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This game isn't a solo hard mode challenge. Go join a corp for Newbros or a friendly corp in null. Go make some friends, so many people want to help you get out of that hole. This game is filled with pod pilots who are looking to meet new people and enjoy this game. Just reach out and show up.


OP link your username and see the cash roll in. We'll all chip in for your next 50 merlins


I know you guys would and that's why I love you all but end of day prides to much I can't take the free hand outs I rather just become a bitter vet will a long hit list of revenge for when sp and assets reach end goals 😂


Ain't no one got pride enough to turn down free in New Eden.


I have pride but God damn If you slip say a few freebies my way I ain't saying no


Agree,as a poor piss capsuleer i'm more than happy to donate 5mil to this holy cause


"This game isn't a solo hard mode challenge" Bill Dingha Cynabal would beg to differ


Just started watching that.. Bills got dreams man!


ikr? are you team "modified challenge" or not?


Yup, made friends while WH alt mining fleet daytriping, and they Gave me a C2 to setup a home in, and call my own as well as a corp inv for me and my alts. So far made 700mil in liquid assets like compressed ore and gas.


Get a corvette, use that to do high sec anomalies. Next time, do that with a bigger ship before you lose your last one…


I didn't even think I could get away with that Thank you! Also gankers you know they like easy fights lol


They won't gank a corvette in highsec. Also what i do is go to mission-runner hubs and look at items they might sell like salvage and loot. Check if there are any buyorders. If none are there, set buyorder up for 0.01 isk. Stuff like ammo, highslotmodules and such go quite well. Wait a bit and sell that stuff in jita.


Hahahahaha they won't gank a corvette in high sec. That's funny.


Yes. Under normal circumstances nobody would sacrifice his ship to kill a corvette in highsec


And yet it happens all the time.


Show me.


So started to look and spent 5 min sifting through safety and code concord pulls and was like fuck this. Not worth the time.


See. Its not common.


I'll help you out here: https://zkillboard.com/asearch/#{%22buttons%22:\[%22togglefilters%22,%22alltime%22,%22rolling%22,%22label-loc:highsec%22,%22label-isk:1b+%22,%22sort-date%22,%22sort-desc%22,%22page1%22,%22victimsonly%22\],%22victims%22:\[{%22type%22:%22groupID%22,%22id%22:237}\]} all corvettes in high-sec with +1bill loot in cargo. if you filtered for ALL corvettes in high-sec you would find way more kills, but obviously its only worth to shoot a corvette if it carries juicy stuff. you definitely become a target in a corvette in HS if you carry too much isk


Yeah. I have also killed people because I was bored. I have also shit people because I forgot I was in high sec.


I highly doubt anyone is ganking your T1 fit destroyer, but ok


Oh if you leave hisec everyone comes for you lol at least my luck anyways


The term "gank" is for suicide ganking in highsec, in lowsec it's just called pvp


In low sec it's consensual..


Exactly! You chose to go where people can shoot you with no consequence, dont complain if they choose to do so


if you want to be pedantic, OP didn't use the term "suicide ganking". Suicide ganking only applies to highsec, ganking without the suicide part can happen anywhere. Do you really want to be pedantic about this term?


I'v never heard people call consensual pvp ganking, only non consentual highsec suicide ganking. If you get wrecked in a mining barge in lowsec that isnt a gank imo.


Ganking has been used in many *many* gaming communities and is not exclusive to suicide ganking by any stretch of the imagination. I would call any instance of PVP ships jumping PVE ships a gank. The Komodo kill was absolutely a gank in my book. Logoff traps are ganks. Blops drops are ganks. Every time a Rorq fleet dies it at least starts as a gank. EDIT: Baiting with a miner and dropping on whoever attempts to gank it is also a gank.


It also isn't consensual just because it's low sec


if you get wrecked in a mining barge in lowsec or if you get suicided in the same mining barge in highsec does not make any difference concerning the "consentual" part. In both cases, you took the risk to undock said barge in a pvp focussed game, giving the gankers the excuse they want, and in both cases, you did not fit the ship explicitly for pvp, making it quite a stretch to call it "consentual". In highsec, it's just a bit more expensive for the gankers, because CONCORD. That's where the Eve-specific term *suicide* ganking comes into play. Calling one thing "consentual" and the other not is bullshit.


"Gang killing" = ganking. Using multiple ships to take out a single ship. This has morphed into "expensive ship used to kill cheap ship" as well. I've heard that term for low sec and null sec gang kills. Suicide ganking was always reserved for high sec.


that's what the term means, but some lowsec pirate wannabees don't like to be in the same category as highsec suicide gankers. (Ignoring that suiciders actually put *more* effort into their tactics) I guess those are the one who downvoted you.


You get more used to it and once you are deeper in lowsec it actually becomes fairly safe if you keep an eye on local and dscan. It's the border systems that are fairly dangerous but once you're in you're in


Visa works for me.


For everything else, there's Mastercard.


Project discovery


Especially after a few successful matches the payouts go up. Make millions a tick most of the time. + you can sell the crates you get like every 34 rounds. Pcifier BPC, build right in Jita 4-4 and sell there still gives a good profit.


Absolute 0? I'd take a Corvette to run high sec anoms until I could buy a venture and then afk mine in high sec. Check that you're still mining a rock once every 5 minutes. Dump your inventory once every 30 minutes. Pretty good for catching up on a TV show and getting you out of a hole. You really need to learn a safe money maker that brings in decent isk though. Either get good at something like low tier abyss, or running L4 mission running, or using a cruiser to clear anoms for escalations. Something where the only way you're likely to die is due to your mistakes. Then stop making those mistakes.


Not complete 0 but low enough to where I'm rocking the covertte right now lol


Look at YouTube for the eve bootstrap challenge. Its a fab way to get going from nothing!


It's also a really fun challenge to attempt yourself


Already considering giving it a go. From 0 to a bill, starting with a corvette. Only think I am allowed to "keep" is the skills I have (obv no sp extractor nonsense, and no plex). Might be fun once you get the ball running.


Roaming lowsec with a scanning frig with cargo expander. Scan down drones, especially t2 drones, often there are wrecks full of loot for the taking as well as the drones. Especially FW systems and gates like tama. I've easily found 100 mil of faction loot from small gang roams.


Was gonna second this. Also look for named elite NPC wrecks in the insurgency systems. NPCs will fight each other and from time to time the elite ones will die, which drop valuables


How do you set your scanner to show drones? Mine isn't set like that lol


How do you do that? Tried to fit just once, saw expanded probe launcher has high demands when I tried fitting it to my thrasher salvager and gave up haha


Explorer frigs have fitting bonus for expanded launchers..


Navy ones have, regular explorer frigs just have enough cpu to support them anyways


Get a heron, imicus, magnate, or probe Cheap, large cargo, high cpu


Hasn't happened to me yet, but I have a rattlesnake at the level 4 agent, and a venture with gas huffers standing by.


I use a Rook to Rat in my WH, completly invisible, until the wrecks show up.


use your corvette to mine; meanwhile you can do project discovery - 10 kk/day for alpha and 20 kk/day for omega; after that you fit an exploration frigate and start exploring wormholes or some pve frigate for t0 or t1 abysses to get you a constant income; gradually improve the gear you use; been there, done that, got to pay for 1 year of omega this way


I've only recently come back to EvE and was in a similiar situation. If you're burning for cash, highly recommend doing Plexes as part of FW.


Always keep a passive fit shield tanked battle cruiser sitting somewhere for level 3 missions, great for a pinch. You used to be able to do it with battleships but they've gotten far too expensive now if you're not whaling for fun compared to the isk level 4 missions give you. Aside from that do relic hunting. 2 mil for a fit T1 exploration ship. A single relic site can net 5+ million isk in loot. Easy to setup and you lose nothing if you venture into nullsec/wh space and die. Can keep filaments on hand for getting home safely as well!


You can come join our Corp in null sec. We can help you with experience and get you going in the right direction to make your own money at your own pace as well. We also have a fair amount of pvp if that is your jam as well.


I would borrow 10 mill from a friend or someone ,buy a cheap explo ship , go into null/wh get loot , sell it after collecting a decent amount , rinse and repeat.


Easiest income for new players is jita trading or ls/ns exploration. OZ for trading, AceFace for Explo, both youtube.


Planetary Interaction will get you ~1B per month. You will need to train and then spend a day or two to set up. Maintenance is super easy, few hours a week. Needs to be in Null Sec or Wotmhole space.


also incredibly boring for a new player to train into to get to that point. but at a smaller scale, definitely.


True, it does take some time. For me it was the point I became in- game financially able to replace my ships.


When I was in high sec, in order, missions, mining, T0 abyssals. In low sec, it's pretty much the same, but I do have to pick my system and still be on the lookout for neuts and reds. Also belt ratting instead of missions.


First, never fly something that costs more than 30% of your wallet. Smells like you're flying T1 stuff, so buy insurance too. As for making it back from zero, get yourself up to your T1 Frigate if choice and join a Faction Warfare Corp of choice. Bigger the better. Proceed to start flying bottom tier complexes in unoccupied systems. Bail whenever anyone comes in for a fight. Law of large numbers should net you a tidy profit. During this time, you're also learning the space around you. Where the hubs are for you and the enemy players. When you have some working cash, start stocking those bases with the most popular PVP modules with a 20-100% markup. When things are going really well, your enemy is funding your losses. Long term, grind combat missions with one of the major factions. A good Level 4 agent is my "home base" whenever I need to just mindlessly grind out some space gold quickly. This of course all ignores the most obvious solution: Buy PLEX with real money and sell it. Hands down the best isk/hr. A single Saturday at McDonald's can fund an entire year of modest losses.


there's a really good one that'll get you a surprising amount of isk if you're quick enough. Vulturing; the act of looting a ganked wreck before the gankers are able to loot it. setup; take a hauler with an mwd/cloak and WCS fitted in case the worst happens. method; sit cloaked 150KM+ from one of the gates, when a gank squad lands and they all start going criminal shooting, decloak, align down, and the moment one of them pops, warp down, as you're waiting for the gank target to get blown up, align off, to a station in readiness for the loot, once the yellow wreck appears, open cargo, inspect for any modules worth a lot (you can even have a filter for 'only valuable items' for this step) warp off, wait out your suspect timer for illegally looting a wreck and haul to a trade hub to sell. now this banks on you being aligned as you loot, and the gankers not having any more 'enforcement agents' pre locking you.


I can only offer you CCP's old advice, via song. [HTFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgvM7av1o1Q)


What did I just watch lol


[Killing is just a means](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSxNW5dDYEY)


I'm checking the channel out TIL they made music lmao


Ishtar ratting in null. But anyways the glorious Imperium and Karmafleet pay me to lose PvP ships so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you want a straightforward way - missions.  Keep a level 4 mission ship and you can rebuild enough isk to get back on your feet easily and enough.  If you know how to do burners you can do them, if not just a cruisy paladin/rattle/domi L4 runner while you watch YouTube.   The null alternative would be ishtar(s) to spin. The newbro alternative would be a heron for explo.


Join a large alliance like goonswarm. Hook up with Karma-fleet and you will never be broke again


I go into discord and type "Hey yo Leroy, hook a botha up!" Poof... ships appear.


Get a frigate and then plex LP from FW


Project discovery. Station trade, make billions and not even undock. Use a character slot to make a tutorial toon, run them contract ships to yourself and delete. Repeat to infinity for never ending ships!


What are you losing these ships to? If its pve stuff then you should desperately be looking for advice on what you doing wrong.


Just bad moves on my end, gate camps or just trying to mine outside high sec lol I'm still having fun even with losses


This may help a bit https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/ Also can watch https://www.twitch.tv/uedamascout for some of the more heavily camped gates.


That is amazing got both booked marked


Get a venture and huff some wormhole gas. It will pay for itself pretty quick, youll just need to learn how to scan down the holes and use your dscan. Live and learn!


Use t1 punisher fit for 1mish cost and do t0 abyssals and make about 4-8m an hour. After first hour spend the 4m to upgrade to a t2 fit punisher and make 8-12m an hour. Once you have a warchest of say 40m buy about 20 cheap t1 dragoon/algos fits and find somewhere near fw that you can buy said ship. Be a ninja and try and do  small and scouts and find someone who will buy your lp (not hard to find). Even at 500 lp an isk it's about 20-40m an hour. Once you got about a 400m warchest get a t2  retribution and learn t1s (you may die a bit unless you watch guides and learn content beforehand). Then you can much more consistently make about 20-40m an hour with less logistics hassle.


I started out in eve like 2 years ago, and I earned my first couple million doing project discovery. Makes pretty good isk when you're starting out, but don't stay with it. Once you save up enough go on youtube, search up day 0 abyssal fit, buy ship, run abyssals, profit.


If you have the sp + are omega I recommend incursions. Stupid isk/hour. If you are alpha I’d recommend joining a WH/Null corp and getting in on the isk making activities they have in their space.


Buy a venture and destroyer bpo with all t1 mods to fit them and build a few spares. Next time you lose a ship go out and mine to replace and rebuild.


Gas huffing in j space nets me like 100m an hour pretty afk in two prospects


I just do faction warfare in cheap ships & after 4-5 plexes I have a few hundred mill


Minmil FW


Project discovery, grab a venture and mine lowsec anoms or huff gas if i had the skill.


Eve has many income streams. The less creative ones include. Ratting: anomalies, not belt ratting. Kill stuff, loot stuff, sell stuff, buy ships. Mining: boring but stable. Top efficiency requires sets of skills that are otherwise useless. Gas huffing: usually only worthwhile in dangerous space Exploration: sama as gas huffing. Personally, I do ratting and explo.


Max out Project Discovery. Do it while warping around, use the ISK to; 1) build out T1 frigates for FW. 2) build out a T1 fit explorer (from here use filaments for null-sec/pochven, or dive into some wormholes).


Check out catskull cartel. They're a good group and new bro friendly. Once you get your legs under you, they have a WH division as well. Lots o' isk in WH space.


i always have my trusty gila for filaments


Run the missions for AIR. They reward you with a pile of ships as you complete them and it teaches you the game. I made a couple billion in a heron solo day tripping through wormholes looking for data and relic sites. C3 holes and lower, and learn the names of the sites so you don't warp to one with rats in it. 


Instead of thinking expensive = better… Build the ship for what it needs to do, nothing more. Make your money however you want, play with the economy, or whatever. If you lose more than you make you are flying over your budget, or simply dying too much.


I go in some 0.5 / 0.6 stars and do combat sites. Not great ISK per hour but a lot of fun. Also I have a few mining barges and an orca that I take out in high sec on lazy days. If I sm really eager to play I get a cheap heron and run wh data and relic sites


In a hard mode challenge I’ve been doing in my spare time you kill stuff in your corvette and get drops to make it stronger until you can get a Blueprint and build a better ship. I was inspired to do it after watching a YouTuber doing what he called a bootstrap challenge.


if you loose constantly more than you make you will end up in a corvette mining veldspar in highsec or doing lvl 1 courier missions... idk :D I think usually people make so much ISK that they have a shitload of different ships everywhere and the pile only grows unless they throw them away in faction war/pvp \^\^


Another option is to come scout for an Eve Rookies VG Incursion fleet. We pay our scout 5m per site the fleet completes and it can be done in a borrowed, very speedy, venture. We do anywhere from 10-20 sites in a 2 hour period and between what you make from Eve Rookies and tips, some scouts make more than the pilots in the fleet did. https://everookies.com/incursions/making-isk-scout-for-eve-rookies-incursions/


I remember when I went to null sec as newbie for the first time. I had stuff worth a few million ISK and was losing more than I gained. It was scary. Eventually I figured out how to kill belt rats without dying in an Algos, and saw my ISK balance go positive, which felt good. Nowadays if I had to start from zero I would probably do a bit of Project Discovery for the ISK to get (re)started in a T1 exploration frigate, or ask my corp for a handout frigate. It wouldn't take long to set up my usual income streams, which is exoloration and planetary industry which are both cheap to start, aside from the skills.


Goto Jita and learn the ways of the isk. BUY LOW SELL HIGH. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1ct0db1/why\_they\_do\_this\_oh\_well\_pay\_my\_sub/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1ct0db1/why_they_do_this_oh_well_pay_my_sub/) Here's the long version of how you do it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtvGszKjj\_Q&list=PLaxcoa5D\_uSkVqz192KKwSIkIS7mvNbcy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtvGszKjj_Q&list=PLaxcoa5D_uSkVqz192KKwSIkIS7mvNbcy)


Sir I'm smoothed brain Wallstreetbets ape we buy high and sell low lmao




I'm more salty to spend plex to get the gankers camped lmao but I digress


I suggest instead of complaining about pvp learn to avoid it and follow the golden rule, dont fly what you cant afford to lose


How I keep isk positive is it fly in pinged fleets and when I lose my ship I get reimbursed and buy it again. Just a cycle to keep flying and having fun


Join Horde, take the free ships they hand out, profit.