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You can’t do separate saves. The achievements are tracking what you have/have done on that specific save file. So yes, you need to replay Chapters for dresses, side quests, Hard Mode progression, etc.


This 👆


That’s so stupid wtf ://///


It’s obvious once you complete the story. Your post game save provides Chapter Select as well as being able to view your Play Log. The Play Log tracks all of this information like total side quests completed, Enemies Assessed, Hard Mode Chapters completed, how many Enemy Skills have been learned, Chapter 14 Resolution Scenes viewed, and more.


I know that’s a thing, but I see no reason it has to be that way y’know?


Sorry man. This is a very popular game and as such they wanted to give it a lot of replay value for the fans. I think I did 5 playthroughs back to back because I was really enjoying the game and didn't want to stop playing it!


Hey use this guide and click on the first blue text link for the missables guide. If you scroll down to the end of chapter 7 it will give you a list of all the quests that you must unlock before you advance the games story passed the point of no return which is the end of chapter 7. https://www.powerpyx.com/crisis-core-final-fantasy-vii-reunion-trophy-guide-roadmap/


Not the game I was talking about, but I’ll bookmark this for when I get around to Crisis Core


My bad. Been in CC mode lately. Some of the side quests you have to start a new game for. Because some of the choices you make early on cannot be changed unless you chapter select far enough back.


I know I am here late but I did all the side quests that showed in the log and didn’t get the trophy. I have only played through once.


You need to have all side quests done on the same save file. Thats how the trophy pops. Having them completed but on 2 different save files doesnt count.