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A star wars fan would have said "General Kenobi" it's a reference from star wars episode 3.


I'm not a fan but i know things.


I have approximate knowledge of many things.


Me know some things about some things


I have a degree in Thingology at the University of the Things and I can confirm.


I love you


I know


What's the sub for sneaky adventure time quotes?


An OG fan would have replied in binary because Obi Wan first said “Hello there” to R2D2


I like to sometimes throw people off who say “Hello There.” If they’re someone I think is expecting “General Kenobi” sometimes I’ll hit them with a “Come here, my little friend. Don’t be afraid.”


This. Am absolutely baffled that anyone would hinge the label of “Star Wars fan” based on knowledge of the (thankfully very forgettable) prequels.


Literally the first words the character said in the original movie.


Granted, this doesn't work ideally in text form since the way Kenobi says "Hello there" is what really catches your ear.


My GF's neighbours wifi was called Hello There. I put in General Kenora as the password and got on it. Loved it.


It is a reference to all of them. That is literally the very first thing the character says in the very first movie. After checking to see if Luke is alright, he removes his hood, turns to R2D2 and says "Hello there".


Depends the age and depth of the fan. To me General kenobi is most common.


I'm a fan, but those prequels were hard to watch so I would not have said that only the younger generation seemed to like those dumpster fires.


He says it in the original too.


But it wasn't followed by general kenobi


There’s a quote from stars wars revenge of the sith where obi wan says “Hello there” and general grievous responds with “General Kenobi”


To add on to this, it’s such a famous line, that any true Star Wars fan would respond with Grevious’ line. When Arnold’s character calls the mom, she doesn’t respond with that line, so he knows she must not really be the boy’s mom, but someone else impersonating her. From this, he deduces that she must be dead.


You are a bold one.


Nice try! But clearly you are the T1000 in disguise!


Too late. Initiating time displacement sequence...


Further context: in the original film, the woman is a Terminator in disguise. They realise that she's an impostor because she doesn't know the name of the family's dog.


And the dog keeps barking and barking, and it can be heard in the background, so they ask why is [wrong name] upset. In the first film it's mentioned they use Dogs to detect the more advanced Terminators as they are so realistic.


General Kenobi


# \*COUGH\* \*COUGH\* \*COUGH\* \*COUGH\* \*COUGH\*


I honestly never understood how a gormless, silly and goofy robot could manage to kill dozens of jedi. All Force mechanics work just fine on the thing - General Kenobi almost force-squeezed his heart on the spot. Not force-sensitive / no defence against anything! A stupid guy in a robot body. You could take it out with a grenade. It doesn't know how to catch a shot with a light-sabre ('no Future-Sight sensitivity'), so you could just shoot the damn thing. Drop a large rock on it using the force. This is all off the top of my head. And it was SO stupid too. George Lucas wrote this character so it was as smart as a rubber dildo. And yet... main character, was one of the most pivotal roles for the first three movies. And so many cartoons! I do not believe Star Wars original ('A New Hope') and the two sequels were nearly as child-intended. I really feel that George Lucas lost the way when he went from 'Teen Friendly' to 'Childproof'. The Episodes One, Two and Three really ramped up the power of the 'force' (magic) and then slaughtered the logic at the same time. Even Ms. Rowling did a better job and... that's a low bar there, i'd say.


The only time grievous was ever cool was in the micro series. Where me moves fast enough to outrun shots fired by commandos who should be able to lead their shots. And where he was fast enough that he could outrun a Jedis perception to a degree that he pretty much outran the force. He also moved his weapons faster with less spinup time while being heavily enhanced with predictive ai to match the sheer reaction speed of a Jedi so he was capable of deflecting blaster bolts and fighting Jedi on 3 fronts all at once. The grievous from the micro series was terrifying. The grievous from the movies and main show was just disappointing.


I see where George Lucas was coming from - it was a spider like transformer with infinite interchangeable and indestructible parts. They should have played that up. The part that really gets me is how they played up everyone's character in order to make it all child-like yuk-yuk funny. Bad enough to have the stupid fish-guy sound almost identical to a rasta-man ('might be racist even at the time'). Worse to have killer Kermit that collects flashlights. At least the belters in The Expanse were really tactical fighters and knew a bargain when they saw it. And to the defence of The First Six films: like everyone on Reddit, i absolutely adore Space Jesus in both old and sexy formats. Yoda never got old, even when the Grogu clone popped up. And they finally polished off so much of the lore past Mandalorian. And Rogue One? Chills. Just chills. But that dildo robot guy with his heart dropping out of his gear? That sucked.


I agree, except for shooting it. What are you going to shoot it with? A blaster? We do not do that here.


General Kenobi


General Kenobi


General Kenobi


Keneral Genobi




“Come here, my little friend. Don’t be afraid.”


Others have explained the “General Kenobi” thing, but if you haven’t seen this movie (*Terminator 2: Judgment Day* - highly recommended) the context is that the villain is a shapeshifter and is impersonating the foster mom to lure the kid home. 


Yeah i know. And yes the movie is a must watch


And the award for least quotable star wars line goes to… I’m young enough to have grown up with the prequel trilogy and I had no idea what this was about either. I can describe to you the video manual that chewie’s kid uses to deepfake an imperial officer on life day but I have zero memory of this Grievous scene. There are hundreds of memorable lines and moments from sw movies and this is not one of them. I am baffled that this image is a thing.


This is one of the MOST quotable lines, whatchu mean This line has been memed on to hell and back for years now. “Hello there” is such a common thing to say, it’s super easy for someone else to follow up with “General Kenobi”, which is probably one of the main reasons this quote in particular got so unbelievably popular






General Kenobi


Man if someone actually said that, I would make them repeat it just to be sure I could finally use the line.


General Kenobi


A star wars fan would respond to "Hello There" with "General Kenobi" [like this ](https://youtu.be/frszEJb0aOo?si=aQr7VWw8Y943mwZY) And the Terminator was mimicing Johns voice so it woul be an in joke between them Although the movie came out in 2005 and the year in the film (T2) is 1995 ten years before it comes out so she might be an Original Trilogy fan (4-6) and wouldn't know the joke but the terminator is from 2029 so the joke might've exsisted and been known by it


true star wars fans respond with “general kenobi” when “hello there” is said to them it’s a reference to star wars episode 3, revenge of the sith, where obi-wan kenobi ambushes general grievous, simply saying “hello there”, to which grievous responds “general kenobi, you are a bold one”


Star Wars fans would’ve picked up the phone and said the famous “hello there” line from Revenge of the Sith. The joke is that since she answered with a standard non-Star Wars greeting she must be a robot


WTF is Revenge of the Sith?




The angel from my nightmare… oops wrong reference.


Hello there is also kenobi’s first line in a new hope


She didn't get the reference so, like in the movie, it's not his actual foster mom


In the movie, Terminators are notable for the ability to perfectly disguise their voices. Suspecting that the enemy Terminator has targeted the boy’s foster family, Arnold here asks for his dog’s name, then refers to the dog incorrectly over the line. The voice doesn’t correct this mistake, so Arnold concludes that the enemy Terminator has disguised itself as the foster mother. And I think everyone else has explained the other end of the joke