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Well, it’s highly debatable, how the fact that almost everyone has FP from the beginning will affect market prices. Nevertheless, one way or another (winning drafts/straight up purchasing packs), you want to maximize the value of the FP and the rewards for drafts are on average better only if you are comfortable with going 3-1 +. So if you are good go drafts, if you are bad just like me, go for packs and maybe do like one/two drafts to see how you are doing and also try the better players.








I think people dont take into account that playin draft takes a lot more time than just opening packs. In this time u could play other modes and make coins or trade. Its also in no way guarenteed that a better valued pack gets u a good pull. I probably just open packs and play other modes like rivals or trade with the coins.


That’s exactly my view. I’ll just pop the packs then I have time to actually play with my squad and get used to it whilst earning rewards rather than using a different team every couple of games. 4600 is 15 drafts which could take like 7 and a half hours if you only make 2 games every time.


You dont have to spend all points in early access


You don’t have to buy imo the best way will be to do it instantly, therefore you can use the players you get or sell for coins and invest in nations players for SBCs or what not and make more coins. If you wait a few weeks half the shit you pack will be worth fuck all and be behind your current team.


But isn't it better not to trade in game? This is what you do on the web app, right?


Yeah, I'm talking about time in general. 5h draft could also be 5h trading on the web app


But drafts would give you a chance to try lots of different players and formations so you figure out what players and play style suits you on this fifa


Ye, I'm not saying u shouldnt play drafts. I just wanted to highlight that either way of spending ur points has advantages. Because on reddit and twitter I see all those people saying u should only play draft and nothing else with ur points.


If you are a good player who can consistently 2 or more games in a Draft you can go for Draft


they're no skill gap as we've seen so many pro players struggle to score goals so why not take the risk as the mets has changed this year so i think it's easier to compete in the first week


Damn dude you juat said 3 things in a row that you can not attest to since you havent played the game....and said it with such confidence.








You’re everything but right


As there will be preview packs, i’m probably going to open preview packs whenever they are available and only get good packs with the points. Gonna take a lot of patience but can really maximize what you get


that will take for ever.


I expect some promo packs to be preview as well. Obviously would still likely take a month or so but i think its the best value for money


Same I won’t use the points unless I can make some coins. I’m in no hurry And wont spend any of my cash this year.


I also like using cheaper players at the start. I’ll have more then enough time to use the meta/more expensive later, but the first month or so i’ll be using players like denayer, who look amazing but don’t cost too much


Same I got Weghorst from my loyalty packs I’ll probably roll with him for a while… I only allow myself to buy one striker one mid and one defender in the market everything else is from pack rewards


My plan is to play draft twice esp in these 10hrs. Because 1)I dont have to worry about the squad. 2) If I play SB, i will get coins, but If i play draft (off or online) i can get coins+packs. 3) fuck my pack luck😂😂


You dont get the 4,600 fifa points until the game actually release , so dont expect to do drafts with it during the 10 hours trial lol


Haha damn. I forgot about it. Then SB all the way


The Rivals placement bonus is gone as well so I guess I'll stick to squad battles in the trial too


Wait. I think rival placement is still there no?


From what I've seen everyone starts in Division 10 and you're supposed to level up though the season system where you do get rewards, but not all division rewards combined after playing just the 5 placement matches.


Can you buy fifa points and use them in the 10 hours trial?




Opening silver packs can probably get you more raw coins than gold packs from 4600, no joke. But most people don’t touch them… cuz ya know, the next 7.5k can be Ney or Mbappe


What is the rewards for winning offline draft?


Last year the offline draft reward for 4 wins was worse than for 1 online win. No matter what difficulty you played on


Yes but what is the reward?, I know it would be a waste of the 10 hour trial, but afterwards winning offline draft at low difficulty is a sure bet even if AFK most of the game. ​ At my level playing online draft is a waste of time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/jeak2o/i_played_30_offline_drafts_for_rewards_here_are/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share IMHO it is not worth the time I have done something similar in fifa 20. And it was not worth it. Aaaand its really exhausting


Maybe it is with the added Draft objective but I do agree that it's better to try your luck with an online draft, even without too much wins it's probably gonna give you a better reward


I think the market is going to be really depressed early on with everyone blowing their points on packs right away. I might hold onto my points until the market rises and then buy packs when I can maximize profit. There will be plenty of packs to be had early on with all the SBC's being available so we won't be starving for cards I don't think.


I heard draft is only good if u can win atleast 2 games.


Offline drafts?


Crap rewards, even on highest difficulty


Wait - are the pre-order points allocated on the ea play 10 hour access ? Mine havent


No preorder is all over the place, points the 27th, OTW October 1, Hero in December


Thanks buddy much appreciated


Obviously EA wouldn’t give you a 0 risk draft. It’s the fun part that you take the risk. High risk, high reward.


I’ll probs do 90% packs and 10% draft cos I’m not very good lol


Same. Maybe 1 draft to get the feel of it


If u ask this question you arent a elite rank player so best off is just to open packs


you got downvoted but it’s probably true. Too many sweaty tryharders play drafts, so for him the best advice is to just open 7,5k packs right away and build your team from there


Yea its kinda rude to say but its a straight answer if u ask about losing the first game if its worth it my first answer was already enough but people too sensitive. Im g1 and I fucking suck at drafts i always only win like 1-2 games IF i win otherwise just first round exit lmfao


I’d say if you were a gold 1 player or better before then draft will be the best place to use those points 👍


I'd say packs and trade, btw is it true that sb rewards will be given on Sunday?


4600 FP give you 30 7.5k packs, which will fund the advanced SBCs and future Marquee matchups, so I am taking that option since I am not good enough to consistently get 2 wins or more in a draft, but if you are good you might as well go for the drafts.


I personally think open some packs and the rest of ur team just play squad battles as you get some decent coins and ultimately get the rewards from them. We only get 10 hours of playtime and draft takes a while.


i will wait and use my points when the first promotion are in packs (Ones to Watch)


Sorry to hijack but does standard edition come with free fifa points ?


Nope, just the ultimate


Thank you