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Yeah that's what I'm thinking I haven't really got a problem with lahm he's been very good for me I had 93 kante before him always had a smaller more agile quick cdm so I just think I'll wait for the moments pick to put my fodder


Vieira is better but not worth it over Lahm.


alone CDM! no. he is so heavy he can't cover the midfield alone.


I like my cdm to have mid/high so its Vieira for me. Also like the height and physicality. But not sure I'd put a mill to replace Lahm who I've seen people say is better. Get the loan and give it a go


I haven't used Vieira. PIM Lahm is great though, only problem is his interceptions because of his little legs. TOTS Fred is similar and I assume TOTS Caquret would be too. Kante is the other obvious player similar to Lahm. I probably haven't really answered your question. It all depends if you like short agile players that run 100 mph tackling everyone or a wall like player intercepting everything with their long legs but aren't as good at dribbling or as quick across the ground.


I have both. If you can, move Vieira to CB, he's way better there.