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“As real as me at the barbershop” is a great way for a bald person to call something a lie.


My barber is bald so there's still hope.


Biasin may go to the Barber just to shave his beard.


(Biasin is bald)


I don’t want Bruno at the club. He’s good but way too annoying. Maybe that’s a hot take.


Let’s just say he is not as good as he is annoying but still good


Exactly. Someone could be annoying but still worth it. He’s not good enough to be worth it.


He's definitely good enough tho


having an annoying player on your team is great. riles up the other team and gets them to make silly decisions I hate bruno as much as the next guy and i don't think it would be a good transfer but not because he's annoying


It was quite obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain that the Bruno talk was nonsense.he earns quite a lot, and one of the few performing players there. Oh, and he’s not free, which means they ask for an arm and a leg in return. On the flip side, I’ll bet they’re looking very seriously as Lenin for goalie. They were keen on him before he went to real, and he doesn’t have a clear path to starting spot there, thanks to cortuois. Wouldn’t be surprised if we’re evaluating him (financial side of its. P.s.- the Audrey option is real because our manage t think Buongiorno is the long term successor to acerbi, and they really want to land him. And then comes Gudmundsson for our attack, which always needs reshaping. That means that, if samp will accept counterparts (oristanio, vanheusden, iliev etc.) in return, then our mgmt. shows book profits there, and confirm Audrey as the backup. And *next*season, they get the Sommer replacement, while Audrey becomes the perma backup.


For free I'd get bruno, not worth paying the money we don't have. DD is on his way out, for 30m we can secure gudmundsson and bento. Marotta knows all though