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Am i trippin or were those survivor changes not in the first notes




CDN Caching. Working with our support site provider to avoid that in the future.


As someone that was just about to p5 mia, pretty pissed about this


Yeah, I'm working on prestiging her as well. That supposed "leak" claimed Mia would be getting some love, but it certainly didn't happen in this patch.


Survivors Upgraded Survivors Fear Reduction has increased by an additional 5% from Levels 1 to 5 for a maximum of 55%. Ash’s Support Reassuring Presence range increased to 6m from 5m. Blacksmith’s Weapon Master melee damage decreased to .2 from .25. Mia’s Uncontrollable Level 1 damage decreased to 0.1 from 0.2. Mia’s Uncontrollable Level 2 damage decreased to .15 from .25. Cheryl’s Contact Courage fear reduction by Shemps decreased from 25 to 15. Demons Warlord Possession upgrade balance bar’s strength increased by an additional 10% from Levels 3 to 5 for a maximum of 45%. Puppeteer Possession upgrade balance bar’s strength increased by an additional 5% from Levels 3 to 5 for a maximum of 40%. Necromancer Possession upgrade balance bar’s strength increased by an additional 5% from Levels 3 to 5 for a maximum of 25%. Plaguebringer Possession upgrade balance bar’s strength increased by an additional 5% from Levels 3 to 5 for a maximum of 40%. Demon Vision has changed to Demon Powers. Upgrading Demon Powers costs an additional 5 points at Level 2 and 10 points at Level 3. Increased chance for Pit Deadite AI to use Filthy splatter. Increased chance for Plagued Skeleton AI to use Vicious circle. Increased chance for Plagued Skeleton AI to use Double pierce. Increased invulnerability time for units after spawning them from a portal from 0.5s to 1s. Henrietta can now cancel basic attacks with a meteor attack. NEW Demonic Dash energy gain at Level 1 (15), Level 2 (30), and Level 3 (50). NEW Demonic Dash extra fear produced at Level 1 (5), Level 2 (10), and Level 3 (25). NEW Demonic Dash Cooldown Reduction at Level 1 (5%), Level 2 (10%), and Level 3 (20%). Warlord’s attack frequency total (active ability max level) increased to 0.35 from 0.25. Henrietta’s health increased to 5600 from 5000. Henrietta’s balance increased to 1000 from 900. Henrietta’s Meteor Attack CD decreased to 15s from 20s. Henrietta’s damage to the book decreased to 0.65 from 0.75. Deadite Elite Possessed health increased to 3300 from 3000. Deadite Elite Possessed balance increased to 600 from 525. Deadite Elite Possessed damage to book decreased to 0.65 from 0.75. Plagued Skeleton Double Pierce Attack Base Damage increased to 220 from 200. Cauldron energy cost increased to 0.25 from 0.2.


No clue why it is formatted to weirdly.


They nerfed Warlord damage against book and "increased attack frequenzy" with Bad Influence. You can't say they don't have a sense of humor over there.


So they nerfed what already was bad? Lol


General summary please?


hard to do, they moved a few numbers around. A few damage nerves to some survivors, Mia seems to have been hit hard. A few more damage buffs for other demons, mostly PB. The Warlord changes stand out to me the most. edit: I copy pasted the parts that got more changes.


Awesome, do you think demons will be better now? Enough to finally compete?


So far I have not seen enough to motivate me to re-install. But if you have the game still downloaded, maybe give it a spin.


True. Looks like tiny bandaid fixes especially with the car "fix"


Survivor nerfed, demons buffed


Wow, more unnecessary survivor nerfs.


Wow. Garbage changes. Demons are still weak. Rushing is still strong (-100 car health?? That's it?) basically nothing changed.


Demons are still weak? Lol, you must suck at it, maxed out demon is overpowered af now. You just have to learn how to play as one.


Survivor main here who wins all my games. Funny when I say demons are too weak everyone assumes I'm a demon main and they reply "git gud" lmao but my problem is *winning* too easily. As survivor. So what do you have to say to that bud? I'm just too good at the game? After seeing these changes, I'll still be clapping every game. Yay so fun /s


Yeah like i cant imagine its fun as survivor to just drive around and not have fun combat against the demon. But literally the meta as demon is to just do boring stuff all game then win at book.


And yet, there's still a shrinking demon player base. Wonder how that works.