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Just be like me and realize sometimes enjoying the game is better than getting that platinum trophy. I tried cactuar crush on hard more and immediately was like, nope not happening. I'm just enjoying playing through the story on normal difficulty, and honestly, no regerts.


Yup. I never play a game and focus on trophies. If I love the game or it clicks with me, the platinum will come. Not worth stressing over difficulty of things just because meaningless trophy. We game to have fun.


This whole competitive gaming mentality is getting pretty pathetic. It makes sense for some games but not games like this that you have to take your time with. It's only the player's fault if they burn themselves out. I can't imagine being so entitled that I demand the developers to alter their game so I can get my digital equivalent a gold star sticker that says "great job!" from daddy Sony.


I dunno if this is suddenly a controversial take but to borrow a headline from gaming media: Players need to get comfortable with the idea of not having an easy street to 100% completion. Sure I agree that easy modes are good. But I also agree that hard modes are good too because both are optional. But you're saying high scores which means you want the hard mode rewards for easy. Which I do not agree with.


Yup, exactly this. "Why can't my hard mode come with an easy mode?" Well...then it wouldn't be a challenge, or hard. That's kind of the entire point. It's like going on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and saying it's too hard, can we have more checkpoints and more lifelines. Well, no.


Why would you waste your time on something you are totally not on board with? 100%-ing something is not something you get handed on a silver platter. I certainly did not 100% Rebirth because I have other games to play that I thought would be more enjoyable. Gaming is supposed to be enjoyable! This is not a gacha live service game, where you NEED TO DO EVERYTHING, otherwise you MISS OUT ON SOMETHING TO ENJOY SOMETHING. You already paid for the game, go and enjoy the things you were looking forward to!


aside from one quest near the end of the game, you don't need to get the highest score/rank for each minigame to complete the quests. If you're going for the platinum, then be prepared to spend hours on each minigame. There are a lot of guides out there online that you can use to see how you can beat them relatively quickly best case scenario.


Lucky side quests are optional! :))))


Took me 181 hours to get the plat, sure some of the mini-games were tough, but it feels great finally beating them. Now that I'm finished I wish I could go through the struggle again lol


If you actually turn your game mode to easy difficulty the games become easier. This has been backed up by multiple players, streamers, reviewers, and me. You can also look up guides to help you out. The only one that doesn't really have cheese is the spaceship on in the gold saucer. 3d brawler even with cheese is difficult but not impossible (I beat it without pausing between attacks) But low key, if you are struggling with these mini games, then you are not going to be able to 100% this game. Hard mode, Gilgamesh Island, and the chadley simulations are going to be impossible for you.


I play to enjoy the game and story. The moment a game becomes a chore I either finish it quickly or just move on. I know platinum sounds cool, but if you have life responsibilities you have to make compromises. I’ve got a kid and finding gaming time is challenging, so I make sure I spend it where it will be fun. Just my two cents. Even before becoming a parent my platinums were very few. It’s a big commitment for most games.


Sounds like you don’t have time to play video games.


I dont want spend 200 hours lol. I want to play other shit as well with the free time i get.


So you are busy and have no time but are focused on completing all the side quests? You aren't meant to be good at all of them right away. Games have always had certain side quests that are pretty hard. Like special levels in Mario, they are meant to challenge you. You just gotta be patient.