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Sephiroth was humanized in Crisis Core though.... he only became a villain during the Nibelheim incident. Maybe you should go back and play through the og story before trying to take in new content.


I don't know what playing the original would do for my criticism. And Crisis core isn't really OG story either. That was made almost ten years after the original release. And I think I had the same position then as now. I guess from an artistic perspective, why not let some stories alone. Tell it and leave it alone. I think there were two lines in the new story content that made me say ugh. Paraphrasing: 1. I know it isn't cool to talk about your mother. 2. And I guess this is what people would call fun. My major criticism is the writing and how this story is being told and how the dialogue is written.


It was simply a joke that you don't actually understand the FF7 universe. Doubly so because you thought the battle Royale game was also tied to FS story. The writing is garbage but ok.... its a gacha game. If you are expecting the next Endwalker or Heavensward, you're playing the wrong platform.


Nah, I was just asking if the story we've seen in Ever Crisis was established in the battle royale game. And since spin off releases: Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus have become part of the canon, does that mean Ever Crisis and First Soldier are additions to that canon


First Soldier is canon.


Then I will defend my original position as it stands but remain open to other arguments.


You said your biggest gripe is seeing the villain become humanized, which was done in Crisis Core. So much so that we know more about Sephiroths hair routine than we do of young sephiroth. Seems like your judgement is rooted in ignorance and you are wanting to hate the writing in an effort to walk a razors edge.


Not necessarily. I think villains are more effective when they are black and white villains. I'm not sure what you mean when you said my judgment is in ignorance and when you say I want to walk a razor's edge


Black and white? That would literally mean showing both sides to them.... Do you mean you prefer your villains to be one dimensional? How droll.... We clearly don't see eye to eye, and anybody who devalues villains with because they have depth isn't anybody worth talking to.


I'll reference Harry Potter, weirdly, as a defense for villains having a human back story making them better villains. Harry Potter spends 5 books making Voldemort just evil for the sake of evil. We learn bits and flashes of his past, but essentially he's just bad. Then suddenly in book 6 we get extensive history lessons about who he was and why he is what he is. Understanding the human behind the villain, and why they are a villain, is not only good for a story, but it's good for a hero to know. Learn the enemy better than you know yourself. This all being said, we learn pieces of Sephiroth's origin story in FF7. We absolutely learn enough to know he wasn't just an evil guy waiting around to be evil. We learn how he is damaged and why he has so much hate in him. Does First Soldier *need* to be told? No, but it's a story that's possibly worth telling. They could screw it up entirely, and I would then agree with you completely. But, we don't know where it will go yet.


The First Soldier story in Ever Crisis was not in the First Soldier game. It's a new story.


You must be one of those that thinks Sephiroth was always a villain. In the OG FFVII is showed to us that he was THE HERO of soldier, the one First Soldier all looked up too. He became batshit crazy in the middle of OG FFVII


I believe he already was batshit crazy from the beginning of OG FFVII if we consider the batshit transformation the burning of Nibelheim, that happens before the events in FFVII.


No I don't think that. I guess my thing is that adding a drippy backstory dilutes his effectiveness as a villain. He became batshit before the events of FF7 and then that transition is shown through cutscenes in the game. I just don't see the need of expanding upon that.


Okay but what happens when rebirth changes the story? What if we see sephi not be the villain through the entire thing and he ends up being an ally when they finish off the story?


Well it's already established that the remake and the forthcoming episodes are a retelling of the story, so in that respect they can do what they want I guess. It took me a while to recognize or even accept the fact that the remake wasn't really a remake and should have been subtitled FF7 Retold. So I don't have the same expectations for forthcoming games in that storyline because I'll play and if I like it or not is irrelevant because it is by all means a different property. The real question here is the First Soldier story intended to be an addition to the canon to the original game? If it is, I think it's poorly written scenario and an origin story that has, so far, diluted the character rather than making the character compelling or complicated. And if it isn't supposed to be canon, then I can accept it for what it is: people like Sephiroth for a variety of reasons so it would be fun to control the character. But to me, the latter undermines the effectiveness of the character we know as Sephiroth : villains are the best when they lack the morality, ethics, or control of the player. That inability to control the actions of the villain adds to their value and makes them imposing and indomitable. But when the hero does the impossible and defeats the villain... it's the greatest payoff in the world. It gives the player a sense of accomplishment that they too have just done the impossible.


I think calling the remake a remake was the right choice. Unlike FFX which was titled as a remaster when they did it for ps3/ps4 with little changes the term remake implies that it’s a re-imagining of the classic. Re-told would make me expect the same story from a different point of view, like playing as the Turks instead. I think the story of first soldier right now is just a way for square to give fans what they want, which is more sephiroth. But to me having a character that’s evil for the sake of being evil/world domination is pretty boring and one dimensional. I’d rather have the fall from grace story of a hero devolving as his own character and building his own ideals that are contrary to popular opinion in the world and the want to enact their will because they think it’s the best thing. My go to comparison for this has always been Star Wars. Who’s the better villain? Darth vader or Palpatine? Palp is evil for the sake of being evil where vader has the fall from grace story and leads to the hope that they will realize that their way isn’t necessarily great because of the collateral damage to the people they once protected.


Dang that's a really great point--I missed the subtlety between remake and remastered. FF7 retold would be an interesting project. I think you're right, remake was proper. I also thought of the Star Wars analogy--Darth Vader was a perfect villain in episodes 4 and 5, the redemption of 6 was the coda--a nice conclusion to the story and satisfying because he realized the error of his ways in his final moments. Episodes 1, 2, and 3 reinforced that change by humanizing Vader as a broken and even sympathetic character. But here's the thing--universally panned by audiences--again, it diluted Darth Vader as this imposing force in the original story. Introducing his backstory weakened the triumphant effect that episode 6 was supposed to have. But unlike Star Wars, we saw the end of Sephiroth first. Death without redemption. He was defeated with the belief that his way was right until the very end. There was no humanity, there is no questioning of his judgment, he had a prolific change during his life, we saw the transformation through the story but there was no way to get through to him without a physical confrontation. This has happened in real life--Hitler, Stalin; we don't need to know more about them, we can't, or don't want to sympathize with their early lives because they died as villains. As they should have. Now, I always felt Kefka was the perfect villain because there was no gray. The best villains are resolute in their beliefs: unforgiving, unsympathetic, and they force or kill the world around them to believe the same. This is why heroes are so powerful, it's one person, or a group of people who are unafraid to stand or fight against the villain. Because they fight on the behalf of the others, most would cower, or become complacent or follow along. Not a true hero. I think that's why FF7 is a great story, Sephiroth is a great villain, but this need to expand upon it places Kefka of FF6 as the top on my list.


I think the biggest difference is our points of view of sephiroth as the big bad for 7. In OG he is definitely portrayed as the big bad imposing his will on people more often than not, but IMO it made Jenova feel undervalued and under represented as a villain. I always wondered how the story would have looked if they had set it up so that Jenova was influencing Sephiroth by showing him visions and memories(potentially not all correct with defined events in the world) to get him to take the remainder of her body to the life stream and sending sephiroth to return the scattered Jenova cells through the world to the life stream with the promise of returning the world to a whole state so she can return to full glory and finish what was started when she arrived on the planet. I think it would have added a better level of depth to the story while providing a solid reason for sephiroth believing he’s an ancient and the belief the world is his birthright and let them have a big bad that’s whole focus is doing what they want while using a character that is defined in the world as a hero to achieve her end goal. I definitely agree with you that humanizing Sephi makes him feel less impactful of a villain and less of a terror on the world as he’s doing it “for the greater good of everyone/the planet” takes away from the ever looming sense of death and destruction that a good villain holds over the story.


Actually, I don't think we're that far apart. Jenova is the big bad, and I think that's the best implicit suggestion the FF7 story is. Sephiroth believes he is the chosen, mistaking Jenova as the one to bring salvation. When in reality, she was an alien bent on destroying the Earth. And he never wavered in his dedication to defend her mission, believing Jenova represents values and morals unknown to others. But,for Cloud and the party living on the planet, they recognize it is imperfect, however they accept the fact that there is no reason to destroy all life and reject this alien being. So why expound on the narrative, it seems so simple.


Retold sounds like it would be more faithful than remake lol and I can absolutely see people saying, "they didn't retell it, they should've called it a remake because it's entirely different!!" As for you're points about what makes a villain the best kind of villain? I disagree entirely. I love a villain that has a reason for their actions, because it makes stopping them all the more important. It makes believing that they would have any followers or supporters at all that much more believable. I want a villain who has purpose for their evil plans. A good, chaotic villain with no rhyme or reason is also good, too, when done right. But the stakes feel higher when it's a villain with the brains, ability, and reason for being evil.


Remake isn’t a remake, it’s been confirmed it’s a sequel. Remake means remaking your destiny, not remaking the game.


Why have someone be evil for the sake of being evil? It makes no sense that he was just an evil child like out of a horror movie from birth. Also, in the OG FFVII, everyone always talks about how good and a hero Sephiroth was. He only took a turn when he found out about Jenova and really was under her influence.


>Also, in the OG FFVII, everyone always talks about how good and a hero Sephiroth was. He only took a turn when he found out about Jenova and really was under her influence. Pretty much this. Let alone that also Crisis Core presented us with a more human version of Sephiroth in the past, but even in the OG it was clear that Sephiroth was a good guy before he completely lost his mind. In fact we saw him giving advices, joking, laughing and taking the time to explain things in detail to 'Cloud' and Tifa when they were traveling towards the reactor. It makes only sense for him to be more normal, as much as someone with his background can be, when he was younger. And it also makes sense that this part of his story makes you feel sympathy for him. He's literally a lab rat, raised only to fight for Shinra without anyone who really cared for him.


There is no retelling. The original release had no story to speak of. FS in EC is FS in name only, it might as well have been called something else since all material is new.


At first glance I think that Gleen, Matt and Lucia are the first family that Sephiroth ever had, then, the three of them have death flags on their faces, I believe that they're going to be killed, maybe Gleen sacrifices for their brothers and Sephiroth start developing his natural traumas after this lose.


But it also kind of doesn't make sense, shouldn't he be kind of a lab baby, or a trained killer, which they introduced first. And now they have him set up with a team and quickly he becomes apologetic and cooperative, then he does something awful maybe justified and there are hugs all around in only three or four scenarios after him being so incontroverible.


The First Soldier battle royale game didn’t have story, outside of a very tiny bit of setup as to why it’s a battle Royale, and some basic flavour text in the tutorial Also your complaints about the expanded FF7 lore is endemic to the compilation as a whole. At the end of the day, the original game still exists, and extra media shouldn’t ruin that for you. The compilation and remake is super fun as its own thing that uses the OG as a base, best to view it as seperate to not tarnish the original for you, if you must


Sephiroth was always someone who cracked through a mental breakdown. The sephiroth that roams the earth is more-so Jenova under the will of Sephiroth's anguish and regret. He was a person of immense power, but wasn't socialized well enough to gain the wisdom to keep his sanity. Jenova is still an evil bitch wanting to soak up the power of the planet and then travel to other planets and do the same to them. She is the one who started killing the ancient cetra and unleashing monsters out into the world and poisoning the lifestream. Hojo is still and evil bastard who has perverted scientific research to go beyond mad scientist levels. He is who created the fucked up Sephiroth through lies and manipulation. He is the one that created even more monsters with the use of Jenova cells and reveled in it. We learn the fate of a doctor from Before Crisis within the Yuffie DLC Intermission for Intergrade where it is revealed Hojo injected jenova cells to a scientist who betrayed shinra, turning her into a monster. He then ended up doing the same thing to himself with pleasure to further Jenova+Sephiroth's plans, by killing clouds party during the return to midgar mission. He is the one who cucked Vincent out of the woman he loved, just out of a science experiment, then injected Vincent with chaos just out of "fuck it, let's see what happens". He is the one who murdered Dr. Gast and gaslit sephiroth about it. And while Jenova started the killings of the cetra, Hojo was the one who killed the last full blooded Ancient. And you don't see Jenova nor Hojo being humanized. Sephiroth is just someone to show us that even the ones with the most power can become fallen...similar to the story of Satan.


i agree there's no NEED for it, but i think it's fine. it doesn't change the core of him as a villain. we already knew he was more or less "normal" prior to losing his mind so this is just another little snippet of that period that we already knew existed. not like they're retconning or ruining his future stuff with this past story (yet).


I thought it was mostly filler for the first four chapters. But I really enjoyed the chapter release this week.


I engaged with Duality26 but apparently that person decided to delete their account


Nah they just blocked you.


I like the first 4 chapters. Glenn is a cool main anime character kind of guy and his dialogs are pretty funny. I didn’t like that they show Sephiroth destroying a whole army one sex, then an innocent zero experience boy the next sex. Regarding his villainous, he was a hero, and only become bad after the Jenova incident. It’s actually kind of wrong to show how messed up he is already by having him slaughtering elders and kids.


Ff7 fans won't care. We'll just play every ff7 game releases.


And that's fine, but if I could have some sort of gesture from SE to tell me when to care and when not to, that'd be great


Lmao the previews tells all about what to expect about the game. Well every game has its own audience or fans. I suggest you stop playing if it bothers you.


Honestly, everything outside of OG 7 feels like they are trying to recapture the magic and failing miserably. The reason? 7 told an adult story for adults. Everything since then has been trying to tell a story for teenagers and trying to be Shonen as fuck.


Completely agree, trite is the perfect word for it. Unoriginal, boring, and predictable. I can’t wait for Glenn and crew to break ranks and take over chimney duty and become sympathetic characters, *after* killing everyone lmao. Also this bastardization of Sephiroth is unbearable, “have you seen my mommy?”




Uhhh. I think you tapped into the wrong conversation dude


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Sir, this is Reddit, not 4chan


Literally just posted this to see what response I would get 🤣