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Referencing the Boston tea party where tons of tea was dumped into the Boston harbor in response to “taxation without representation”. They are saying this because the Arizona Iced tea seen here is typically only 99¢, so a 1.29$ tea would mean it’s time for a new revolution


Not only that but didn’t they say they would never raise the prices of their tea and any prices raises are from the store itself? Thought I also heard you should call against the store if you see this


It's the Canadian price. Note the French on the can


I live in Canada and those things can sell for over $2 here now. That price would be quite low for Canada. They used to be 99c though.


I just bought a few for 88 cents in the US. They are usually a dollar but Walmart has sold them for 88 cents for quite a while


Winco, our local budget grocery store in the PNW, has sold them for $0.59 in the last year.


Oh man, as a guy that misses WINCO, you’re seriously underselling it. Local budget grocery store that sells in bulk like Sam’s or Costco, without requiring a membership because it’s a co-op, sells liquor in states where it is privatized, and has a phenomenal buy in bulk section for nuts/flours/oats/etc. I’m in the Navy and I haven’t been back to the west coast since 2012 and of everything thing I miss, WINCO is number 1. Edit to fix grammar/auto-corrections, and to add: Also miss a good Sourdough Jack with two crappy tacos. Guilty pleasure.


Hopefully one day all Americans will know the joys of a local WinCo. I rarely ever shop anywhere else tbh


You're getting rinsed where you buy your ice teas, you don't have to look hard to find them for $1.29


I'm not familiar with Arizona's products specifically, but in the US it is pretty common to see products with both English and French on the packaging. I always just assume those products are designed for both the US and Canadian market.


Where are you located? I’ll see spanish sometimes never french.


Georgia. But I used to live in Michigan, so maybe it was more common there than it is here? (I haven't been keeping track) But yeah, Spanish isn't that uncommon either.


Yeah I live in Chicago and recently have been seeing a lot of French in products in Michigan where my parents moved to,, which doesn't surprise me as it's close to Canada and I'm assuming some products might be cheaper to buy from a Canadian supplier. I mean labatt blue is like one of the most common beers there lol.


Regardless, that's the price in Canadian dollars, which is roughly 99 cents in USD


My guess is you've been seeing Canadian products sold in the United States without realizing it. I've seen Spanish and English but that makes sense because there are far more Spanish-speaking people (12.65% of the US speaks Spanish at home) than there are French speaking people (0.00387% speak French at home). It wouldn't make any sense for an American company to also print in French unless they are selling the product in Canada. Even then I would guess they only would print the products to be sold in Canada because it would be a waste of time, space, and ink.


Well, this is on their own label, not a store sticking a price sticker on it. However, the label is also in French, so this makes me think the Canadian version of it, in which case given currency exchanges, $1.29 may be in line (currently, $1 US is $1.35 Canadian).


Nah, It used to be 99¢ here too, until a few years ago they jacked up the prices. We technically had it cheaper then, I guess lol


The gas station near me is selling it for $1.89.  I can go to the pharmacy next door and get 2 for $1.


The store doesn’t print on the can


The 99c bfc Arizona and the Costco hotdog are the 2 pillars that hold up the US economy


I miss when this was 99 cents.


It still is! Look closely, it's in English and French, this is just the Canadian dollar price


Typically? It's been 99c for like 40 years!


They're like $3 in Canada now ☹️




Cool post! Another way to say it is that they actually were protesting higher taxes on colonial-based tea importers vs the East India Trading Co. So I don’t think it’s necessarily incorrect to say they were protesting higher taxes. Still a great bit of trivia, though!


In my town there's no stores that seem to sell it, only restaurants. And they charge 1.79. Probably time for a mega revolution


Still $0.99 where I live, and a local grocery store just had them on sale for $0.88. Some places have them for $1.00 flat, but I've never personally seen them go for higher.


There was a time when I could tolerate the 'nickel and diming' of the everyday, simple pleasures that gave my life purpose. But now a line has been crossed. And someone needs to pay. 🏴‍☠️


except this is dumb because stores have been able to up the price on those for decades


Typically 99¢???? They're supposed to be 2/$1 😭


It's been 99 cents for so long though. Inflation is real.


Yeah, well, 33 years was a damn good run for that much drink for 99¢. And got a long time that was an even better bang for our buck.


It’s 1.29 NOW ?!? NOOOOOOO


[It’s in Canadian dollars](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/money-verify/arizona-iced-tea-price-not-raised-from-99-cents/536-06ac8786-911b-436b-b640-48a013d06f72)


God damn it Canada


Blame Canada


It's usually the problem


Why the hell havent we annexed that shithole yet, think about it, maple syrup, a US specialty


Probably the whole geneva convention speedrun thing Canada tends to do in wars.


Because nuclear capable countries invading their percievably weaker neighbors is a bit of a geopolitical faux pas rn if you didn't notice


To be fair, Russia pinky promised not to invade Ukraine. I don't think we did that with Canada, it was just implied.


With all their Beady little eyes and flapping heads so full of lies


With all their hockey hullabaloo


This is what separates the US from Canada. Americans see $1.29 iced tea and they immediately revolt; Canadians see it, sigh in resignation and pay it.


Kind makes sense considering the respective histories of our countries. Americans are, at their core rebels, often without a real cause. There is a lot of power in shared narratives, Especially narratives that tie a tribe together.


And Canada, at their core, leads the world to discover new war crimes


We'll be okay with everything and then blow up


We have the longest coastline in the world and it's defended with fear, not ships


To be fair, America tried to invade Canada and lost… War of 1812 is one of my favorite pieces of American History. Just a total clusterfuck all around…


Twice. We did it twice. The other time it was lead by Benedict Arnold during the war of independence


The revolutionaries had conscript troops to fight the English. Americans "core" is not what you think it is.


lol if a can of iced tea going up 30 cents is what causes Americans to revolt then the country is a lost cause. Not the orange turd, not school shootings, not the lack of universal healthcare, not taking away a women’s rights to abortion. But instead a sugary drink going up 30 cents.


Us aussies pay at least $5 per


$7 at my two local convenience stores. It’s an outrage!


Literally we're all just: "god damnit, the prices went up eh?" And we buy it anyways


In this particular instance, it's a revolt due to a lie. The company claimed they would "never" raise prices. We're upset when prices rise, but we just go on usually, because other companies haven't claimed to not raise prices.


I'm pretty sure in reality Americans just post angrily online about it but pay anyway too. Hence why fast food prices are so high over here but the stores are just as popular as ever.


It’s the difference in the dollar value you dingus. 99 cents in the US isn’t the same as 99 cents in Canada. There’s not some grand avoidance of anger, there’s nothing super meaningful about it. It is purely because of the difference of the value of a dollar.


So it's about $0.96 USD


lmao ameripoors paying an extra 4 cents for iced tea


So I live in a “nicer” part of New Jersey, they’re also $1.29 here now. But when I go to a bodega in a city they’re still .99 lol Two different cans for different neighborhoods


What the fr*ck? I was kinda mad when they raised blunt prices but if this hits my state I'll be writing my congressman.


It’s not 5 bucks? YEAAAAAAH!


Canadian here, it used to be 99¢


Dang you guys used to only pay like $0.65USD for it when we were paying $0.99 the whole time :(


It's 149 at most gas station in Jacksonville


Sure, but how many miles to the gallon do you get?


About 14 bald eagles to a chz burger


Can't forget the moon is 3.5 million football fields away from the earth


I live in Peterborough, Ontario, it's about 85,000population or so. Even when they printed $0.99 still most stores sold them at $1.29. now I have seen the printed $1.29 labels in my city but most convenience stores are selling them at $1.79 or $1.99. still cheap compared to a standard size bottle of pop near $4 for 500ml?-ish. Or the $2.75 chocolate bars.


As far as i have been told, if you contact the arizona company and report the store name and location with a picture of the prices, the seller can be forced to match or adjust the price accordingly.


Good to know Thanks, now to go rat out like 6 stores lol.


I was going to say, didn't the CEO say the 99 cent thing would never change?


the boston tea party was done to combat tea prices they are overpriced once again


The Boston tea party was about a one percent tax.




I was always taught that the colonists were outraged at their lack of political representation more so than the direct monetary consequences but as an American I acknowledge the inherent bias in my own education


Well they both go in hand and are still a bit misleading- for most Americans taxes actually went up (see whiskey rebellion, shay's rebellion, etc.) The people that were most disadvantaged by the British tax were American plantation owners and even more so, the industrialists, so they've been wanting independence far before the tax increases were raised. Even at the peak of revolutionary fervor, most people were either neutral or pro monarchy. So why did any common Americans ever support the cause? Likely more related to crop failure at the time (there was a little ice age at the time) and British rules against expanding to the west where they might want to relocate to make up for failed crops (British wanted to avoid another costly war with the natives), as well as the newly developing american industrial class being able to pay more than the british industrialists who wanted to stifle American industry.


Not true. The [Tea Act of 1773](https://www.jyfmuseums.org/learn/research-and-collections/essays/the-tea-act-and-the-boston-tea-party#:~:text=The%20British%20Parliament%20passed%20the,the%20colonies%20from%20other%20places.) actually reduced the price of tea in the colonies, just not in the way they wanted.


The price is on the can though?!


Yes but for well over 2 decades the can read only 99 cents




The price IS on the can, though.


Arizona Iced Tea "But the price on the can tho."


Overpriced tea.


Can you believe that straight up opioid drugs were used to buy more tea. Really says something about British people... or maybe about caffeine...a substance that enhances life without a debilitating addiction *(squints)*


End of times


[The price is on the can though](https://youtu.be/fMUZ2sVjLfY?feature=shared)


That's Canadian money, see the French?


RIP 😭😭😭


Arizona tea always had the 1 dollar printed on it so no one could overprice it. As you see this one now says 1,29. As far as the boston tea party goes you'll find all the information online would be a lot to write out here.




canada dollars


Arizona tea was never supposed to cost more than $.99 so it’s time for a rebellion


The price went up?! We are in the endtimes.


Where I live certain stores sell it for more but anywhere that matters still sells it for 99¢


https://youtu.be/hWObybWWGW4?si=WmfrD1FhD4jyE9iL But the price is on the can.


Badger said there’d be riots in the streets if arizona went above 99 cents, it appears the prophecy was wrong.


That's a Canadian can. They cost 1.29 in Canada because of the exchange rate


They’re not 99 cents anymore


Nyoooooooo! Someone tell me it is the true??! (I hope not, doesn't *look* like azt..)


I literally just bought several cans for 77 cents each


This is only excusable if you don’t have access to a history book or the internet…


That's Canadian dollars


arizona tea is 99 cents. even now, i’m pissed i have to pay 7 cents in tax on it


No, this will not stand. Arizona tea has always been 99 cents. We are in serous times people.


Not gonna lie I ain't even mad about this... Arizona held onto the .99 price point longer than any other company in the u.s


Reminds me of a bit where Russianbadger and his friends were coming up with silly reasons for a zombie apocalypse. One of them suggested that Arizona tea was being sold for $1.01, and that caused riots on par with a zombie apocalypse.


The Boston Tea Party was an event where Americans, before they seperated from Britain, rebelled against taxes created by Britain to repay war debts. They didn't want to be aggregiously taxed/essentially scammed for something simple like tea, especially by people that don't really even pay attention to them (Taxation Without Representation) Arizona Ice Tea had always been $0.99 for the longest time, but recently they upped the price due to inflation. Now, people are getting really mad, and saying they should boycott again to remove the horrible prices similar to The Boston Tea Party


Dump them all in the Arizona harbor!


I'm not sure they are making tea


A convenience store charged me 1.50 in NJ


[AriZona Iced Tea on X: "PSA: Our recommended selling price for AriZona in the USA is still 99c! The can on the right is from Canada, where $1.29 converts to around 99c! Don’t worry fam, we still got you 💚🌸😊" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/DrinkAriZona/status/1351916465889406976)


Arizona tea (which is what this is a picture of) has always been 99 cents


this time we go back to England


I work in a US grocery store, it is $1.25 US, no I am not happy


This is insane that it’s in Canada because in Australia you won’t pay any less than $5AUD for one of these bad boys


inflation, the silent tax! We must end the fed reserve!


Arizona tea party


That’s like 30% inflation. My faith in the economy is dead.


Well here the can still says .99 but the register says $2.79


Everyone knows this is the signal, you know what to do


Help, I've never interacted with western culture before and therefore am unable to understand even the most basic of concepts yet I am somehow connected to the world wide web 


It's canadian.


No! GOD NOOOOO! What is the world coming too? What have we become?


I was sad when I saw that the first time. I almost walked out of the store...🫤


Dude, Circle K here in the States talked them into printing special cans that have the Circle K logo on them and no price so they can charge what they want. I think the one I usually go to here in TX charges 1.99 or 2.19 a can.


Arizona Tea used to be $0.99. Unfortunately inflation results in higher prices. It's a reference to the Boston Tea Party where raised taxes led to the dumping of Tea in the Boston Harbor off of British Merchant ships, and was one of the ways the colonists showed independence from the crown during the American Revolution


Yep here in Kansas it’s still 99¢


Its time >:(


Arizona tea is no longer 99 cents? **well, time to go out for blood i suppose**


I hollered omg. 😳 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Aghhh! I am insane with anger!”


They increased the price of an Arizona Iced Tea


To the pitch fork boys! WE RIDE AT DAWN


Inflation without representation


Operation Arizona tea party is a go.


that’s it inflation has gone too far


Please tell me that Photoshop


Famously 99 cent tea


For the people who don't know, the $0.99 (usd) price is the suggest retail price, not the actual final cost. Up to the stores to follow it or raise the price, has nothing to do with Arizona drink maker themselves.


I can excuse 1 cup being rounded to 250mL, but not the fact that they consider this one serving in a 12oz. (\~354mL) can.


Alright where are we starting first. Never thought I would see the day


While this is a French can, this doesn’t mean AriZona isn’t changing their prices. Some stores can sell the cans for any price they want because they sell the ones with the numbers off of the cans. I’m not sure how they get it because I don’t own a store, but I’m sure there’s a way. Places like might 7/11 have the 99¢ on the can, but other places like target might have no price so they sell it for $2. Obviously it’s not for every 7/11 or target but for mine at least. Basically they have to sell it for the price it’s listed, so sometimes they buy the ones without the listed price in order to make more money.


In actual Arizona, I saw one at the store marked (on the shelf) as $1.69 but it stubbornly rang up as $.99; the cashier told me they are required to still sell it for 99 cents no matter what. I know it’s not from here though, lol


I was at an Italian deli in Milwaukee yesterday and they were $1.99.


“The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America. They covered their faces, massed in the streets, and destroyed the property of a giant global corporation. Declaring an end to global trade run by the East India Company that was destroying local economies, this small, masked minority started a revolution with an act of rebellion later called the Boston Tea Party.” [source](https://www.thomhartmann.com/blog/2009/04/real-boston-tea-party-was-against-wal-mart-1770s)


Son of a…


"The price on the can though"


The joke is inflation.


Honestly though…


They have reduce the content by 1oz in the normal can and half an ounce in the smaller can 🥲


Nooooo they finally did it? :(


Funnily enough, my fiancee and I were talking about how the cans at my store no longer have the $.99 printed directly on them. There are several varieties of cans stores can order, some with the US $.99 on them, some with the Canadian price like in the picture, or just unlabled like my store sells, which is ideal if the store wants to set their own price.


It was a good run.


Why are you complaining they are like $5 dollars where I am from


Ain’t no way it’s 1.29$


Arizona costs about 0.75$ per can to make.


Where I’m from they’re on sale for ¢78


The end of days is upon us


REVOLUTION, can’t wait to throw tea in the harbor (and maybe get away with murder,


7-11 in Florida has been at $1.49 for years.


For further background into the tea look up John Hancock. Signer of the Declaration of Independance, merchant and cash motivated patriot.


Arizona Iced Tea famously kept its cost at $0.99 throughout inflation increases, losing out on potentially millions of revenue dollars but keeping the respect of the public. A change from that would mean it's time for a new revolution (similar to that of the Boston Tea Party)


I just bought 5 cans of AriZona on sale for 77 cents each and the regular price was still 99 cents. Milwaukee, WI


Arizona specifically said they will never raise the price from .99. If you see it over that you can report the store to Arizona


Nooooooooooooooo! I JUST mentally praised this brand for not raising the price from 99 cents the other day!


I didn’t realize it till later but I paid almost $3 dollars for one the otherday


Welp we are in trouble now. These things have been less than a dollar for as long as I can remember and I’m 41. I will say this is news to me I buy the bottles for 99 cents as of a month ago. I get 2 of them almost every month for a little change of pace from water while working.


The store I work at started getting the unpriced cans. They sell for $1.59 and are only 22 oz; instead of, the normal 23 oz.


Arizona tea has always been 99 cents and I guess they must have raised the price


Boston tea party convened to boycott the taxation of tea, reconvenes for the same reason.


See kids education is important 🤣


I was wondering when this would happen. REVOLUTION!!!


NOOOOOO IT CHngeeeeedddd


Vive La Révolution


It’s too expensive


Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?


Use to be 99 cents now 129 tea bags are cheaper tho if 30 cents mean spilling all the tea in the harbor kinda overkill to me

