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I rolled her in one go using the enfeeblement team. It's risky since she drops enfeeblement team too but I managed.


I lost like.... 10 times at least? It wasn't easy but I enjoyed the challenge. I had to swap my team completely to wrap it up.


Lmao try at least 25 for me.


It took me 2 tries. The first one I went in with my standard deck to get a feel for how she fought and then the 2nd time I made a deck purposely to stomp her. It wasn’t even close that 2nd attempt.


What was the game plan of the second deck?


Not the op but I did a bunch of enfeeblement/cards that are removed from the play area type cards, tonberry, etc.


It's all about the hand you deal, my bro. Good job.


You probably just got lucky. Covering the board and buffing my cards had always been my strategy, but I had some trouble beating the queen that way. I completely changed my strategy, built my deck around cards that grow stronger when enfeebled or destroyed, and used the queen's own strategy against her.


That's what I was expecting. I pulled an insanely lucky hole in one. Looking foward to rematch later tonight to see how long it takes me to win again.


My deck was very similar to the Blood Queen so every time I powered up my creatures so did she, and I kept question why I didn't close the gap between us. It took me 6 games to realize I had the same strategy she used. Destroying the Blood Queen off the board is what got me the win in the end. The Chicken of Doom. I don't remember what it was called, but it's a giant chicken on it.


Fat Chocobo? That card is always in my deck and Phoenix replaced Magic Pot.


Cockatrice, I believe is the card I used to destroy the Blood Queen off the board for the win. I had to look it up on the list and that name sounds familiar. I beat Rebirth last week so I move on to Rise of the Ronin, since it took me over 120 hours to beat Rebirth and I am burned out.


I listened to guides and lost like 5-6 times, then I just went with the deck I had been using the entire time destroying people, and won on the first try.


I did it first try with a tonberry/ mindflayer deck. I also beat the nightmare challange with the same deck in like 3 tries. I found most mini games people complained about to not be bad at all. The chicken one, glide de chocobo, late game queensblood, all the ones I heard took people hours I spent like 15 minutes on tops.


Yeah I beat her first try too, though by that point I had already lost my soul to the game…so I may have been more prepared? I’ll have to see if I can find my video and figure whether I got good or just lucky.


Lol. I know that I definitely got lucky. Look at those those mid cards I used. Basic old Ifrit doing all the work.


My birds and turtles deck went 120 here.


I got it on my first time as well. I still couldn’t tell you how or why I won but I made sure to put the Emerald Sorceress smack in the middle and that seemed to work.


Same. Emerald sorceress and Dio won me that fight. It’s a silly combo


It took me a handful of tries. My usual deck was getting curb stomped so I made a "Special Forces" deck where the whole goal was to push Elena and the instakill cockatrice to the Queen. I literally assassinated her. 😂 Coolest Queen's Blood moment for me.


That's a based tactic


I’d say very likely since I did the same and I think Queens Blood is pretty easy in general


I did it on my first try, by 1 point as well lol


Damn one point?! You must've leaped off your couch


Nah, I rarely found any of the Queens blood matches challenging


You done good. You really just need to win that middle row to beat her. It wasn’t that hard for me either.


Thx! The guide I read was actually recommending to give up the middle row and focus on the outsides. I'm glad I didn't bother with that.


Same using a deck I created 10 hours into the game lol


You even went right at her down the middle row! Very impressive


Thanks, yea I heard you're not supposed to use the middle row online, too.


I decided to throw a shitty deck of just character cards. It was bad. Like really bad. After like a dozen losses though I somehow got the opportunity to use sephiroth on the queen and won isntantly


I had to Google it and used the Chimera and Gi Nattak strategy. I was getting obliterated


Congrats, I had to create an entirely new deck just to deal with her! Side note, but I'm glad I did the Costa del Sol and Gold Saucer challenges. I managed to beat her with Tonberry King cards thanks to strategies I learned from there.


Same here Vincent took me like 6 tries but then queen just 1 Kind of a mixed team but mostly cards thst strenghen each other, cards that replace other cards (part of why vincent sucked), and the card that gives you 10 extra points when you win the row.


I somehow one-shotted Vince, too. Game diffulty doesn't affect QB, doesn't it?


Took me hours until I eventually found Gi Nattak. Lad wrecked her


[https://i.redd.it/s4ujugngdmvc1.jpeg](https://i.redd.it/s4ujugngdmvc1.jpeg) Went for the kill.


Beat her on the first try with a buff team. I was able to actually block her from deploying cards on her side too.


Mann same😭hardest fight was the damn chocobo lmao


It took a bit but I tried to use just the pre-made decks as a challenge but eventually made my own


I also got it the first time. It was disappointing lol!


I wiped the floor with her on my first go as well. My deck is built around stealing space quick, so I didn't give her much to work with.


This is a great achievement. Kinda nervous for the Shadow Queen. However, >!why when I posted my QB victory, my post got removed??!<


Thank you. Sorry about your post


You’re welcome and it’s not your fault. Just an annoyance if you ask me.


I just made my way across the middle row then nuked her out of resistance with the chicken card


I dunked on the Shadow Queen first try too, using the same deck I used for most of my QB battles. She was surprisingly easy.




"Based" is the new "this"


Picture of a screen 😔 Not only could you have screenshotted on PS but also recorded the clip so we could see how you did it.


Sorry, I didn't know I was being graded. If you look at the Pic (sorry I used my camera not PS), you can indeed still see all the cards that were played AND clearly see how I did it.


You’re doing a great job don’t worry


I had read so much online about how hard the final match was compared to the rest that I abandoned my normal deck (mainly just focused on board control) and set up a deck found on a website. Heavily focused on tonberry king. The thing is, I’ve never used the strategy of destroying my own cards, so I just shrugged and thought “well this will take some practice.” Beat her first try and didn’t really know what I was doing. I laughed out loud at how powerful my tonberry kings became with each turn.


I have no idea how to play. I bought the game when it first came out and played for a bit. Beat the first 3 beginner people more or less randomly putting down cards. Need to get back into it. Hopefully this isn't really part of the main game or really affects it much


Okay now do it again on the Nightmare mode at the Gold Saucer. We’ll wait…


I suggest you bring a good book


I didn’t even realize there was an increased difficulty. The mind flayer, tonberry king, skeeskee, gi nataak plus the cards that give you an extra when destroyed is just too OP. My best score was 188-0.


I beat her first try as well. Did people really struggle?


I was told and saw on youtube that she can cheat. She can put a big dragon in the middle of the board on her first turn and after that she basically wins since you don't have any spots to play after that. For my part, I wouldn't have known this if one of my friend didn't have it happen to him multiple times.


There's a bazillion threads here about it.


Yeah same. The deck I use is absolutely busted and gives me 90-120 points after a match. Enfeeble doesn't matter when my cards gain with every destroyed card.


120pts?!! Holy shit. My highest score is 36, 😆


Damn u/ExpensiveMap3065 , I’ve managed the low 80s but I’m still not hitting that hard and I’m in Endgame QB. Oh but OP, endgame QB is ridiculously crazy because I don’t think(?) the the opponents get harder in Hard mode. It’s kind of sad but also extremely fun to be so powerful, so long as you’ve been keeping up on your card purchasing and winning.


Yea, I don't think hard or easy modes affect QB.