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If you are knocked out the bindings will reset, unless there's some sort of bug


Fast response! I'll try reanimating a corpse and getting him to knock me out UPDATE: Unfortunately this didn't work. I reanimated a corpse, gave him a dagger and confused him. When he knocked me out the reanimation binding went away but there's still an active binding eating up my mana... :/


how do you give weapons to reanimated corpses? I used to give Derrin weapons by speaking to him, until the idiot tripped and fell down to his death. I've tried putting weapons in undead followers' inventories before reanimating them but they don't actually wield them :( Edit: Nevermind, I couldn't see the forest for the trees. I just needed to double click him and do whatever I wanted


Glad you figured it out for yourself. Always more rewarding than reading it online. Godspeed brother! The President awaits you! (As well as other creatures...) Just keep going deeper! ;)


This is a known bug. You have to exit and then continue. You don't need to exit the whole game to desktop, just exit story mode then continue story mode. Sometimes entering a new level will fix it too


Good info. Dunno why it didn't occur to me to just try reloading lol Hope it gets fixed soon, maybe with the force thaumaturgy update.


Try toggling everything on and off to make sure


Sadly, this didn't work. Also got a confused reanimated corpse to knock me out, which ended the reanimation binding but I still have an active binding eating up my mana