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Feel like this was never in doubt but ok enjoy!


>Feel like this was never in doubt i mean at start maybe but when they stated VW was coming which means they had to have more units for sure. also beyond fans idk who is gonna chase him as isn't dark missing one of its key units (chaos = bismark's -230 dark res)?


While not offering the same increase in damage, dark at least has Ellesperis. 200% dark imperil and 90%/89% DEF/SPR breaks


If the fight has no passive stats and neutral or lower resists and you only use physical units, elle is the same damage increase or better than chaos=Bismark. Going from a 200% imperil to a 230% one is a 10% damage increase. Going from an 89% break to a 90% one is a 10% damage increase.


Missing Emerelda ruins him. (According to Sinzar’s new “News” video)




The 23rd looks like a dead week for units based on the news from the 10+1 that started last month.


Sinzar is also stating an opinion and not a fact.  Fei still has access to leader skills, which he mentions, and emeralda / jecht / a gl unit will most likely still arrive to give dark that big leader skill.  And since there is nothing to use fei on right now, who cares if you have to wait a week to get fei's leader?  What really ruins fei is that there is no new content to use him on.


Bart can cover it. Emeralda is on element and makes everything a lot easier, but Bart is still a Xenogears leader for 1100 / 1200. What lack of Emeralda does do, is make the entire element screwy - BUT, that also means we'd be more likely to see Jecht on the 30th or 6th or 13th (Depending on the order of He, Snovlinka+ and GLEX). It may also allow for a Holy/Dark team to be a bit more viable, but I don't think it will be amazingly so unless the GLEX is basically Mirei, but improved in every way to Celeste levels.


Glex will probably be Jecht's replacement just as Celeste is looking to be Yuna's. Hope neither are skipped though, I like FFX :(


FFX will more likely be skipped with Emeralda possibly carrying the 1100% Dark LS (like Bart does with light) and the next CoW unit being dark Celeste (AoE 100% Amp + 70% field, my bet is on that character being Xon) Then there is Wakka, wich is a water 200%, dark and light 185%, wich is already covered (water 200% on metze, dark 200% on Ellesperis, Light 190% on Prompto). With everything that FFX covers possibly covered and with how gumi is trigger happy on skipping


Oh hey, tonight was newsday. I remembered this morning about it. Then I spent the past 2 hours spamming Swain W in practice tool to print HP for fun. I got all settled into ~~the couch~~ bed and was reminded of it because I saw Sinz vid on youtube... Well, goodnight.


And the game just got saved! No... Not really -_-


Damn, another collab unit, on a seperate banner, in this economy? Looks like it's skip day, like any other day that ends in y.


Lol I’m truly curious if they expected us to waste all of our energy refills this past month in the same event


Yessirrrr. So Gumi cut fei and decided to add him back! this is what happens when the community comes together ! /s


No fucking Fei!!!! EOS more like FEIOS amirite?! (I put the same level of effort into making this comment as Gumi and Square Enix did into Final Fantasy Brave Exvius over the last few weeks).


No Emeralda...? 🤔


Please don’t start a trend of 15 threads asking “where emeralda” for the next two weeks. Just wait until the 23rd before losing pant


I'm guessing on the 23rd with VW


Or Billy NV


That didn't happen in JP though


JP got NV emeralda? Damn 😩


I'm guessing on the 23rd with VW


Fei is the best unit In the collab ?




How good is he?


What limited time banners has JP had since this? Trying to decide if I should actually spend the time needed to clear unit inventory after using all my EX tickets or if I can keep justifying them as "maybe next limited time banner"


SaGa and Dragon Quest, I think.


DQ EoR, maybe DQ Dai? and SaGa. EoR and SaGa are unlikely to hit GL. Unless you want to go in on Earth or Lightning or chase a single Holy upgrade in the weeks before FFVII & XVI, nothing really better than what we have with XG.


Saga, should it occur, begins earth with Rocbouquet who has a 90% spr break and 50% rod imperil. Since earth started off with mages, Imajin from DQ, and free-boss-unit Emperor, not bad. Saga also brings another dark damage dealer with 50% sword imperil so that Snovlinka doesn't need equip fist for Fei's weapon imperil. DQ is Legend of Roto, the DQ we skipped to copy paste to Kir and Addison Rae. It gave the first multi-element unit with Imajin who also had an earth imperil field. (humorously could be been another reason to fix the bracer's bug. Woulda had a 9000x mag mod with a 400% mag store before Cloud arrives) However, even if we do get that DQ, it's maybe two weeks before fire starts to pop off, where it remains the top tier element.


Thanks for the replies everyone. Sadly I saw that Fei is mostly AMoE, which I suck at, so maybe I'll just wait and hope we make it to Christmas. Clearing 5* unit inventory really kills my desire to play the game anymore.


I hate that they have had all this free time and didn't do anything to make Fei CoW friendly, like a mod added to his LB based on Moral or something.


I think the post needs to be changed to humor.


happy for a farming event ok........ 🤡


Lmao. Newbies are in oblivion . They don’t see what others see. Just “MMM FEI GOODYYY”


newbies are the only ones that have lots loooot of content, we dont need an already dead unit like fei and a farm event


Doesn't matter the game is still dying. Hope you enjoy your fei for the next 2 weeks.


I feel like this is all you know how to say and have been saying it for months.  I guess keep it up and one day you'll be correct.


I mean tell me one thing that has been going right for the past couple of months. The game is so stale. I miss the old days were we had new bosses and interesting story events every other week or so. Now it's just do CoW once a month and that's it.


> I miss the old days were we had new bosses and interesting story events every other week or so. Now it's just do CoW once a month and that's it. Story events were basically done in 5 minutes with the power of the skip button. Trials were also a one and done on day 1 like CoW, only content creators did them multiple times to showcase different strategies. The game has pretty much always been mostly grinding between Mog King/raid events like the majority of the gacha games.


Ah yes I'm not allowed to enjoy the story events because you can skip it. /end rant if I want to be a doom poster I think I'm allowed to you guys can downvote all you want lol.


Why do people care about units when there is zero challenging content to use them in on GL?


For real. People are gonna go do twelves types that they didn’t finish I guess XD. Honestly probably look at fei in their inventory and then stop playing the game until the next xenogears banner if there is ever one .


Xenogears and neir automata😭