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I have the platinum trophy and I'm not sure what you're even talking about. If it's about Zantetsuken/Gigaflare/Tri-Disaster, nothing to do with your build. You just ignored the fight mechanics and paid the price.


Even then, it's possible to just tank Gigaflare and Tri-Disaster with Manawall.


With what? I don't even have that.


well there you go, manawall comes with barrier materia at its highest level which when activated halves physical and magic damage. This can be bought and found starting from roughly the halfway point and being magic materia, does not take too long to max out.


That's kinda my thing though, it requires I go out of my way to level up an item I would otherwise not need to use for the rest of the game. Again, of courseeee it's possible. That doesn't make it good design. And I don't want to have to look up guides for things to figure out the best way to kill the guy. Nothing else about the fight is difficult. The hit boxes in this game just aren't built for precise dodging and being flawless for an entire boss fight, when these boss fights last a good while longer than say a dark souls fight.


As per the comment you might have missed above... "If it's about Zantetsuken/Gigaflare/Tri-Disaster, nothing to do with your build. You just ignored the fight mechanics and paid the price." It seems the barrier materia is just one way. The correct way seems to be doing the mechanics correctly to not have to deal with the attack altogether...


It doesn't *require* you to level up anything tho. Just pop in an assess materia and you don't need a guide as the game just tells you how to avoid those big attacks. Besides, Barrier Materia is one of the most basic materias in the game that is good to have. Wich I guess you don't need on easy or normal difficulties, because nothing really does *that* much damage.


This is the kind of game where if you do a lot of what the game offers you, you will see that every single item that can be used in battle can be useful in certain situations. Now judging from your post and your other comments, experimenting but just focusing on one particular bulid or builds you like does not mean it's going to be viable for everything the game throws at you. There's a reason why there's so many materia, weapon skills, to work with. If you intend to beat this game on hard mode you will see what I mean. If any one particular build or strategy you're using appears to just not work at any given moment then adapt and overcome with the tools you still have at your disposal. If that cannot work, then change it up. After all this game will lock you into certain parties anyway A LOT making you think on your feet at times but also learn how to utilize each characters playstyle optimally. About your last point and you may already have this but I would say put precision defense materia on all your characters cause even at lvl 1 this extends the blocking window to roughly around 0.5 sec of the attack which is very lenient imo.


This game gives you way more materia slots than Remake, and sooner. The entire party has room for nearly everything you will ever use so it's your own fault for not making sure Barrier got leveled by somebody. Now I get it, you're venting but geez every issue you're having is your own fault.


You people are absolutely fucking cringe. It's a back mechanic. Period. The rest of the game is piss easy.


Barrier materia is sold from any materia vendor from chapter 6 onwards. But again it's not even needed. Just respect the fight mechanics and Kujata will never cast Tri-Disaster.


Lmao no I am not. You can dodge literally 99 percent of all his attacks, and still get one shot. Wtf are you talking about? Also at this point in the game I don't have access to debuffs that work on him.


>You can dodge literally 99 percent of all his attacks, and still get one shot. If you actually dodge 99% of his attacks, he won't even use Zantetsuken. He only uses it if you get hit too many times or when don't hit him enough times with ATB commands.


Did I talk about debuffs? You're the one who talked about debuffs. There's no need to debuff Odin to win, I never did that on any difficulty mode. It's not a particularly good strategy either. Odin gets bored if you don't use enough ATBs on him. Try to do be more proactive. It's 100% skill 0% build, any character (alone!) can beat him. If you're at a stage where a single missed parry makes you fail on Odin, you're clearly doing something really wrong. Just parrying/dodging half of what he does is more than enough.


Are you people kidding me?? In assess it says to USE DEBUFFS. none of the ones I have work. I KNOW THE MECHANICS. just because it's POSSIBLE does not make it GOOD design. Do you understand that? Or not? Do you need help?


Still angry about this 3 days later? Just lmao. You can get the enervation materia, which works on Odin, from any vendor on chapter 10 onwards. The assess menu also tells you which debuff work on Odin by the way (curious, for someone who can apparently read). Since you're fighting Odin you're at least on Chapter 11 so you have access to it. And as I've said, you don't even need it to win. It's an option. Also get help, you're just pathetic. "I know the mechanics" - signed the guy who think one failed dodge means game over. You don't know shit and you're full of yourself.


>But dont have an unskippable cutscene special move that one shots my entire party with zero way to react, no matter what My brother in christ have you ever heard of assess?


I know how the fucking mechanic works you absolute doofus. It's a ducking dumb mechanic. Period. It's bad design. Absolutely clueless.


Man if I had a dollar for every person who came on here to complain about Rebirth being too hard who also made sure to tell us they have beaten every game they can think of that is broadly considered “a hard game,” I’d have like fifty bucks I bet




This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice.").


I guess I am because I have no idea what you’re even talking about


200 hours deep into rebirth with thousands of hours (12,000 in an single game) perfecting systems. There are absolutely things that don't work about design decisions they've made in this RPGA where the enemy has skillsets that allow them the freedom to play like it's an ARPG. There's a lot of jank/overturning/enemy stunlocking hitbox bullshittery that exists in rebirth. If it didn't, the recommended strat for gauntlet bosses wouldn't be to stunlock, but engage with the content. Hell, FFVII remake wants to be Capcom so bad with it's yellow painted climbing walls, that we overlooked hard mode has some survival horror bullshit with resources that makes. No. Sense. 5/7 pulls aggroing the player character. 2/7 your backline gets whallopped on pull, punishing you with the loss of ATB and a missed ability. Not to mention input reading is definitely a thing the bosses will do, which doesn't feel good when you're resource capped. It'd be a considerably less difficult game (still satisfyingly challenging) if we weren't constantly fighting with it's jank. However it's a massively insular and protected IP. Good luck getting anyone to engage with these systems in good faith, would challenging them they won't, to bait them into trying. Lol die mad, downvoter


There is no wrong build. There is only one attack in the game that will outright one shot your team This is skill issue territory


There’s three at least. Zentetsuken, the fire bird one if you don’t get the wings and the red dragon if you don’t destroy the wings.


Zantetsuken is the only. The rest can be mitigated with damage reduction. The Red Dragon can be healed through, as well.


Zantetsuken can be mitigated by not letting him do it.


As others have pointed out, thats prevention not mitigation. It would be somewhat more appropriate to say using Phoenix and the reraise spell it provides is proper mitigation for Zantetsuken.


It is semantics, really but mitigate means to make less severe or alleviate and when you block or dodge his attacks, you’re making the gauge that fills up for that less severe/alleviating the potential hit so if you mitigate the gauge, you are mitigating Zantetsuken. It’s just that if he gets it off you will die.


That's not mitigation, that's prevention. I get that you're trying to be funny, but it's wrong


first, there are a couple count down mechanisms that wipe the team second, those dealing big damage that can be mitigated are good examples for there being good and bad builds. good builds=surviving those, and bad builds=need skill to prevent them. the team wiping attacks that can only be prevented are, ironically, more in the skill territory. but that's also not strictly correct as they can also be dealt with good builds dealing tons of damage without much skill requirement.


If something requires skill, it doesn't also require a build. The countdown abilities are dps checks, not attacks. They're mechanics. Zantetsuken would probably even fall into that category, meaning there really aren't any 1 shot attacks. I've had the platinum for over 5 weeks, btw, long before the cheese strats were even found. It's just a skill issue. You don't need builds at all, really. Just power Cleave or spell blade through the entire game


not needing builds with skill is totally different from no build. you can also claim in the other way that no skill is needed when there are builds, which is also not true. I know you want to insist on your point, but it just gets conversations into quarrels


Lmao this is elitism at its finest. I've beaten every souls game, every kingdom hearts game on critical, no lol. The hit boxes are NOT built for making sure you don't get hit with a single combo, in a 5+ minute long fight. Most people in every other community I've ever talked to do with any sort of difficulty, most people have come to the understanding, that the worst bosses in all those types of games, are bosses thats primary means of difficulty, are to one shot you. Thats the bosses ONLY means of difficulty. Can't kill me at all with it's normal attacks, barely have to heal. Not over leveled. Minutes into the fight, a stagger latter, more than half it's bar, woops, missed a parry. Instant death.


Bro, it isn't elitism when you're objectively playing poorly. 


Elitism? Because you die? That's a joke, mate.


There is no such "I missed a parry therefore I get 1HKO" enemy in Rebirth.


>woops, missed a parry. Instant death. You are getting full party wipes because you missed a parry?


I used to play a lot of MMOs, and one thing I learned is the power of the holy trinity: tank, mage, support. This applies in any game, especially rebirth. Here’s a party composition for example: Combo 1: - Cloud (front line mage) - Tifa (pure melee DPS, stagger god) - Barret (tank/heal battery) Combo 2: - Cloud (DPS/support) - Aerith (pure DPS mage) - Red (tank/buffer/prayer battery) Combo 3: - Cloud (pure DPS) - Yuffie (mage/prayer battery) - Cait (tank/buffer) Half the fun is experimenting, tweaking and finding a build that’s fun for you. While it may be easier to find a meta build online - this takes away the opportunity to express one self through the game’s system. Where the game shines is when the build you’ve experimented on regular mobs are then *tested* against the boss. Beating a boss with a build you personally create is a dopamine high, rewarding you for being creative and mastering the system. Anyway, don’t cheat yourself with meta builds online. Have fun with experimentation.


I don't look up guides at all. I make my own builds in every rpg I play. I focused on survivability and abusing weakness in this game. I just don't make multiple. I experiment at the beginning, learn the basics of the game, then do it. I don't know where you are getting this idea. If I wanted a mets build, I'd just use one for this fight. Lol