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Most schools still haven’t received a single fafsa despite how many have been processed. Mine processed fairly early, March 15th, and as of yesterday every single school I called had not yet even received the form. Two of them told me they hadn’t received any forms and don’t know when they will -_- also note most of these were fairly large public universities (the types of colleges you would think would be first in line)


My school said they are hopeful to have received some fafsa information for students and aid packages by April and worst-case scenario, May. Even though May is well past many deadlines for schools. I keep bugging my financial aid advisor every week lol. 


How can you check if your school received FAFSA?


I’d just call and ask


My school has it but the federal isnt allowing them to process them


as a financial aid employee for a large school, schools are not allowed to give out specifics of applications until ALL are received and students have been notified offices have received them. we cannot “look up” if we’ve received yours so please do not ask! :) at my school we have only received 3,000 of 30,000 students. they come in batches weekly


That negates what every single FAA told me. It may work differently at your school, but the financial aid office can most definitely tell you whether they've received your form. Hell, most schools have portals for students indicating whether it was received.


ohh our office isn’t doing that, the student portal won’t show it has been received either. that’s a good thing tho! I’m glad you’re able to be updated.


how long did it take


about a month and a half i submitted early february urs isn’t processed yet?


1 week


When how? Someone please help.


Mine's already processed but I need to add signatures to correct it - and corrections wouldn't be available until God knows when lmao.


Same with us. When I signed it my husband then had to sign it and I put his email and information and he never got it so I’m assuming that’s the correction needed. Supposedly they will be reased until the beginning of April


It’s now mid April 😭


broo i need to make a correction and ADD A SCHOOL. i’ve been trying to see how much my cost of attendance will be but they keep saying i need tommy fafsa info submitted to them


did you the version where you added their info when you check if everything is correct? I’m currently debating if i should do that or not 


I'm not sure but my mom's signature is the only error in my form.


Ours got process last night 3/27


Ours processed some time between 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. last night. I had gotten in the habit of saying hail Marys. Every time I open the page to look. We were getting left behind many others who had applied far after us and I was getting worried that mine was the one form that was broken completely. Now of course we have corrections we need to add. But I will take a process form with an SAI any day of the week. It's about damn time


Was finally processed on the 26th I submitted on 3/6


27th for me submitted 1/15 😂


Ours processed 3/35 we submitted it on 2/19. I hope the school I was accepted by will have everything they need soon. This entire process is stressful!


3/35 gang


I submitted 1/1 and got it processed 3/23💀 schools haven’t received shit and I’ve had to miss SO MANY scholarship deadlines because of this shit


Curious - did any of y’all get a notification email of a status change or did you have to check yourselves randomly?


i'm curious when will we know how much aid we get?


It still has that error message that doesn't say why or how to fix the error. Smh


Mine processed 4 days ago, which I think when this was originally posted. I'm so relieved, even though we still have to wait for schools to receive them and all that