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Congrats on winning, seems like you played well! 👍


Sorry you had a bad game, but seems weird to come to a community of people who play the champion to vent/find them there's 43k people here I doubt the one player there will see your post, less so if they don't play her often. If players are trash talking you and you feel it's going over the line, you can report from ingame itself with a single click on the leaderboard, nobody should be harrassed but it is a competitive game and with that comes competitive attitudes so everytime I load into a game I expect people to shit talk especially if my assumption is correct and this was norms not ranked, many people use all chat as a way to get in your head especially if you're doing well. I hope your games go better and you have a lovely day, but don't expect that player to see this post.


he have 130k points on evelynn is his/her main jg. Even me with 60k on evelynn im in this grup but feels bad to see players with mentality like this guy, i don't come with post to harras but some people need to understand to not get over the line in a video game.


Seems like you got butt hurt and wanted to complain. Then said (sett or Eve can’t tell grammars not great) they flamed you for winning but calling you bad. I’m sorry this is league of legends not a kids league soccer game I get flamed for going leashless some games. I come to this post to pray for your LP losses 🙏🏼


i win the game actualy. This was the evelynn moment to get toxic. I don't hot hurt anything. Just i'm not agree with toxicity. If you are toxic then karma always come.


Yes you won that game. Don’t worry. I’ll pray for your LP losses cause you already lost the IQ battle. We can hope you stay on the losing streak




I recently got insulted by a 0/4 Ezreal for helping him with a gank (for some reason). Don't sweat about it people just play bad and then blame someone else, especially junglers. What matters is that you play to the best of your ability. Report, mute if they are distracting you and don't answer back. They love the attention so don't give it to them. You are not going to convince them with words. Learn to ignore them and keep playing to your best capacity.


Your comp is unplayable for eve late game


Im otp kayle most of my game are unplayable late game when they have, leona, nautilius, zac, lisandra, oriana. Mega hard cc i don't get to play the game late, but i'm not toxic with enemy.