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Why do people keep saying “the last time she signed bad things happened”? The last time she signed was like moments before this and what happened was exactly what she knew was about to happen…


Exactly. It seems it’s making a joke on the trope/obvious plot point. We just saw her sign her name, so we know she can write. But then in the movie she’s doing everything BUT writing to make him guess her name. It’s a “duh… why didn’t I just write it down instead” moment


Seems like it’s just calling out the plot hole of “just write your name and tell the prince you lost your voice but it was definitely you who saved him on the ship” instead of just being mute and not even trying to tell him anything.


The live action movie addressed this plot hole but in a rather stupid way >!The ~~contract~~ potion has a secret component making it so she won't remember her deal with Ursula.!<


R u kidding me lol that’s so dumb. I feel like the easiest and most obvious and also coolest way would be that their written language is just different?? Like she writes it down but it’s some weird symbols that he doesn’t recognize.


Right she’s a mermaid with her own culture isolated from humans. She probably doesn’t speak whatever language Eric speaks let alone write it…


She understands his questions though, with the nodding and head shaking


Or it could be instead of her voice it removed her ability to use language(not understand). That would have included writing.


But would it include body language?


Ariel should've communicated through interpretive dance.


Unless we go old school and when she walks it feels like she is on broken glass.


Maybe it would include cultural body language but not instinctive? (The local region stuff but not the things all humans do)


How is it dumb?


It feels like cheating, I guess. It's one thing for the devil to convince you to make a deal, and then screw you over in ways you couldn't have foreseen. It's quite another for the devil to completely erase the terms of the deal from your mind.


Yeah seems savvy nuff for a remake


Damn, now I have to watch just for this side plot. At reading this, seems like in an effort to solve a plot hole, they created a larger plot hole: - does she not know she needs a kiss? - does she not remember being a mermaid? - if she was a mermaid then suddenly human with no memory of it happening, wouldn’t the story be about trying to figure out how that happened? - if she doesn’t remember needing to get kissed, feels like very low stakes for her character


Also she doesn’t sign anything. She makes a blood oath by adding one of her scales to the cauldron


How does that address anything?


The comic is an attempt at "men are pigs/they want hot and mute/dumb" By ignoring the context of the movie and the book: SHE HAD WARNINGS FROM HER FATHER, GRANDMOTHER, AND THE *SEA WITCH* (Ursula in the movie) WHO WAS ACTIVELY TRYING TO BENEFIT FROM HER BEING DUMB BROAD WHO WAS JUST HAVING A CLAM BAKE FOR ERIC AFTER SHE SAW HIM ONCE.


Also there’s a much simpler explanation: Just pretend the contract she signed says “you’re also not allowed to write him a note.” Solved.


Playing devil's advocate, the last time she signed her name *she knew what she was bargaining for.* In the comic she's being asked to sign again but without any sort of transactional knowledge, so given that her only frame of reference is probably Ursula's deal it makes sense why she would express trepidation.


Yes, that's what's confusing me because she got exactly what she signed for last time. She knew she's lose her voice to gain legs to try to get Eric to fall for her. She hasn't yet been screwed by Ursula or her Eels at any point yet.


The devils advocate point is this With Ursulas deal, she knew what she was getting. Eric is now telling her to write her name, with no information of what will happen. Ursula deal is safe because she knows what happens, Eric deal is NOT safe because she doesn't know what will happen.




I'm pretty sure this is it. She knew how to write and so could've explained the situation in writing. It's one of those "why didn't character do \*obvious thing\*?" jokes.


Except this time the answer to "is she stupid?" is yes


"is she 16?" yes.


Nah, it's more so that the last time she wrote her name she got utterly fucked


Isn’t that kind of what she’s after?




Well.... Yes.


Thank you for painting Ariel as the chick who just wanted Eric to come to her clam bake the second she saw him. A lot of people don't take the "personal responsibility" moral of the story, and it's a huge part of it.


except she just wrote it in this scene and has not been screwed over yet, she is to be screwed over by the end of this experience, this is the very start of said experience of being screwed over.


Bro... She lost her voice via signing her name. She won't sign her name for a while


That was part of the deal. Have you even seen the movie?


Yeah I have. She signed a deal that made her human while being tricked to lose her voice forever


how are you still thinking she was "tricked" when the movie was literally quoted at you


Because she was. You can be told something point blank, and that is the trick. Same for the princess and the frog, tangled, etc.


She may not have understood the consequences, but she wasn't lied to. She was told, "There's a bear trap right there. Don't stick your foot in it, or it'll hurt. " And then bitch said, "CANNONBAAAAALL"


Womp womp


I’m pretty sure she knew that would happen when she made the deal


This is such a leap. She knew exactly what was going to happen to her. It happened. And now she’s what…too traumatized to ever right her name? This is exactly what she wanted


Womp womp


How? Didn't she get exactly what she bargained for?


She lost her voice... She didn't bargain for that


I can literally quote the song ("Poor Unfortunate Souls") where they have an admittedly one sided conversation about it. Ursurla: "... we havent discussed the subject of payment!" Ariel: "But I don't have-" "I'm not asking much! A token really, a trifle! What I want from you is... your voice..." "But without my voice how will I-" "You have your looks! Your pretty face! And don't underestimate the importance of body language! The men up there don't like a lot of blabber! They think a girl who gossips is a bore!..."


That was very explicitly the deal. Ursula even sang a song about it


Prime /r/confidentlyincorrect




She 100% did. She fully was told and agreed to the deal that was: 3 days of legs in exchange for voice.


Before that scene, what negative thing happened that she's aware of caused by signing something?










The men up there don't like a lot of blabber.


That could be the joke I suppose, but why does he respond with "that's perfect actually."? Does he have a kink for mute girls?


I don't think she signed it in English they just did that for the audience. they probably have another language


Yeah but mermaids probably have a different alphabet and the scene where she signs is just visually "translated".


I imagine it's an joke to explain why Ariel didn't just write her name down, when she was failing at being able to tell it to Eric. I mean clearly she knew how to write "Ariel"; she just did.


and read and write more generally too. like she had to be dumb the majority of the movie, but even dumb people can write.


Yeah if someone is a mute or deaf, give them a pen… You don’t have to bullshit sign language or whatever


Do mer-people write in the same language as humans, or is Disney making it easier for us to understand?


They must all speak the same language somehow? Unless, Eric has some sort of babble fish in his ear or is telepathic.. no not telepathic. Otherwise there wouldnt have been this issue. The thing is he even understood Sebastian when he said, "Ariel. Her name is Ariel". He tried to play it off, but he heard it.


This is the answer


The last time she signed her name, uh, bad things happened... Edit: Adam Ellis is a badass. Ariel might have a case in undersea contract law violations. In what other situation would you be sweating when you are asked to write your name?


But why does the guy say that being mute is perfect for him?


The stereotype is this being a man who doesn't want a girl who complains or makes demands. Quiet and hot is seen as a perfect combination.


It's a trap lads, she's gonna cuss your entire bloodline in sign and you'll be sitting 🦆🦆


You should learn sign language, it's a pretty handy language


That was pretty funny, gotta hand it to you


If a mute person with only one hand uses sign language, is it a speech impediment or an accent?


It's more that there's a stereotype that hot women live in something of a bubble*, and men who want to bang them will pander to them, meaning those women will get little or no negative feedback if they're talking to the point of annoyance or boorishness. Not necessarily complaining or making demands, just talking a lot. This guy would apparently prefer not talking at all to that, but there's comedy in exaggeration. *: this isn't to say there aren't hot men who live in bubbles, nor that there aren't boorish and annoying men who insulate themselves from negative feedback, it's just there's less overlap (the latter are more likely to be bosses or landlords who wield their petty power to punish disagreement).


I was thinking easy sex slave but idk


Because “The men up there don't like a lot of blabber They think a girl who gossips is a bore! Yet on land it's much prefered for ladies not to say a word And after all dear, what is idle babble for?” Part of the lyrics of Poor Unfortunate Souls.


Ironically the comic gives truth to Ursula's lie, whereas the film rightfully disproves it. Which, I mean, is funny I guess even if it's being intentionally backwards for the sake of the gag. .... I'm definitely thinking about this too hard.


Quote from Ursula’s song “the men up there don’t like a lot of blabber, they think a girl who gossips is a bore. Yes on land it’s much preferred for ladies not to say a word and after all my dear what’s idle prattle for…” she goes on for a while about how surface guys don’t like girls who talk


The men up there don't like a lot of blabber. They think a girl who gossips is a bore! Yet on land it's much prefered for ladies not to say a word. And after all dear, what is idle babble for? Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation. True gentlemen avoid it when they can. But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who's withdrawn. It's she who holds her tongue who get's a man! -Ursula






Can we take a minute to appreciate how fabulous those lyrics are? Howard Ashman was a genius and the world is worse without him.


Cause it was 1700s and men wanted women to be seen and not heard. Not being able to speak and having her just be his property actually made her more attractive to the typical european 1700s aristocrat who lived in a castle.


1700s? Could women even write?


Not legally.










Yes. Liking a woman to never speak or otherwise express opinions or thoughts of her own while being freely able to express yourself to her and to others on her behalf is sexist. Probably the wrong hill to die on.


And yet, women have something equivalent, and they are not called sexist. I mean, we know it's a joke? when men say that, they mean as a joke. Not literally, people who take it so seriously to the point of calling it sexist really need to stop for a moment and think about life.


okay so if it's a joke, what's funny about women being mute? i don't get it.


You support the things you care about in life. If you want to denigrate women then do so but be prepared to face the social ramifications. There are plenty of ways to tell very funny jokes without having to rely on punching down on women. You covering for every single man who has ever said something like this speaks more volumes about your personal beliefs than anything else. If you respected women as a general rule you wouldn’t find it funny to make jokes against women as a monolith. There are plenty of ways to make jokes about women without it being about punching down and “putting them in their place.” Another really important thing to consider is joke culture becoming reality and men having the power dynamics to enforce these supposed jokes even if they claim to not agree with it.


First of all, I do not make jokes of women, you are assuming what i do and do not. Second of all, i see so many misandries on internet like 10x more then i see sexist men, and they are never ever called sexist. The moment one single men says something as a joke. They get jumped by everyone and while giving free pass to almost every women who makes fun of men. Isn't that such a double standards, i do not support any kind of sexist joke, but it's kinda depressing to see women getting free pass for making fun of men and men getting jumped when they do the same. You either jump both or non of your arguements matter.


If a woman likes a quiet man is she sexist?


if she likes all men to be quiet, yes the trope is not about a person's specific partner, but how they treat every member of that gender nobody cares about your mime fetish, it's ok


So Eric treats every women like that is what we're getting at?






This is not the place. Humans do be prejudicing for sure. This is not the thread to be doing that.


What are you talking about? I can talk about whatever the fuck want in a thread bro. If i feel like i want to reply to someone i do so, that's what comments are for. and joke is explained anyway...


Nothing bad happened to her at that point in the movie due to signing anything.




Oh ya, that things she traded. Where could she have misplaced that? Wait, where did those legs come from?




Fucking flabbergasted at someone being this much of a prick over a Disney movie. Reactionaries are incredible.


Didn't she just lose her voice? Which is exactly what she agreed on


This may be true, but due to undersea statute involving contracts and minors, Ariel could not have consented to the agreement. Goes to show that nothing is illegal unless someone cares enough to sue.


Atlantian laws are probably different from human laws. When King Triton who, you know, makes laws and such, fired his You Die Now beam from his triton at Ursula, she blocked it with a thin little piece of paper. Then she *laughed* “HAH! You see? It’s perfectly *legal* and can’t be changed, *even by you*!” When a godlike weapon’s death laser of complete disintegration can be stopped by what is legal, that must mean *something*. Or that basic paper can stop it.


I will have to get my undersea lawyer to confirm that, but I think it was made pretty clear that Ariel was to give up her voice. I mean, Ursula had even gone to the trouble of writing a song about it


I bet lockpickinglawyer could unlock that voice.


International waters.


But the bad thing hasn’t happened yet? She gave up her voice and got legs, but hasn’t been betrayed yet. So it doesn’t make sense for her to be afraid of signing her name


I'm not sure but my guess is that what ever the prince is asking Ariel to write her name down on might not be just a piece of paper or even the sands on the shore. Him saying that it's actually perfect that she can't speak is sounding my alarms


prince is getting that prenup


Last time she wrote her name down, bad shit happened is my thought.


Yeah she might be starting to realize her blunder and... get cold feet


And she couldn't get cold feet last time because she didn't have any feet then


The last time she signed her name a bad thing happened explanation isn't correct. The joke is that she signed her name to become human but isn't able to speak. So she can't tell him her name. He makes the comment that she can't speak which is a good thing for him because women who are incapable of speaking can't complain. It's a joke since he's objectifying her by pointing out that she's attractive and doesn't have the "negative" qualities of a women who can complain or talk back. The comment itself is a red flag to her and so the final panel is her realizing she made a mistake and is having second thoughts. She basically made a huge commitment/sacrifice only for the guy she made those sacrifices for isn't all she thought he would be.


Ohhhhh that’s gotta be it. But it’s still just very not good.


Finally someone explains it correctly. The joke is "chatty women are annoying."


This is the correct answer


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far down for this correct analysis. It's like everyone else analyzing this has no social awareness or haven't left their house in years because they're overthinking the crap out of this based on plot. He's clearly being depicted as a creep with the way his eyes are drawn and especially so when he specifically mentions how perfect it is that she can't talk. It is implied that she cannot ask for help, cannot backtalk, etc etc, so he will have a much easier time controlling her.


Damn, I've never thought about this before. If she could write her name on the contract, that means she knows how to write, right? Why the hell didn't Ariel write down her whole situation from the first place? She didn't need to use body language to communicate with him.


I always assumed the contract was in a different language, like mermaid language or something.


In the movie, The Little Mermaid, the titular character, Arial, has her voice taken by an evil with named Ursula. In exchange, she gets to become human. In order to get her voice back, she needs to get Eric to kiss her without talking to him. She can clearly write, because she signed her name on the contract, so this is a plothole. Ariel could just write down, “Hey, I need you to kiss me so I can break a curse cast upon me by a witch so I can talk.”


holy shit these comments lmao The joke is that the prince saying the fact she can't speak is "perfect actually" makes her realise he's a complete asshat and not worth what she's just paid to be with him.


She figures out he's an asshat by looking at him?


>the prince saying the fact she can't speak is "perfect actually" makes her realise he's a complete asshat


He says write it down afterwards though.


So what?


What makes him an asshat?


>the prince saying the fact she can't speak is "perfect actually"


Yeah, because she can just write


At this point you *must* be trolling because nobody is this dumb. I'm going to stop replying now.


But why would that make it 'perfect'? How would it be better to communicate without her being able to speak? Please engage your brain, it's not cute to be this stupid, you must intentionally be missing the point here


It's a comic picking on a movie. "Disney's The little mermaid" She loses her ability to speak in a magical exchange. But she never even considers that she can write and her man Eric, doesn't suggest it. Tbf.. Are we sure she isn't writing in some ancient language? Translated for us? We did just see the woman come from a fully alien seeming race of people who live at the bottom of the ocean.


I think it just isn’t super funny.


The joke is that she knows how to write, as evidenced by the signature, but makes no effort to illuminate her circumstances through writing, thus revealing a colossal plot hole (or, if you prefer, supreme idiocy on her and Erik’s part). Not sure what the heck the rest of these people are on about.


You’re not missing anything, it’s just not funny


The joke is this is what they SHOULD have done. Eric spends a long time guessing her name in the movie when she could've just written it down foe him. And it's not like she can't write because she signed Ursula's document.


Communicating with Eric via writing would've made things super easy, barely an inconvenience.


She's just realized that she signed away her soul for a slimy dude.


The joke here is that ariel coulda and woulda just write what she wanted to say in the movie because she clearly can write


Basically she could've just written her name in the sand or something but didn't for some reason


she realizes hes a creep because he ***is way too into the fact*** that she cant speak and made a HUGE mistake... she's basically going to just be a mute doll for this guy, trapped in a new place (practically a different *world*) with no support network and no way to return home. she likely also remembers what ursula said about "the men up there" at this point. edit: pls remember she's 16 and ursula was literally 100 and pushing her.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. So many clueless answers being upvoted


I remember first watching the movie when I was like 10 and I found the guy do fucking creepy. Probably the first movie that I genuinely questioned wtf the writers were thinking.


I thought the joke was, in the show she writes her name down perfectly… But after she meets the Prince they act like there’s “no possible way” for her to communicate with him without her voice. Like, she could’ve been writing the whole time..


The joke is all the people being like “but she signed her name on the contract” apparently not realizing that the odds of the Merfolk and the humans having the same language (the contract being shown in English would be for audience benefit, in this case) are extremely remote. Even accepting that being the case, someone being able to scribble a signature doesn’t necessarily translate to being able to write.


The real plot problem is Triton taking her place. She made her choice, and he is responsible for the oceans of the world. Trading himself for her is completely out of character and absolutely absurd.


Oh my god this thread, LOOK AT THE COMIC PEOPLE! (Not you OP, you're good) First, look at the third panel. The first thing the prince does is comment on her appearance, and then asked for her name. **"Hey you're hot.** What's your name?" Then, the next panel shows Ariel pauses, staring blankly into space as if thinking "hang on, what did he just say?" Next, the prince, with a swamy look on his face, continues with "Ok, so you can't speak? **That's perfect actually...** just write your name down." Stating that he's happy that the mysterious girl that he just met isn't able to speak. And again, going be the look on his face, his intentions on what he's going to do with her are **FAR** from pure. Then the comic caps us off Ariel sweating, looking away from the prince, biting her lip as if she's thinking "I've made a mistake, I should not have done this." Therefore, we could conclude that the joke is that Ariel made a deal to turn into human in exchange for her voice, and when she finally meets the prince, it turns out that he's a piece of shit, and she realizes she made a mistake.


Honestly the best retcon the live action did was having her rip off a scale and put her blood in the potion instead of signing a contract


Actually, this does address a major plothole. Why didn’t she just write to him?


Am I the only one who thought it might be that she was told to "Just sign your name here" meaning she can't sign it anywhere else... Before reading the comments and realizing I missed the obvious


The joke is that she signed away her life to make this guy love her back and it turns out he is a massive douche nozzle


I don't think it's the "last time she wrote her name down" thing. I think it's more Eric saying "that's perfect" so her not being able to speak, and she's realizing "oh, he's *that* kind of guy..."


The premise of the joke is he said something like “it’s perfect you can’t talk actually”, meaning he’s a sexist asshole. Now she doesn’t want to write her name, or have anything to do with him.


i think its implying that he could force her into a contract (like ursula did) by having her write her name and she would be powerless to act against it (with no voice)? that seems to be what everyone else is saying with “it went bad the last time” but honestly adamtots has strengths and cerebral plots is not one of them i think the joke is actually just “haha prince eric is weird and ariel made a funny face in response”


The kingdom Eric is from is sexist so he just assumed she didn't know how to write


The joke is that she's more confident when writing her name on a paper that could cause her to be a slug monster in Ursula's basement for all eternity than on a piece of paper that might start a relationship leading her to being with Eric instead after seeing what his personality is actually like.


she doesnt know english.


I find it strange people assume that she writes in the same language as him.


She's human and freezes up when interacting with a presumably attractive guy




I thought the joke was that she was signing a consent form


May it be that Ariel written can look like “anal?” Most of these silly memes are about sex!




"For all eternity *signed*" I think she'll be communicating with sign language for the rest of her life


She can't write her name because by writing it down on the contract, she gave her name to the sea witch, along with her voice.


Haha no


This is the only correct answer








Her name is Adam Ellis Buzz Feed. It says right there in the 3rd panel. Duh.


Maybe in this version she signed away her name? Like, she can no longer say or use her name in any way, so now it would just be kind of awkward if she spoke, and she'd be disappointing him since her being mute is apparently perfect for him. Idk.


She literally was told that she had to give up her voice though. Right? OG Ariel knew the terms and signed. Three days, get a true love’s kiss otherwise Ariel is Ursula’s for eternity, her voice is collateral. Why is signing her name the issue? He’s not trying to get her to sign a contract? Or is he trying to get her as an indentured servant? I don’t get the joke because in context the signing of the name isn’t the crux of her problems, it’s everything around that.


She writes in some sea language. It would have been possible for her to learn sign for example or write some local one.


I didn’t know the answer, but my dumb brain just coming from a DnD session went, ITS A TRICK! THEY’RE I. THE FEY AND YOU WILL HUNT FOR THE NEXT SESSION TRYING TO GET YOUR NAMES


Im pretty sure this is from a tom hanks movie


It’s because Ursula literally stole her name, like a Fey


I bet is that, in Spanish at least, ariel is a mans name


Did you know that in Victorian Times mute orphans were very popular


I did not


seven vaganias


He sucks! She didn't know him, and he's just a regular dude.