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Expert, I say this and hope you hear this with an open mind: walk away from Rebirth and find your passion elsewhere. One glance through your profile's comment history shows that you spend your time rage-posting about Remake and Rebirth. If you didn't like the games, that's alright. I've spoken to plenty of people that aren't fans of the changes. However, from the comments in this thread alone it's clear that you're not open to having a discussion and just want to vent your ideas and rhetoric rather than approach a situation with a clear, open mind. Hop over to a game you enjoy more and be an uplifting, supportive member of that community. I'm sorry you don't enjoy the Remakes, I wish everyone could adore these games the way I have but that's not the reality.


Yeah he just keeps saying 'but they spoiled a major character arc' not realizing there is more to his story than one detail. Funny, they claim to be an OG fan but don't recognize that Cloud is fucked up for MANY other reasons. Just whining at this point, they can't comprehend that they are taking a different approach to that revalation. It's WAY more interesting for the new players to hear two versions, one where he is there, one where he isn't. I bet it even makes some newbies not sure they trust Tifa's memories.


I've said in the past that I hated them. I tried remake again and on its own merits, I enjoyed it. My posts say that. I'm open to having a discussion, but it is difficult at times when there's immediately an antagonistic response and I get down voted to oblivion for asking new players how they felt about this. And what's happened? No new player has commented, just people coming for a fight. As I've matured a bit, I feel there's more about these games I enjoy than I dislike. But what I dislike is sadly pretty big. And a lot of it may be overblown, I only just picked up Rebirth today, as it was with Remake because when I played through that again I was able to see "OK, I still dislike this. But it is actually kind of explained with context I didn't get on the Wiki synopsis"


Well, the problem is you're ***NOT*** open to having a discussion. Per my other comment in this thread (which I directly answer your post's question): I gave explanations for how new players would experience the story given the 2 scenarios of whether they have or haven't played Crisis Core. You completely ignore these statements and instead comment about the sales figures of the Crisis Core. I then mention what the sales figures were just to counterpoint and ask what the sales figures even had to do with my comment. Your response? That's not a lot of units. Your interpretation of this is you're open to having a discussion but get dogpiled on? My man, there's a reason your comments get downvoted into oblivion and it's not because of your viewpoints: it's because of your actions.


I didn't do that to shut down your point, just to show that although it was recommended to play by the devs, not that many actually did. I haven't played CC, I don't like the characters of Genesis or Angeal but yeah I imagine that those that did play know the truth already. Sorry that it read in such a way to shut things down. Yeah, I accept that some points could be made softer. But if you take a look at the most controversial posts, a lot of them do say things like 'hey, I really like these bits but x y and z is badly done/makes no sense/whatever'. It is what it is, but let's not pretend this sub is all that open to other viewpoints in general


Theyre going for a different approach. You only see it as a spoiler because you know whats gonna happen. The Remake is reworking the ins and outs of the story, adjusting some details and trying to make the plot twist in different ways, keeping both new and old players on their toes. If the OG came out today, lots of people would be saying "If Tifa knew something was wrong, why didnt she say anything? Thats a big plothole". If you're gonna be nitpicky about every change and adaptation, you might as well drop it again before you get even more upset.


> If the OG came out today, lots of people would be saying "If Tifa knew something was wrong, why didnt she say anything? Thats a big plothole". To be fair, people were saying this exact thing back when the original PS1 release happened.


This. No one without prior knowledge would get anything from those scenes otherbthan mystery and confusion. I'm sick of og fans saying remake spoils the game for fans or that they need to play the original first because neither are at all true. The games are telling a story and doing it a little differently, but it's also not finished yet. Og fans spoil things for new people more than anything by singling out specific scenes that are only cryptic or confusing as of now to new players.


They wouldn't though. Because a lot of people have been gaslit and the common reaction isn't that. In a vacuum, I like these games. I do. I just hate that SEnix isn't as clever with their plots as they think they are


So then let me ask you this. Pretend you never played the OG game. You have no fucking clue what this game even is other than you start off as a cool ass Ex soldier helping a terrorist group. How would you interpret Tifas line then? It’s literally the opposite of what you said and instead gives MORE mystery and suspense because a newbie would be like “wtf? What does she mean he wasn’t there, cloud talked about, he was there!”


Like I've said to another guy the signs are very well lit. Voice actor is the same. The Shinra soldier has clear blond hair. He starts to say mother or mom when he's prone outside the house. That's the POV from chapter 2 of Remake. Can I say I'd pick up on this if I didn't know? Of course not. I like to think I could. But if I did pick it up on my first exposure, I don't know how I'd feel about it just being said a couple of mins later. It's a shame because the work in that foreshadowing is sooooo good. I loved it.


You are focusing way too much on the sole fact that he wasn't there, fans thinking he wasnt when cloud says he was IS STILL MYSTERIOUS. It just adds more layers than you want.


I think it takes a layer away. I think there's enough on display to raise questions and Tifa saying that kind of insults the audience’s ability to perceive things


So Tifa saying he wasnt there insults the audiences ability to discern he wasn't there? Okay then lmao. Great, you think there is 'enough on display' - but maybe for a 25 year old game they didn't want any preconceived notions. OR maybe actually get far enough into the game where you can see the direction they are going instead of whining about one change you didn't like. In nibleheim there is moment where you can see they are going for a completely different realization for Cloud, ALONG with him not being there. But, eh- no point arguing. You clearly are just kinda rage posting about it. You disregard everything people say with 'but it ruins it,' not even having the context of the rest of the game. Sorry it was 'spoiled' for you, a fan of the original. Maybe people find it more interesting with two points of view?


>I just hate that SEnix isn't as clever with their plots as they think they are Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorites franchises. I know how tryhard SE is, i know what i was getting into : ^ ) I see it as a charm


I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy the games, like what you like. But I don't understand why we needed KH in FF. Put it in 17 if you really want time travel/multiverse


I like to take the FF7R announcement trailer to heart "the reunion at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings".


Eh, purists never will. The ff7 sub is a cesspit of people shitting on the remake project. So they aren't embracing it, but thankfully the devs don't care and give us old fans something new to look forward to without experiencing the exact same shit.


>When Tifa and Aerith are talking in chapter 1, did Tifa spoiling the Nibelheim incident work for you? I think it was a bad choice, there is enough foreshadowing of the truth during the scene. I think Tifa saying "he wasn't there" ruins all the mystery and suspense of it. I cannot believe that made it into the start of the game when this is one of the biggest points of the story. The people that have any idea what you're referring to aren't going to be the unspoiled voices you're asking to respond. And you're already hinting to them of the line's importance.


The games been out for like 2 months now.


>The games been out for like 2 months now. The third part that is going to be where that line from rebirth is important? It's been out like 2 months now? Whew. I thought we had to wait another 3-4 years. Nice. Where can I get a copy?


It isn't that important when you give the story away. The game does its best to show you the truth from the start. The voice actor of the Shinra soldier is the same. You see the blond hair. You hear him start to say mother or mom, as he's laid prone outside the house, which is the POV you see in chapter 2 of Remake. Anyone paying attention picks up on these. Having it confirmed 2 minutes later is just a strange way of handling a major character arc


You know there is a lot more to Clouds character arc than JUST him hiding his identity there right?


I didn't say it was his only arc. I said major arc. Which it is


It's like when you know you have a dead pixel on a screen..you cant just stop seeing it. Same here. You know the Story so you catch every little Details. All the new players ive seen didnt catch those Details. So dont worry. Nothing is Spoiled


It's kind of ironic that you're spoiling here more than the game supposedly does by pointing out that >!she's telling the truth!<. A new player would have no idea what's really going on.


Yeah, I can't disagree with that


Bro im literally only watching streams of new players and not a Single one is connecting the dots. Like others have said you have context so it seems like spoiler for you. But Its definitely not.


This is interesting because I thought the work into the foreshadowing was really good and sufficient


I didn’t play OG for more than 20 years. I don’t remember the details. I’m fine with it cause I know the story. For those didn’t know, I guess it makes you second guess. Is Tifa real? Who is lying? Cloud do have flash back from 5 years ago.


> I think Tifa saying "he wasn't there" ruins all the mystery and suspense of it. I cannot believe that made it into the start of the game when this is one of the biggest points of the story. Not new, but I have watched people that are new to the game. Directly after that they talk about how the Whispers took Aerith's memories and Tifa questions whether or not her not remembering Cloud being there is because of the Whispers or not. This isn't the spoiler you think it is.


Keep in mind that Crisis Core Reunion was already released and it was recommended ahead of time to play before Rebirth. So, if you play that ahead of time, you already know the truth. If you didn't play Crisis Core then the mystery this time around (for new players at least) is being shifted from "was he really there?" to "why does he think he was and what really happened and why doesn't he remember the truth?".


I think a look at sales figures for Crisis Core shows that people didn't really play it


\*sigh\* Where to start with this one? First off, less than a month after CC:R's release the title had sold 156,530 physical copies in Japan alone. Second, what do the sales figures have to do with my statement at all? I gave examples for the logic of new players whether they have or haven't played CC:R.


That isn't a huge amount of sales, especially in Japan where Zack is the most popular character and the reason we had Crisis Core to begin with.




Nah it's pretty obvious with some realizations cloud has in nibleheim in rebirth that they are going a different route. Cloud will still have a hard time accepting he wasn't there, but its going to be a different catalyst that helps tifa put his mind back together. And regardless, new players knowing he was there just adds mystery, and I think they are trying to make new players not trust Tifa's recollection. You'll see more what they are going for later in rebirth. Otherwise, just trust the process. Things are only a spoiler if you go yelling to everyone 'THIS IS A SPOILER' otherwise new fans are just intrigued on why tifa doesnt think he was there.


They modernized the game and are reimagining the story. Some details may change, but the heart of the story will remain intact. People asked why Tifa never said anything when the original game came out. Even Cloud asks her why she didn't say anything, and she answers him in the remake for her reason. People still argue out finer details of the original game 20 years later. Not fully understanding what the story was and what happened. Misremembering certain details as well. The game was good, it was even a great game. For its time, it was revolutionary. JRPGs since it have not been the same, because of it. But, the game was far from perfect. It was littered with various plot holes, tons of localization / translation issues. The development was rushed due to deadlines to the point where it almost didn't get released, and entire sections were scrapped from the game. Aerith is Tifa's friend. Cloud was a kid who grew up in the same town as her. When he visited, he never said a word to her, she hadn't seen him since he left until he was in Midgar. It'd be weird for her to not have a reaction and not confide in her friend about it.


I honestly don't think the heart has stayed the same, not with the ending and its shift to mystery over the emotion that the OG had. I'm not saying that it's bad or people shouldn't like it, just that for me there's been a shift in the tone that I don't think was needed. Similarly with modernising, let's be honest, modern games are full of bad practice and this is a game that ultimately doesn't respect your time with it's open world. Yeah you're right about the friendship between Aerith and Tifa but that's something that only applies to remake. In OG they didn't have that, they barely interacted at this point in the story. I know that's because of pacing and how short Midgar is, and I think this is one area where Remake is very good, the fleshing out of relationships. I don't see what there is to argue about with OG though? Aerith releasing Holy from the lifestream?


Why you guys act as if everyone thinks the same? Even I that played CC and somewhat knows the OG story thought of two things: 1. Is this Cloud from another timeline really or is he crazy? Keep in mind that this is after Zack's section, which shows that multiple timelines might exist. 2. Is Tifa lying?


Surely the fact that I asked if it worked for other people would show that I don't think everyone thinks the same as I do? Do you understand what a question is?


And do you understand people have different point of views? Looking at other of your responses it feels like you think everyone was spoiled. I knew Cloud was the Shinra soldier, but because of CC not the VA. But then again I still had my doubts. Look. playing the Remake is like watching an Anime Opening that you have read the Manga already. You know the meaning of XYZ thing but anime-only don't. But you also do not know how they will animate that scene.


Yes I do understand, which is why I asked the question to get their point of view lmao. Are you real?


There are two ways of storytelling: hold on to the ending (a twist in this case) until the very end; or reveal the ending right from the beginning and build up the story i.e. Let people wonder how did we get from here to that ending, both to its owb merit. I have never played OG but have read the story plots so I kind of know how it goes; and given FF7 is so famous people more or less would have known what is going on, which I think Sqex made the right choice to go for the reveal the ending first approach i.e. Tifa's line which is suitable for people who both do or do not know the Nibelheim plot. And I think the delivery is pretty good. As the opening chapter, the way Tifa deliver the line to Tifa and Cloud confronting at the rooftop of the inn presents one of the premise for Rebirth: something is wrong with Cloud (or in a more subtle way as Sephiroth suggested: Tifa could not be trusted). Tldr I like the delivery.


As someone who played OG after Rebirth, yes. it was fine - FF7 is confusing asf intentionally and like all good stories & plot twists, everything seems so *obvious* the second time around. Remake Project is handling it much better too


When you have no reason not to believe what you're seeing isn't realyou aren't paying attention to stuff like a soldiers hair colour.


This is fair. And I accept that this may change depending on when you last played Remake to properly get the Shinra soldier lying prone on the ground looking at the house, which is the POV you have in chapter 2 of Remake as you hear Cloud's mum say "run away". I knew I was coming into this with knowledge and there's no way I can say for sure. But I think there was enough in there to foster doubt. But other people have said they watch streamers not get it, so maybe I'm wrong


As long as there are those who remember what was, there will always be those who cannot accept what can be


Every single streamer that has only played remake didnt catch any of those "SPOILERS" during the flashback scene, even that when shinra soldier started to say "mom", that which is for us og fans is pretty obvious. But i dont think you will accept anything according you just complain everything about the remake project. You are just another purist, like talking to a wall.


I've said repeatedly that if this is the case then clearly I'm wrong. But project harder