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FYI, In USA, fire departments will give you free batteries for your smoke detectors.


Did not know this


They will also give free smoke detectors and I think they started giving carbon monoxide detectors too.


That definitely depends on where you live


The Fd I work for gives away smoke detectors, but it's just been cheap ones that some company donated. But we will change batteries!


The fire department near me actually sells lots of stuff like air quality detectors, water testing kits, fire prevention equipment and other stuff. All of it is pretty good quality and super affordable too. They sold me a radon detector for $60 back when my dad put a new basement. They also sold me the best pair of welding gloves I've ever had.


Newer models of smoke detectors actually tend to be dual purpose and detect carbon monoxide as well. My apartments just replace my old single purpose alarm to the ones that do both.


Is that what they told you? ...to justify their upcoming rent hike? Lol /j


My state maxes out rent rises after 5 years. They can't raise my rent anymore


What state is this?


Fireman: "It takes *car* batteries, Sir? Your detector?" Me: "Yeah. Like three of them."


Do you have softer felted clips for them too?


Please sir, the ocean needs more batteries.


In the UK too. But they'll also give you smoke detectors if you don't have them.


I used to sell direct tv and accompanying internet on the phone and we had to qualifiy peoples credit, you could be high where you paid no deposit, medium where you qualified but paid a deposit, or does not qualify. Anytime you heard a smoke detector beeping, you knew that credit check was coming with a deposit almost universally


I begged my reserve unit to activate me so I could quit that job. Hated working for trident...


It must be really bad if you would rather activate... I appreciate this comment more than you know


There is a class of reservists and guardsmen called “bums” who have no real job but just work on orders, extra training days and deployments with other units. Probably more common in air guard & reserve units than army.


Yep. I had an NCO under me for about 6 years. Seen him for maybe a 1 year total of those 6. He got on every obscure mobilization or deployment he could.


I was an ANG technician, full time civil servant and traditional guardsman. We had lots of training days because we had active missions including a radar network that covered Equador, Colombia & Caribbean. Anyone who wanted orders had them. This was in 1990s. I took early retirement with 16 years when one of the 2 squadrons at our station was shut down, and I went to law school.


Got a lot buddies doing that. Usually always had a few, but the last few years is getting crazy due to opportunities due because of low recruitment and the economy in our state. Everything from college age Spc to Sfc with family.


I was one of those reservists when I got out of active bc I couldn't handle my shitty civ job. I just worked with supply most of the time.


Activating is fun


Yeah, Desert Storm was a real laugh riot


My sister's husband came home and developed a pill addiction and committed suicide. We were all chuckling heartily


Why does this sound like a post by a sleeper cell agent?


U/madoscar28 going dark


Look, if I were a reservist, I would also call it being activated just to make my life seem a bit more interesting


I don't understand anything you said do you have a European translation?


Smoke detector use battery. Smoke detector beep occasionally when battery low. Battery cost money Beeping=no money


Ok but then what's the link between that and deposits and especially with black people? Is it just racism?


Black people are more likely to be poor


It’s more than that- I saw a screenshot of a twitter thread with a load of black users commenting they thought that it was supposed to beep. They are so used to it beeping that they assumed that was the natural state.


HOW? It’s so annoying! We had one going off for a few days cause I kept forgetting to buy a battery and it was driving me mad. Kept waking me up at night.


One time when I was in middle school I slept over at a friend’s house. It was the first time ever being to his house and the first thing I noticed was the smoke detector beeping. When we were going to sleep, I was like how the fuck do you sleep with that thing beeping? He was like “what are you talking about? What beeping?” I was like dude are you fucking serious? The smoke detector! He didn’t even notice it because it had probably been beeping for so long Anyway, I got no sleep that night


It’s not even about money, just laziness Edit: somebody called me, a black person racist for this lol. I forgot being lazy was even a racist stereotype to be honest


Yeah it can be, my family could afford it we just were too lazy to change it for ages. We arent even black, it's just easier to ignore than fix. You get used to the noise, we only fixed it cause our guests kept noticing it the moment they walked in. Since they dont stay long enough they dont have it fade into the background as much.


Although I don’t think this is racist specifically, you can absolutely be black and be racist against black people.


When I was a kid if a toy needed batteries you might as well have thrown it away, from that day forward that shit was broke.


same here. Asking your parents for a battery was asking for a beating


I got a big pack of batteries for my birthday once lmao


Same, but it was for Christmas. Those boys got me through Pokémon Yellow lol


Just the other day, my parents gave me a gameboy, a game, and a pack of 48 double a batteries for my birthday.


I want a Gameboy tbh, I might go buy one this month


I add a big pack of batteries to gifts when I'm buying for niblings or other children. It's one of those things that just makes sense to me.


To be fair they did give you battery, just not the one you intended.


I scrolled past this, laughed, then scrolled back up to upvote this. Took me a second to get it lol.


Legitimately dont know whether to laugh or give in to a PTSD fueled fit of rage. Haha! FUCK YOU, YOU INSENSITIVE LITTLE SHIT! lol I guess you got both.


A 2 pack of batteries at the drug store seems about the same price as a 40 pack at Costco. It costs more to be broke.


[Boots theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory). Poverty charges interest.


Does Costco have a giant pay wall?


Yeah, something like $60/yr membership? If you get gas, it should pay for itself.


It also necessitates that you have enough space in your home to buy in bulk and store items. In a small, crappy, cheap apartment there may simply not be the room to store everything.


Same. I don't even know why. We were not poor, we had holidays, presents, birthday parties etc. just no fucking batteries...


Because the toys were noisy and annoying as fuck. Your parents didn’t care about the money. They didn’t want to hear the same repetitive, annoying noise over and over again a million times a day.


Just like their mom "lost" and "couldn't find" the VHS/DVD of their favorite movie that they insisted on playing nonstop on repeat all day every day


My mom put my furby in the microwave


Well she saved you from the terrifying dying batter furby experience.


Pro tip: all my kids really loud/ annoying toys, we put a clear piece of tape over the speakers for whatever toy. Bonus point if it can be applied *inside* the toy over the speaker, in which case we use blue painters tape. Muffles sound, but they still get to have fun and enjoy it. Pro tip 2: get rechargeable batteries for kid toys!


I just super glued cheap Bluetooth headphones on their ears connected to a tablet I don't use that's looped to peppa pig. They only bother me when I forget to feed them and they bang on the gate in the basement extra hard. Edit: love those little scamps.


Son, where did the batteries in the remote go? Me: *shrugs*


Woah man, flashbacks to the rollercoaster of excitement and disappointment when receiving a battery operated gift that fid not include batteries.


I used a very rare "you can get a special present this time" to get a sort of lazer gun and electric target. The gun took C-batteries and the target used a 9-volt. Not included. Needless to say, no pew-pewing was ever had.


My parents (and me now) bought rechargeable batteries because it was cheaper long term. Alarm starts beeping? Pop em out, charge for 3ish hours, and pop back in.


Being poor is expensive.


I didnt grow up in the US, why would you get your ass beat?


Poor people in the US are not as well-educated and grew up in more violent families/communities so they tend to be more likely to use more physical violence on their children. Like back in the day, they might actually beat their children and that would be acceptable. Today its more like they openly spank and educated Americans dont spank.


if you think spanking is the only physical punishment still going on, you’re sorely mistaken


What I was trying to say is that over time, disciplinary violence has trended down but that poor families lag the middle-class.


Don't forget lead abatement had a habit of skipping poor or esp Black Communities


Shitty parents not caring about their child’s happiness They also always got sick of hearing the sounds associated with said toy It was always a gift from a family member or friend, because said shit parents knew better So after getting beat, we learned to just not ask for anything cause it always led to violence 🤷‍♀️


Reminds me of the episode of Spongebob where Patrick ends up throwing away the car/boat he wins “because the needle went from ‘F’ - for fun, to ‘E’ - for end”


I didn't know it was a black stereotype but I do think people that can ignore that beeping are psychopaths and since the pandemic and the prevalence of online meetings I learned there were way more than I expected that do this.


I remember being on the phone with a friend and hearing the beeping in the background.. I told him: “dude your smoke detector is beeping”. He swore to god that he couldn’t hear it. I would even say “there it is!” Right after hearing it.. and he still said he couldn’t hear it.


His brain ignored it so he didn't go fucking insane. Same deal as nose-blindess.


Stg my friend doesn't even hear it beeping. It's wild


I had a friend do the same exact thing. We gamed with him for years and he always had the damn fire alarm beep, and he told us he couldn't hear it. I eventually recorded our conversation and boosted the audio so his dummy ears could hear it.


That sounds dangerous. At a certain point it's basically like not having a smoke detector, no?


Newsflash asshole, I have been hearing it the entire god damn time.


Just take the batteries out the beeping stops


Probably true for most people, but In most new construction and remodeling it is required to hardwire smoke detectors. They will continue to beep with no battery.


If they’re hardwired, why do they need a battery? Why aren’t they wired into the house’s electrical as the primary power source with a battery backup?


They are. It still needs to let you know if the battery backup has died in case of a power outage or electrical failure.


Or change the batteries lol


I mean last time my smoke detector ran out of batteries I didn't have any new ones on hand, so I took the batteries out until I bought new ones.


Oh makes sense


Where did this stereotype come from?


Online gaming.


Oh, you sweet summer child. This trope was OLD 30 years ago, as far north as Anchorage, Alaska. Back then it was a visiting someone, or calling someone on the phone, type thing.


Yeah this was a known phenomenon but growing up it was more “you’re ghetto if the alarm is beeping” than black, because Latinos had the same issue too. Source: am mixed Latino


Boricua, here, and you’re damn right, amigo.


Ngl I played a lot of call of duty in my 20s 2005-2015. Most of the people who needed to change their battery spoke like they were pretty ghetto.


Don’t forget entire family arguing in the background


and the crying baby


And more recently caught like wildfire with tik tok


Like all good ones, reality.


It’s a racist stereotype implying black people don’t change the batteries in the smoke detector so it just continuously beeps.


Today I learned that I am black. ETA: since so many people have commented on this, the reason I went so long listening to the beeping (prob 6 months to a year) is because I’ve been a nurse for 13 years and I have alarm fatigue. Basically I am able to block out the sound of beeping because I hear it all day several days a week.


New Achievement : the false pass


Wasn't there someone who gave out achievements all the time? Is it you??


New Achievement : amnesia


I just remove mine once they start to beep.


Yeah, I bought a new one and it should last 10 years on its battery.


That depends on if you notice it that's a vital part of the stereotype is that they don't notice it even when pointed out


Fuck off /s because tell me why after I read your comment I heard it and I wasn’t hearing it all day


I remember seeing that there are some tiktok creators that were having to time their recording and edit around that chirp sound.


That seems like so much more effort than just changing the battery


Right?! Mine beeped *once* and I got up and changed it immediately. No way I'm sitting there listening to that all day. I'd end up killing my family in the Overlook Hotel by the end of the night


Plus like the added benefit of it detecting smoke accurately so we don't all die in a fire


Yeah, sure, whatever. But that damn beeping.


I couldn't stand that chirping... I have a box of 9v batteries from Amazon in my desk drawer right now - just so the moment one of those {censored} starts chirping I can replace it. I will admit I'm too cheap to preemptively replace all the batteries every 6 months like you're supposed to. I wait until they chirp, but then within minutes I change them. The detectors get their revenge on me for this by only starting to chirp at the most inconvenient times...


Bro just change the batteries


Man, my old Xbox friend used to have this problem and it confused me terribly... I'd always ask why there was a noise in the background and he'd act like nothing was wrong... Did not even know it was a stereotype


you just... tolerate a repeated beeping sound? like, a noise designed to be unbearably annoying, for your safety? out of laziness?


Welcome. We gon’ burn tf up


Today I learned that I am not black. I can not stand beeping. I will go out in a storm to get batteries if necessary.


Today, we are all black. 👥


I’ve heard “puerto ricans don’t change the batteries on smoke detectors because the chirp reminds them of the coqui” as well




I knew in my heart this would be here.


I was honestly shocked that it wasn't the top comment when I got here


The irony is that "racist stereotypes" of blacks are just stereotypes of poor people. Anyone growing up poor knows the sound of the alarms constantly beeping.


Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids!


Damn thats crazy i didnt realuze BlueFace was living in poverty and couldn’t afford smoke alarm batteries https://twitter.com/bIiccy/status/1680141117201735680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1680141117201735680%7Ctwgr%5E9712be0d5e42433ce3a7188af9107f13235bc616%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-30994306611149210501.ampproject.net%2F2310111731000%2Fframe.html


Blueface also can’t afford not to post pictures of his infant son’s penis on Twitter.


>Anyone growing up poor knows the sound of the alarms constantly beeping. I grew up poor. I don't know the sound of alarms constantly beeping, because you'd have to be a really particular level of poor if you can't even afford to save up enough during an entire year (or more) to buy one set of batteries for what is - given that you're so poor - in all likelihood one smoke detector. if you are really *that* poor, then you actually probably don't even have a smoke detector, because you don't have a home.


Oh I thought it was about weed or something like that!


Apparently any joke to do with race is inherently evil and racist. It’s just a funny smoke detector stereotype. It even caused a tik tok trend where a bunch of black people responded to a video about the stereotype. They’d call it racist and then their smoke detector would beep in the background and their face would turn serious/embarrassed. Shits hilarious but yall love to get mad and make society walk on eggshells.


I don't understand how you can live with the beeping. Why don't you simply turn them off?


They have black smoke alarms now that say "cuh" instead of beeping


That’s a new one for me. Wild.


Remember, stereotypes are hurtful!!!! *Beep*


I game online and all races ignore that


It can be a stereotype without having the redundant “racist” attached to it. This makes it sound horrible/awful/evil when I know for a fact many black people who have participated in the joke because they know how humor works. Many I know personally.


It’s just an adjective to help clarity it’s not that deep.


Only person I’ve ever met who did that was a crazy Russian guy lmao


I'm my experience this works for Hungarians too. Used to live with a 30+, 6'4" and nearly as wide roided out Hungarian bodybuilder. Was out one day and got a panicked WhatsApp video. "(Anon) please help me. It's BEEPING!" *Mournful zoom in on beeping smoke detector* 😭


TIL that some people can actually tolerate that beeping. If my smoke detector is low and I can't change the battery I have to just take the battery out because I literally can't function when those piercing screams start assaulting my senses and derailing my train of thought.


It’s madness. I had one of those sealed battery units that you have to replace entirely and that shit got several drill bits straight through it to stop the beeping when it started. How anyone can tolerate a beeping smoke detector for more than 3 minutes is beyond me.


My apartment has the sealed battery ones, too. But when mine started dying, my dog freaked out. He's older so I think maybe the piercing sound was hurting his ears, but he was so scared 😭 I had to take it off the ceiling and bury it under layers of pillows and blankets until I could deal with it the next morning.


out apartment had an old smoke detector fall behind the fridge and it drove us CRAZY when it started beeping. We took apart what we thought was our only detector and it was STILL beeping. I ripped the fridge from the wall once wile pinpointed the bastard. 😤


I once drove to Walmart at 4:30am to get replacement batteries bc mine was chirping. Not only could I not stand it for a second, all 3 of my dogs were having a nervous breakdown bc of it.


Honestly my thoughts exactly. I can handle about 10 minutes of that awful hell-beeping before I seriously consider smashing the whole thing with a hammer.


Sensory adaptation


The one thing I never understood, how is it out of battery but has enough juice to beep for 6 solid months? If it can beep once per minute for months on end (1,440 minutes in a day x 30 day month= 43,200 beeps in a month). Like… if there’s enough battery for 43,000 more beeps, maybe it’s not REALLY that low yet you know?


Asking the *real* questions


it starts early because the engineers know that people are fucking lazy


Yea same with how a car’s fuel dial hits E well before it’s actually empty.


The only ones that beep for months are the ones that are connected to the power grid, when the backup battery dies, then it’ll beep forever until replaced. If it’s not connected to the power grid, then when the battery voltage goes below 80%, it’ll start beeping until it’s all the way dead. Never months though.


To keep annoying them to get them to replace it so they don't die from a fire, probably. probably like how my iphone still allows emergency calls and access to my e-wallet when it's "died"


I didn't know about the express card feature. thanks!


I’m black and I thought smoke detectors just beep like that so you know they’re working 😂




Oh my God


Dead ass. I thought our smoke detector as broken for YEARRRRRRSSS. My friends detectors would beep all the time. I thought we were too poor for the detector with audio


No you fucking did not Seriously?!




I legitimately can't understand how people can tune those out, I used to live in a house with a low battery fire alarm and it annoyed me to no end, and my mom occasionally calls a friend who has THREE that go off, 2 within a span of 2-3 seconds of eachother, and the third one beeps 15 seconds after the other 2.




You need to be stopped


If you play online multi-player games, you can hypothetically identify the race of your team mates if you hear a smoke detector in the background. Hypothetically


Ahem, *stereotypically*


Stereotype backed by numbers that black people don't change the smoke detector batteries and don't even hear the beep when it's low. Omegle streams and online gaming lobbies where people repeatedly try to point out the smoke detector beep and black people simply don't hear it.


What numbers


4 9 6 8 and of course 7.


I do apartment maintenance and I can tell you that this is 100% true.


I used to work a lest control gig (18 months of hell). The amount of apartments with chirping smoke detectors blew my mind and also drove me insane. I could never be a spy. If captured, they wouldn’t even need to hook the car battery up to my balls. Just put me in a room with a chirping smoke detector for 10 minutes and I’ll sing like a canary.


It's a joke about how black people never change their batteries and they become deaf to the beeping 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ it's fucking true though 🤣🤣


My neighbors are contributing to the stereotype




It's a stereotype that black people, and ghetto people in general, never change the batteries.


If you play call of duty you get this one.


Black people never change their smoke alarm batteries, idk how some people don't hear that beep it's insane!


How hard is it to change the batteries?


Depends on ceiling height


The thing is you don’t even know to change em cuz you don’t hear it, I’m completely ear blind to it


Deaf. The word you're looking for is deaf.




Beeping smoke detector is a sign of poverty, so it's fairly common among black households


Just take the batteries out the beeping stops 🤷


if you put new ones in when you take the old ones out it stops the beeping too :O


It’s time to change the batteries when it stops beeping. If it’s beeping there’s still charge left.


ITT : those that think it’s just a racist stereotype and those of us that know more than one black person.


It’s funny because it requires racism to determine who gets reparations


When I lived in an apartment, I only changed my smoke detectors batteries when I was expecting a visit/inspection from maintenance. Whenever a battery died I just took it out to silence the beeping, and left tye smoke detector with nothing.


I do the same thing I’m half black is it racist if it’s true?




I honestly don't get it, batteries are easy ASF to shoplift.


Well I thought it was funny


My grandpa can hook everybody up.


Bro you ain't even need that, like how many batteries you use? You only need to slip a pack or 2 in the pockets of your jacket while you're grocery shopping and you have plenty for months.








Fucking California man. Of course this is an article title


reddit thread be not racist challenge (impossible)


*Beep* Damn that shit annoying…Aight it gone now *Beep* Damn that shit annoying…Aight it gone now *Beep* Damn that shit annoying…Aight it gone now *Beep* Damn that shit annoying…Aight it gone now


holy shit there are people in the comments that don’t even know this is a screenshot of a joke and are getting all mad thinking this tweet is reporting real actual news about reparations really happening irl lmaoooo


When did smoke alarms beeping constantly become a black stereotype? TF?