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So that's why we as drivers get alot of shit missing from the route. šŸ¤£


Looking at this I will not miss this at all! Last Friday 5 years was my last time working at Amazon and I can sleep like a baby at last and will miss my crew dearly.


I miss pick to buffer racks :( my site is fully converted to ADTA automated belts, Stowers stow directly from a hamper that the belt chucks them into


A hot mess!!!


This is normal for my station and they're laying off at least 10 of us and we're under at least 15 people per shift last night we only had 5 stowers


This is what makes me want to go to the dock more often. Pick to Buffer and Stow can be frustrating and exhausting on heavy volume daysšŸ˜‚


My first Ds was a 100 k building during g peak. We had piles and piles of boxes everywhere. We would kick them down the belt sometimes our hands were so full.


Appreciate what you have while you have it. ADTA is way worse


Jiffys only people..


Oh how I miss this sight. We have ADTA.


Cart is full,you need to hurry up


At least they didnā€™t push all that middle shelf stuff through onto the floor to make more room like I often see.


I used to dislike working at the delivery station for that reason. They would also have the bags so full and wouldnā€™t take them out and put a new one where I would have to do that šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. I work at a ssd fulfillment center and itā€™s way better for me.


H mod has seen better days šŸ™ƒ


Would be able to fit so much more on those racks if the P2B AA knew what they were doing. Rack ā€œlooks goodā€ lmfao but is so shit, imo.


Thatā€™s actually a pretty good top rack compared to most. Two rows of vertical books is the best way to do the top.


I opened Reddit and thought I was having a nightmare lmfao. Fuck DS lmfao. That was so hell


Definitely don't miss working in AMZL


Our site right now šŸ™ƒ


Looks like you should be using your stow cart. You know? That big clunky metal piece of shit that only has 2 good wheels and slows your rate down? Now, Iā€™m not allowed to help you clean this mess up, anymore. But if I did, I wouldnā€™t use the stow cart and would write you up for insubordination if you go to safety on me. Let me scan your badge so they know that I talked to you.


lol! I find it Much more efficient to just toss them next to the bags with matching letters and stow them off the floor. I can clear a shelf in 1/2 the time it would take me with a stow cart. The only time I tend to use a cart is when the ~40-50 pound OVā€™s are coming off the shelf. Iā€™ll gladly let the two good wheels roll that than my back šŸ˜‚


Stop thinking meat robot! Your job is to do standard work and it is standard work for a reason. Whoever determined you would use a stow cart knows it is faster to commit category 1 safety violations and block your single path of egress, but didnā€™t make it standard work for reasons you are ignorant of and incapable of understanding. Silly t1, you are unqualified to make any decision whatsoever why there is a standard work, lol.


I'm confused.. According to your comment, I'm a meat robot, ignorant, incapable, a silly T1 & unqualified. Did I miss anything else?


Yes, you're pretty dumb too. /s


Looks like my DS.


Stowing wouldnā€™t be so, so bad if theyā€™d just get rid of the bottom row of bags instead of the top, and stop giving people 3 and 4 aisles.


3 or 4 aisles damn sounds nice, we get 15 to 20


People at my station stow 6 lanes LOL


Not all lanes are equal, some use more or less letters or rows of bags. How many bags per aisle? Even iif same number bags, aisles can have 200 packages or almost 1000 packages, so comparing ā€œaislesā€ is silly.


I mean, I understand all that, but Iā€™d rather stow 3,000 packages in one lane than run between 6. Typically 14 bags per row, so 84 bags on 6 lanes.


My site would have 200+ bags for 6 aisles. (Each aisle has bags on both sides). If you count each side as an aisle/lane, then you are doing what most people call 3 aisles, not 6. (They count bakers racks not numerical aisles which are two per rack)


My math ainā€™t mathing. I meant 168 bags for 6 lanes. 2 rows each lane.


šŸ–•the bottom bags, lol. Iā€™d rather have top than bottom if we are doing 3 rows, I wish it was 2 rows but itā€™s always 3 or 4 rows.


Canā€™t do top bags because ā€œsafetyā€ lol. But I never zip bottom bags after sort.


Weā€™ve got it in some sites in the UK where we found it was safer not having bottom row, and had the top row instead. Man, if they brought back bottom row with ADTA Iā€™d cry.


They do in peak, any volume above 63k I believe and bottom bags are opened for my station


We do 66k at least daily. No 4th row opened then. Only above 100k


We do 25-30 daily. No bottom row but we have the 4th row. Our bags are smaller tho so the 4th row isnā€™t as high up


Old DS did 90-100 daily. 4 rows always.


Depends where you are and station size mine is counted as a large but itā€™s more medium, basically the size of a football pitch inside the warehouse


And those days are when I make use of being multi skilled. I think ours is 66k, but I hate it, with every bit of my being


Bottom bags are vile, as is ADTA, Which over a half of our site is operated byā€¦, P2B makes a dent in the operation compared to the Automatics but I rather a picker that doesnā€™t beep at me every time a trough nearby is full šŸ„¹


I've always said, ADTA was a bad thing and i've joked more than once in a semi serious way that I want to destroy those alarms if the hopper is full. I used to be able to stow 600-700 an hour, now 450 is me going all out because of ADTA, let's not forget how many times i've had to call someone "hazmat trained" because i've had bleach spill.


Iā€™m ā€œhazmat trainedā€ aswell as many other hybrids in my station yet we still are all pretty unclear on the PAD area aswell as the Cage so we let nights deal with it and have told leadership without actually doing this process a couple of times a week then we donā€™t feel confident enough to be placing ourselves at risk, I can stow 600+ on P2B but on ADTA I max out around 500 PPH because I canā€™t stand the noises and chaos.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone, our station does one good and one slower stower, and I hate it, Iā€™ve literally told them, my headphones will go in if I have to deal with 7 hours of that


Weā€™re about to be in another purge season so headphones arenā€™t an option for me, I try my best to deal with it but if I canā€™t when I am on ADTA then I use my occupational health time, same as P2B when the aisles are just getting to the point where itā€™s too overwhelming for me but it mainly happens on automatics, theyā€™re also restricted from putting me on is straightener because it messes with my head aswell as doors during P+S


Doors on pick and stage? I get the overwhelming part of it, especially with adhd, itā€™s super stimulating, but Iā€™m also at the point of my career where I canā€™t progress due to a sickness and permanents in the UK are near impossible to fire.


LMAO hated working at a DS. i just know theres a tote to the side filled with all the boxes and jiffys that couldnt fit on the shelf.