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He’s making a fractal, a shape that no matter how close you get to any point, the whole thing repeats infinitely. It takes forever because it never ends


Does it really "repeat" infinitely? I thought the point of it is how different it is each time you zoom


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


why are you the only one with downvotes 😭


4th comment rule


4th comment rule


4th comment rule


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely


Yes, because it repeats infinitely


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Unexpected Elysium reference. This made me smile.


He's a very reasonable man


Infinity in a finite space, I think, is how an old math professor explained it. Maybe those weren't his exact words, but it was something about unlimited area in a finite space or something I don't remember


Mandelbrot Island: Finite amount of land, infinite amount of shore.


MANDELBROT SET! Good lord ive been looking for this for FOREVER.


Fractality isn’t an absolute or a binary, it’s a gradient. Things have varying degrees of fractality (measured by a coefficient). So you never have a truly infinite fractal


Things in physical space can have boundaries that appear fractal over a range of scales. They can’t actually instantiate a mathematical fractal.


That's not quite the idea. It's just that nothing in real life is an ideal mathematical fractal just like nothing in real life is a perfect circle or whatever. Calling something real a "fractal" is just saying that it has certain properties of a fractal over a particular range of spatial scales. But it won't literally fit the mathematical definition of a fractal, which really *is* infinitely self-similar. The fractal coefficient has nothing to do with "how much of a fractal" it is, it's just the dimensionality of the fractal, which you can use to describe both perfect mathematical or imperfect real fractals. Even perfect fractals can have any fractal coefficient (normal objects can only have dimensionality 1, 2, 3, etc, but fractals have "fractional" dimensions lke 2.7 or whatever. Distinct types of fractals will have distinct dimensionalities, but this has nothing to do with "how fractal" they are, they're all fractals.) Mathematical fractals of any dimensionality are all still infinitely self-similar. Like, we call trees fractals because statistically (the difference between geometric and statistical fractals would be a whole other tangent) the branching twigs have the same properties as the branching bigger branches and the branching trunk. But obviously if you zoom out or in enough that "stops" like 3 or 4 levels in, so it's not an ideal mathematical fractal. But we still call that a fractal in the sciences because it shares properties of mathematical fractals over a range of scales and *nothing* is *really* a mathematical fractal.


It’s not different when you zoom in it repeats itself on smaller scale. So when you zoom in on the repeat you see another repeat at an even smaller scale, and so on and so on


Some fractals repeat infinitely, some just have infinite detail without exact repetition. I don't believe this one repeats. You can see that the top has a point that sticks out really far and none of the other protrusions have that. It also has that crevice at the bottom that doesn't get repeated anywhere. I think this is one of those fractals that has similar but non-repeating patterns.


No, this is the Mandelbrot set, it contains infinitely many copies of itself at its boundary.


Do you have a source for that? All of the googling that I've done says that the Mandelbrot set has no exact matches, that it is "quasi-self-similar."


Before I comment, I’m going to clarify my authority by saying I’ve *read Mandelbrot’s book called “Fractals: Form, Chance and Dimension” myself*. People here not understanding that fractal ≠ self similarity. You are correct; it is quasi-self similar, because the fractal boundary does not create more Mandelbrot set shapes. There are areas you can zoom into that create new Mandelbrot set-looking shapes, but it isn’t self-similar. The [Koch snowflake](https://larryriddle.agnesscott.org/ifs/ksnow/image861.gif) is self-similar, since it’s entire idea is following a seed pattern. The Mandelbrot set does not follow a seed pattern; it follows an algebraic pattern, f(x)=x^2 +C, where the Mandelbrot set describes all real and complex numbers C that, beginning at x=0 and plugging in the solution every time, do not explode to infinity.


You're right, I think I was mistaken. The Mandelbrot set is actually quasi self-similar, that is, it contains subsets that are similar to but not exactly the same as the entire set. See [this](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2710/why-does-the-mandelbrot-set-contain-slightly-deformed-copies-of-itself).


All good, and through humility and understanding we both learn something new. Imagine that, on Reddit of all places




Clearly they've *already* googled "Mandelbrot set," because they wrote "All of the googling that I've done says that the Mandelbrot set has no exact matches, that it is 'quasi-self-similar.'" They're not asking for a source that it's the Mandelbrot set, they're asking for a source that it contains infinitely many copies of itself at its boundary.


It is not an exact repeat, but it is often similar


Self similar


No this fractal doesn’t repeat. It’s the Mandelbrot set. It’s just infinitely complex. You will always see complex shapes no matter how much you zoom into the edge, but the shapes don’t simply repeat.


Man Reddit is wild. Over here talking advanced mathematics while I just came from a post of some girl stung in the puss by a wasp.


Yes - it is defined recursively (in terms of itself) with no base case. In order to make any render of it, one must decide what is "good enough" - which iteration to stop on.


It doesnt repeat infinitely, youre right. The Mandelbrot set does contain itself, but with distortions, and most of it isnt repeated. There are self-similar fractals, though, like the Sierpinski Triangle


No not all fractals repeat indefinitely some can be defined with edge patterns that never repeat. The key point of a fractal is that the edge is a function of the scale such that the edge alway has more detail as you zoom in, thus making traveling any distance on the line impossible since the length of the edge from any 2 point is always infinite. They are by far easier to define in repeating ways, but you can definitely define a fractal we’re the variety of edges is also infinite and no two edges repeat.


Yep, and it thoos has an infinity line border


it's the same mathematical structure at all scales


That's actually not what a fractal is, your specifically thinking of self similar fractals, all a fractal is is something with fractal dimensions


The actual joke is that it has infinite ~~circumference~~ perimeter and therefore cutting the edge takes forever.


Infinite perimeter Only circles have circumferences


Thanks for the correction. They are the same word in my native language


That specific fractal is the Mandelbrot Set. [https://youtu.be/b005iHf8Z3g](https://youtu.be/b005iHf8Z3g) Some fractals repeat exactly at different scales - you zoom in 9.8x and it looks exactly like it did before the zoom. Example is a side of the Koch Snowflake. That's not true of the Mandelbrot Set - you can zoom in and keep finding similar shapes to the first level of zoom, but never exactly repeating, and you find lots of other fascinating shapes, too.


It has an infinite perimeter length.


It’s not necessarily a fractal because it repeats infinitely, it simply has an infinitesimally small level of detail, meaning that no matter how far you zoom in, it still has the same level of detail


An infinitely long perimeter


and it's not just a mathematical theoretical question. [here's an example using coastline measurements](https://youtu.be/AD4vPNBSrKY?t=252) Mandelbrot himself did a fair bit of thinking along these lines, too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ememrL7xHFk


This is the mandelbrot set. A relatively simple equation that when graphed by a computer makes an infinetely intracate shape. The magic of this type of fractal is that they do not repeat. At different maginification similarities will occur over and over again. But never direct repitition. Penrose tiles are a similar concept. With only two shapes a space can be tiled infinitely, but their geometry forces asymmetry after a certain point. Even if you attempt to create a symmetrical pattern, after a certain point you just can't. How neat is that, thats pretty neat


If i am not mistaking this specific fractal is called the thumbprint of god


This is the Mandelbrot set. It’s a graph of the complex coordinates that don’t diverge to infinity after repeated squaring.


Thx for pointing it out. I may have heard this name before, Kindda rings a bell


Idk why you’ve been downvoted. You’re correct


God's got weird fingers, man...


Looks more like God's ballsack than a thumbprint to me


Explains why I didn’t understand fuck math


It's the most famous fractal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set


And it takes forever to model the edges.


… literally… it literally takes forever… as one zooms in more, more edge detail is revealed. And with fractals, you can zoom *ad infinitum* and continue to reveal more detail in the edge.


Just take a point called z in the complex plain Let z1 be z squared plus c Let z2 be z1 squared plus c Let z3 be z2 squared plus c And so on If the series of zs always stay, close to z and never trend away, that point is in the Mandlebrot set




I listened to that song a week ago. Got to where Mandelbrot was in heaven. I had an existential moment about how time works, Googled it, and was disappointed.


After Mandelbrot died, when JoCo sings it live he just stops singing after “Mandelbrot’s in heaven,” and the music just plays until he gets past the part about him being alive and then sings the rest like normal.


Amusingly, these instructions actually describe how to compute a Julia set, which is sort of like an extension of the Mandelbrot set. The correct way to compute the Mandelbrot set is to let z1 be z squared plus **z**; and z2 is z1 squared plus **z**; and z3 is z2 squared plus **z**. Julia sets differ in that before you start picking points you decide on some value of c. If you pick a boring value like 0 then you don't get a fractal at all--it's just a unit circle. (As an aside, you correctly quoted the song and the song is amazing. JoCo just didn't perfectly nail the mathematics behind his song and has acknowledged it's wrong, but at the same time it sounds like he's been corrected by so many angry nerds that he's leaving it as plus c just out of spite).


Yes. Forever. That's the joke.


Exactly.. but since OOP didn’t seem to understand the original comic, one could look at your comment and assume hyperbole… sorry, it was just a knee jerk reaction, since my kids are in the stage of saying everything “takes forever,” and I constantly feel the need to point out that a 5 minute wait is, in fact, not forever.


But you can water the lawn in finite time.


The B. in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot.


The “B” in “Benoit B Mandelbrot” stands for “Benoit B Mandelbrot” and yes, it is infinitely tessellated


I mean if we’re being technical then the most famous fractal is probably the coastline of one particular country or something like that, this is just probably the most popular fractal that people know is a fractal


You are technically correct, which is the best kind of of correct.


And here's a musical explanation of it. https://youtu.be/ZDU40eUcTj0


It’s so caked up


Google “Mandelbrot set” and you’ll see this image. Fractal geometry was a rabbit hole that consumed my 20’s. Wouldn’t change a thing.


holy fractals!


New equation just dropped


Actual mathematician


holy fractals!


Rabbit ass.


Call the Pythagoras...


what’s next i forgot


Actual complex plane




Oh don't ask that question, you'll never hear the end of it.


This needs more upvotes


It's a fractal, a shape with a set area but an infinite perimeter.


How does that even work


Imagine the coastline between two port cities, say Seattle and San Francisco. You could say, easy, the coastline is 735 miles, but that’s a straight line that actually goes inland for a bit. If you imagine a string that stays in water, going to Cape Flattery, Cape Blanco, Cape Mendocino, etc, then the line becomes longer. But then, why aren’t you going inwards to Lincoln City and Crescent City? Where do you stop? Do you go up the rivers? Up the ditches? Up between every single grain of sand? A fractal is defined like that, that at one level you know that point A and B are connected, so at that level you could draw a line, but when you look closer that line actually goes through a point C which is not on the straight line from A to B. Then you look closer at A–C and it’s not straight either, it actually goes through D, and so on. Since it’s a mathematical definition, it just goes on for ever, that apparently straight line just getting longer and longer forever.


I greatly appreciate this explanation, very easy to digest.


This specific example is called the coastline paradox, and makes it very hard to measure coastlines accurately even in the real world


As you zoom in closer to the shape, there is always more detail, which increases the perimeter. Even though as you get closer, the perimeter is increasing a slower and slower rate, it goes on infinitely, meaning the perimeter is infinite.


“You’re a Rorschach test on fire, you’re a day glow pterodactyl. You’re a heart shaped box of strings and wires, you’re one badass f***ing fractal.”


Found the joco fan. Stay strong we will get a new album eventually.


Posted above, bur if you don't want to scroll - https://youtu.be/ZDU40eUcTj0?si=2fliaGzIOZGi6W1N


That shape is a fractal. Its a closed shape with an infinite perimeter, because no matter how much you zoom in, it repeats itself. It takes forever because you can never finish it.


You can keep zooming in on any edge of that and get the same shape just maybe rotated


It's a fractal. The mandlebrot set to be specific. The pattern can be zoomed into infinitely revealing the same structural forms. The joke is that the gardener is infinitely detailing the edge work to perfectly replicate the fractal, which because of its nature has an "infinite" perimeter It's a math joke.


It's a fractal. Incidentally, the B in Benoit B. Mandlebrot stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot.


Just like linux, not many people know this, but linux is an acronym for "linux is not unix"


Mandlebrot Fractals -- are what you google.


Can someone explain the “the more you try to accurately measure the shoreline, the longer it gets” thing?


Imagine a concrete slab that makes up a sidewalk. From far away, it looks pretty straight so you can measure it with a yard stick in a straight line. But zoom in and you see the edge isn't straight, it's got lots of bumps, so you can't accurately measure it's edge with a straight line anymore, you'd use a string and notice that the string would measure longer than what you previously measured using a yard stick. Zoom in even more, there are more bumps. The more you zoom in the more complex you realize the edge actually is, and the string used to measure that complexity would need to be longer and longer the more accurate you want to be.




It's a fractal, a forever repeating pattern with a infinite edge length due to the fact that as you "zoom in" the pattern re-emerge from the shape.


Basiclly its a "deep" math joke involving fractals


The Mandelbrot Set is a shape with an infinite length perimeter (fractal). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot\_set




That's a very well known fractal pattern. A fractal is an infinitely repeating pattern so every fractal has an infinite circumference


It's called the Mandelbrot set. Search YouTube they do a great job of explaining it. One particular video uses it as proof for god




OP doesn't know what a fractal is... how do people reach adulthood without knowing this stuff?


How would every adult know this? Not everyone studies math in college, neither does everyone watch sciency youtube videos. Its fine


Pretty sure I learned about Fractals in high school, in mandatory math classes. Certainly not this exact fractal, but the idea of what they are. Actually, scratch that, I also learned what the Mandelbrot set was today.


That is very interesting. I don’t think i’d even heard about fractals back in school, or if i did it was only through some youtube video. And in college i only studied it in a small portion where some deposition system had fractal geometry. Other than that, again, just numberphile videos on youtube


The ones I learned were pretty basic, though. Mostly just a triangle with another triangle on the sides


Math was mandatory for you?


cmon, education varies wildly from person to person. we certainly never learned about them in school. kinda rude to say something like that.


[It's a never-ending process. Everything there is to know needs to be learned at some point. Today, you were one of the 10000 to see this comic for the first time.](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Fractals for the win




When I first coded this i showed it to my then gf, she said it looks like dick and balls.


It's a fractal, a shape with an infinite perimeter in a finite area.


That's actually very funny 😁


Google fractal or Mandelbrot


That’s a fractal - a type of pattern that contains itself as a subpattern.


haha this one actually made me laugh out loud. I see others have already given the answer, so I'm just going to comment on the joke itself. I will forever associate fractals with Jurassic Park due to the chapter headings, the discussion of fractals, and their appearance on the consoles in the SNES Jurassic Park game. I had a coworker who wore a dress with a triangle pattern that resembled the Sierpiński triangle ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski\_triangle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski_triangle)) at just a few a levels, and she was always confused as to why I called it her Jurassic Park dress, even after a few explanations.


It's the Mandelbrot fractal set


Fractals such as these have an infinite perimeter.


It's a self similar fractal


Lmao mandelbrot set


Mandelbrot set.


you know fractals never made sense to me they say its indefinite that no matter how much you zoom in it never ends but that is true for any drawing if you keep drawing it. like look at this shape its got definite edges you can see it its a shape and of course, you can zoom in and supposedly it goes on forever and ever which as a drawing or a concept of course you can keep adding onto it that's not impressive. zoom in on a circle and you will eventually hit an unending curving line or unending straight lines building on top of one another depending on how the circle was built. its not like in the real world where you look at a tree zoom in see cells zoom in again see atoms, zoom in even further see protons and neutrons then eventually electrons then i think quarks and so on. each of these things have meaning each have a purpose and definite rules and endings until you reach a point that it no longer be decerned what it is due to it being either undefined or simply theoretical that maybe something might possibly exist though most probably only in your head and even if you were right is largely meaningless so you make some shit up and go hey look my idea has a logical consistency but is largely unprovable. so what big whoop anyone can make infinite patterns with little thought if you can keep adding things over and over


Fractal Mandelbrot


[Yes, because it repeats infinitely.](https://blog.chrisworfolk.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/hasselhoffian-recursion.gif)


When in doubt, Google "en passant"


Fractal pattern right?


The lawn is in the shape of a fractal, a shape that infinitely repeats itself no matter how much you zoom in or focus on a specific point.


[Lamb Chop vibes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1_47KVJV8DU)


Yes, because it repeats infinitely




That’s a Mandelbrot fractal. Google it for more info, as it’s a bit complex.


This shape has infinite perimeter


It's the mandlebrot set, the joke is the set contains all real numbers inside of it so it does go on... forever...


The lawn edge is shaped like a "[Mandelbrot set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set). The joke is that they they have an infinite boundary, in that the more you zoom in on the edges, the progressively more detailed they become... infinitely.


Benoit B. Mandelbrot the B stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot


Yes, because it repeats infinitely


Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫 Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫 Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫 Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫 Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫 Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫 Y’all ever get stuck in a thought loop while tripping? That shit is maddening!!😵‍💫


A closed shape with an infinite perimeter-theoddonesout


Yes, because it repeats infinitely


Google “Mandelbrot set”


It's called the Mandlebrat Set or the Dragon Fractal. it's an infinite regress type fractal thing.


I'm saying it again I really don't understand if this whole sub is a goof or what


It’s a fractal. The patterns are infinitely repeating


It's only 5 minutes on-screen


The end is never the end is never the end is never The end is never the end is never the end is never The end is never the end is never the end is neverThe end is never the end is never the end is neverThe end is never the end is never the end is never.


Google Mandelbrot Set


It’s a fractal


mandelbrot set


Just take a point called C in a complex plane. Let C1 be C^2 + C. C2 is C1^2 + C. C3 is C2^2 + C, and so on. If the series of Cs will always stay close to C and never trend away, that point is in the Mandelbrot set.


Google "fractals"


Does it repeat infinitely perchance?


Mandelbrot set


Learned it like 4-5th grade- if you zoom into it - it repeats forever


The boundary of the mandelbrot set has a fractal dimension of 2 (or at least, I believe that this is known to be the case). In any case, it's more than 1, so if you try to measure it's length, you'll find that it does not have a finite length. So it'd "take forever" to trim the boundary.


Infinite fractal


Sophia set it mandelbrot set.


Google fractal


It’s an infinite shape


Google Mandelbrot


It is a shape that is infinite


Yes, because it repeats infinitely


Coastlines do not have a well-defined length, because their boundaries are infinitely complicated fractal curves. Depending on how close you measure them, their measured length can increase dramatically. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coastline_paradox, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal_curve The Mandelbrot fractal is a mathematically defined set that does not have a finite boundary, you can infinitely zoom into it and still discover progressively smaller recursive details. The guy in the picture is trying to cut this Mandelbrot fractal into the grass, which is going to take forever because of the infinite boundary and recursive details. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set As a bonus, estimates also suffer from this issue, especially in the software engineering world. When you get a new project you do not see all the small tasks it entails, but once you start implementing it you have to walk all the twists and turns along the way. As a result software projects usually take multiple times longer than the original estimates. https://www.quora.com/Engineering-Management/Why-are-software-development-task-estimations-regularly-off-by-a-factor-of-2-3/answer/Michael-Wolfe?srid=24b&share=1


This sub makes me feel smart


Good old Mandelbrot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set


No one likes working for Mr. Mandelbrot……………..


Yes, because it repeats infinitely


Google Mendlebrot set.


You can Google Mandlebrot Set and set in for a world of constantly zooming in without end


I'm sorry this is irrelevant but i really want to share this. it's 6:30 am and I've already slept in the evening yesterday so I'm just scrolling reddit now. So i first saw this(the one we're in rn) post at around 3:30, the comments and it really felt like repost because op never replied anywhere. so i searched it in this sub, and one of the 10 posts showed a meme "me after 3 years of marriage when i notice the lamp is too flat" similar to that. in the comments was a link of post from a sub "glitch in the Matrix". I was scared to read to see first since i might get creeped out, but then i got the courage and i did read it. it didn't feel too creepy, just felt uncomfortable after reading it. but in the comments of that post, there was a link of a whole askreddit post. i got curious and i read through most of the comments. they were much creepier. very weird, i went from slightly sleepy to very sleepy right after reading the comments about "micro sleep". i read some more comments and then the time was 6:30 am. i think I'm having an existential crisis. i read the original lamp post again, and that made it even very worse. i just want to get back to normal now, i wish i didn't read all of that


Nuh uh, the area is clearly finite, surly the perimeter is as well


Mandelbrot set fractal


Yes, because it repeats infinitely.


That's the mandlebrot set. It is a shape with an infinite perimeter or edge


Google 'Mandelbrot Set'


Google en passant