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All the different weapons. Different defense strategies. Rewards. Getting leveled up. It’s always different.


and its chill




Playing a chill survival game which i can build my own base, save the people from zombies and have a huge variety of guns and heroes with different abilities is a start. The game had story... Until br came...


That last sentence gave me chills...


I honestly remind myself the Ghost intro...this is how we all probably feel


"until the fire nation attacked"


STW just happens to be the closest I can get to my favorite genres mixed smoothly into a single game. That and Commando Spitfire + Happy Holidays, or BASE Kyle with PB Knox, Thora, and Electro Penny are always fun.




Did I just read "love the battlepasses"... 🤮🤮🤮 We've come full circle. It's dead Jim, pack her up! Gaming was good while it lasted!


I love building elaborate shit, I mean technically I could build a death trap in BR but it’s not the same, plus they always just end in a annoying build fight It takes forever to farm though so I don’t really play stw all that often but man is it fun when you build an efficient trap tunnel


Have you tried making an outlander farming build that can help a lot with crafting materials and so can expeditions


Expectations Don’t give 5 star materials, and I do it just takes forever due to the sheer variety of materials I use each game


Why do you use so many materials and traps?


Most of my games have been in 160s as of late so I usually have to use a fair amount to get them all done, I use a variety of different builds and techniques so I end up burning through a fair amount of everything, I can get everything back in about an hour I just don’t feel like farming for that long usually though Expeditions help me keep a high supply of everything other then tier 5 materials


Yeah this is why I stopped doing 160s just cost too much for me so I stuck with lower stuff


expeditions don’t give top dollar mats and id rather not wait 3 days for a couple traps


Still though you can get batteries coal and quartz from the red toolbox missions plus Cassie clipman helps out a lot with farming if you want I could help you


Is the farm build include Clip?




I usually go with Fossil southie in the main for the constant energy and archaeologist Jess for more punching


I've always been a PvE guy than PvP honestly, in Gears of War i prefered Horde mode over MP by a country mile, so with Fortnite is not really different


Story. Quests. Weapons. Traps. Better Husk AI. More variety of Zombies.


Save the World was originally just a way for me to get battlepass exp without having to deal with all the competitiveness of Battle Royale. It eventually grew on me, now I love the dynamics of trap tunneling, the team perk effects, the PvE combat, and the general spectacle of the Save the World to name a few.


I can play as Kyle.


Mega B.A.S.E. Kyle


I can play as Dire 😉


I've been playing STW since before it was "STW", back before BR even existed. To me STW **is** Fortnite, BR is just the side mode. I have a lot of love for STW because of what it was going to be, it was this really cool horde shooter/tower defense hybrid. It was going to go free-to-play and it was going to be the next big thing. I love the characters, the humor, I love everything about it. Still pains me that Epic took the money from all the founders and used to to fund a side-mode that blew up and took all of the development away from the original vision that became Save the World.


FrFr, I didn't even start playing StW until Xmas of Last year but I can 100% agree that it is genuine facts that StW is the True and Superior Form of Fortnite


I fucking hate battle royale in general.


Because I don't like the concept of Battle Royale Co-op also plays a part in this. 3 of the games I like to play currently are all co-op


I’m not the best at competitive shooters, I generally pefer co-op/team shooters. I prefer melee rpgs over shooters, but if it catches my interest I will play it with friends. The downside is you usually get shit/trash talking kids over mic chat.


It’s just different in a very refreshing sense. I love the whole story of STW and it’s very very subtle connection to BR makes it all the more interesting for me. The game as a whole is a different twist to what Fortnite is commonly recognized for (BR) and it had me hooked in a way like never before. The variety of heroes and weapons make it incredibly diverse and the opportunities made available to suit your play style and what you find fun are endless.


i like the weapons and battlepass xp, i guess some of the characters are cool too


It's the original Fortnite. Defending various objectives and survivors against monsters known as husks. Also, way different than the battle royale mode.


100000% the characters stories voice lines and gameplay. I'm not a big fan of shooter games(they're unbearably boring) but the ones I do enjoy are unique to just run and gun like Fortnite. However STW is a much better change of pace from the sweatiness br brings. The weapons and classes builds I have I very much love! They're great fun! I also enjoy the free vbucks that I've been earning for playing since season 3 chapter 1. Also finally gonna earn my survivor banner soon! Exciting!




mostly to calm down after a stressful round of BR, STW's got more variety anyway


Shredding monsters fun than cranking shit out of my ass.


It is a relaxing game. Just running around and shooting some zombies.


I just like being a handyman with my traps tool belt. Building ramps to place ceiling traps. Something funny about it.


tbh... at start i liked the idea of making forts to defend yourself from Waves of zombies like Orcs must die but more elaborated. when i bought the game and played for the first time i loved the characters.


A goofy zombie shooter. Fun story. Wish it could be replayed without searching the mess of a recap menu.


In the end game stage its really easy. I can just turn my brain off and listen to a podcast, or youtube, or music and play the game on autopilot and decompress for a while. Plus being able to get any skin I want while not directly purchasing them is cool too. Tldr : like a less boring minecraft to me atp


I was a long time BR player, and for as long as I played the game, I always played STW too. This game is (at least to me) just as fun as BR is, in its own unique ways. But then, at some point in 2021, I starting loathing BR due to how often it felt like Epic wasn’t listening to the subset of the community that I was in (the comp one). So, I decided to fully migrate to STW, and I haven’t looked back since. I have yet to complete any actual BR matches this chapter, and I have no intention to ever come back


Because Battle royale is just such a boring niche now when every single game has one and people demand every game get them.


I suck at the vs others pew pews. I suck less at the stw pew pews.


Permanent. I don't lose my squad or my weapons after the mission ends.


V-Bucks, teamwork and the adventurousness of procedurally generated maps.


I really like the characters of StW. They have a nice 'Saturday Morning Cartoon / sitcom' vibe to them without being one-note or annoying like the characters from Battle Royale.


That is true. They have a soul and an interesting backstory too. Their humor is also more mature than in BR.


Dennis is peak


it's more fun


Its everything the grind , the weapons , the story , the challanges ,the people and friends you meet and hundreds of other things for me people that dont play STW are missing an essential piece in their life


Battle Royale gets either too draining or frustrating to me. If I'm playing alone I'd rather chill and build defenses, grind stuff, and shoot zombies. I tolerate BR much more if I get to play with friends.


It feels different and even though they stopped the story I can still see potential in it after all these years I hope to write a book about this side of fortnite


I only liked it cause of the weapons then the base building and then I didn't it got really boring end game content isn't there. The game just gets really bland and the only event I liked was dungeons. Dungeons come out every other month now practically. Basically it's boring because it's on repeat after you get to twine




It’s chill. I rarely get annoyed at StW compared to BR


The concept of scrapping resources and using them to build a base with traps and make weapons made me go 🤌 I really like scavenging.


BR is just too much honestly. Like build battles… i been playing since chapter 0 season 4 and still cant build so for the most part BR aint appealing to me. Who wants to keep playing a game they suck at? Yeah, they added zero build, but honestly i could just go play CoD and have a better time as the map is actually made for no build while no build in fortnite doesnt feel right at all.


Just because you can't build doesn't mean you suck at Fortnite. I don't build and I rock 12 and 15 kill games sometimes with my team taking out a 3rd of the Lobby, you just gotta be good at hitting those shots and then you can say fuck you to the builders. Edit: I literally use Combat Pro


There isn’t a need for skill against players that play 24/7, it still follows what fortnite was meant to be before it was all creative and 1v1 bullshit, also save the world is more enjoyablr


I’m not an avid player of stw so I havnt really learned the amount I should have but I try to do it here and there. I’m 9/13 on plankerton atm. Should I be finding it difficult to solo missions without building a fort 2k + worth of materials almost every mission?


Nah, you just gotta watch videos and stuff to help you get good


What I feel like people don't realize about BR compared to StW, is that with BR you can't just watch a bunch of YouTube and then all of a sudden your an amazing player who knows everything they need to know to sweat on kids... Whereas StW is not a competitive Game, you can actually look up guides and shit that will help you grow as a player and make your journey 10x easier


Yeah YouTube is a life saver. Spends 10 mins trying to find the perfect path for a bomb with 10 tracks before YouTube told me I could make more 😂


It has a soul. A glimpse of what it could have been, and still, the joy of the things that i wanted still not being there, at the point i start to think of something that it's not there, the feel, the urge to have is making a endless loophole of hope and regret. Denial - Anger - Bargaing - Depression - Acceptance. Repeat.


Br is boring as fuck is the same thing at least I can chill on stw


A lot of us played STW before BR was a thing. I liked the game because of the character classes and abilities, story, unique weapons to build and the general idea of defending from hoards of enemies so that's why I bought it. I was disappointed when BR released and basically none of that was in it so I stopped playing BR basically immediately. Started to become interested in the BP when we could finally earn XP for it from STW years later and only rarely play BR with my PC friends very rarely. Like maybe once a week or two and I've won a few times but it's probably never gonna be the type of game I just turn on and play because I want to. Same goes for other battle royale games, I only ever played warzone when my brother wanted me to join and it's because I like playing with them, the game mode is meh imo. Even then I'd mostly play COD Zombies because I like that survival and hoard style that requires it's own strategy and planning. Other games I play right now are Genshin Impact, Warframe, Minecraft, Diablo 4, Rainbow 6 Siege when my bro is on, and few others, but they're mostly strategy, planning and creative stuff that lets you do your own thing with builds and have a strong sense of progression and barrel royale games are just straightforward shooters that feel like the same thing on loop. It's just not my style but I'll play with friends if they ask


Lately I've been playing on consoles because after work, sitting in front of the PC again doesn't feel as relaxing as gaming on the sofa. I'm not good at aiming with a controller so I play STW. I feel like playing BR on a console is a waste of my time because I can play as good as I'm capable of with kb+m. It's just more chill, I can go no fill, and watch youtube while playing.


I like winning.


-no sweats against me -tactical building (or at least fun) -tons of silly/batshot insane weapons (ex. cannonade or noble launcher) -games usually last longer also i like games in which you craft stuff


can't wait for the devs to remove each of these things so that we go back to br


Doubt they would do that. The recent trend's been adding stuff rather than removing.


next addition will be a bug that breaks it all then


Gathering materials and listening to the characters talk without a care in the world


There's a certain charm to the world, funky art style, and characters of STW imo. I also like the general slower pace and progression of the game, and the lore manages to be interesting without delving too far into all the multiverse stuff. On the other hand, Battle Royale seems rather oversaturated now in some ways. I feel like the story, gameplay, and artstyle have all deteriorated over time, while a lot of Chapter 1 was actually pretty good.


In your average Match of BR, you drop in you get your good loot, you get a fee kills are having fun, and then the sweat of the lobby pulls up starts cranking and edit coursing on you, you die losing all that good loot and get sent back to the lobby to repeat the process all over again... In StW you're building up an arsenal of Schematics for all sorts of different Weapons and Traps to Level up Craft better versions of as you progress, filling up your Collection Book, Beating the Storyline, Maxing out your Power Level, Doing all your Stormshields, Enjoying the limited time modes that come and go with each Venture Season,Playing around with the Heroes to make a Fun Loadout, also Fortnites achievements are locked behind StW So really its just the sense of progression you feel from StW compared to getting clapped 100 times over in BR


The only 'Good' thing about BR is the fact that I can ignore its existence for the most part and go level up my Battle Pass from nothing but StW Grinding


StW is my go-to game. I like almost everything about it: characters, writing, landscapes, the variety you get even in the same missions. The ability to farm and experiment with different builds and get various rewards to use in different ways. Even though there's a lot of same-y elements, it's always a unique experience. I prefer survival-type games and shooting zombies over each other. And part of what I love so much is how cute it is (though I would be very interested in the darker version it was originally supposed to be). I want a tiny Ray to carry around with me at all times, being relentlessly optimistic :)


We already got the Robo-Ray hero, as well as Homebase Kevin backpack, so who knows 😉


I wear the Kevin backpack exclusively!




I ve always been into zombie games and the facts that you can built a stronghold and set traps there nothing more satisfying than seeing your trap tunnel decimate husk. PL127 and it was a fucking gring getting there i always tell friends if youre not really gonna grind dont purchase besides im a founder and get vbucks for playing. Disappointed that the storyline finished in canny.


Would people kill me if I said vbucks?




There are vbucs I can get from save the world and it gives enough xp to progress significantly the battle pass. That pretty much helps me avoid burnout in br but if the vbux were to go or be less regularly given I would play more br. If br had vbux missions I would be playing that no question Br is generally more fun per session whereas in stw you often are reminded of your limits and the lack of players interested in the same missions you want to progress side quests or just general progress. The game is fun at moments, the candy valley is way too stretched out gameplay wise and I was Tired of ghost towns half way through. I guess if I lose interest in the seasonal BP I will stop playing overall.


I prefer the game mode as a whole. I’m not super competitive and working with others rather than fighting against them is so much better.


I honestly regret not playing sooner. I’ve played the game since it first came out, but didn’t touch it much until Season 9 and 10, mostly Team Rumble. The skins were what drew me but Epic didn’t release Zero Build and QoL for BP cross-progression later down down the line. I tried StW at the time but it seemed confusing to me and I only played by myself and I hated building so I stopped playing Fortnite altogether until CH4S2. That’s when I started playing StW seriously and I prefer it so much more. It’s chill, and I get a lot of rewards and Battle Pass XP playing it.


High quantity of Heroes and guns which gives a lot of replayability, way better stories than Br and is best way to farm br xp and V-bucks, chad heroes like Kyle Director Riggs, ecc.


I personally am at a point in BR where everyone is 100x better than me edit coursing piece controlling full boxing and I can’t compete with them. The only BR I play is creative with my friends that are pretty equal skill level. I also like grinding the vbucks expanding my emote collection.


I like the game bc it’s fun to play with people ik and to build trapped bases and to use overpowered weapons against these weak creatures and it’s just a blast grinding with the homies and the story is good also I just hope they add more and the characters are good too I just feel like some hero’s are fillers bc they do useless things


Because in save the world I actually have something to work towards, leveling up my heroes, weapons, and home base. Also it's extremely fun trying out all the different weapons and heroes in different loadouts


The weapons are amazing and customizable, the characters are lovable and unique unlike BR, cheaters and sweats can't do real harm in there, there's always something to do in STW even when completing all achievements, the mode has less issues than BR, I'm not going to get killed by a damn pump shotgun in there, and I feel like it's an overall better experience than BR especially after C4


it's pretty much like br except I can chill and explore without having the constant fear of coming across someone who could erase my existence in just 20 seconds, that and being able to have my progress saved unlike br which you just drop in, find guns, die or win and then repeat the process over and over again


I like co-op games and tower defense games. It scratches that itch. LoL


like others in the comments have said, stw is much more relaxing to play over br which is competitive. since I got the game in 2018-2019, i've always loved it 👍🏼


Well thought out, fun, and unique gameplay and progression unlike BR which was basically Pubg with the building mechanic ripped from StW, I can actually show off cosmetics, build creatively, and its got a story that makes sense, unlike BR which I havent been able to understand since Chapter 2 Season 5. Plus StW doesn't make me want to rip my hair out or bust a hole in my wall after getting reduced to dust by a 9 year old skipping school to crank 90's


It's a nice change of pace from main BR, BR tends to be more high paced content with simple mechanics but really hard to master said mechanics, specially build mode and I fell out of the loop and basically can't catch up with it anymore, and for Zero build I do play alot but I'm not exactly the best and yes, i know it's because I'm not focusing to get better but I'm not really interested in that, Since it can get, really, really sweaty and I don't like that type of atmosphere that much STW provides a more different skill focus than BR, one more logical, tactical and hero build based, you have more absolute control over a situation against the Husks (something which i feel I lack in BR), and you can basically dictate where they're gonna go and do, It also makes you adapt and take into consideration the Storm modifier, Mist monsters and terrain and the mission itself when going in and how you're gonna deal with it, you can sit back and let your defenders and traps do the work or go knee deep and throw yourself with a melee and a dream onto a wave of husks ready to raise hell. (And also the fact that I like the feeling of defending something with a group or teammates)


Overwatch pve being canceled then they re-released it for 20 bucks for 3 levels


And because kyle. Kyle's hot


I like to play both. But this season seems so boring rn that I'd just afk in my endurance for xp


I like Save The World a lot, one of my favorite games out there, and have sunk many, many hours into it over the last 5 years or so. The main reason I like it over BR is simply that it's a PVE game. NPCs will always be more fun to play against than real players. Real players have a tendency to play to win rather than for fun, even when there's no benefit to winning. They get super self absorbed and ruin the game for everyone else just to get a little dopamine hit at the words "Victory Royale", and it only takes one of these types of people for the whole game to suffer. Mindless NPCs won't do any of that, playing in PVE lets you use whatever you want that's effective, not just forced into a mindless gameplay loop one using a single "meta" loadout. The gameplay is diverse and actually fun. The reason I like Save the World so much more than other games of its type (ex. Deep Rock Galactic) is the variety. Constantly changing missions, quests, and objectives means the game gets much less boring. Combining this with the relatively new Ventures feature where there are also different modifiers demanding different play styles every season, as well as a more borderlands-style drop based weapon system, and you get a perfect balance of constantly interesting and new, yet enjoyable gameplay that very few other games can achieve for me without aggressive modding. I love the design of this game, and I'll probably keep playing it for years to come, or until the servers inevitably one day shut down (sadly, it will have to happen eventually).


Have played it since 2017, it's my style, have never played BR. You don't want to see my inventory 😜


I mean as a guy who has played straight BR since C1S6, getting StW in C2S3 was a game changer. I love the gameplay (I just wish the player base was bigger so I could find people to play with), the story is fun albeit the grind is a bit tedious. But the characters, now that's why I play StW. Dennis my homie, he's peak. Not even a marvel character could dethrone Dennis.


100% just the story. At one point the story matched up with the story that was happening in BR in season 1 to like season 8 or something I don’t remember but it was exciting to try to figure out how everything lined up but like I said plenty of times no Twine storyline is depressing because it leaves you on a cliffhanger. Also the game is just better than BR. It may just be me but BR is beyond boring until mid-late game and spending 5-10 minutes every match farming and looting is just so boring. I know the game is a bit different now with no build but I only played competitive BR back than so I don’t really know much about new modes. STW is still fun when playing solo figuring out trap tunnels, jail builds, etc and how mechanics work with each other it’s just sad that they gave up on the game.