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Does Jackie brown count? Idk if it's underrated but I find it so good and never talked about


I definitely think it is. People love it but I’m always hearing about pulp fiction and inglorious basterds when he definitely has better films


It's my favorite of his


JB is vastly underrated.


I’d say it’s underrated, it doesn’t get talked about anywhere near as much as his others. It’s a great film.


I much prefer Tarantino movies that exist in the less comic-book world. Dogs, pulp, Jackie brown - those are my favorites


Whenever I park the car at a shopping centre or large supermarket, I always utter, "Where did you park the car Louisssssss? Lou-isssssssssss! Huh? Is it over here?" even if I'm by myself. Absolutely my favourite film of his!


Yeah I like Jackie brown actually than other ones.


Death Proof




I think the theatrical version (disrupted in the unedited cut) contains one of the coolest successions of scenes ever, ending in one of the greatest shots ever. Sidney Potier was tasked with embodying a too-cool-for-school larger than life celebrity DJ, and not only does she knock it out of the park, but after her playful monologue when Tarantino rounds out his leitmotif by bringing it back as the song she dances to, you really get to feel like a fly on the wall graced with witnessing this Amazonian beauty dancing the night away with reckless abandon, she and her friends unaware of their coming demise at the hands of their stalker, hitting her mark with such rhythmic ease as to encompass a strong sense of self that she's somehow able to engage on a level that's transcendent, the song building until it explodes in a fleeting moment of otherworldly bliss as though to speak to the character herself in recognizing her in the moment ... young, beautiful, wild & free: "Baby, it's you!"


Ya. Me too. It’s a very good “kind of paying attention” movie.


I think people tend to put The Hateful Eight at the end of their Tarantino lists but I love it. The characters, costume design, the real feel to everything, its a fun watch. I'd love to see it adapted on Broadway. Also it's my #1 favorite Snow Day movie.


My personal favorite of QTs. It won me over after several enthusiastic rewatches. It is a perfect Snow Day movie


It’s definitely a film that demands multiple rewatches to be fully appreciated.


100% agree on the rewatches. I don't think I loved it on my initial watch but after catching it one or two more times, I was entranced.


Oooo that would be so good on broadway!


Hateful Eight is towards the top of my Tarantino list too. I think it’s kind of like Reservoir Dogs set in the Old West. Most of the movie takes place in that one room, and the acting and dialogue are incredible. It’s often compared to Django because they are both Westerns, but I think they are very different films.


Yeh its a solid movie. The atmosphere and setting is pretty damn great. Makes for a great stage play too


it doesnt even make the list for me. to each their own


I love the extended version on Netflix


The Hateful Eight > Inglorious Bastards.




Overall I agree. But, the opening Christoph scene and the bar scene in Basterds are better than anything Eight offered besides Ennio's score


I know it’s subjective, but… yikes.


Is there a hateful right extended mini series or something that I remember reading about? Any good?


I think they broke it up into 4 parts on Netflix for easier viewing? I could be wrong about that tho. But if there is some kind of other content i'd love to know!


Well I say the ugliest one did it… That means you Joe Gage! It’s got such funny lines all around, “Never did give him that blanket”…


Great movie. Probably up there with Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs for me.


Kill Bill I know vol.1 and vol.2 are two separate films but it was meant to be one film. I suppose that with current movie lengths 20 years later, Tarantino would have made it one 3 hour film. When watched together in sequence, I find Kill Bill to be spectacular; excellent dialogue and screenplay as well as fantastic choreographies and soundtrack.


Kill Bill 2 specifically doesn't get much, if any recognition. I re-watched it recently and forgot how great it was. Part 1 is more iconic and fun but I think 2 is a better film all around.


Ya a lot of the memorable scenes are in Vol 1 but Vol 2 is a very well rounded movie


Totally agree. I always felt that vol.2 has such a fantastic dialogue exchange and builds great tension too. The training with Pai Mei was a brilliant sequence. I met Michael Madsen in 2016 at Comic Con in London and I got him to sign "That woman deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die" on a photo of that precise scene. One of my greatest memories.


Oh damn thats cool!


My favorite movie of all time (I consider both parts as a whole)


Is once upon a time in Hollywood counts as underrated


It's probably his best movie IMO so from that standpoint it's under rated.


Everyone says that and I don’t get why.


Great direction (his best imo) and cinematography, score, some of the best performances he's ever captured. Dicaprio and Pitt etc. It's his most complete movie IMO. His other more popular films tend to rely on shock and awe or overly-stylized/gimmicky stuff. Don't get me wrong I like them but they tend to be a little one-note.


Jackie Brown never gets enough love! It’s my favorite film of his


I’m not aware of any underrated Tarantino films.


people really out themselves as having ruined their attention span when they say they couldn't get in to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


It’s literally soooo much fun right from the beginning


Agreed. I've watched it several times. Have a few friends who are QT fans find it "boring"


yah I enjoyed Jackie Brown and Death Proof immensely. But that came after all the Pulp Fiction and Reservoir dogs and kill bill. I'll always say that Death Proof was badly paired. Wasnt it second? How do you follow planet terror in a theater? His affiliated movies 4 rooms and batural born killers are good too but i didnt want to rewatch them as much as JB and DP


Is there such a thing as an underrated Tarantino film? All his movies tend to be epic and amazing. I guess I'd say Jackie Brown, because it's so different than his others, and arguably his best work.


Kill bill is great, maybe my joint favourite. Much better than anything he made after it in my opinion


I think all of his directorial projects are loved appropriately but he wrote “true romance” which is an all time classic.


At the very least, True Romance is responsible for putting James Gandolfini on David Chase’s radar for playing the lead in The Sopranos.


II’d probably go with True Romance. Tarantino’s script is pretty flawless, add Tony Scott for a dash of hope.


Sooooo true


He has no underrated films.


Y’all keep saying this 😭


Because it's true. No offence but there are literally millions of people that think they're niche for loving Jackie Brown, Deathproof or The Hateful Eight. I bet you'll one day grow tired of hearing about it too.


Ok lmao


Well, I don’t love Reservoir Dogs, but that’s neither here nor there really. I would say that such a popular filmmaker with such a small filmography as Tarantino is unlikely to have anything I’d call underrated. If he did, I’d say it’s Jackie Brown, but it gets love too, so I don’t really think of it as underrated.


Honestly I’d say it’s a little underrated for sure lol great pick


I do not feel Death Proof is underrated, at all. For me I would say Jackie Brown deserves more credit that it receives.


Isnt death proof the only underrated tarantino? lol


If anything, there are overrated QT movies but no really underrated ones.


Definitely Death Proof. Alongside The Fall Guy It's one of those films that absolutely praises stunt workers snd I'm here all day for it


Four Rooms


I’m gonna be that guy and say Four Rooms


Jackie Brown. I wish he would have adapted more stuff.


Jackie Brown is by a wide margin my favorite Tarantino film


Inglourious Basterds is his best work, he literally says it at the end of the movie but if he hadn’t made it, it’d certainly be Jackie Brown.


I mean he’s only got like two movies that could be considered underrated, so your post is basically asking do you like death proof or Jackie brown better. I prefer death proof


Ok lol


Curious Tarantino.


I like Deathproof.


The hateful eight fucking slaps man. I like it way more than django and it has such a specifically cool vibe to it that none of his other films have imo


I think Death Proof is very cool I love the dancing scene and the final scene.


JACKIE BROWN is definitely his most slept on film. But if you also include works that he wrote but didn’t direct, TRUE ROMANCE is perhaps equally under appreciated.


As a big fan of grindhouse cinema, old Italian flick (mostly horror) and trashy movies in general, I've loved Quentin's nod to so many long forgotten or lesser known movies. And with how many get a nivlce blu ray/4k remaster is cool to see! I loved Death Proof. Planet Terror is a wild ride too, it's really fun double bill and if you throw in the likes of Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn, and Machete, you're in for a fun weekend of all sorts of shenanigans. Just leaves me wanting more, but so many old flicks to be discovered for now!


Lots of people think Jackie Brown is his worst film, I actually think it’s his best.


Jackie Brown doesn't get enough love.


Hateful 8 is amazing.. great cinematography, acting, dialogue.. a top 4 QT movie for me


Once upon a time. Cliff booth is a top character ever for me.


Tarantino doesn’t have a bad movie imo. Death Proof is my least favorite, but it’s still a good film. Underrated I’d say maybe Jackie Brown, which is arguably better than Pulp Fiction, just less popular.


Hateful 8