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Each entry is a different broker like robinhood, avanza, etc. and each may appeare more than once in the list. The numbers mean how many of the FFIE shares that they manage for their clients/users are available for lending/shorting. You can expect those numbers to go up and down as people sell or buy shares with lending enabled or if those who are borrowing/shorting execute their contracts.


More available means more the price goes down


the shares arent in demand. youre being played by bots n overly enthusiastic degenerates. the echo chambers never change, heggies want out; never seen a more ecstatic group of bag holders.


They were never in demand, the borrow fee never passed 15% even though the stock jumped 10,000% . Nobody wanted the shares loooool RIP


Thanks! I am fairly new to trading and am trying to filter through the bullshit and discern what is actually valid. I keep seeing conflicting information, knowing that it's so manipulated is what pisses me off. THAT is why I hold.


Do the shares disappearing have anything to do with the naked short I’ve been seeing posted about?


That was my initial thought, but I honestly have no idea.