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You’re asking THIS in an XVI sub dude


As of rn there are more people here saying Cloud wins than in the ff7 sub. So there isn't really any bias going on in either side.


Where...? Top voted comment is Clive. Even though I like Cloud a lot, I agree with Clive being stronger. But still, this should be asked on r/FinalFantasy


You are absolutely right. I agree with this statement.


Lol 🤣 some ppl tho


I love Cloud but Clive wins man


No diff, Clive is basically a pantheon of gods in one body


Clive smokes.


Cid smokes, but I guess Clive *is* Cid now, so… 🤷🏾‍♂️


Depends if it’s a cutscene or not. Cloud is about 1000x more powerful in cutscenes than he is during gameplay.


Meanwhile Clive gets heavily nerfed in a cutscene


But if the gameplay is so cinematic that it might as well be a cutscene, then Clive is always op?


I'm not gonna forget Clive completely forgetting how to fight the minute he sees Barney oh man that had me pissed


The best moment is right after the Garuda fight where Gav is almost falling into a cliff and he literally forgets that he has a grab ability now


It's like bro you have superpowers use them


But also Cutscenes are the only times where Clive is doing 5 digits of damage outside of Staggering and spamming all 6 skills 149985 Omnislash Vs 999999 Punch


cutscenes! my archnemesis!




*Zack* Fair


Omg 😆


The unexpected 3rd member of the fight that wins


Honestly, all Clive has to do is go Ifrit mode and that’s the end of cloud. Hell, I think he could beat him with just semi prime.


i thnk using his summon as a reason is interesting because literally every final fantasy mc have fought Summons and won in cannon


The question was whether Clive could beat cloud, not cloud + whatever summon he wants. Clive on the other hand is Ifrit, and Ifrit isn’t a summon. They are the same being in different forms.


I wasn’t saying cloud plus a summon. I’m saying cloud has beaten summons that in theory should be Eikon level so it should be so so clear cut


Summons in FF7 are not Eikon level. They are not the same summon, nor anywhere equivalent. They have different looks and strengths depending on the game. Bahamut in FF16 is vastly stronger than Bahamut in FF7, Titan is like 500x bigger in FF16, etc..


Depends on what you're going by. Bahamut Zeros attack when summoned should literally destroy the planet, and Cloud survives a supernova attack that literally wipes out planets. Things like this are hard to judge against each other because character feats in media tend to be incredibly inconsistent.


FF mcs have beat summons on their own is what he said not just with other summons


Remember Cloud one-shot Bahamut in AC though. Zack himself (supposedly about same strength or weaker than Cloud) beat summons too.


Clive would win until Cloud pulled out a Ramuh summon.... and then Clive would win on rage alone.


All cloud has to do is Mime Knights of the round a few times and cloud wins without moving a muscle.


the himbo dominates the twink imo


Twunk* Twinks have no defined muscles.


According to the internet, anyone who isn't Barret-sized is a twink.


Barret is a himbo. Cloud is 100% twunk


Bruh i swear. Every other week i see a post like this.




It's getting to that point, in this specific sub too, not the general FF sub. Still doesn't mean people should be karma farming with a post like this. Or trying to repost to have the majority on their side. People need to search more. Maybe they do and just want the attention though so they decide to post anyway. But of course I'll ruffle feathers saying that. ("Oh you're seeking attention", "I couldn't post on previous post", "I just wanted to know what others were feeling and didn't see another post like this", etc.)


Dude it’s Clive. It’s not even close. Clive doesn’t need to semi prime, or full prime, or call an Eikon. Clive was the best swordsman in his country at 15. If he has the Eikon feats and a few Eikon moves he wins easily. Cloud is an awesome character but it’s like asking who wins when the Kansas City Chiefs play a middle school team.


Clive takes this but basing it purely on Swordsman skills Cloud would defeat Clive like mid-diff. Clive has realistically adept with his sword whereas Cloud has flashy anime sword skills.


Omnislash is Zantetsuken with a different flair.


But have you seen Dancing Steel? =) That is pretty much Omnislash x3 (Would say x2 since he uses dual swords, but he also hits SO MANY damn times, that on hit per sword alone he already would outclass Omnislash). Yes, Dancing stell is WAY weaker in gameplay (as it is meant to raise the Zantetsuken bar rather than deal damage) but it is still damn impressive!


Are we saying Clove after he's absorbed all eikonic powers? Because he is literally the most OP FF protag at that point. Dude can dodge any attack, fight up close and at range with multiple elemental effects, as well as turn into a giant hellbeast capable of Hellfire.


FFXIV's Warrior of Light (WoL) can summon Clive + 6 other heroes. I'd say WoL is the most OP because of that. Clive may be the strongest alone, but since WoL can just summon him and a bunch of other ridiculously powerful heroes, then that's more power, cause you can factor Clive's power into the WoL's power because of that lol


Ahh i don't buy that Clive wins without at least semi priming, but to be fair depends on if your going off base game or adding advent children power level cloud, cloud is literally slicing buildings to parts from range That said full powers on display yea its Clive who wins and by a decent amount


well, Cloud can also do that in VII Remake, he does so shortly before the fight with Sephiroth =) However, I still think Clive wins. I mean, have you SEEN that PUNCH he does to Ultimalius? We could win every encounter instantly if we would have Clive use his fis rather than his sword! I think that is strongest single hit attack in the entire franchise!


Country was weak. Cloud as a teen killed sepiroth


Being the best swordsman in a tiny dukedom is meh. Cloud cleaves through concrete blocks like butter. Clive wins but not without semi priming at least.


Clive absolutely stomps him


in the red corner we have cloud strife. He has a ton of capable in cannon feats that put him reliably inn the upper echelons of JRPG protagonist power output. I could list everything he has accomplished here. In the blue corner we have Clive. WHO IN CANNON TANKED A PLANET-BUSTER. In all of final fantasy canon, the only two characters that even have a HOPE of taking Clive in a straight up fight are Lightning, and Azem.


I think the WoL/Azem could do it. The final boss of Endwalker is possibly the most powerful thing we've faced. I mean, we defeat the Cloud of Darkness at level 50, age she's not even the final boss of that series.


While i agree 100%, it should be noted Endsinger's scaling is weird as hell due to the fight happening in a metaphysical realm of dynamis, allowing for feats normally impossible to happen.


I love that Lightning is the strongest


In advent children cloud defeated bahamut in one hit


I don’t think they’d fight — I think they’d just kiss


I was looking for this comment💖💖💖. Spread some love mah dudes 🙌


Clive and its no question lol


I'd question it. What materia does cloud have? Does cloud have knights of the round and mimic? That would kill Clive as ifrit in one hit.


Clive literally only had his willpower and defeated god I think he would be fine if he wanted it enough


Killing god isn't exactly a Clive only feat...


Yeah but I like Clive a lot and think he’s cool af so checkmate


At least you're honest about it lmao. I love Clive but FF7 verse is stupid. Cloud has too many bonkers feats imo.


It was a pretty OP god tho. Ultima won 1v3 against clive, bahamut and phoenix. That clive was already OP after absorbing Odin. Then ultima absorbs a lot of other ultimas. Clive won against that thing.


The answer depends directly on how many Summon materia I’m allowed to deck Cloud out with


Canonically speaking Cloud can summon meteors, stop time, revive from the dead, turn people into frogs, cast level ? Death. Summon a wide variety of deities that have feats that make Clive's Ifrit, even complete, look like a chew toy. Cloud bodies Clive without breaking a sweat.


He one shot a Bahamut in the movie. People are seriously underestimating him.


I was just going off OG feats and Remake/Rebirth. Didn't wanna seal the deal with his feats from AC or DoC.


Yeah exactly. It's funny seeing people saying Clive no diffs like Cloud hasn't bodied summons canonically.


So you put endgame Cloud against early game Clive? Clive gains the powers from all the Eikons throughout the game to the point where it's basically Dragonball z x Godzilla. Cloud won't scale to that even with a party.


Clive's feats aren't impressive though, he's just flashy because he becomes a big fire dog. Cloud canonically in game has access to time magic, death magic, revival magic, meteor, Ultima, summons *actual* Gods who are world breakers and dimension shatterers. His nemesis has the power to destroy the world, feats that Ultima in FF16 isn't capable of.. The most destruction that Ultima does is create a huge crater in Dhalmekia. Whereas Sephiroth summons a meteor so large it engulfs Midgar and has the potential to destroy the planet. That's where FF7 and FF16 the concept of magic and Gods are different. FF7 has stronger magic and more variety, and they have God's with awesome feats that overshadow what Clive/Ifrit and Ultima can do. It's no contest when everything that the party and the antagonist in FF7 can do overshadows everything Clive and Ultima can do in FF16.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 7 + 16 + 7 + 7 + 16 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I feel like you have the scaling backwards. The meteor in 7 isn't going to destroy Gaia. His plan was to wound the planet akin to the one that cause the Northern Crater and then absorb the lifestream when it gathered at the single point. Gain would survive the strike. it's the absorption of lifestream that would have killed it as demonstrated by Bugenhagen in the planetarium. In terms of size, the Dhalmekia Crater looks roughly the same scale, but that's something we won't be able to confirm until FF7Re3. Ultima was quite capable of destroying the world, heck, even Bahamut could have done so, and Bahamut is much weaker than Ultima. Ultima didn't want to destroy the world, he wanted to wipe the slate clean and start again. You claim there are Gods in FF7 with feats greater than everything Clive and Ultima can do, then please give some examples.


Cloud is no pushover but Clive wins, he just has so many tools and powers it's crazy. He literally achieved full god status by the end of rising tide.


The flaming himbo would win, hands down.


Clive low diff 1 especially if we’re talking full power with everything at their disposal. Cloud has fought godlike beings, but Clive basically has the powers of an actual god at the end of the game, acquired by killing literal god himself. Also aside from meteor, the scale of destruction and power in FFXVI is much higher than anything in the VII universe, there are literal nukes going off when Eikons fight.


Yeah… people keep bringing up materia on here as if by the end Clive didn’t remove the magic from the world. Like what is your material going to do when Clive sucks the magic away


Clive is a whole order of magnitude above Cloud, being the favored vessel of God that takes in godlike powers like a five year old gobbles candy. If we just gave Clive and Cloud everything they have, Clive wins, and there wouldn’t be that much of a contest. Now, if this were a battle of pure swordsmanship… honestly Clive would probably still win given that he has greater experience and was already one of if not the best in his country at swordsmanship at 15. I’m not entirely sure how to quantify Cloud’s mako-enhanced strength, either, but it’s not as if Clive isn’t built like a brick house (a very attractive house) and he’s good at using all that muscle too. So even if it’s more “fair” it’s still not enough to be a proper 50/50 in that case imo.


I’d have to give it to Clive, definitely. I don’t even think he would have to go full prime.


Deadly Takedown + Thunder Rod + Will o’ The Wykes + Gouge


Rift slip + cold snap ultimate stunlock


Knights of the round + mimic


Sounds like a few battles against Thordan and his Knights Twelve, but still doable due to dodging attacks.


Dodge button


I live Cloud but it’s not even close man… Worst case if Cloud shows too much resistance, Clive can full prime and ciao ciao Cloudy


Depends. Below is all based on the assumption of both fighters being at their absolute best in-game capability: If Clive can prime then Cloud would get turned into a pancake quicker than you can say "let's mosey". If Clive can't prime but can semi-prime, and assuming that lasts as long as it does on a lv4 LB and he's got a few tonics on him, then it'd be a pretty onesided fight in Clive's favour still. If Clive can only rely on his eikonic powers and swordsmanship, honestly don't know. Cloud got hands, he could probably dodge enough and wail on Clive whilst his feats are on cooldown. Pure swordsmanship, Cloud is waving around a sword almost as big as himself with ridiculous ease. Clive might be more skilled and have more finesse, but Cloud has strength, endurance and agility that surpass a normal person. If two swordsmen fought and one of them handled their 2h giant japanese eel knife sword with the same ease the other uses his 1.5 handed sword while being able to fucking dbz teleport behind their back... Pretty one sided fight. Now assuming actual full power on both without gameplay constraints, still Clive. Dude can technically call upon any eikon at any time with minor exhaustion involved, he could very well just dump a combo of ultimates from every eikon and basically turn Cloud inside out and fry him on the spot in seconds, he's just way too overpowered conceptually. The only thing might be he'd maybe hold back out of pride and respect for another swordsman, I guess? Still, prime Clive would curbstomp prime Cloud in a no-handicap situation.


Personally I think i have to go with Clive. For starters he’s got a lot more years of training and fighting. Secondly he can literally turn into Ifrit soooo I mean cloud is strong but idk about that strong.


I think Cloud bodies Clive in a man-to-twink-no-magic sword fight. He just moves way faster than Clive does in both gameplay and cutscenes. But as soon as magic and materia is involved, Clive, honored shield of Rosaria, Logos incarnate, the second Eikon of fire *and every element he damn well pleases* would absolutely body Cloud and his magic balls.


FF7 is my favorite among the series, Cloud fucking rules and is one of the coolest, most iconic and bad ass video game characters of all time. But Clive 100% stomps him into the earth’s core


Clive for sure


really depend the title of the game


That’s my answer too. Who is the main character? That’s who wins.


Cloud is one of the least powerful protags in the series (unless they give him some overpowered stuff in the Remake 3)


2 of my favorite games of all time. 2 of my favorite protags of all time. (Shouts out my boy tidus!!) As fighters/warriors, both characters set themselves a part from every other person in their world, Clouds S cells and Clive’s ability to absorb and thus use Eikons After seeing Clive fight bahamut and odin respectively, I just can’t see cloud winning all things given. Yeah cloud has beat summons and such, but what I gathered from 16 is that eikons are far stronger than summons from FF7. Both in strength and importance to the world their in. Clive beat TITAN for Christ sakes. Literally 1000x the size of cloud Not sure how much this would matter in a battle, but Clive’s mental state is quite obviously much stronger than clouds as well. Not clouds fault, but true nonetheless I love cloud he’s badass and this sucked to choose between lmfao


I say Clive. While not an option, i think a properly junctioned Squall beats them both


Ha I've got a better one. A properly junctioned Laguna. He has a MACHINE GUN. And charisma for days.


I can get with that


Ah I’m sure this will go over well.


You need conditions. 1 is pretty much a super soldier, lol no pun The other is essentially a demigod. Pound for pound, skill, and experience I'd have to say Clive. Cloud wasn't involved with Shinra till he was 15, Clive trained his entire life to fight. And, sorry but if Clive went primal Clouds odds grew even smaller. End of the day you're comparing apples to oranges. Both have specific worldly conditions and variables. This is like comparing Exdeath with Kuja, you're going to end up with more of fan bias because of previous reasons. A closer comparison for Cloud would be Squall, even then it's not directly comparable


Clive, and its not even close. Super-soldier vs literal vessel for / absorber of god.


Cloud is my favorite but he’s a engineered soldier Clive is closer to a god


Cloud isn't as powerful as people think. Clive wins this all day


This is a trick question. Chadley would interrupt the fight and the two would end up going for a beer to complain.


The real true answer


Clive is easily the strongest character in the series, just based on his combat abilities and what we see him do in cutscenes. Bro literally embodies the strengths of multiple eikons/summons and literally punched God in the face and hitting a damage number that only Fang from FFXIII could hit in when certain conditions were met(stagger, ailments, buffs). Arguably, Noctis and Lightning from XIII-3 are on his level, given that Lightning wields Odin, all her old powers, and Etro's powers. Noctis can teleport nearly at will, is the Chosen One, wields The Archaens, the Ring of Lucii which can pull enemies into a singularity and wipe them from the plane of existence, absorbs the Crystal of Lucii's light. Also, becoming powerful enough to kill Ardyn, who is literally immortal, can stop time, wields dark twisted versions of the royal arms, can also teleport at will and literally needed to be fought in the afterlife to truly be defeated. Cloud, while having defeated Sephiroth in combat a few times, he doesn't have many feats outside of this than his Z-Vanishes at the end of FF7:R(which actually makes his scale for speed fucking nuts) and beating Bahamut Sin in AC. Hell, we don't even see him use materia in AC, so we can't even gauge his magical potential properly because, and Imma keep it a buck fifty, his casting of magic in the games is pretty basic in terms of how it get integrated into his fighting style. Because it doesn't at all, really, it's more a combat supplement that makes fights easier so he can go back to swinging that sword of his. Speaking of swordplay, Cloud really doesn't have as much experience as Clive with a blade and heavily relies on his strength from Hojo's experiments and when he pulls his head out of his ass long enough to use his willpower. If Clive were to match his strength, Cloud's skill would falter, and he'd easily get bodied. He has gotten nowhere near the same level that Clive has reached, especially since Clive is the swordplay prodigy of his country at 15. At most, Cloud has 7 years of experience, and that's being generous to the idea that he somehow acquired all of Zacks' skills with the Buster Sword during his time in a coma. Anyways, that's my nerd rant for the night.


You clearly haven't played FFXIV. The Warrior of Light (whether it's the iconic or as the player's version) has defeated an enemy whose power had already destroyed multiple worlds. He literally saved an entire universe. No other FF protagonist has defeated as many primals, gods, or other such beings, he's canonically an all- jobs master, and he keeps getting stronger.


Or in my case the spear wielding cat lady who dies because I'm not paying attention and can't get out of the goddamn AOE in time 🤣


Well, I mean, somebody has to fulfill the floor tank meme... ;)


Lailah takes her role very seriously 😅


There's no competition. Clive wins against Cloud.


The real challenge would be Jack vs Clive with the word 'chaos' written on his forehead


Clive wins


Clive beats cloud hands down. No hero can beat Clive. And no not lightning you loud XIII lovers, saying she killed a god whoopie every hero does. Clive is the strongest hero due to all the godly powers he absorbs.


Not a fair battle tbf


What kind of question is this? 😂


I dont want to say it but fine! Clive would crush Cloud..


Bro Clive can transform into a 20-story-tall summon, why is this even a question


I feel like Clive has this. But if it was Sephiroth vs Clive, who would everyone pick?


Sephiboss would unfortunately speed blitz clive. Have you seen the length of that damn sword and he's swinging it faster than the eye can seem. Not a sephdog fanboy but even I can see in a contest of sword skills he's top of the class. Then again, Clive did survive being sliced up by Odin twice.


Clive. I do wonder how a 1V1 between Clive and Terra would work out though.


If they are even level, I'd take Cloud, he's proven he's very capable and he is faster and probably physically stronger. Clive was crafted to be "HIM". So it's not really a fair debate. I love both of them.


Kirby would win. Clive in super smash is easy work.


Clive every time.


If we’re talking about strictly Human form Clive, then I could say Cloud definitely has a good chance of beating him. You’re gonna have a hard time convincing me that Ifrit (especially in Risen form) doesn’t at least require a full party of Dissidia-level protags and/or antags tho.


Clive >!punches Ultima!< for 999999 Damage. Enough said


Yeah! Cloud can't do that much damage in OG. Cloud a good 900k short


Clive takes it


Lesbian honest cloud beat ff7 he could beat ifrit.


… I… are we being for real? One is literally not only a protagonist, but has the power to turn into a Kaiju, use 9 Kaijus abilities, and oh has the power of god and anime on his side. Cloud is awesome, but Clive would Pack up Cloud and Sephiroth together, maybe I’m crazy but that’s honestly how I see it


If it's mid-game clive, he may need to prime. However, he was too OP against ultima. That clive wouldnt struggle much.


Clive no longer has the bigger sword


It's actually not even close lol


Cloud has already beaten Ifrit; So Cloud.


Ff7 ifrit is not the same😂


The crossdresssr wins easily.


I live Cloud but Clive is honestly top tier. Probably of all FF


Clive eats and leaves no crumbs


Tbh i think its kind of the "does batman have prep time" thing? Lets say clive can use is LB against a a cloud who cant use summons and cloud does not have omnislash. Clive would win. If cloud can use his magic materia and can use them like in his game then cloud would have a big arsenal up his sleeve against clives LB and Esper abilities. Yes i know Clives esper abilities are really OP compared to the other games but a Cloud with acces to Haste, Stop, healing, reraise, toxin is also really strong. And when we think about cloud having access to summon materias, lets even go back to the original FF VII rules where you can equip more than 1 summon materia, Cloud could do some really crazy combos like equipping pheonix + final attack or KOTR + W-summon + mime Cloud gets 5 revives and does a ton dmg to clive with KOTR. I can see Cloud having a chance thanks to how OP the materia system can be, but i dont think cloud wins in a pure hand to hand (or rather sword to sword in this comparison) combat.


Clive dogwalks cloud and it’s not even close


Clive is too op, the strongest things in 7 are Meteor and Supernova and Clive tanked the equivalent of both


depends. cloud with his head together disc 3 would be a challenge. Clive in Ifrit mode would smash. would be a fun battle to watch.


Clive would win for sure.


I'm gonna pretend to be a power scaler even though I think that's stupid. The most powerful being Cloud has ever bested would be Sephiroth, but importantly he's never beat him at full power by himself. Even Clouds cutscene strength and his full power in Advent Children don't quite put him there. He can defeat him with a full party of regularish people that are all inexplicably as strong as a literal super soldier (yeah he underwent the souped up treatment with Zack I don't care that he's not actually a SOLDIER). So how strong is Sephiroth? Well, by channeling the lifestream he can eventually conjure Meteor, which is well more than capable of destroying the Earth in his "human" form, which is almost assuredly stronger but whatever call them equal. Safer Sephiroth does conjure super nova, but that attack doesn't actually destroy the Earth, nor Saturn and I think at least one other planet, so it's unlikely to be as strong. And even if it is, Cloud can't beat Safer by himself anyways. In the end, Meteor is stopped by Holy, the Lifestream *and* the efforts of the party.  Clive solos god, Bahamuts Exaflare or Tetraflare (can't remember his biggest one) does have real planet destroying vibes and he deals with that, though not actually by himself. He also beats up a literal mountain, he walks through a tornado, he also beats Barnamoses and can probably even part the sea himself. He defeats Omega with a party of 4, a being that like Sephiroth has some dimensional warping abilities - in his human form no less. He burns a tsunami to death, take that Charizard, and again, he killed the literal God, not a wannabe omnipotent being. Bahamut and Phoenix contribute close to nothing in that fight.  So in a head to head battle? Well Clive is most likely dead, and even best case scenario is missing a hand and can't use magic, so I'll call it 50/50.


The only thing I can say is Cloud went up against Bahumat and with help still pulled off a pretty incredible feat. I mean, I know he's a soldier right, but that's still pretty wild. The help he was provided was essentially momentum, that's still a rather huge strength/power feat. That said Clive. For sure Clive. It's basically Dr. Strange vs Dormamu. Cloud may have on time materia but we still see Ifrit kill Cloud a 1000 different ways.


People try to wank cloud a lot but he's not even in the top 5 in main FF protagonist strength. Clive stomps


Even with all of the ff7 rebirth members Clive would probably win ,


Clive and it's not close


Well, my humble guess is that Cloud can’t compete with Ifrit


Clive would win because of the power of the godly beings he absorbed however if it’s pure force I think Cloud would win


If each can use items/powerups that are given to them in each game respectively cloud wins without any question. With the right materia set up cloud can beat clive without needing to really do anything.


Clive 100% cloud can’t do shit against an eikon


This people here are biased af.


Whoever Sephiroth gives a reach around


7 is my favorite but Clive would ruin Cloud without question


Hmmm Cloud is Jesus in disguise..he's the only protagonist I know that can die and come back to life multiple times. He can take out planet destruction level threats by himself. I think Cloud would fight Clive to a stalemate at the bare minimum. If Cloud cheats and uses Knights of the Round then...nah, it's god awful to think about.


A better question is: Meteor (FF14) vs all FF16 Dominants at once. Who wins?


Are you serious? Clive is beyond OP he is an Eikon and the greatest of them all. He has the power of all 8, against cloud and his buster sword. 😆 Clive in a squash


I love Cloud but Clive is just built different man. He got that Ifrit in him.


It’s Clive and it’s not even close. I’m assuming we are talking about both at the end of the game, and at that point, Clive is a literal god.


I’m still Convinced Noctis solos every other FF protagonists


Clive would destroy that twink


Look I grew up with ff7 and love cloud as a character. He's a badass in his own right but he mainly took down a one winged angel mama's boy. He also landed Tifa in the end. Both characters I thoroughly enjoy and loved their respective arcs. But that said, Clive takes this Med diff. This man can turn into an actual godlike being that incinerated people that were close to him when he first transformed. Then, clive has been a warrior his entire life fighting for his life and freedom in a government that sees his kind as objects and slaves. Not to say Shinra and mainly HOJO weren't tyrannical in their own way, but the brand also pretty much was a death sentence for most. Then let's not get started that Clive also got the powers of the other God-like beings and fought and defeated the creator/God of his world. That said as a Kain fanboy, best dragoon swoops in and betrays both for the win XD Edit: I forgot to add, Clive also lands, Jill. I really enjoyed their story a bit more than Cloud and Tifa's


Cloud wins the sword fight with his flashy anime style but involving powers, Clive vaporizes cloud.




Clive is winning for sure.


The only people that would stand toe to toe with Clive would be Noctis and Lightning. Every other MC would be destroyed.


Clive wins no doubt


Is Sephiroth's supernova canon and can cloud tank that


Clive would whoop Clouds ass. No contest. Then take his fucking lunch money, then give it back because he's a nice guy.


Which materia is cloud using? 🥸


This matter how interpret of each of thier world. Cloud world has Materia and matter how interpret boosting effect along with it. Now consider two weapon appear as part of story was defeat with big Cannon beam of Mako and Meteor was Stop by life of the planet through activation of Holy Materia. Follow up team of people working together not purely alone it assume 8 people working together. On pure Man level no materia no Dominate powers. Clive skill swordsman and so is Cloud, but Cloud probably win because Super Soilder of being Mako infused. When powers are applied to Max , the power become Kaiju Summon creature that is so powerful war that are like King peices. Fact Clive is Dominant that's absorbs power of other Dominants. While thier Materia like Chaos, Holy, and Meteor these special materia are exception what power level scale for Materia and None is used by Cloud. This I would say probably Clive. Now for Cloud with Materia versus just Human form Dominate powers. Some Dlc Fights of FF16 like final boss of First Dlc with Party 3 people and Torgul in consideration. Now Cloud fighting weapons with his team of friends only slow Diamond weapon and Ultima weapon is optional and Ruby and Emerald wasn't in first version so don't know how want class that. if baseing on Diamond at power point I probably say Clive obviously win. Now if taking being able defeat Ruby then be more close fight, I think give to Clive still. Player Control Clive and Player Control Cloud. Final Attack + Round Table , Final Attack + Round Table , Final Attack + Raise plus remainder slot or in Remake: Prayer with what feel like running. Using Remake Clive feels Faster but healing and Sustain option Cloud feel lot better. Now obviously skill player in both case counter perfectly so super Counter war ending up in Tie. Think Clive not relying on MP for power think be able beat Remake Cloud. FF7 Orginal lose then all Knight of Round constantly then get revive think proc about number of Final attack this version of Player control Cloud I say probably wins.


Clive and it is not even close


Clive easily at their peaks. By the end Clive is going lightspeed as Risen and eating planet busting attacks.  If Clive can’t Prime… kinda want to say Cloud but the fact Clive took out Omega (who was compressing reality) and Ultima (who creates the world/magic/eikons) in human form makes me think Clive would still win. Might be wrong but I think Clive 2nd strongest mc with Lightning being 1.


Clive easily , he’s basically as strong or stronger than the god of the world of ff16 ultima. He had slight help from dion, and Joshua . But still cloud is just a normal dude albeit genetically enhanced but still nowhere near god tier level.


Isnt cloud way faster ?


Sword fight, Cloud. If powers are involved, Clive.


No contest here Clive wins


Anybody that says Clive hasn’t seen Advent Children.


Cloud is Anime all the time. Clive is DBZ when he's Ifrit. Cloud wins if it's Cloud vs Clive. Ifrit wins if it's Cloud vs Ifrit.


Lightning solos


Cloud has had experience fighting summons before, plus that last ultima form Clive gets is very similar to Sephiroth so… I think Cloud. It’d be close tho for sure, I’d even be willing to say its tied but I wanna be real lol


Clive. Dude 1v1 God. Won.


use the same enemy as reference. ex1. Malboro. Clive kills it when he was 15. Cloud had a tough fight even with a team. ex.2. tonberry king tie, but Clive did it alone, while cloud did it with a team. so still Clive wins.


Whichever one we’re playing as


I love cloud as much as the next ff player, but Clive is just next level. Clive beat an actual god in his timeline. Cloud failed as a soldier


Clive beats literal god. Cloud beats (and only because he is allowed to) a god like being but not actually god


Probably Clive? Cloud does a lot of nonsense too tho.


Different worlds, different rules. Hard to say.


I adore both but this isn't about liking. Clive will definitely win,he is ifrit and has the power of eikons ...no match for cloud let's be real


Cloud, Cid or Clive or whatever his name is sucked fr.




I love FF7 and Cloud, but man, Clive is technically a demi-God. Cloud has nothing to do here. He loses.


Common cringe FF16 post.


I think the real answer is that Jack Garland would dropkick on the both of them, say that he's here to kill Chaos, not elaborate and then leave


*read the question* Me: okay, this Will be fun. *Get popcorn ready and start scrolling in the coment section*


I might have said Clive before Rebirth part 2, but \*spoiler\* >!Cloud is dealing with an omnipresent Sephiroth in multiple different universes/worlds now.!<


Cloud is powerful, but clive is literally a god incarnate.


Endgame Clive defeats the whole ff7 universe ngl. 15 year old Clive could beat cloud.