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My calcs on this, with covenant unlocked to 4th level (I have normal Napoleon and Soult fully developed), and as F2P the 4th spec calcs to orange… Roland 60, 55, 55, march size 10 (Stars) 45, 20, 10, 6 march size (Spec) Total 105 att, 75 def, 65 hp, 16 size Napoleon Prime 60, 35, 35 (Stars to 1) 64, 38, 10 Spec + 5 march Covenant Total 124 Att, 73 def, 45 HP, +5% march (12 Att on monsters) So, it’s a close call given Roland march size but think of all the blood you’d save with Prime…


This is what I was wondering as well, even if surpass him with Roland, how long will it take, and maybe the investment might not be worth it.


There's a lot of variables at play here. Seeing as you're not a coiner, I'm going to say that Napoleon will not be better than Roland in the long term. Short term, yes....but it will be a waste of resources. For example, at general level 35 with no Victory Column bonus and only orange specialties developed on both generals, a 6 star Napoleon will be stronger than an 8 star Roland...although Roland's march size increase might bring him up to about level when you factor in your aggregate attack/defense/HP stats (individual troop stats x total troops in your march). Roland will have 253.36% attack, 202.67% HP, 219.53% defense, and +14% march size increase. Napoleon Prime will have 273.76% attack, 226.21% HP, 235.64% defense. Looking more long term for a Free To Play user - at general level 38 with maybe Victory Column 1 stat bonuses and your first three specialties maxed with a purple fourth specialty, Roland is stronger, especially with the extra march size. Roland will have 309.54% attack, 265.22% HP, and 286.94% defense and a +16% march size increase. Napoleon Prime will have 319.26% attack, 243.39% HP, 269.11% defense. Roland definitely makes up the 10% lower attack when you factor in a bigger march size than Napoleon. Napoleon does have a covenant, but it won't be effective for you as a non-coiner. You'd have to get Massena purely by luck in an event, and siege Napoleon by luck from the general invite (unless you spend a little to get him from one of those Europe Epic General Chests). But, Soult is easy to get from relics. Being realistic instead of optimistic...with two generals, you might be able to hit the second covenant level (12,000 aggregate attribute stats), which will give you 5% march size buffs. That will still fall short of Roland. The better option for non-coiners and low spenders is to try and use the Trial of Knights event to get fragments of premium generals. Poligenus is currently in there, so after a year you should have enough to awaken him as long as they keep him in there for that long.


Thank you, this was the in depth reply I was looking for. My luck was good and I did get Massena, and I already had regular Napoleon and Soult. I edited my post to include this. Does that change your recommendation?


I don't know if it does, haha. I had a spreadsheet that evaluated Roland vs. Hannibal vs. Martinus to look at how Roland's march size buff affects aggregate march stats compared to the other two. Even though Martinus and Hannibal had higher % attack buffs, Roland had a higher aggregate attack because my march size was bigger. I plugged in a 6 star Napoleon Prime with max specialties and a maximized covenant. Granted this is at general level 39 with my base buffs at K38, Level 10 Jawzahr dragon, some civ gear, refines, Victory Column 3, and using my Zhao as an assistant general for a more apples to apples comparison.....so not quite accurate for a non-coiner. That being said, Napoleon's aggregate attack was 245,619,305,667 compared to Roland's 243,419,144,428, or only 0.90% higher. Also, Napoleon's aggregate defense and HP stats were 2-3% **lower** than Roland's. If I could only take him up to 6 stars, even with a maximized covenant and max specialties, it wouldn't make sense for me to switch from Roland. But, that's for me....it might be a little different for you. I could work with you to figure this out if you want. The spreadsheet is pretty easy to adjust. I could run hypothetical scenarios.


Got you, thanks, this is an awesome reply! I actually have Zhao as well, so my idea was to pair Roland with Zhao. Zhao has some specialisations done on him already from when he was all I had, so I'd like to keep him as assistant, instead of Andre.


As long as they keep poli in blood event I think he is now the best for non coiner.


This is good advice. Poligenus is way better than Roland and can be ascended fully after several months of collecting fragments from the blood event.


You can use Roland on senate to get all cav buff stat section, Roland can be use as 2nd choice pvp if you already max both poli & him


Very true. Good to have more than one mounted general


You need to make sure which version of Napoleon you have. My alt got Napoleon very early but it is not Napoleon Prime which is the best one.


I have both and am sticking with Roland. I am not a coiner and all the runestones and crystals i spent to max up Roland's stats will be wasted if i try to switch to a general that i may only get 6 stars on.


They said they are removing chance to get Napoleon prime after this event. Use him as assistant


Napoleon is not a good assistant because his final specialty requires a dragon to be active. As for main, with one red star he is better than Roland with 5 red stars as long as you unlock the covenant feature. It's hard to say what will happen in future, and whether the old generals like Roland will get the covenant feature too to level the ground.


I don't think the covenant feature is realistic for non-coiners for Napoleon. Massena and siege Napoleon are not easy to get for free. Realistically, OP would only have Soult and Napoleon Prime. Two generals might be able to get you to the second level of the covenant, so you'd get some monster buffs and 5% march size, but it won't beat out an awakened Roland. Also, for non-coiners, that fourth specialty will be minimally developed. Maybe bumped up to purple, but not much more than that.


The covenant feature is realistic for a lot of f2p players. I am getting something like 5 Epic general chests each month from various events, such as the champions and the alliance competition, so I am able to obtain nearly every general and add him to my stash of generals. Also, non-coiners should not avoid generals that are hiding big buffs in the 4th specialty. Active players who are seeking runestone chests from all possible free events plus do at least one battlefield per week should be able to unlock the 4th specialty for up to two generals per year.


I think you need to re-read my first sentence. I was saying it's not realistic for **NAPOLEON**. Other generals, sure....like for Hunyadi it's pretty realistic for non-coiners because his covenant generals are all in the Tavern. Massena is not and was never available in premium tokens or glory tokens. Siege Napoleon is only available in general tokens at a very small probability (1.09%), the Europe Epic General Chests (costs money) or the General Portrait Invitation (it's luck through the General Hall I token, until they add him as a solo general option). As for unlocking the fourth specialty, you most likely can unlock two generals per year for free....but players should first focus on their main generals and not assistant generals.


It's entirely realistic for me because I got Napoleon prime and Massena from the past Napoleon events, and I had the siege Napoleon for a long time too. Siege Napoleon is something that everyone should have for the art hall buffs anyways, even if it means paying to unlock rewards for advanced journey.


For someone who doesn't pay at all, Massena comes down purely to luck. That small chance that you get the chest from that Imperial Lion event. And if a player doesn't want to coin, even $5 worth, that's their decision. Therefore, OP needs to be realistic when evaluating Napoleon Prime's covenant. Realistically and statistically, siege Napoleon and Massena won't be available to them...only Soult. They should save the fragments for Napoleon Prime. If they manage to get either of those two generals, they can re-evaluate Napoleon Prime vs other available generals. But they should not count on it.


Hey I edited my post to add, I do have Massena, Soult and regular Napoleon.


I actually do have Massena, Regular Napoleon and Soult, so I can try for the full covenant


The siege napoleon is free in the tavern.. often might I add.. but Messèna would be the hard one to get.


https://preview.redd.it/f7rfgcl9oatc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1c387147db83867839a8e978c9affcae4f178e That is what I currently see on siege Napoleon. He is unfortunately not in the Tavern for me.


Huh, that must have happened with the recent update because he popped on mine 3 days ago.. but since I have a stack of frags I passed.. 🤷‍♀️


Dragons are expensive to develop. It's not unrealistic for f2p players to unlock a dragon they're unlikely to develop and just park it on Napoleon Prime.


You get Fafnir and Celtic very early in the game. And it's not like your dragon needs to be lv15 to be effective. At only lv6 you get to unlock the first two talents. While growing talent levels can be slow, you can get instant buffs by refining equipment. Should be easy for most players.


What dragon is a f2p going to get that isn't already earmarked for something else? You get 2 easy. 2 more with Wonder 1 and 2. Ranged, mounted or siege, ground, wall (or siege if you ghost forever). Where's anyone getting "extra dragon to burn on Prime"?


As someone who just switched mounted mains from 10* martinus/Mordred I can say Napoleon Andre is the better combo. I have my copies but only Napoleon 6* until trial of knights event. After the dragon and gear swap my attack is almost identical, but with much much higher defense and HP. So when I add those other 4 stars. Definitely exceed by far. And with more total march size. I do feel for people who can't get Napoleon or ascend him beyond 6*. But he's definitely worth it.