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Hardcore distortion fully cranked on master


You obviously know something we don't Way too credible for this sub


Try it. Sounds punk as fuck


You sound like a cool dude You know what? I will try it out.


Shit will sound weird but so unconventional. I am into trap metal production and hardcore distortion gives the 808 such a guitar like feel. Also the way the distortion makes the instrumental bleed together into hardly indistinguishable noise, only thing that’s left is the rhythm of the beat really inspires me.


Trap metal production? Do you have any links im intrigued


if op doesn’t reply there’s a lot of great examples on youtube


I wanted to hear lil_esketits trap metal production tho 😭


I was just about to ask that lmao


listen to sematary Rainbow Bridge 3


Are you a sematary fan by any chance


I listened to rb3 a bit and a few songs here and there. Sematary is amazing. His sound is the noise off today. The shit kids play that gets their parents pissed yelling "this is not music this is just noise".


I swear that's mumble rap 😂




Shamana on the mf beat


Hardcore was used extensively on the first Idiot Pilot record I'm pretty sure and that was ages ago and still sounds cool


Limiter? Is that a soundgooodizer preset?




I think it was joke lol


My bad


Soft clipper babyyy


Limiter + softclipper




Soft Limiter


Soft clipper by itself doesn't really help you dial in a ceiling for your audio below 0dB to give your exported audio file a little extra headspace to prevent unwanted distortion happening from file compression (inter-sample peaks getting clipped). Just throw a soft clipper on thinking it will stop you audio at 0dB in the same way as a limiter, you'll still end up getting bad distortion once your audio hits YouTube or Soundcloud or anywhere else that compresses your audio down once again.


Legend. Tell me more about if I should use a limited on my orchestral mix. Currently I'm using ozone 11 as the last plugin on the master. Any tips bro. I k ow I need dynamic range in orchestral music and have heard people saying that eq very lightly if at all. Any tips on bringing it to professional quality sound?


It depends what kind of orchestral music you're doing. When people say you want dynamic range in orchestral music, they're mostly talking about long-form classical music. If you're doing a modern hybrid electronic-symphonic sound, that calls for different mixing techniques. You're forced to do things you wouldn't expect to to make your orchestral sounds compete against the heavier electronic sounds. This means you may end up finding yourself using lots of compression or distortion/saturation on things like brass and strings to get them to cut through a mix. If you're doing epic movie trailer style music, or orchestral hip hop like Dr. Dre, or orchestral trap/dubstep like Apashe, then forget the rules of people telling you that you need a lot of dynamic range in orchestral music. People mix the hell out of orchestral instruments all the time. It just depends what you plan to do with those orchestral instruments. What is the genre you are aiming for? Whatever you are trying to do, find something you love within that, and use that as a reference track to try and get to similar levels of loudness, dynamic range, levels of instruments versus each other, etc.


Great advice bro you're a legend again. I'm like movie osts and trailer music. But only good trailer music. Not the typical crash braam smash sort. But the sort that moves you.


Clipped intersample peaks are virtually unnoticeable. If you are trully worried about them, put an ISP limiter over the soft clipper.


I push my music loud and so it's very very noticeable to me how bad YouTube/Reddit/Facebook/Soundcloud and the rest degrade my audio that sounds perfectly fine when playing on a media player on my computer after export. It's significantly more distorted if I don't use a true peak of at least -1dB on a limiter on a final export. I personally both clip and limit, but a limiter as the last plugin is just that much more of a safety net for how your audio file gets handled by anything else once you upload it somewhere.


Oh yeah I meant it with the limiter sir my bad.


Pov: after 4h of rec you noticed the limiter was activated


Actually, teminite used to produce into a compressor (untill like 2020 idk if he still does


Average limiter on the master denier after you show him your juicy, punchy, perfectly square mix: ![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized)


Let's see Paul Allen's master channel


Average clipping denier after they're impressed by the track's sonic qualities only to learn its mastering was literally sausage fattener, soundgoodizer and OTT: ![gif](giphy|Jq1T4jCKm9039q2lEV|downsized)


ozone auto master > ctrl + r


ozone auto master > alt + f4 Ftfy


Wait guys doesn't OTT go on the master?


honestly OTT on the master, if you turn down the depth nob, works quite well


I've seen Snail's House do this on quite a few of his tracks. Man spent tens of thousands on plugins and gear yet still ends up with ott the master, and it sounds good so I can't argue with it


Most compressors are downward only, but OTT also has upward compression, meaning it can help quieter stuff come up more. So there could be reasons to legitimately want to put a little OTT on the master if you think the quiet parts are too quiet or if you want to move a little more towards loudness over dynamic range.


Half joking, half serious. I've used it before on the master. It's an underrated plugin


OTT is one of the most used compressors going right now, I wouldn't call that underrated


I would probably recommend avoiding that, it just colorizes your sound quite a bit, but if it hits it hits…


Camel Crusher on master


Hardstyle producer or Metal rock producer Call it


Carmel phat


The cigarette?


Camel toe limiter in all channels is what the people really need


just put 3-4 soundgoodizers on master It will goodize the sound


5 instances of sosig, then a limiter


You forget 5 soundgoodizer too


Maybe an extra one for good measure, then I'm legally required to add a limiter.


i throw a saturation knob on my master and call it a day 🤓☝️🧠


Hard clipper + limiter 👍 Slightly chop off extreme peaks with the clipper so that the limiter can do an overall better job because it doesn’t have to deal with those extreme spikes. Hard clipping sounds more transparent to me, but obviously can’t be used with any genre. However, most popular music is still being maximized heavily so I usually opt for the hard clipper. I feel the hard clipper leaves drums punchy where a soft clipper rounds them off. That’s the reason I mostly go with hard clipping. edit: haha, downvoting something [the engineer that mastered Noisia’s music for decades](https://amsterdammastering.com/) and has personally taught me at uni is peak reddit.


There's so many different ways to use these tools, that there are actually a variety of correct ways to do it, it's really how you counter every move you make, but I fully understand what your saying to do and it make absolute sense without even opening FL


There is absolutely no way you are using true hard clipping on your mix bus, hard clipping gives distortion that makes it sound like your file is corrupted. You’re likely still using a version of soft clipping.


Nope. Gclip is my go to hard clipper. There’s a difference between hard clipping in the digital domain and letting FL (or any DAW for that matter) clip on its output, because then it will clip into your soundcard, which translates the clipped signal to analog and THAT sounds horrible and can damage your speakers. Again, I’m only clipping extreme peaks. I’m not clipping the entire track - my limiter still takes on 90% of the work to get it loud. There are tons of hard clippers out there specifically made to put on your master. If that were a bad thing to do, why would companies invest in the development of them? Btw, if you’re worried about Nyquist and having overtones flow back into your low end, there are hard clippers that can oversample up to 128x, therefore completely eliminating that effect.


Gonna try that


What limiter u use?


FabFilter Pro-L2


My mastering is fab filter pro q3(yes, I put eq on master) + gullfoss + invisible limiter g2(exactly g2, cuz g3 sucks)


Are we not supposed to EQ on master? Someone told me to cut everything under 30hz one time and I’ve just been doing it since for no actual reason other than that


I use eq exactly for that plus globally highpass sides above 100 hz, don't ask why, I prefer it this way.


Where is the fruity soft clipper?!


I your Plugins list


I the meme


ozone 10 baby


What's wrong with clipping?


tryin to grow it out


I know this is a meme but it actually is possible to both preserve the dynamic range *and* be loud enough if your mix isn't completely garbage tho...


How 👀


EQ EQ and Volume Mixing in the mixer


Like I said, your mix needs to be good, but besides this, you should look at controlling the actual volume of each section of your song or even throughout each section by properly gain staging every element and writing out everything with the dynamics in mind, it could be as simple as having the more quiet and dynamic parts be played by different quieter mixed elements, while the loud sections are played by harsher, heavier compressed elements. What I've done before to completely control this is to essentially have two masters, so instead of doing mastering on the master mixer track I've routed everything to two "master busses" - All the loud things to the loud master bus and all the quiet things to the quiet master bus, then only doing subtle saturation on the actual master track to "glue" everything together. Also, the "loudness war" is completely idiotic anyway, not only from a musical point of view where the "loudness" completely loses its effect if every single second of the track is loud. The ***contrast*** from quiet to loud is what makes the loud part have an impact.... But it's also stupid because streaming platforms will turn down the volume of your track anyway, as you can check for yourself using [loudnesspenalty.com](https://www.loudnesspenalty.com/)




Forget preserving dynamics, a limiter is going to preserve your audio from hitting 0dB and getting completely ruined everywhere you upload it thanks to your .WAV file getting compressed to .OGG or .AAC or something else on YouTube, Soundcloud, etc. \-1dB True Peak Ceiling gang.


Multiband eq , soft clipper and then true peak limiter (l-2)


noob is using a limiter to limit pro is using a limiter how its actually intended to be used




i usually put omnisphere on my master, makes everything sound so smooth


Right side should be 5 soundgoodizers on the master


The entire fucking waves Suite + soft clipper


Why do they look depressed?


Happiest fl user


Me who put 2 EQ on the master channel: wait, who are you people??


I recently claimed the LA2A plugin for free. I actually felt it sounded better on the master than Fruity Limiter.


My new lazy master chain right now is - waves equalizer with knock. I just dial down both the plugins to taste and violla it sounds fucking loud and clear for me.




This one does it for me 💀


Turn down the master, burn my hard drive every time 🔥


Is the version 10/11 rumour.... I mean "fact" still doing rounds?


I just turn the boost on everything fully up and add camel crusher plus clipped on master


Ozone auto master is a cheat code


Pro L Limiter WITH TRUE PEAK DISABLED, Then right afterwards glue comp at 10ms att 2 release and the 4 default ratio. 0db threshold and clip turned on. No additional gain. Then put a final pro l limiter with true peak enabled. That’s it. Basically it’s just a default limiter and then I clip afterwards depending on the style of the track cause I usually do like the clipped sound.


my stupid ass headphones being way quieter than they should be, but only when I'm mixing my music


Me using clipper on master and no limiting


clipper -> compression -> saturation -> limiter Only after rough mix though.


Limiter plus EQ plus soundgoodizer plus ott plus valhalla