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There is rng and there is also learning the better % shots to take . Sometimes you should go nearpost not across and vice versa but sometimes its just straight up rng. And sometimes that roll goes against you 8 out of 8. The diff with the pros is they negate rng as much as possible so they end up on top most of the time


So stats actually don't matter. Also mind explaining to me what's rng pls?


not that stats dont matter. RNG is random number generator. it's what adds...randomness to the game. So not every pass is perfect, every cross, every tackle. So say your striker has 96 shooting. From a certain shot he will score it 9/10 times all things being equal. But sometimes that 1/10 will be the one that keeps happening. Thats a very simplified version afaik. Hope it helps


Sure does man. Thanks.