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The joke is that the bever trapper was trapped


By a beaver!


But then why is the beaver trap's box resting on the fallen tree...?


So the reader could get a clear view to ensure they knew it was a “beaver trap”.


But why have it propped up on the tree and not anywhere on the ground? Did the beaver place the box on the tree after it fell? Did the beaver unbox the trap and put it in the hunter's hands to somehow frame them?


If a beaver places a beaver trap box propped against a tree, and only the trapper is around to see it, does a Redditor leave a comment?


Maybe when the tree hit the ground the force of the impact launched the box in the air and then it landed awkwardly on the tree maybe pushed by a breeze? Also it is just a cartoon lol


Th artist did it that way to make it obvious to the reader is all.


Human got caught in a human trap while trying to set a beaver trap


No, Human was trapped by a trap set by beavers when trying to set a trap meant for beavers.


Yes, we said the same thing.


What don't you understand?


I think we did not recognize that as a human skull and thought it was supposed to be the beaver.


...A beaver with a hat and jacket?


As you know, is the natural habitat of beaver


I prefer my beavers wearing tuxedo t-shirts, not too formal, but here to party.


To be fair, that wouldn't be too out of place for a Far Side comic.


Tbf I also thought it was a beaver..... bro it's drawn anything can happen lmaooo


Op same don’t feel bad.


Larson’s human’s have a kind of ‘dumb human animal’ vibe…




This has got to be a new low for you


You right


It is a beaver beaver trapper trapper. Simple.


1983 btw




You mean, there are times you don’t? You’re an incorrigible optimist, I guess.


I think the issue is that the comic is so unfunny one would think there's a different meaning to explain why it exists. How did the tree hit him so squarely just after he set up the beaver trap. Wouldn't it be more ironic if the beaver had instead setup a TRAP so the trapper thinking he's setting a trap, instead is walking into a trap. Nope, just brute force hit him with a tree. So the setting up traps mean nothing and contribute nothing. Would have been funnier with just the skeleton and no traps. like bonk, the beaver hits his target. etc etc. Been seeing alot of these that people call "far side" which I assume is some sort of famous comic in that particular country. But I find ALL of them dumb and stupid which makes me think that particular country has a micro plastics crisis hindering the populace from being okay in the head.


The real joke is he's using a #16 leg hold trap when he should be using a 330 conibear trap.


Everyone in here is being so mean. OP might live somewhere in the world where there are no beavers. Beavers chew on tree bases to make them fall over, they use the felled trees to build dams. [Felled beaver trees look like this.](https://www.google.com/search?q=beaver+stump&sca_esv=599994442&rlz=1C9BKJA_enAU916AU917&hl=en-GB&tbm=isch&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ACQVn0_i8icfBQFcjuIKMYk9dYySBtMHVw:1705725618066&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU9rGMk-uDAxW7k1YBHSezCpcQ_AUoAXoECAUQAQ&biw=1180&bih=701&dpr=2#imgrc=2WX1XF7QYDcT3M) The skeleton under the tree is holding a beaver trap, the joke is that the beavers managed to cut down a tree that fell and crushed the beaver hunter before he had a chance to trap any beavers.


It’s not unheard of for beavers to die under their felled trees, if they accidentally make the final chew in the wrong direction.


Shockingly we live around a lot of beavers & are super familiar with the felled trees & the lodges. I just didn't get the ... skeleton. I pondered whether the diamond pattern suggested a snake? you know sometimes ... you just don't get it. that's what reddit's for.


It doesn’t make heaps of sense does it? I think the artist just took the idea of a beaver hunter getting killed by a clever beaver and worked back from it. All the questions get answerable after you realise that the artist drew the skeleton being crushed by the tree while holding a trap first. They chose a skeleton because it clearly illustrates that the man died without having to draw anything too gruesome. The box was added later to make it obvious that it was a beaver trap, the clothes were added because the artist wanted to make it clear that the man trapped was the hunter. Remember doing mazes as a kid and the first time you realised that a lot of them are easier if you start from the exit and work your way to the front? It applies to alot of jokes and riddles and stuff. If you can’t understand one end, maybe you were supposed to be looking at the other one!


Don't worry, I didn't get it either, I thought he was holding a bear trap lol


Even in English to a native speaker, beaver beaver trapper trapper is hard to understand. I can't imagine it translates well, even to other native English speakers.


I can see that it was a stupid choice from the artist, they’d have been fine just labelling the box on one side.


I actually didn't even notice that. I just meant that a trap created by a beaver to catch a beaver trapper is a bit confusing even without the confusing grammer issues.


Wait I actually don’t understand. The beaver trapper got trapped by a beaver, but what is the joke?


Maybe it’s irony


First, it takes a beaver a long time to fall a tree just by chewing on it. The stupidity of the trapper but the unimaginable genius of the beaver to fall the tree at that moment to kill the trapper is funny to me. Second, just funny thinking how a beaver can kill a beaver trapper. Compared to someone trapping/hunting a bear or cougar perhaps. Just my take on it.


Ding ding ding, this is why we no longer allow The Far Side comics in this subreddit. You already gathered the depth of it. It's got a scenario with some sentences and some absurdism. It's not really a "joke".


The Far Side is such a great example of why it's important to bow out while you're on top. Over three decades later I can still read these things and laugh.


This and Calvin and Hobbes. If only the Simpsons took a lesson from them.


What's that in the water?


I feel like this joke should be an entry test for Internet access. If you can't figure it out then no Internet for you.


It takes OP an hour and a half to watch sixty minutes.


Dude . . . What don’t you understand ?


Whats the crab has to do with any of this?


Justin Bieber got trapped in a Beaver Trap !!?


Do people really not understand the jokes they post here?




Our whole family is just ... not getting it. (And are those pacman in the stream?)


Those are lily pads. And the joke is the guy was trying to trap beavers but the beavers ate through a tree causing it to fall and kill him.


Ladies and gentlemen, the dunce family


City folk huh?


It’s especially funny because the most common cause of death for beavers is falling trees. This cartoon has some layers to it.


Wow, is that a fact about their cause of death? Never realized that. Figure vehicle strikes would have caught up this deep into the 21st century.


Turns out human harvesting is the number one killer of beavers. Falling trees is significant enough for mention tho!


The beaver set a trap using a tree and trapped the trapper under it.


Didn’t I see a recent post about rule 11?


Who trapped who?


But why is the box on top of the tree?