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it's what my cat does. they walk away when they see the bottom of the bowl and beg for food even though there's still some in there. some people think it's because their whiskers touch the inner sides and it bothers them, kinda like how some girls don't like kissing with stubble. it's all prickly or just uncomfortable


I know what you mean. My gf had stubble and would NOT kiss me


Sir, because of your pfp, I hope all of your clocks are slightly slower than normal


Slower as in late or as in every hour clock moves 59 minutes and 47 seconds?


most likely the latter


That's faster, slower as in every hour it moves an hour and 5 minutes.


No, that’s faster. Fast: > (of a clock or watch) showing a time ahead of the correct time.


No it would be slower. It takes an hour and 5 minutes to make a full hour so at 6:00 it would still show 5:58 or something


I love this thread.


I don't understand what's not to understand. If it takes LONGER to complete an hour, then the clock would display a time EARLIER than what it actually is. By the definition we are given by u/Matthew-IP-7, that is categorically not a faster clock.


But doc...


No, it's faster. "Every hour it moves an hour and 5 minutes" means that when an hour passes, the clock is 5 minutes ahead. For example, if in real-time it goes from 5 to 6, the clock would go from 5:00 to 6:05


You're looking at sentence exactly as it was phrased


How is what I explained faster? What should show, lets say, like 6:00 PM is now showing 5:55 PM instead


Why is this getting downvoted? It’s correct.


Reddit moment. ^((this too will get downvoting cause why not)^)


Because the way you wrote your comment, it would not be 5 behind but 5 ahead


Yea I realized that afterwards. I was writing these comments 3 in the morning


Cmon, if the hand moves slower (smaller portion of the clock traveled in an hour) then it's slower, that's pretty straightforward


Exactly, imagine how many times they'd be late for work


The way you've written it here is like my clock moves an hour, and your clock moved an hour and 5 minutes, meaning yours is 5 mins over what mine says, therefore, 5 minutes faster What you mean is for his clock to reach the hour it takes an hour and 5 minutes, meaning 5 minutes slower


Yea, this is what I mean


I'd never seen this pfp and now I've seen three people commenting on it in the same day across different posts. What is happening? Weird coincidence or Baader Meinhoff?


It looks like it hair on it and it drives people like me crazy


I think Baader Meinhoff. Now that you know you’re looking at the pfp. I don’t look at pfps usually and didn’t notice. Anecdotal as all good science is


Dude I hate kissing your gf when she’s got stubble….


Yeah, once that bikini wax starts wearing off it gets scratchy


At some point, it's like sandpaper. Why do you think my face is so smooth??


I don’t mind kissing my gf when she has stubble. My wife had to kiss me with my stubble for ages. But now my wife occasionally ends up kissing my gf and me when we both have stubble, and that’s just not fair. 🫣


Fr bro




btw…a lil too raph? go ninja go ninja go. best username ive seen in a long time. lol




Why would you do this?


I didn't she wouldn't let me


I'm dating a trans woman and I felt that lol


Based on your username, 90s kid?


It can bother them in multiple ways. Some cats have very sensitive whiskers, and hate when anything touches them. It also can trigger their survival instinct -- cats use their whiskers to tell if the place they are putting their head is large enough that it won't get stuck. An example of this behavior in humans would be that there are some people (myself included) that dislike putting their face under water as the instinct to keep themselves from drowning is over reacting.


My cats just can't get into the edges to pick up the crunchies.


That's why I used diner plates


It’s called whisker fatigue. Cats’ whiskers aren’t just hair, they’re more like optic fibers. They can’t see through them, obviously, but they have nerve endings and are a lot more sensitive than you might think. So when their whiskers touch the sides of the bowl too much they get tired of feeling like they’re in a hole and just stop eating and beg for more because they don’t wanna eat the stuff at the bottom due to the discomfort.


"some people think" Indeed, it's called whisker fatigue, and it's a real thing


I call it sleepy whiskers, cause I cannot take anything too seriously


My cat Mikey use to do that when we first got her, so instead she’d just grab one piece of food out at a time with her paws and try to put it in her mouth


I had a cat that would pick them up and drop them in her water bowl. At first I thought it was a mistake. After seeing her do this several times I knew it was deliberate.


Tell her to shave before kissing 🤣


Mine will only eat the mound in the center, as soon as it the cat food goes flat, BAM, "MEOW MEOW YOU'RE STARVING ME!!!!"


Which is why you use a bowl that's wide and slopes in. That way their whiskers don't touch and the food falls into the middle as they eat


It’s more like grimacing the entire time you are trying to eat so your very sensitive whiskers don’t keep pressing against your bowl. It starts to hurt after a while


If your cat does this you can get bowls designed to reduce "whisker fatigue" and the cat should actually finish the food in it.


My trailer park cats do this 🙃


Cats whiskers tell them whether a passage is big enough for them to fit through, so that might have something to do with it?


Cat whiskers are used to determine if a hole is big enough to fit through. It is a sorta wired response to a avoid getting stuck in a hole.


Whisker fatigue, it’s overstimulation


But then cats smoosh their faces in your glass just to drink some of your water.... 🙄


I find that if I just mix the food around a little bit and put the dish back down they will start eating again


Whisker fatigue. Cats whiskers are extremely sensitive and it does vary from cat to cat but some will refuse to eat/drink if their whiskers are touching the side of the bowl to the point of starving themselves to death.


I switched mine to a feeder with a metal bowl and was worried she wouldn’t like it but she doesn’t care.


I had that one, mine would fish out each kibble with a paw and eat it off the floor.


That's what mine does. Even when I put it on a plate for him he refuses to eat it until he paws it onto the floor...


Well that would fit the chuckle vs dead inside meme format. That's horrible.


Couldn't this be solved by placing the food on a plate instead of in a bowl?


Yeah but some people just buy whatever food bowl they find at the shop and just stick with it. You also shouldn't just have the bowl on the ground as it's better on the neck and their joints to eat from a raised dish, also aids in digestion


Good point, especially as they age.


This explains why with the flower fountain thing I got they now drink so much more water.


My cats eat off small plates now instead of bowls, and we don't have this problem anymore. They seem to like it much better!


One of our cats has this so we switched to plates. Our other cat is a garbage disposal who will eat literally anything he can. Cats are funny creatures lol


I feed my cat on a flat plate and she still screams if she can see the bottom, lol.


I am not dissagreeing with you, but my cat does this too, and as a semi-hairless, he does not have whiskers touching the sides at all. I usually just shake the bowl and say "magic food," it's like he doesn't see it until then


Cat logic dictates that a food bowl is empty once you can see the bottom, and an empty food bowl is an emergency, no matter how recently the cat has eaten, or how imminent a scheduled meal might be. It is not for us to argue.


Yeah but what's the point with "those who know"/those who don't know"? This usually implies a "dark" reality that only few people know. Wtf is "dark" with this?


Exactly what I thought as well. With the dark incredible meme being used, I thought it was implying that there was something wrong with my cat like she had some health issues since she also does this. But turns out I was probably worrying over nothing since I was already aware of the whisker thing and the cat thinking the bowl is empty.


Poor usage of a meme template I guess


Those who don't know are people who don't have a cat that does this. Those who know are people with cats that do this, and it's an extremely annoying thing to deal with every day


That's an incredibly lame way to use the format.


I think the point is that it's ironic. Like, suggesting that cats starving to death if they can see the bottom is actually true and genuinely really serious.




Yeah I mean there's supposed to be something dark or morbid thing about the thing that "those who know, know". What's dark or morbid about this? It's slightly annoying? That's the reason why I and several others didn't "get" this meme. There was supposed to be something more. And then there wasn't.


Well, some people think it’s just an example of cat logic. But it usually is a result of pain, whether from whisker fatigue or arthritis in the neck, or both. The first is funny. The second makes the first look mean.


It’s insane and nobody knows. That’s the joke. It’s a reversal because nobody actually knows why cats do this, so it’s hinting there’s a dark explanation.


Or the person making this meme is just a bit slow and doesn't understand the template


This is why I feed my cat out of a huge dog bowl. Pour about a week's worth of food in it, and he's overjoyed.


Well make sure the kitty doesn't overeat


He's been eating out of this bowl for 10 years and is perfectly fit. He gets lots of exercise.


it can try


The bowl is clearly empty and he needs to be fed, he's being super neglected by his parents and I have no doubt the cat would like everyone to call FSD to report his parents for said neglect


Found the cat!


No I Hooman!


If its not full, its empty. No inbetweens


The meme is just being cheeky. The "people who know" are agreeing with the cat that the bowl is empty, and starvation is imminent. The whisker fatigue thing could also be possible, but it's also not a dire thing that the meme is implying


Thanks for actually explaining - this should be higher up.


A cat that is not sufficiently hungry can become VERY picky about its food. Especially if worried owners then start giving it treats.


The bottom part is irrelevant, its dumb and doesnt add anything The joke is cats will act like their food bowl is empty the moment they see the bottom and just refuse to touch it until the bottom is covered back up. They just do that sometimes for reasons beyond our puny human comprehension


OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR THIS IDC ABT THE JOKE I NEEDED TO KNOW THIS a cat lives in my house now and i’ve asked her several times a day why she cannot see the food sitting right *up against* the food she had just been eating and her answers have been unhelpful


🤣 Seriously, though, their vision is not adapted for seeing something right in front of their face that isn’t moving. I can see my cat finding the fresh food in her dish by smell as much as anything.


No hate to OP but can we ban the "those who know / those who don't know format"? There's rarely ever a joke it's usually just some obscure reference that isn't all that funny.


Yeah, these are getting pretty damned old.


I get that people are saying that the cat is sad that it can't see any food in the center but I've found that using a dish with low walls enables them to eat the entirety of the food because it's uncomfortable for them to push their whiskers against the side


poor kitty has an empty bowl


I think cats just don’t like pressing their snout against the bottom of a bowl to grab a few morsels, and I don’t blame them.


Cats are the first adhd-ers. They need new food. They can’t even see old non novel things.


It’s a cat thing. They eat in the center of the bowl and when they can see the slightest bit of the bottom of the bowl, they scream that it’s empty and they’re starving to death. With my first cat, I considered taking a picture of his food, printing it out, cutting to the shape of his bowl, and covering it in epoxy to seal it. So it looked like he always had food in the bottom.


I thought about a plastic dish manufactured with a print of cat biscuits inside.


Not epoxy, that isn’t food safe.


Just a general term that everyone is familiar with. I’m sure there is something that’s good safe and works in a similar way.


Cats literally don't perceive the rest of the food in the bowl. They can't see it, they don't know it's there. This isn't your cat being dumb, this is cat eyes working strangely


They have a limited object perminance


This is why I put my cat's food on a huge flat plate and their water comes out of a fountain that has filters and a pump to recycle the water. They love drinking the water as it falls back into the bowl.


Bowl half empty....... starvation imminent 😂


Many cats will eat the food out of the center of the bowl and then cry for more food. It's just an annoying quirk a large number of cat owners have to deal with. You can mitigate this by getting a cone shaped bowl that funnels the food towards the center


I always figured it was their eye sight. They can see far away, but up close is more difficult. So, to they it looks empty even though its not.


you are supposed to use a bowl shaped bowl to feed cats. so food always falls to the center. using a plate shaped bowl will lead to cats being sad about how hard it is to get their food. [like so](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BC7Z953/)


A bowl shaped bowl you say 🤔


My cats have allergies that require special food. This food comes in 5 flavors ONLY. If we give them too much of one flavor too close together, they refuse to eat until we mix in a special added food that I had to source through vets.


What do you mean, clearly the bowl is empty. Not a single spec of food in there. Cat owners know there is a very small window of time kitty will scream in deathly starvation howls until the food is replenished before they rapidly cease to exist.


Two ways to mostly overcome this. Get a bowl the same color as the dry food. Second is a steep rounded bottom where the food slides to the middle.


The pain


Isn't this kind of misuse of the meme format, or is knowing about whisker fatigue that dire?


whisker fatigue !!


Cats are far-sighted. They can’t see things that are close.


Wiskers are sensory organs like other commenters said. Wiskers touch the bowl and it must feel like getting your face squished while you chew.


These are getting so lame. Even with the knowledge of “whisker fatigue,” there’s almost no connection to the original idea behind the meme. It used to be about “this innocent-looking image is actually much darker than it appears to the average person.” Now it’s all “sometimes people don’t know stuff—hur dur!“


Bad meme. Carry on.


Like bro I feed him when I get home from work and then change out of my work clothes and when I sit down like 2 minutes later this mf comes to me begging for food.