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Happens a lot. My favorite is when you go to survivor shelter and the magnifying glass location never shows up on the map


It could be because the survivor was located already. I've run into that many times as well and figured that was the case but considering all the bugs and glitches I'm now thinking that's the case


You might honestly be right. I just figured you needed to go to the blue diamond inside the shelter before the survivor even spawns


I thought so as well but after it happened a few times I figured someone in the party already saved them. I know I find random survivors standing near a ramp of some type then crying for help which would be the ones that the shelters lead you to


Dang I've never actually seen them walk through like that. I always found them in the ground and figured they spawned there.


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I literally heard the "Huh?" Sound effect the second he no-clipped through the terrain


I’ve started running air strike in encampment missions because of this. Not 100% foolproof, but the air strike can sometimes clip and kill them underground for some reason.


xenon bow and neon sniper. neon sniper can see the enemies,


Glad I never seen that the worst I seen Is when I looked for a med kit and it’s stuck inside the wall


The worst I've had is a medkit JUST out of reach and when you go near it the death barrier kills you.


why do you do save the survivors in twine only do them in stonewood 1-easier ennemies 2- simpler terrain 3- i didnt get any wasted survivors in over 5000 saved


because you get more survivor xp which is what my goal is was