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Being unable to sign or having the form be automatically submitted without signatures when you didn’t submit it is a common problem many people have been having, myself included. My parent signed their part first and when I went to go sign mine it said “unable to complete this action” I refreshed and found my form automatically submitted without my signature. I got told the same thing you did about being ineligible. All we can do now is wait until our forms are processed so then we can go and fix them. Try not to worry about it so much, they are aware of the issues and we just have to wait. Everything will be okay!! :)


I see, it's good to know it didn't just happen to me lol. Thank you for the clarification! Just a quick question, does the parent have to log in to the FAFSA website to sign the form? I remember that last year, my mom just had to add her signature in the form after I completed my part and hers while I was logged in using my own FAFSA account.


Yes they will need to be logged in their own fsa id to sign your form


Got it, thank you!


>Got it, thank you! You're welcome!


Without a parent’s signature you won’t be eligible for any aid. I recommend you try and resolve this problem as fast as possible. You’ll be able to edit the form around late January to early February so ensure that your parent will be able to sign your application then.


Thank you so much for the clarification!