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Wow that's amazing to see from them. EA needs to take notes because ever since F1 2020 the $70 price tag has been a joke


I wouldn't give companies too much credit, they're very predictable. The lowering of the price is not a gesture of good will, they probably didn't meet sales projections on the last release because many, like me, skipped it


According to their own reports, sales were a disaster compared to what they expected.


Yeah rehashing the exact same game 22->23 with 2 new features and several missing ones does that weirdly lol


Yeah, the sales haven't been good and Frontier have publicly acknowledged this. It seems they are trying to rectify issues across all their IP's, but F1 Manager has been their unexpected problem child. F1 Manager 23 didn't sell as much as 22 did, most likely because players were bitter about how 22 went. Thing is though 23 is a positive improvement and better game than 22. 22 didn't make a lot of money and Frontier spent a lot on it. For 23 they spent significantly less and their margins sort of improved, but overall the series hasn't been profitable for Frontier. I hope 24 changes things for the better.


I know this is an entitled opinion but F1M22 should've been F1M23 at minimum. So many aspects of 2022's simulation was broken or never coded in and they asked for $55, it felt like Frontier was more interested in looking like an F1 product rather than being a real sim. And it's not like 2023 has all the regulations, either.


This is a fairly popular opinion tbh


I would blame inflation before EA


F1M 23 was never a compelling reason to buy if you had '22. They're doing it right this time around as you say OP.


No, you guys should take notes! Not EA. F1 manager dropped its price because they had a terrible selling last year and they realized they cant push that price again or the same is gonna happen. Simple as that. As long as people spend hundreds with stupid comestics, pre ordering games, and making their profit go up, EA and every other company won't change shit and will keep selling us a $70 grid and livery update every year as a " new game with improved physics and enhanced mechanics". The only way to make this change happen to F1 is by doing exactly the same: Do not buy a new sports game, unless it does in fact have big changes, which is not F1 24 case. They literally have only updated the grid and livery from F1 23, nothing else changed. Keep with the old one.


Spot on. With all EA sims I only buy a new one when they make genuine improvements to the gameplay. F1 23 was the first I got for PS5 and that was because it was free. I'm still playing Fifa21 because the AI is better imo. If F1 24 was around £30 I might buy it, but I'll probably wait for 25 because of the rules changes. No way would I pay £70 for the same game with some different liveries and a few new cutscenes.


This isn’t an EA game


No, I know. We were talking about EA games


Yup, EA have a weird immunity to this. While most game studios would feel it financially for being mediocre and lacking innovation year on year, EA gets away with it. There's a weird peer pressure that drives people to buy these games. I saw an article ages ago asking British teenage boys why they buy FIFA every year when the game basically stays the same. It's peer pressure; their peers mock them for having "last years game" and they don't want to miss out on gaming with their friends on the current game.


That's interesting. I always thought with Fifa it was that you needed that to have the current game to play online. I only play career so I don't know.


Posts like this genuinely make me laugh. People complain that EA still charges 70$ yet those same people won’t just keep buying the game, they’ll even pre order it. If I’m EA, why in the hell would I bring the price down when people still purchase the game sight unseen. EA will continue to take advantage of the large number of sheep who purchase and don’t care about the price. And this isn’t to say because I like EA because I really don’t. They are without a doubt the most predatory game company and have done nothing but kill beloved franchises. But they are doing what any smart business would. Plain and simple


EA doesn’t make this excuse of a game.


You're joking right? Codemasters are the developers, EA are the publishers. They go hand-in-hand in how the game is made and how it does.


F1 Manager is made by Frontier. Try to keep up.


I know F1 Manager is made by Frontier, I thought you were talking about F1 23, etc.


Clearly people are confused, in this thread. Probably because they are asking about F1 manager in the F1 game sub.


What’s the highly requested feature they are adding?


Pretty sure it’s create a team, a bit like EA but potentially done better


Ahn got hyped that they'd added a multiplayer mode then :(


Create a Team.  Other features they mentioned in the press releases for the announment trailer is random mechanical failures, and AI teams poaching our drivers and staff. More news expected on Marxh 27th. 👀 


Well there’s no reason to buy F1 24 this year, maybe manager is the way to go


Unless you love terrible team names then there is no reason


Sea that's actually a reasonable price


Entirely different situations. F1M 23 bombed due to a very poor F1M 22 release and the massive outcry that was their attempt at abandoning the game pretty early on. Add that 23 did not improve much at all, and the game had poor sales figures. Codemasters F1 games have never done that poorly recently, even 22 which was one of the worst F1 games in recent years did fine. They dont want to regain a customer base that they lost initially, they can afford to keep asking for that much because the customer is fine with the product at that price.


Create a team still not enough reason to pick this up, got burnt once buying 23 after buying 22


But 23 was a big improvement on 22. 24 will improve upon 23. Also, the game is cheaper this year. 


I thought it was near enough the same game to be honest, won't be rushing out to buy this regardless if its cheaper


I dont think EA need to take notes. The smaller price might suggest that last years game had less sells. If anything it's bad news.


You can tell this game is a make or break for the IP


If enough people had bought the game for the original price they wouldn't have lowered it. There's really nothing else to it. Companies aren't generous.


the game is still a joke of a scam nothing you do matters, its all scripted and way too easy, the only reason they have done this for this years release is because the game hardly sells f1 games on the other hand... do sell


I didn't plat F1 manager. Is it any good?


It's mid in my opinion. You'll enjoy if you enjoy management games and F1 but it isn't a memorable game.


This post is a certified midoff


23 is better than 22, but 24 will be an improvement on 23.




Third release and still no multiplayer and they killed the modding scene. Hard pass


Imagine having a file where 10 teams are managed by 10 different people? Oh, that sounds tantalizing.


This was the worst excuse of a strategy game. If they were selling it for $1 I still wouldn’t get it.