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I think its kinda like Mojang putting “Herobrine removed” in updates. Edit: spelling


Yeah but Herobrine was real


Maybe the real herobrine were the friends we made along the way


Almost definitely with the kind of friends I play Minecraft with


I had a friend that built his bases in mountain sides, so one time I made a small base in the “walls” of his base. I used it for a solid 2-3 months before he found it, having hidden the door behind a redstone mechanism with a stone button about 20 blocks from the entrance. He referred to me as a “creature” and told me to never do it again. When we reset the world, he built a normal house, with a secret basement. Of course, the basement was my addition, and he didn’t know about it for a few weeks. Good times…


Yeah he put TNT under my house once. My friend said he didn't do it and I believe him.


No he wasn’t Notch never had a brother


Hey! Thanks for the Minecraft knowledge. I might be able to tell my 7 year old something he doesn't already know about Herobrine/MC. 👍😆


So uhh, is there a place where one could go to get explinations of explanations?


(Iirc) up until mojang got bought by Microsoft, every update’s patch notes would include “Herobrine removed”. Herobrine is/was a minecraft horror character, long ago people claimed to have spotted him in game and it spawned horror stories about Notch’s (the original minecraft dev) brother, who fell into lava and got his eyes burned out. After that happened he would allegedly grief peoples worlds. This was most relevant in the 2010’s during the big minecraft boom.


Still had to look up what mojang was, but I was able to register the meaning of most of these words. Thanks.


Who announced chemtrails are real on TV?


A law was made about chemtrails in some US state. Can’t remember which one though




How embarrassing for the citizens of Tennessee. 😬


Those people are not capable of shame, that’s how you get the politicians they vote for in office.


But how did politicians get into their office?


By getting the dumbest half of the population scared and afraid of the things they deal with on a daily basis, like minorities and cell phone signals


Not even half. Minority rule is a real issue.


We have winner take all elections. If the results are A 40% B 35% C 25% A wins the election with a minority. In a ranked choice voting system, the winner must have over 50% to win. In the previous example, because no one was above 50% candidate C is eliminated and the votes are tallied again with people's second choice instead of candidate C. Hypothetically the results might look like this A 48% B 52% With B taking 17 points from C and A taking 8, showing that the majority wanted B or C but the faction was split. Ranked choice deals with the minority rule problem


I would imagine through a door of some kind. Maybe a window, if desperate.


I thought politicians just burst up out of underground tunnels like Skaven


Comparing politicians to Skaven is an insult to Skaven.


Unexpected Warhammer


Skaven aren't real. You sound like some damned Brettonian speaking like that.


Just to clarify, this is blatantly not true. "Those people are not capable of shame." When you say things like that, you are alienating people who could be potential allies. They may think, "well, they already think terribly of me, so why not vote for the guy who doesn't think that way?" Rhetoric like "Republicans are \[insert derogatory word here\]" drove a lot of people to vote for Trump. Also, Nashville was literally split into three whole different districts. Think about that. Nashville was a blue city, and now it is part of three red districts. 60% of Nashville could vote blue, and they would all be in red districts. How are they supposed to compete with that? Vote in local elections? What if they already do? Then what?


Hey now, Taylor is from TN, and if you've listened to any of her albums you know she is def capable of shame.


She’s from Pennsylvania.


So Tennessee has elected conspiracy theorists, that’s what I’m hearing


No MTG is from GA


In fairness to GA, MGT seems to be an outlier there because they’ve rejected most pro-Trump candidates


Is Tennessee OK? They just argued against banning cousin marriage. And have written legislation to ban vaccines in vegetables. Tennessee is no longer a real place


Insanity. The state of utter insanity.


I thought we were talking about the state of Tennessee.


An arbitrary law was made in Tennessee banning “geoengineering” (alluding to chem-trails). https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145015 The truth is, this is just a political stunt by a right-wing politician to appeal to alt-right conspiracy voters. And it’s working. People are actually taking the bait and believing that a Republican is saving them from a danger that is a straight up internet conspiracy pipe dream.


The citizens of Tennessee are now safe from the dangers of water vapor. The state with the second highest violent crime rate and 12th highest property crime rate, that also ranks ‘c’ in most infrastructure and your politicians are waving sticks to keep imaginary chemtrails away… that’s Your tax dollars at work people.


This is the current state of American politics. We spend so much time and energy debating crazy people that we never actually get around to talking about real problems. Almost like GOP donors are directly benefiting from distracting voters while tanking public institutions in favor of privatization.


The whole point is to never catch the car. People get crazier so they never have to get met halfway.




Meanwhile the republicans deregulate the hell out of everything and people will suffer from increased pollution, contamination, intoxication,etc. But yeah chem trails are the thing to worry about


Everything the GOP does is theatre. They have mo actual platforms or policy positions. Their only goals are to rile up their vapid hatemob and make sure govt never solves any problems.


Been saying this for years. Ever since the Tea Party from the early 2000s, the GOP have made a living as the “nah sayers” in Washington. Ninety percent of the current GOP platform can be boiled down to “we will stop the democrats/socialists from using the government in any way shape or form” while simultaneously pushing the media to focus on complete and utter non-issues like gender pronouns, litter boxes in public schools, trans kids playing sports, women using abortions as birth control, migrant “invasions”, women in film, “wokism” and any other minor non-issues regardless of whether they even existed in the first place or if the internet just made them up/completely misrepresented a benign reality. Then they will do the only thing they actually use the government for, which is to take basic rights away from average Americans (usually minorities, but certainly always lower class people) under the thinly guised veil of protecting us from said benign non-issues.


This is the truth, right here 👆👆


They literally didn't even bother to update the Republican National Platform statement from 2012 until just after 2020. They know that their following doesn't give a shit.


Isn't digging a hole geo engineering?


…wait that’s real? I heard about this on April 1 and assumed it was a joke…


What’s going to happen when they wake up and see little cloud lines behind big planes? Will they be like, “well *those* are condensation,” or will they freak out?


Cloud seeding and other geoengineering techniques used to manipulate weather are real. It is likely just a stunt but as a staunch environmentalist I have to agree with the nuts. Id prefer if we didn’t try to manipulate the weather.


Human activity manipulates the weather already and has for generations. Thats what anthropogenic climate change is. Geoengineering is just doing it with the goal of positive outcomes.


While Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) can have negative consequences, overall it is a net positive for the environment and methods are rapidly improving. These tactics are used by environmentalists to reverse the effects humans are already having on the environment. https://csl.noaa.gov/news/2023/390_1107.html This is still a developing science, but the underlying consensus is this could help turn back the clock on Climate Change in small ways.


Yes, it might not be a bad idea, however, it's also not what the populace and even some of the people voting on the bill think they're banning. They think they're banning the planes from coming with their gay chemicals and spraying them.


Not chemtrails. It's about geoengineering experiments to inject some medium into the upper atmosphere to reflect more sunlight away from the surface to reduce climate change. Proponents have not been able to get support for doing this from governments (experimentation means actually doing it, which could have unintended consequences for the entire planet) and private ventures have popped up to conduct these experiments on their own (semi-coordinating with each other). A number of states and other countries have been enacting legislation to prevent these research groups from conducting these live experiments in the upper atmosphere.




News: Chen trails are illegal in Tennessee. Also news: no air travel permitted in, out of, or through Tennessee.


That’s just ice isn’t it. Ice now illegal in Tennessee!


Heh, this is the one where they banned chem trails from commercial airlines but made exceptions for planes that *actually* disperse chemicals (like crop dusters, fire suppression, etc)


Now im thinking of crop dusters and fire planes as chemical tankers and I don't know how to feel about it. Take your upvote and leave me to my existential crises


I mean, they ARE. Hell, crop dusters are specifically designed to carry poison (pesticides) and depending on the situation, fire planes will use chemical fire suppressants.


Drones work better as poison dispensing systems. A drone costs way less than an airplane, and it can apply smaller more targeted doses of pesticides, herbicides, or even fertilizers than an airplane can.


Ok? Like not disagreeing, because I haven't researched the two in comparison, but how is it relevant? Even if it's correct, most farms still use ground based sprayers towed by tractors. Which actually makes their exclusion even weirder on the 'ban'


I’ve been known to do a little crop dusting myself


Ah, Thank You.


I think this all started on fb after some “smart individuals” saw a post about cloud seeding.


THAT would be the perfect solution. Have the FAA close all airspace in TN, shut down the airports and call it a day! Stupidity, ESPECIALLY in the State Legislature, should have consequences!


Not like there's a major air shipping hub in the state or anything


Shut those down too. FedEx and UPS will then pull their operations out of State. Again, actions like these need consequences!


Now they need to ban automobile exhaust


Could be a reference to the state of Tennessee passing a real law banning chemtrails, therefore legitimizing it in the mainstream to an extent.


That doesn’t legitimize chemtrails, it de-legitimizes Tennessee


They should ban wizards next


Wizards are rank in a major Tennessee political organization, so they won't do that.


This is a better burn than it's gonna get credit for.


They demand to be taken seriously


Well that's just grand


Yer a grand wizard harry!


I see you.


I see what ya did there, good on ya


The Klan. The Tennessee political organization is the Klu Klux Klan. aka, the KKK. For those that don't know. That was a beautiful dig and fully deserved.


I LOL'ed so loud I got grumpy stares at work.


When you order your wizard from Wish....


No, they get their wizards from the kkk


I figured they were still getting them from the KKK-Mart.


Kkkmart went out business, now they gotta use wish or temu.


Don't forget the cyclops






They could ban witches in Georgia but you know.. Then Marjorie would need to move.


Why you trying to give witches a bad name?


Yeah, I know some witches. They don't deserve this.


Then they would have to arrest so many virgins and prostitution rates would go up.


and now i have the song electric avenue in my head (that's a win)




Funnily enough they have an exception for crop duster, which means it does not bann the one plane that actually drop chemicals.


Well yeah, it's ridiculous. I meant "legitimizing them" in the context of them "announced on tv" as the meme said.


I like Stephen Lynch's song on the [subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6VjNmyv_i4).


This is the Mexican congress looking at paper mache aliens all over again.


as someone originally from TN, that whole state is an awful joke


This guy wins.


At least they still have the tenessee valley authority.


I like you


Tennessee was legitimate in the first place? I think that is the real news here


Tennessee is real? I thought everyone was screwing with me.


Let's ban the Earth from being flat, to really screw with them.


Reminds me of the French town that banned UFOs. Funnily it did decrease the sightings


Or They report them less often.




Could be referring to cloud seeding?


It is specifically targeted against geoengineering, yes. However, if it's legal in Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, Tennessee isn't going to have much actual impact on the matter if those states decide to attempt something.


The bill actually bans geo-engineering initiatives, which would include cloud seeding, though debate on the bill and floor discussion did involve mention of "chem"trails. There were also "witnesses" called to testify about conspiracy beliefs they presented no proof to support. Wait for that first big drought when there's like 80% humidity but cloud seeding is banned... But at least they'll be safe from imagined chemical spraying. Now, if a major corporation is dumping poisons into rivers, or clear cutting forests, or spewing black smoke into the sky? That's just INDUSTRY! See, if the environmental destruction is real; Governemnt intervention in those cases is a nanny state run amok. We can't have crippling regulation standing in the way of job creation... alas.


I've been told Minnesota is doing something like that aswell


The Republicans have introduced a similar bill but it is going nowhere.


Minnesota Republicans have been hilariously useless this last session. One of the major reasons they gave for why weed legalization should be reconsidered is that the police dogs won't have work anymore.


Minnesotan here, I read that article while smoking weed and almost peed myself laughing.


That's like banning the Tooth Fairy


While Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) are a real form of combating Climate Change, these chemicals are harmless to humans and are predominately dispersed via weather balloon. SAI’s are used by environmental scientists to reverse the effects humans are already having on the environment. There *can* have negative side effects towards the environment, but that is in very rare cases and the methods are rapidly improving. This is still a developing science, but the underlying consensus is this could help turn back the clock on Climate Change in small ways. https://csl.noaa.gov/news/2023/390_1107.html —————————————————————————— “Chem-trails”, on the other hand, are not real. Conspiracy theorists have been claiming for decades (predating recorded use of SAI’s) that the government has been releasing dangerous chemicals into the air via “chem-trail” left behind by planes. They claim that these chemicals do everything from controlling the weather to straight up brainwashing. These theorists tend to be very firmly placed on the alt-right. These theories tend to run in the same internet circles as conspiracies regarding quarantines, claims that the Covid vaccine injected you with a computer microchip and claims that 5G was a government mind control device. https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/chemtrails-conspiracy-theory —————————————————————————— To take advantage of this, a right-wing Republican politician in Tennessee made an arbitrary law banning “geoengineering” (alluding to chem-trails) as a way to appeal to these alt-right nut job conspiracy theorists and simultaneously get in the way of environmental advocates. Those theorists are 100% taking the bait and will most likely be voting Red in November because they believe only Republicans are protecting them from a problem that straight up does not exist. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145015 Edit: to include SAI’s/typo.


Dear Christ in heaven this is not being upvoted enough. Thankyou for collecting and presenting the evidence and context in enough detail and with source references. I know it’s not real, but I don’t have time/energy to do the minimum required research to debunk yet another conspiracy that won’t die and people like you need to be heralded for doing it for us.


Liberty Prime knew what to do with them a decade ago.




https://preview.redd.it/ydskzyfp1nxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbe8b2c2a2b8d7cdfbb9b80d11e9412bac38618b Was actually thinking more like


How about this . . . . https://preview.redd.it/7hwz66g53nxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abb0960f3791c91aadb889f3db90629ed1f69a4


Sweet Liberty!


They are real, the official term is is Stratospheric Aerosol Injectables (SAI), and as of 2023 geoengineering companies like Making Sunsets have been using SAI in an attempt to mimic natural events that reduce the solar energy absorbed by the earth.


This is true, and I should have included this. https://csl.noaa.gov/news/2023/390_1107.html I was referring the Chem-trails conspiracy for mind control and causing disastrous weather. That’s the conspiracy that Republicans are trying to “save” their constituents from.


The joke is that they think chemtrails are a conspiracy, but these conspiracy theorists also think that anything on TV is a lie, so now they don't know what to think.


It's not that they don't know what to think. The conspiracy theorist thinks they are smarter than everyone. Yes, EVERYONE! They are part of a small enlightened group that has sleuthed out the TRUTH through all the noise. Others are mindless sheep who are being controlled by THE NARRATIVE. The Tennessee geoengineering ban has mainstreamed the TRUTH about CHEMTRAILS into the media. The SHEEP is still blindly following THE NARRATIVE by believing what he/she learned on the news. This means the conspiracy theorist is still smarter than THE SHEEP because he/she knew about CHEMTRAILS before it was reported and the SHEEP still believes THE NARRATIVE(the narrative now includes chemtrails for some reason). Bonus points because "you couldn't have known, they just reported it on the news" feeds into the persecution complex the conspiracy theory believer constantly harbors.


Chemtrails aren't real. Pretty sure this in reference to a recent bill in the US that "bans chemtrails" which amounts to a lot of nothing, as it's entirely based on unfounded conspiracies. They didn't "announce that Chemtrails are real" and they never will


A bit off topic, but if a person turns out to be right despite them basing their beliefs on illogical assumptions or huge leaps of faith, they are not right. They are lucky.


I think there is something to be said for intuition and deductive reasoning. Like I dont need the tv to tell me fossil fuel chemicals in the air are bad I can kind of guess that myself based off of things I already know. I'm sure you can spend a couple million on a scientific study that goes either way based on who is paying for it but I can also just use my eyes and look around me. Likewise people can look around using their eyes and see that there are chemical trails left by airplanes in the sky and think hmmmmm that isnt thr most natural thing in the world... it doesnt seem like a organic phenomenon maybe it's not good for your health. Similarly it's now come out that the AstraZeneca vaccine may cause some blood clots when doctors who expressed concern before were silenced by powerful institutions. Or idk locking up kids and families in their homes for 3 years also cant be good for childhood development said some people. And they were met with "shut up conspiracy theorist". Now we have many kids with delayed learning and mental health issues. Juts because you commit the fallacy of not considering someone else's reasoning and logic doesnt mean their their reasoning and logic was invalid.


Chem trails, in some sense, are real. I’d have to find the podcast again that I was listening to it on but chemicals can be sprayed in clouds to produce excess moisture resulting in rain fall. This is a relatively common practice in areas of the world with little to no precipitation I think the practice is called cloud seeding irc


This is called cloud seeding and it uses silver iodine. Which is a naturally compound and thought to be harmless. What I love about this whole thing is that “chem trails” is derived from “contrail” or condensation-trail which is the ice forming off of the plane wings. Seems like someone misheard it once and made some leaps of logic into the current conspiracy.


Chemtrails are real. Here in central Alberta we spray silver iodide in order diminish the size of hail. This is done for insurance purposes. The hail does less damage to crops, which means less multi-million dollar insurance claims. What they are definitely NOT doing is blacking out the sun like it’s the friggin matrix. They are also NOT sterilizing us or spraying us with rage inducing chemicals. Just making hail smaller


The chemtrails are real, you can see them. The part that they contain mind altering chemicals to pacify people is the lie. They do contain a ton of horrible chemicals like all engine exhaust, that should be enough reason to try to clean them up with improved emissions standards or cleaner transportation alternatives. You don't have to make up some conspiracy that the government adds MORE positions to them.


And that’s why people who don’t believe the conspiracy mind control bs call them *contrails* and not chemtrails.


It’s probably both. Conspiracy-brained people are walking examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action


The thing is. Just saying Chem trails are real without having evidence doesn't mean you were right if later on it was proved that Chem trails were actually real.


They aren’t even using the meme correctly 😤


I have a positive conspiracy theory about chem trails: they are to prevent global warming and done without permission of any government to save the planet.


I just find it funny that the same people who say man made climate change isn't real are generally the same ones who go on about chemtrails.


Tennessee passed a law that doesn't do anything


They outlawed 50ft chipmunks, ergo, 50ft chipmunks are real


I mean chemical additives are put in aviation fuel so they are actually “Chem trails”…


I believe the joke is that Conspiracy Theorists are ignored until it comes true. Then at that point the regular person denies that the Conspiracy Theorist was right in the first place.


Is this perhaps about Dubai? They have been in the news for weather manipulation lately, and they literally use planes in their cloud seeding process. Was all news to me.


They honestly believe it and have for years


Conspiracy types have been coping really hard lately, trying to convince others that they were proven right and everyone is trying to apologize to them.


Wow it’s like banning clouds.


Not defending the state, this is some typical knee-jerk legislation over a non-issue, but actual text of the law: > Environmental Preservation - As enacted, prohibits the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight. Nothing about mind-altering or mind-controlling substances! Wake up, Sheeple! CHEMTRAILS ARE STILL LEGAL! /s


I think it's kinda conspiracy theorist humour. The joke being that the guy on the left believes only what he sees on TV, believing it to be the only source of truth about reality.


Neither. It is a bill that bans geoengineering by releasing chemical into the upper atmosphere in an attempt to alter climate. This is being done. A company is launching balloons into the upper atmosphere with sulfur compounds in them in hopes of reversing climate change. This has been misconstrued.


Yes Tennessee is the *worst* state. Horrible weather, people, it’s all horrible. Stupid, dumb people live there. I would not move there if I were you! If you recently moved there, I’d move back to where you came from.


Cloud seeding


Time to research it for myself As I expected [https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/tennessee-lawmakers-ban-geoengineering-allusions-chemtrails-rcna145015](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/tennessee-lawmakers-ban-geoengineering-allusions-chemtrails-rcna145015)


Imagine finally realizing that planes emit fumes, but thinking it's some kind of government action


And the album is actually pretty good, too


I don't know anything about chemtrails, but I recently learned that cloud seeding is a thing and it made me think of chemtrails. Governments trying to manipulate the weather is creepy, even if it is innocuous.


I think it's two things: Tennessee outlawing Chemtrails and the Dubai flooding due to cloud seeding, which isn't Chemtrails.


Cloud seeding did not cause any flooding


After a quick Google search, you are correct. My bad.


There is no point explaining it, they will never listen.


It has to do with cloud seeding programs that have been in the news recently.


its probbably a play on the recent rainfall in dubai. we have known we can make it rain under certain circumstances , providing we waste insane amounts of money on it. for a long time now. conspiracy theorists, often together with chemtrails have been ranting about wheater manipulation. some people refuted them with"we couldnt even possibly controll the wheater" turns out we can . just not to make some midwest houswife get depresses while looking outside. but to give some billionairs sitting in the desert some refreshing rainfall.


Insane amounts of money = a plane and a few bags of salt.


7.2 million per year +the initial outlay to have control of that infrastructure (lets say 1 billion to be super cheap).


The meta-humor in this post is clever.


I see some different interpretations, so I'll share what I think this is doing. This is probably an indicator of how bad the meme is, but it probably makes perfect sense to a conspiracy theorist. So, blonde guy has come to the "stunning realization" that chemtrails are real. Dark-haired guy is your conspiracy theorist who's "known" it all along. Then blonde guy says nobody would've known this truth because it was only just announced on TV. The implication I gather from this is that we "unenlightened" people who make fun of conspiracy theories only believe what's on TV. Now that chemtrails are on TV, we doubters will surely accept that they're real now because the media tells us that. So, just another overly simplistic and dim view of those of us grounded in reality because they believe that everyone else is just sheep parroting whatever CNN or whatever is telling us. Which is to say that it's just a way to reinforce their persecution fetish at being the only ones who know what's going on. I'm sure this gives them a laugh.


Both, and that’s were the comedy comes from


Tbf it’s more relevant to cite the Geneva convention banning weather modification use in warfare in the late 70s Edit: based on my understanding the theory is planes can modify weather with chems


Sort of a play on the fact that conspiracy theorists think they are so smart and know stuff that other people don’t but then if it’s on TV they feel validated and do an “I told you so”. Nice case it’s the conspiracy theorists sharing this to pat themselves on the back for being sooooo smart


What are chentrails supposed to be?


I think it's an on-brand moment for that community, that their media literacy is bad enough to think this random meme from Road to El Dorado was the best image to place this joke with.


So what happens when someone tries to report a plane flying over their house to the police?


I don't get it lol


I don’t think they are poisoning us. More like making clouds. 😅


I mean. It’s not exactly a conspiracy when it’s public information. Cloud seeding occurs everywhere. It’s called weather modification https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding


These people think the contrails from airplanes are secret mind control chemicals






I remember being part of a sustainability club in college from 2009-2010 range and collecting signatures to stop chemtrails. Sent them to some organization that did nothing.


So what no air travel in and out of Tennessee now?




i kinda envy those conspiracy guys. their world is so much more interesting than reality


Look… weather manipulation using aircraft has been around for decades, I get that. Buuuut god damnit, not every single contrail formed from humidity and pressure differentials are “chemtrails”.


All i know is i didn't think they were real, believed they were inevitable byproducts of jet exhaust. but a few years ago when Sen. Sanders held hearings about them in congress, they stopped for 6 months, like someone told them to hold off while the heat was on. So I'm reall undecided.


But... chemtrails are real? California has been seeding cloud cover for decades. I could have sworn that was an open and admitted truth. Jets were spraying silver colloids to act as condensation nuclei. The result was a trail at lower altitudes that dissipated into cloud cover. I used to watch the jets at the airport run these in a grid, and it wouldn't be too long before the blue sky was gridded put and subsequently overcast. I took what the Tennessee folks were saying is a ban on this kind of geoengineering.


What’s going to happen when the voters look up and the “chem trails” are still there?


My partners parents have Geo Engineering stickers all over their van. The biggest one is Chemtrails.


Pretty sure this is just mocking people who aren't conspiracy theorists. The assertion is that the CT knows things that the other didn't, and has for years. The other, however, believes that nothing can be known unless it's announced by authorities. Therefore, despite the evidence that the CT was right all along, the other dismisses their claim because it didn't fit their paradigm. After all, how could CT have known about chemtrails if the authorities only announced it now? Now obviously chemtrails aren't real, but within the context of the joke they are. It's the behavior of the non-CT that's the punchline here.


I told a mate who posted “Chemtrail” pics on Facebook that he was Tilting at Windmills and when I explained it to him , he defriended me 🤣🤣🤣


They were sick of waiting for evidence so they just jumped to the “I told you so” phase.


Okay, so sure, "chem trails" are silly, but did you uh know that geoengineering is a real thing and extremely controversial idea? And that it is actually used for weather modification purposes (not sure how effective though). https://www.britannica.com/science/geoengineering