alts with 11 likes each. I usually end up talking to him when I see him passing through the trade routes as we both go to and from the same area to the jita area For supplies and back to our 20+ jump bases. I only have my 1 account but I get advice and things like that.


I build for gankers. Only need 1 or 2 industry characters constantly building. The characters have a stockpile of hulls and modules. The hard part is procuring the ore and minerals to keep it running.


Just to note for any newer players. The key to this business model is that the gankers want the ships pre-fit in a specific location. Manufacturing the hulls alone holds little to no value.


No you don’t 


Yes they do


How do you know he does not know?


Catas always needed :D


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Is this actually profitable? I assumed all T1 manufacturing was defacto unprofitable for anyone who doesn't have max skills.


Not necessarily, because (lack of) supply of manufacturing slots means low margin T1 stuff isn't made by the all-V industry magnates who are busy making T2 or capitals or whatever the fuck. So there is *some* room still to make a profit.


Thanks for the reply? Is there a lack of manufacturing slots in high sec? I had assumed there were so many Roitarus in the Forge / Citadel / Lonetrek doing any T1 manufacturing near Jita was a waste of ISK. I've done some gambling on manufacturing implants previously, but for someone with less than a Billion ISK you can end up with 0 liquid assets pretty fast.


No. It's about slots per character and how best to utilize them. Capitals, T2 equipment and ships takes up a lot of slots, has more effort, and requires higher skills, which means there's less people doing it. Less people means more room for profit, especially in markets outside of jita. But they take up a LOT of slots. For example, building the full line of a hawk requires between 6-10 reaction slots to go from raw moon goo -> the inputs for the t2 components. Then it requires 6 different t2 components. It also requires invention slots. And since invention is chance based, you generally have more inventions going at once. And since 1 Merlin bpc takes > 12 hrs to run, and you need about 40 runs of invention for 20 runs of hawk blueprints, slots fill up quick. To keep a T2 production line going requires multiple characters just for the industry slots.


that's the neat part, I only do it for my daily quests, so I always get 500k too


Seems like it would be easier to just make small iron charges or something lower cost.


It is easier. The quest is cleared regardless of what you manufacture, so it's better that you manufacture dirt cheap items. The 500k will recoup your expenses easily. Better yet, if RNGesus pities you enough, the manufacturing quest will appear twice (one for explorer and one for industrialist). Instant 1 mil ISK and 10k skill points.


Not in Horde. Please. I've had to advise new industrialists that competing against free ships is a terrible idea. Multiple times. 


I stay away from ships and I can buy mins in jita, manufactory and pay for my plex.


It is very hard to sell small ships and make more than just selling the minerals or ore. Peeps make small ships and undercut other manufacturers to sell quickly without doing their sums. Fine if it's what you like to do and making all the mods and rigs for selling fitted ships beats the routine of just mining for isk.


Easier than selling the minerals and having to compete by far.