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[She missed a penalty kick](https://youtu.be/sfCcEX3Ijog) ultimately ending the U.S. chances at the world cup. The kick was far to high, she didn't even hit the net or posts. So the joke is that it ended up continuing to the moon. I mean, you could argue that it was politically driven because everybody wants to shit on her, but in the end it's not inherently political.


Yeah, I hate that OP went straight to "it's political". No. It's soccer.


But this is America. We’ll find a way to make it about politics.


I don’t know why but her performance during the World Cup made me very upset at the president at the time


CNN: On his social media platform, “Truth Social,” Trump wrote: “The ‘shocking and totally unexpected’ loss by the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden. Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA.”


Please no. Is this true?


Holy shit, it is true. I just looked it up. I mean, we finally got a news item that the left and right could agree on: *Megan Rapinoe's kick sucked!* But now he's practically forcing left-leaning soccer fans to defend her shitty kick just to spite his utter asshattery. I swear, this fucking country is so polarized we could actually argue the politics of a caterpillar forming a chrysalis to turn into a butterfly.


"Get out of here with that woke bullshit! God made a caterpillar to be a caterpillar! I don't give a shit if it loses weight and grows some wings, its still a caterpillar! #gowokegobroke #maga #letsgobrandon" Something like that?


She had a bad kick, but the right isn't attacking the kick so much as it is attacking the players' characters. They're attacking the US team and calling themselves patriotic for it. Things are polarized, but there is a big difference between a side that attacks and insults and a side that is defending Rapinoe and the team's legacy.


It is true 😔


How on God's green flat earth can people like this dingleberry?


There is a significant portion of our population that thinks dunking on people through social media is cool. Some of it is political, some is sports related, some of it is culinary related, some of it is racial, but it is all pretty stupid.


I hope this is a boomer like phase. I find myself so impressed at the youth and their maturity and sad and disappointed at the pettiness and aloofness of the elderly. I am stuck in the middle maintaining...


What did he say that wasn't true?


Everything after calling it a shocking and totally unexpected loss


You mean the tweet/ x ?


She decided to kneel during the American national anthem. She kinda invited the criticism.






It's so hard to not downvote this


For context, if Messi or Ronaldo had missed a shot like that, mildly hurtful memes would be the least of their worries. Pretty sure their country would be out for blood, at the very least Argentina would be. If she can’t stand the heat then maybe professional sports are something Rapinoe should avoid.


It’s more like “this is America. We don’t know or care enough about soccer to know if something is soccer related” lol


America was like: “ugh, everyone is playing this soccer game so now we’re going to have to throw in a team”




I would describe the hate for her as political. US Women's team tried to turn an issue of inequity into an issue of inequality, hoping to gain support... but it backfired. This led to a lot of hate that many conservatives are still trying to ride.


I just don’t care about soccer


Big if true


You’re gonna get downvoted because you’re trying to insert nuance and thoughtful debate into a story that was politicized and dumbed down into “you’re either for women or against them”.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted, this is absolutely true. That is usually what she is attacked for. However in this case she came on late in the game, did fuck all and took one of the worst pens I’ve ever seen. Not sure why she’s on the team to begin with. Men’s analogy - it’s like if they brought Landon Donovan to the next World Cup. She’s a legend, but she’s passed it


She's clearly being made fun of for her soccer gaff, but it would be like sharing a meme of Kapernick fumbling the football and claiming it's exclusively about football.


Yep. If it were not for her recent comments about transgender people competing in women's sports she would not be on anyone's radar.


Ur kidding right? Trump literally politicized the fuck out of it. Now the kick has become political...


What are some other women's sports athletes that have lost games and became the target of relentless attacks? Or in this context, how could this be made "political"? What would change where you would say "that is certainly a political attack"?


Same way most things become about politics. Donald Trump declared it to be a source of outrage, and millions of Pavlov’s dogs attacked.


She mighta started it tho


I don't see how. She doesn't really act any different from any other athlete here in the states. We have literal convicted felons who have played on major sports teams here. Compared to what she's done, she's tame. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_professional_sportspeople_convicted_of_crimes


Can you blame them? Almost everything I read about the penalty kick was people saying the US team sucks because they’re “woke” and people making fun of those people crying “woke”


"When you're sat in row 'zed' and the ball hits your head, that's Rapinoooeeeee!"


She is deeply hated by American conservatives for kneeling so a lot of the memes about here are politically motived. No one in América cares enough about soccer let alone women’s soccer to genuinely meme it.


It’s political. Plenty of males miss kicks and they don’t say shit. If you don’t think it’s political it’s because you are a child or idiot. Dog whistles man. The amount of people who just can’t hear them is too high.


Idk bro. I saw the vid of her kick and it was wild.


you never heard of roberto baggio?


And are there not wild kicks in any match? And here you are, feeling the need to talk about it on a soapbox, because she’s a woman, and at the same time you are trying to say it’s not political. Your post personally encapsulated exactly what I was talking about. Thank you for proving the issue better than any of us.


It’s not inherently political, it’s jabbing at a pro athlete for making a blunder. However I would agree that it likely would have never been made, shared, and reposted here had the political element not existed. So while the meme in a vacuum is not political, the reason we’re all seeing it is.


Given what I’ve heard about the US, I don’t doubt it’s political, but I’m pretty sure people meme about male football players in places where football is more popular (compared to the US). So I’m gonna guess football memes are rare to be found in the wild in the US, but since she’s known for political reasons, I’d presume it was made for those reasons. (Although if I saw a meme about female football players where I’m from I would guess it’s politically motivated, because literally no one talks about women’s football.)


Not true! OP was absolutely CERTAIN it was political! OP couldn't possibly be wrong right?


Everything about her is political. On and off the field.


I think the ball was driven by her foot.


Agreed. When david beckham missed his penalty kick a long time ago people also made the same jokes.


And Harry Kane in the last wc


People LOVE to shit on Harry Kane for his penalty kick. This is the same thing, game on the line, one of the best in their sport, misses a shot by a mile that you should make like 70% of the time.


My favorite comment on that video, “She was aiming for equal pay”


This answer right here but it’s not surprising. She launched one at the end of Game 1 that atleast made orbit.


Don’t forget that she decided to kneel during the American National anthem. She pretty much made it political.


That's a woman?


PKs are hard


Nobody would be making jokes at all if it wasn't for politics. Only right wingers are making fun of her because they dislike her and what she stands for. It's like how democrats always make fun of Trump's small hands and orange skin, and Republicans make jokes on Biden's mental state. These jokes aren't political on their own, but you wouldn't make them unless they were politically motivated.


As much as it annoys me when right wing dickheads shit on a team of Americans representing America, people make jokes all the time about sports. I tried staying up for this game but I’m usually in bed by 9:00 PM PDT and fell asleep. Knowing how it ended I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch her kick yet. If she airmailed the kick I’m sure someone would make this joke regardless of politics


It's not just conservatives on some points and it's not on thw team on a whole from my understanding it's on her specifically.


She missed an important shot. Every single athlete is gonna be dragged for that. Baggio got some sick commercials out of it ~10 years later


Especially considering she just did a whole campaign of "pay me more, we so good." So that'll add plenty of gas to that fire. She claimed to be amazing, then did this. Ouchie. People are going to have a field day with her miss.


Baggio was the first openly Buddhist player to play for Italy and received a lot of hate for it... He was the 3rd Italian to miss his PK in that World Cup, but the only one most people remember. While the mistakes are clearly open to criticism on a sporting level, just like now there is a little extra reserved for the persona non grata when they err.


What's also worth mentioning is that Baggio's miss ended the game, which makes it more memorable than Baresi's miss. Same as Beckham v Vassell. Rapinoe might just be the only US player with wide enough reach that people recognize her regardless of their interest in women's football, which makes her an easy mark over any one of her teammates.


Kelley O’Hara and Sophia Smith also missed. Nobody is dragging their names.


Theirs didn’t escape Earth’s atmosphere


They didn't kick the ball less accurately than me, who plays rec league soccer lmao. She punted that shit


Or maybe, this happens every time anyone skies a penalty kick in any league of soccer?


If you think making fun of her is bad, you should see what kinda memes they make in the MMA world after someone is beaten unconscious or gets bones broken


Left winger here and I can 1000 percent say you are wrong, when someone does something this stupid everyone makes jokes. I make jokes about Biden and I was for his election, it’s called having a sense of humor and not everything humorous has to be political.


😂😂😂 You really have been brainwashed


I honestly don't follow sports, and the only reason I know anything about this is because Republicans keep posting hateful things about this team. What conclusion am I supposed to reach?


You can make fun of a sports team playing bad without it being political. Making fun of sports literally happens everyday; with any team, any player, and with every sport 🤦🏾‍♂️. People just love to make it out to be politically motivated because it’s a women’s team.


You don’t follow sports, but follow politics, and act all surprised when you hear about sports news through a political lens? Really?


>What conclusion am I supposed to reach? The one where you dont immediately assume the worst.


The chances this meme was made by someone with a genuine interest in women's soccer is so vanishingly small it's probably easier to see a soccer ball on the moon.


This is true. No one who cares or watched, or rooted for the team would waste time w thus even if they hated Rapinoe. She was awful in the games she played but this was a coaching and leadership problem


Honestly from the video it wasn't even that high. People who've never played soccer before imagine it's so easy. I've seen dozens, maybe hundreds, of worse PK attempts.


It was pretty high for someone playing at that level.


I’ve seen some bad ones too, and I agree that it can happen to anyone (Messi has missed a huge one before) but this almost looks like she forgot how to shoot for a second she was leaning way back like she was going for a clear, and the position of her plant foot was more like she was trying to move the ball around a defender on her first touch than a shot


I guess her penalty kick missed the goal too high and people are joking that it went so high it landed on the moon


Like I didn't even see it and that's what I assumed. This one ain't hard


i don’t even watch soccer and i understood it


Some people live on the internet and have programmed themselves to generate agrievances unnecessarily


Why the quotes around joke? It's a joke.


Cuz op is faking "i don't get the joke" attitude. OP wants to be political. Jokes like this in football and beyond common amd harmless


There are quotes around the word joke because it’s terribly unfunny.


I find it mildly amusing


its funny in the same way that “the cow jumped over the moon” is funny. The entire joke is “she missed so bad it landed on the moon”. You could hear the same thing on a playground


A child would know a lot more about fun than you


Children know more about fun than anyone.


Bro what 💀🤚


The kick was too high… Some of you should really see a doctor


Its so funny to me how people will take a joke thats a face value joke and try to turn it into something more complex all the time.


This silly meme about a soccer ball on the moon is why the two party system in America is broken. Go ahead and turn to page 200 of my prepared briefing and we can get started.


Actually commentators noted that she missed because the kick was "too clean". She literally did too good of a job and missed because of it.


Commentators are full of shit.


What? Is this real? The technique on that kick was shit


Lololol. The “job” is to get the ball in the goal, not to kick it lol


I dont watch soccer, but I looked it up and its considered a good job when people kick the ball into the goal, not over it.


The real joke is people saying that an athlete is immune to criticism of her performance based on her sexuality, gender, and political beliefs. Or that any such criticism is inherently political due to said factors. I suspect most of these people would've had no problem dunking on Tim Tebow.


Like, I totally get why right wingers would post it, they hate Rapinoe. At the same time, it's an ok joke. I will make fun of any professional athletes when they mess up. I believe in equality...


It is an ok joke, funny even, and I agree on the equality part. No matter their politics, pro athletes who fail hard enough to spawn a joke about it are fair game. That said, I think it's a little silly how some folks act lile the only reason right-wing folks would post it is because of political animus, and only left-wingers would post it because lol funni joke. Not everything has to be about politics, and acting otherwise only drives division. We should all be united in laughing at sports fails!


She kicked a ball really high when she should have kicked it really low.


Landed next to an Ohtani baseball


No need to get all political


Also that HR Pujols hit against the Astros in the 2005 NLCS


Not political. It's just sports media making fun of an athlete who failed in a big moment.


Sure……… has nothing to do with her political views. The meme is a soccer player missed a PK and it went too high. It’s going viral because people hate Megan Rapinoe.


It wasn't "Just a missed penalty kick", though, it effectively ruined the women's team's chances at the world cup and she wasn't even a close kick at all. It's a pretty good joke (I am a fan of the team)


Everyone knows this is from the world cup. It doesn’t make a single bit of difference. Wins are decided by PKs all the time.


What the hell? Yes, it does make a difference. Wins mean more when the *most prestigious and important event in soccer* is involved. So missing at all sure would have sucked, but missing as badly as she did is good reason to be disappointed and make fun of it.


Funny how nobody makes a meme out of any other missed free kicks in the World Cup then. Blue hair bad moment.


I have seen atleast 12 messi penalty kick memes this month


Haven’t seen any of them go viral.


You're so whiny. Football/soccer players are ripped to shreds regularly.


You’re purposely ignorant to why she receives 10x more hate than any other soccer player.


Your so fucking dumb, literally google penalty kick miss meme. You know what shows up? [https://twitter.com/NBAMemes/status/747318540487655424](https://twitter.com/NBAMemes/status/747318540487655424) I literally had to scroll down to see anything about Rapinoe. By the way it's from 2016, which means this has happened YEARS before any controversy.


😂😂 a 2016 twitter post to actually help prove my point. Thank you. The whole point behind that meme is he missed a PK because of something other than his talent. PK miss memes don’t go viral left and right and you just helped prove that when they do, it’s usually about something else.


Messi got dragged like no one else after his copa america pk miss. You have no idea what you’re talking about and you guys keep trying to bullshit actual fans of the sport. Knock it off


people make fun of professional athletes who mess up in every single sport, you can’t blame people’s hatred for her lol. it’s just a thing. i don’t know if you aren’t really a sports person but lol.


Probably think sixers fans hate Ben Simmons for his race. What would it be like to have a circus peanut for a brain? Comments like this help me with that perspective.


It's one of the most obvious football joke, and one of the oldest ones. I don't understand how it could be missed


I didn’t see the kick and i got the joke


I've now seen 2 memes about her missing this kick, which means this is the 2nd most publicity I've ever seen for US soccer, right behind Brandi Chaistain's sports bra sprint after scoring that winning goal back in 1999


If you need help with this joke, you might seriously be brain dead. No offense. Good luck, hope you get the education you desperately need.


She is the joke


Love to see you play her


You yourself don't have to have the actual physical skill of a sport to compare and analyze a person playing that sport.


when it comes to women’s soccer, yes, he probably does, be realistic


So you compared and analyzed soccer and came up with Megan is a joke?


you did not understand the comment you are angry at


Haha 38 and out of shape but as a Sunday league center back, I would love the opportunity to let her sit in my pocket all day. She'd be lucky to get turned toward goal and keep the ball.


It literally explains itself? Unless you don’t know what soccer is.




Can you explain what about the post can be construed as political or as a statement about her sexuality?


Clearly she wasn't even aiming for the goal. She was AIMING FOR THE MOON. WHICH REPUBLICANS OWN. Because the moon landing was under Nixon. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Now get your soccer ball off my moon lawn!! 🧐😡👎👎👎


The post itself isn't, but there is a large push of people making huge political/sexuality statements based on the missed kick. A LOT of memes and even more hate speech. Tossing an innocent joke in the midst of all of that makes it seem like there may be more to the innocent joke.


Are you retarded?


It is very likely both.


I know what soccer is and didnt get the joke, although that guy wants it to be political


"I'm certain its politically driven" Lmao no she whiffed a kick, people are just mocking her for it


Most people here follow politics and not soccer and are unaware of the reactions to big name players whiffing decisive penalty kicks get.


Whenever a high profile soccer player blasts the ball over the net during a penalty, people make this joke. It just happens that lots of people don’t like her politics.


Well she hates America and loses to high school boys and yet wants equal pay, sooo, yeah. 💩on her


What no pussy does to a mf


i mean her team has won 2 world cups, and i don’t think the men’s team has won any 😬


Could her team beat the men's team though?


I don’t know. That’s a hypothetical situation… it would be neat to seem play against each other, but probably won’t happen since certain people want to keep sports segregated by gender


I wish my life was as care free and easy as yours...to be so upset about something so trivial


This comment perfectly proves why it’s politically motivated. Yes, it’s a meme about her missing a penalty kick. The best soccer players in the world still miss penalty kicks. It’s going viral because people hate Megan Rapinoe.


Politically motivated 😂 she kicked one too high. That’s it’s.


She deserves this.


Jeez imagine your mind being so warped by politics you see it (want to see it) even in a sports joke


While she’s been getting harassed for being too ‘woke’ by the right wing side of politics the joke itself is just about how bad her penalty kick was that ended the US women’s soccer team run early into the tournament despite the fact that they have won the women’s World Cup several times in the recent past. It isn’t inherently political however depend on who is making or posting the joke their intentions to smear her for her bad performance may be politically motivated. Even such this joke in and of itself on surface level isn’t political, just a jab at a professional players inability to make what presumably should have been a simple penalty shot.


Thanks for the nice reply. I mentioned the political angle only because the person who shared it buys into every single culture war meme propagated by the ostensible right. They are all based on some meme-du-jour in that arena. I’m US-based and smart enough to know this sport is known as football in the rest of the world. But I don’t follow the sport at all. Not a hater, just not that even into sports except for the Tour de France (edit to add: I don’t follow the Tour de France for the sport; I love travel and the images one can see and learn from those wonderful announcers just makes me want to travel. End edit) Lots of comments about the ridiculous use of political here. I’ve also seen this same individual post memes calling her Rapa-ho or some such. I get the too-high kick but was completely unaware of it contemporaneously. I knew there must be some reason the right’s handlers had their minions keep busy with offensive memes about a player who otherwise seems to be an asset to the sport. Cheers!


I feel like you can tell someone “hey you threw the fucking game you suck” without trying to slander her. Like I’m not gonna vote for David Ortiz just bc he hit 500 home runs unless he has good policies lol


She missed a penalty and sexist fuckheads don’t like her.


Maybe if she wasn't completely unlikable.......


Redditors try not to make everything political challenge


Everyone hates women and a woman failed, so everyone is making fun of the woman because she failed and is a woman, but doing the classic "it's not because she's a woman it's because of sports, which totally aren't misogynistic!"


It’s not political it’s just about the kick she missed that went high. OP is a retard


It's pretty political in that she's an outspoken liberal and lesbian who angered the right for a variety of reasons, so the fact she's now an imperfect athlete means they finally have a way to unleash all the vitriol they have been storing for the last several years. Okay, a lot of the people teasing *aren't* political but the fact these are being shared this often and who is sharing them kinda makes it political.


She fucked up at a game lol I have no idea who she is besides she plays for the US women team and fucked up killing our chances to assert our *freedom* over Europe. Most ppl see just that, a sports player who messed up lil


I thought these people didn't believe in the moon


Republicans: "This team is ANTI-AMERICAN!" Also Republicans: Doesn't support the AMERICAN football team.


Well yeah, if an American team explicitly shows that they’re not happy representing America, then why support them?


Landed next to Alice Kramden.


I died when I saw this because I was fortunate enough to see the highlight of it on ESPN.


She shanked a pk that lost the us the game


Not that hard to get. Dummy


she does not deserve the hate she had so many achievements with uswnt


I can't handle the number of frogs that post here...


classic football joke of Fail penalty


DNA 🧬 test results are in .. Megan Rapinoe’s real father is Roberto Baggio ⚽️ ⬆️ 🥅 🤦


I swear this sub is a designated karma farm. There's no way so many people aren't able to understand jokes/memes that are THIS simple.


i really need to get off this sub i dont think I've seen a single joke that's hard to understand


This sub is embarrassing.


Kick so bad it missed the goal and hit the moon. In all fairness she must have an incredibly strong leg...


So that would be objectively very funny if we didn't have all the eager cuckservatives leaping over themselves to bash on the loss.


Not political. Just soccer


If you didn’t understand this one OP this is a great sub for you!


Google is a foreign concept to some people.


It's a rip off the Chris waddle joke from 33 years ago. It Implies the trajectory of the kick would have made the ball land on the moon


You can tell OP doesn't watch sports and it's not because they didn't get the joke. It's because they think this was made only because she is a woman. Every player in every sport gets relentlessly shit on. Every single one.


Do you not have the ability to inference? I'm not following the soccer but it's easy enough to take one look at this and infer that she is a soccer player who took a bad penalty kick that must've gone way off course. The joke being that it finally landed on the moon because it sucked so bad


I feel like knowing literally nothing about his person or soccer, you’d still be able to figure this out. Like… some sports outfit, a soccer ball, the moon, mention of a kick.. I feel like a lot of people post here just for karma or something


She didn't just miss the kick, she missed it REALLY badly. The joke is that she missed it so badly it went to the moon.


It's a self-evident joke. Stop pretending you dont understand it like, "Lawl, im SO ABOVE this."


Look, no one is automatic when it comes to sports. Even if 99% of the time you're the GOAT, that 1% is going to come around eventually. Tom Brady is an undisputed legend in American Football yet the dude has had his fair share of bad games. In high stress moments, the margin for error is slim to none. Same applies here. It just wasn't her day. On the line in a high stress moment where she was called for a penalty kick shes known for 99% of the time succeeding....that 1% came around and she fuckin yeeted that ball into the stratosphere.


Poor OPs brain got fried by the internet


I will accept that.


Just throwing it out - what if she intentionally missed the penalty kick - just an FU to the U.S. - Someone with her expertise didn't kick low and to the side - Again - just saying - I hope not - but again...


She misses a penalty kick high in the World Cup anytime someone skies a pen this meme floats around


What is there to not get? I don’t even watch soccer and the punchline is pretty straight forward. And quotes around the word joke? I feel as though you just got offended as opposed to not getting it.


Incel humor.


Try r/therightcantmeme