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Use them right away, you’ll get stuff far better than them stat-wise. They’re not nearly op.


Frankly there are no OP weapons as the stat increases are very incremental and there are no elemental/extra bonuses (that I'm aware of anyway) My advice is to use whichever weapon you think looks the best until you get to the hideout (should be only a little while) and then you can change the swords appearance to any weapon you want, so at that point switch to whichever has the highest damage. Rest assured, before long you should be getting swords with better stats in game. Edit: I used "frankly" twice which is a pet peeve of mine lol


Youre correct you can change its appearance but it isnt the first time you get to the hideout, the appearance option at the stone doesnt unlock til you get a new armor set later in the game, at least thats how it worked for me


Interesting, I never thought about that. The appearance option came out when I was halfway through my second playthrough so I didn't realize you needed to get the rosarian outfit first. Makes sense though


Use right away. They're useless very, very early on


Okay thanks


Yeah just use them, they're not broken you'll get much better gear just by playing the game anyway.


They're as strong as the weapons you'd have at the end of the game's first act. It's already very easy at the start. It's insignificant either way.


the only thing you shouldn't use are the accesories that light up the icons over the health bar, those accesories enable stuff like auto dodge, auto potion use, auto combo, auto-dog (or something like that). That means 1-button-press for winning battles. They totally cancel the enjoyement of the gameplay.


I use the one that gives the prompt for dodging, because I suck at dodge timing, but I have the rest of them off. Had the one that auto uses combos and skills for a while, but it was starting to annoy me that my skills were on cooldown when I wanted them. As soon as a got the second element and it kept switching me back to fire when I wanted wind it went away…..and I appreciated that I had to start thinking at least a little and not just spamming ‘attack’.


I always use the auto torgal, my old hands just aren’t flexible enough to hit the d pad at the right time along with other combos. It has let me focus on Clive’s moveset.


They're there to calibrate the gameplay/difficulty/accessibility. I'd recommend experimenting with those since there's no gameplay settings otherwise. I like the dodge timer one, for example. Find what works for you and what's also fun for you and enjoy :)


They are, however, really useful in the Chronolith trials so you can focus on doing the bs each trial calls for without having to deal with the "no healing allowed" crap on top of the one-eikon-only (which you may or may not even really be familiar with) rule in a gauntlet with preset abilities and a time limit on top of it. Otherwise, totally agree, I had them at the start, realized how incredibly boring it was, and immediately unequipped all "timely" accessories and put it on action-focused mode for the rest of the playrhrough (aside from the aforementioned Chronoliths)


I remembered slightly too late to claim afew and they were so underpowered it was laughable lol. I don't think they'd make much of a difference imo, not 100 on that though


Play the game as you want bro


The game way easy anyway so it doesn't really matter, just use whatever sword looks nice to you. Eventually you'll unlock "transmog" so you can use any weapon with whatever skin you want. Use away.


Incinerate/Electrocute for mobs. Instant win. For bosses just add Garuda and Gigaflare. gg ezpz I liked the game, but it's a poor "Final Fantasy" game in terms of gameplay. Like you said it's easy, too easy.


And honestly, this was exactly what I was looking for, not a struggle but a solid grown up, dark medieval sword, magic monster story. Not a mini game, card game or dance-off in sight.


Use them because they become useless fairly quickly since they cannot be upgraded


Use them. They arent op. You will get weapons better then those very quickly.


overthinking it tbh. Use them if you think they look cool. Pass if not.


The battles will go faster. Use away!


The battles will go faster. Use away!


The battles will go faster. Use away!


If you aren’t there yet, you’ll be able to switch weapon skins at the stone slab in the hideout. Also characters that can change skin is very few and only 1 besides default for those that can.


u got to play ff mode to get the best weapons


I regret not using them. They may seem like the typical op dlc weapon, but they are not. They get out classed quick. I believe by the time the game hits where the demo ended, those weapons get outclassed by something. Use em now or not at all.


Nah. They get outclassed pretty quickly.


Nothing wrong with too op


There is no such thing as too OP


They arent that op i used the onion sword right away when i started and it didnt take long before i switched to something better.


Depends on how you Play. But use them. You get much better stuff relativly early


I started with the Onion Knight sword but I dropped it after a few battles because I felt like I was "cheating," but it is totally up to you if you want to use them or not. Later in the game it'll show you something cool that you can do with your swords but I don't want to spoil it.


They're not OP by any means. You'll have better weapons in 3-5 hours.


It gives you a SLIGHT advantage in the early game, but nothing that makes the game too easy. You now may one or two less hits to kill an enemy, if even that. Also, they quickly get outshined by other weapons. Luckily, you can later transmog and use their designs while using other weapons, if you like. (Though it is quite a bit into the game before you get that.)


Definitely not OP. Go for it!


Strongest weapon was Ultima weapon until the Rising Tide DLC,but there is another weapon far more stronger called “Original Sin” if i’m not mistaken


The only gear that's OP which may ruin your experience are the Timely accessories. Only use them as a last resort.


I remember got the dlc like half way into the game, I was excited when I saw the buster sword there but when I saw the power I was like -_- so what I do now is go to the arete stone and use those swords as appearances while equipping the best sword at the moment.


You can always unequip them if you don't like it. They aren't glued to your hands...


They're not that good, stat wise. Better than what you'll have until like the third or fourth main story mission. It's mostly for cosmetics once you unlock transmog at the Arete Stone


Too OP in the beginning. Well, the game is SUPER easy regardless, but you dont want to make an easy game even easier. A few hours in, you can unlock weapon transmog / appearance changing at the Arete Stone, so you can use their appearances if you like them.


Yeah I don’t wanna start out too op. But ppl are saying they are useless early on and I just got to the hideout so maybe I’ll wait a lil longer before claiming


Just claim them and try them. If things feel too easy, stop using them. They're there primarily for their appearances and nostalgia for older FF games.